viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

Did Obama knew about Fast & Furious?

Video Evidence: Obama Knew About Fast & Furious
June 22, 2012

On March 23, 2011, Obama lied to the American people about Operation Fast and Furious. He said that neither he nor Attorney General Holder authorized the effort to arm the drug cartels in Mexico.
Several weeks later, on May 3, Holder lied to Congress. He said he did not know who approved Fast and Furious. He also lied when he said he “probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks.”
In fact, as the video below proves, the Obama administration and the Department of Justice were deeply involved in the operation from the start.
During a news conference in March of 2009, Holder’s underling, Deputy Attorney General David Ogden said Obama ordered and Holder expanded “Project Gunrunner” in Mexico as part of the Department of Justice’s Southwest Border Initiative. The project began in 2005 under Bush. Fast and Furious became operational under Project Gunrunner in 2009.
Holder needs to be fired immediately and Obama put on trial in the Senate for high crimes and impeached.


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Tensions rise as justices kick healthcare ruling to next week

By Sam Baker and Elise Viebeck
The Supreme Court did not rule on President Obama's healthcare law Thursday, raising tensions before a decision next week.
The ruling was possible Thursday but not expected. The court traditionally holds its biggest decisions until the last day of the term, and the healthcare case is among the most highly anticipated decisions in decades, overshadowing the current term.

The next possible day for a decision is Monday, but justices will add more days to the schedule later next week.Television camera crews set up outside the court Thursday just in case a decision on the healthcare law was released. There is also great interest in an expected court decision on Arizona's controversial immigration law. The Arizona decision also was not released Thursday.
Interest in the court's docket was also reflected at the SCOTUSblog, which said it had 22,000 visitors on Thursday morning.
The court's public information office implemented new protocols starting Thursday in order to accommodate the vast interest surrounding the healthcare decision.
The Obama administration took the opportunity to praise one provision of the healthcare reform law just an hour before 10 a.m., when the ruling might have been issued.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said that Americans will receive $1.1 billion in rebates from insurers this summer as a result of the law's medical loss ratio (MLR). This will average about $151 per insured family, the agency estimated.
The MLR mandates that insurers spend roughly 80 percent of all premiums on healthcare rather than marketing, executive bonuses or other administrative costs.
The Obama administration continues to talk up provisions of the law as they are implemented. Polls show that, as a whole, the Affordable Care Act remains unpopular with the public.
Legal insiders believe the justices will strike down all or part of the healthcare law, according to a survey released Wednesday.

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Lo que Ud. puede hacer para promover la libertad religiosa


La libertad religiosa es la piedra angular del experimento americano, aunque cada vez sufre más ataques. Es por eso por lo que muchos americanos se están uniendo a la Quincena por la Libertad al pasar las dos semanas previas al 4 de Julio (del 21 de junio al 4 de Julio) expresando su gratitud por la libertad religiosa y pidiendo una mayor protección para este apreciado derecho.
Todos nosotros nos beneficiamos de la libertad religiosa, de modo que todos deberíamos estar preparados para defenderla.
Aquí le ofrecemos una docena de maneras con las que puede Ud. unirse a la Quincena por la Libertad (a partir del 21 de junio) y mostrar su respaldo a la libertad religiosa en su hogar, su comunidad o su lugar de culto.

1. Explique a un miembro de su familia, a un vecino o a un amigo por qué la libertad religiosa es tan importante para la libertad americana en general y los retos que afronta en la actualidad.
2. Escriba un artículo de opinión para un periódico local o postee en un blog para su congregación o grupo cívico sobre la importancia de la libertad religiosa.
3. Llame a un programa de debate de una radio local para comentar por qué está Ud. agradecido por tener libertad religiosa.
4. Invite a los líderes de las organizaciones benéficas religiosas de su localidad a un evento, mostrando cómo el trabajo de ellos sirve a su comunidad y el papel que sus creencias religiosas desempeñan al motivarlos a ayudar a otros.
5. Coordine un día del voluntariado para su lugar de culto en una organización benéfica religiosa de su localidad.
6. Bájese de nuestra web la hoja informativa de la Fundación Heritage Que resuene la libertad religiosa y repártala en su iglesia, en centros comunitarios y en los desfiles del 4 de Julio.
7. Participe en los desfiles del 4 de Julio con carrozas, pancartas o camisetas con el mensaje “Que resuene la libertad religiosa”.
8. Tuitee y pulse la opción “Me gusta” en y comente en Facebook  sobre la libertad religiosa durante la Quincena.
9. Incluya la importancia de la libertad religiosa en sermones, lecciones escolares dominicales o en cualquier otra ocasión de enseñanza religiosa.
10. Guarde vigilia de oración durante la Quincena.
11. Inste a los líderes comunitarios a realizar declaraciones en defensa de la libertad religiosa durante la Quincena por la Libertad y para promover normativas que protejan el papel de los grupos religiosos en la vida pública americana.
12. Repiquen las campanas de su iglesia a las 12 del mediodía (hora de la costa este) del 4 de Julio (o si no tienen un campanario, considere el reunir a su congregación para hacer sonar campanas de mano).
Únase a la Fundación Heritage educando sobre la libertad religiosa al realizar una de estas acciones cada día de la Quincena, del 21 de junio al 4 de Julio.
¡Que resuene la libertad religiosa!

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