martes, 2 de julio de 2013

Why the rise in homosexuality and islam?...Larry Brinkin proudly president of Gays civil rights...un pedofilo y abusador!!!...Obamacare costs hidden by Democrats!

Why the simultaneous rise of homosexuality and Islam?  An interview with Peter Kreeft

TORONTO, June 26 2013 ( - In a recent interview (see the video here) with co-founder Steve Jalsevac, famed Catholic philosopher and Boston College professor Peter Kreeft noted key similarities in the homosexual activist movement and radical Islam which have led to their ascendency in recent times.

Asked about the simultaneous rise of militant Islam and the homosexual activist movement despite their opposing ideologies, Kreeft replied: “They’re the only two movements in Western civilization that will fight and die for their beliefs.”

“It is an amazing paradox that they’re opposites in almost every way, and yet they’re similar in that they will still fight,” added Kreeft. “Christians are supposed to fight too, the notion of spiritual warfare, the true meaning of jihad – a war against sin rather than flesh and blood. This is central to Christianity and we’ve lost it, and therefore opposite forces are entering the vacuum.”

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Kreeft explained that as the Christian faith has weakened in the West, it has caused a vacuum.
“Well, in Western civilization, at least, there is certainly a moral and religious decline…we’re losing the faith. Europe is already almost lost,” he said. “Nature abhors a vacuum, spiritually as well as physically. So when the Faith weakens, another faith enters, because no one can live without faith, and Islam is a very strong faith. It has its good points; it has its bad points. But when we withdraw from the battlefield, someone else enters. It’s as simple as that.”

Asked specifically about the reason for the rise of the homosexual activist movement, Dr. Kreeft replied:
Because we became sheep. We said, "Abuse us. We’re polite. We’ll smile at you. We are tolerant of everything." When people are that way, someone who has principles, bad or good, enters. We so worship equality that we are afraid to be different, to be distinctive, to have a distinctive message. And equality is a good defensive weapon, but it has no offense in it. We need equal rights to protect ourselves, but we need something much deeper than equality: We need distinctiveness, we need identity. And if we abandon that, others will come in and take over.
Kreeft stressed however, that in confronting homosexuality Christians are being loving, in the truest definition of the word.

“Love fights. Love cares. Love discriminates. And therefore there is in Scripture, very clearly, a thing called the ‘wrath of God’. God hates all enemies of love as the doctor hates the cancer that’s killing his beloved patient. If you really love a human being you will hate all the dehumanizing forces that are harmful to that human being,” he said.

“If on the other hand you don’t really love a human being but just tolerate a human being, then you will hate nothing,” Kreeft added. “So, love and hate go together. Love of a human being, no matter who he is, and hate of a human being, no matter who he is, are exact opposites, they are black and white. But love of all humans and hate of all sins – that goes together.”

How can Christianity experience a renewal in North America and Europe?  Kreeft answered in his characteristic rapid fire style stating simply: “It must recapture its essence, its identity. It must return to Jesus it must do what Vatican II did – go back to the sources and plant the roots in the only possible foundation.”

San Francisco: Activista LGBT Arrestado por abuso infantil y red de pedofília

Detenido: por cargos de posesión de pornografía infantil
REDACCIÓN VC. -El aberrosexualista Larry Brinkin, de 66 años, ícono del movimiento LGBT, que en 1982 encabezó el grupo para que en la ciudad de San Francisco (California), se reconocieran derechos especiales a las parejas de hecho del mismo sexo, fue arrestado ayer por tres presuntos delitos de posesión de pornografía infantil, distribución de material pornográfico y explotación sexual de un menor. Según informa el portal de noticias Mail Online, la fiscalía ha decidido no acusar formalmente a Brinkin hasta que el equipo forense no examine en profundidad los ordenadores y dos cajones llenos de cintas de vídeo en formato VHS que fueron confiscados durante la detención del activista aberrosexual.

Las autoridades incautaron computadoras, videos, y un disco flexible con material de las acciones de Brinkin en la casa que compartía con su ex pareja sodomita.

Fuentes de la Policía han confirmado que en la cuenta de correo electrónico de Brinkin -una cuenta de pago que había sido abonada con una tarjeta de crédito del propio Larry Brinkin- hay mensajes que incluyen fotografías de abusos sexuales a niños de 3 años y contienen comentarios sexuales explícitos como: "Me encantó especialmente cuando penetraron al negrito de 2 años".

El activista intercambió correos electrónicos que contienen fotografías pornográficas de niños de entre uno y tres años siendo sodomizados por adultos, según informó la policía.

Alertados por America Online de las imágenes perturbadoras, la policía rastreó la dirección de correo electrónico "" hasta la dirección IP de Brinkin. Una orden de allanamiento reveló que la dirección de correo electrónico estaba vinculada a grupos de discusión sobre la explotación sexual de los niños.

Larry Brinkin (un exhippie residente en la comunidad Hunga Dunga) fue liberado de la cárcel el sábado tras pagar una fianza, la investigación continúa.

Brinkin se retiró de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos en 2010 después de trabajar allí durante 22 años. Brinkin encabezó todos las movidas aberrosexualistas en California. Tras su jubilación en 2010, la Junta de Supervisores de la ciudad declaró que la primera semana de febrero sería “la Semana Larry Brinkin” en su honor.

En la actualidad, Brinkin es el presidente de la Asociación Californiana de Organizaciones de Derechos Humanos.

The Insiders: Democrats are trying to suppress the confusion and hide the cost of ObamaCare

Obama health care implementation
Dept. of Health & Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius (REUTERS/Jim Bourg)

I don’t know if Members of Congress will be hearing about it in town hall gatherings and other meetings back home over the Fourth of July recess, but the rolling thunder of the approaching ObamaCare train can be heard in the distance.  Smart Democrats are beginning to get frantic about the need to suppress the confusion and hide the cost of ObamaCare between now and the 2014 midterm elections.  We are just three months away from the October 1st enrollment start date and so far, nothing about the ObamaCare implementation process should be politically encouraging for Democrats.  In fact, the more people learn about ObamaCare, the more frightened they become.

Right now, small businesses across America are making the final determinations on how to reduce the working hours of their employees so fewer employees qualify for the mandated, employer-provided health insurance.  Employers are also deciding whether it makes more economic sense to pay a fine to the government or pay for healthcare benefits for their employees.  What this means is that hundreds of thousands – and perhaps even millions – of Americans will learn that they are being dismissed from their employer’s healthcare coverage.

The healthcare pink slips will start raining down in late summer and early fall.  This will push people into the healthcare exchanges, where, in some cases, people will be writing health insurance checks for the first time.  And in many cases, people will be facing increased health insurance costs, particularly if they are young and healthy.  The negative effects on personal income and the overall economy will be undeniable.  Sometime next year, before the elections, the penalties associated with not having or providing health insurance will begin to pour in.  Will the fines come in the mail?  Will you be able to appeal?  What happens if someone doesn’t pay?  No one knows.  Or, no one who knows is talking.  The consequences of ObamaCare are being hidden.

Today’s Wall Street Journal article, “Health-insurance costs set for a jolt” hints at the debacle that is to come.  At some point soon, it’s going to be undeniable that ObamaCare is nothing but another federal entitlement, where those who are young and healthy bear the direct cost of subsidizing those who are not.
In midterm elections, those who vote tend to be more engaged voters. In other words, these voters will notice if they have health insurance that is more expensive but offers less coverage than what they had before ObamaCare. Some of the Democrats’ reactions will be predictable, i.e. blaming Bush and blaming Republicans, or for a while, denying the obvious. But that won’t work forever. One of the worst sins you can commit in politics is to say something that’s different from what people can see for themselves. There is no chance that Obamacare will perform as promised and when it doesn’t, voters will be looking for relief.

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