martes, 19 de junio de 2012

Why the Media goes with Obama lies?

Why Does Media Tolerate Obama's Lies?

The media loves to come up with catchphrases that boil down who they are and how things operate in the world of politics. Phrases such as, "It's the cover up, not the crime," or, "It's the lie that gets you." Both of these statements have always proven true, at least for every Republican under the sun, but most certainly not for Barack Obama.

According to Obama's chief Palace Guard, Ben Smith, biographer David Maraniss has uncovered at least 38 lies in Obama's biographical accounts of himself. Moreover, since New Media started vetting Obama this year, two other epic whoppers told by the President have been discovered: Bill Ayers was not
This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who is a professor of English … He is not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis.
We've also learned that Barack Obama was a MEMBER of the New Party, which completely contradicts what his campaign told the media in 2008.
And yet, as we have already see, the media doesn’t at all care about being lied to. The unspoken excuse they’re using to sweep 40 lies under the rug is, "Well, this is about the past." And yet…
Though they proved fake, "newly discovered" documents from then-President Bush's time in the Texas Air National Guard threatened to consume his reelection bid. Why? Because the phony documents made it look as though Bush had lied about his time there -- decades ago.
And let us never forget the unrelenting fact-checking surrounding Sarah Palin's autobiography, which was released long after the 2008  election.
But Obama can lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and other than making an obligatory effort to report it, the President pays no price for lying, not even while looking the media straight in the eye while doing so.
Not a single mainstream journalist today is doing what we know ALL of them would do if Obama were a Republican: exactly what they attempted to do to Marco Rubio.
First off, the media would be outraged and indignant over being lied to. And what would follow is a perfect narrative storm that would demand Obama either correct the record, prove his assertions, or bridge these factual discrepancies.
On a daily basis, press briefings would become Thunderdome as White House Press Secretary Jay Carney was inundated with demands that the President come clean and clear the record. And you can bet the cable networks would be filled with stories and talking heads explaining to us why this is relevant in 2012.
Because it is relevant. Obama wasn't a child when "Dreams From My Father" was published. He was 35 years-old. And he certainly wasn't a child in 2008 when he downplayed his relationship with Ayers -- he was a sitting United States Senator and serious candidate for Presidency. Same with when his campaign told the media Obama was never a member of the New Party.
But if it helps Obama stay in power, the media likes being lied to by Barack Obama, which is why he will never be held accountable or forced to pay a political price for the truths that have been uncovered over the past few months.
The media is worse than a bunch of corrupt sycophants.
It is an institution that wants to be used. 

Microsoft Unveils Surface Tablet to Rival iPad

HOLLYWOOD, Calif.—Microsoft Corp. on Monday unveiled the first computer it has ever made, a tablet called the Surface that comes with a keyboard and other features designed to stand out in a market dominated by Apple Inc.

Interactive: The Microsoft Surface


AFP/Getty Images
Microsoft's Executive Officer Steve Ballmer introduces the Surface tablet during the press conference in Milky Studios on June 18.
The new device, unveiled by Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer at an event for journalists here, is a sign of the new tactics the software giant has been forced to embrace as it tries to make up lost ground in the mobile market.
Microsoft releases its first ever computer, a tablet called the Surface, to much fanfare. But how will it hold up against a market dominated by arch-rival Apple? The WSJ's Yun-Hee Kim gives Deborah Kan the details on Microsoft's strategy.
Microsoft said the smallest Surface tablet is 9.3 millimeters thick and weighs 1.5 pounds, which is similar to Apple's iPad, at 9.4 millimeters thick and 1.44 pounds. The Surface has a 10.6-inch screen compared with the iPad's 9.7-inch screen.
The Surface has a built-in kickstand and magnetic cover, which also acts as a touch keyboard. Microsoft didn't say whether the device would connect to cellular data networks or would be Wi-Fi only.
The Surface will "be priced like comparable tablets," Windows Chief Steve Sinofsky said. Microsoft will sell the tablets itself at Microsoft's handful of retail stores and through some online channels.
Microsoft didn't identify contractors who will manufacture the hardware, or provide much clarity on timing—except to say that the first Surface models will arrive when Windows 8 is generally available, which is expected to be in the second half of the year.
Mr. Ballmer styled the new tablet device as a vehicle to exploit its forthcoming Windows 8 operating system, and a variant called Windows RT that relies on different kinds of computer chips. The software is the first from Microsoft designed with tablet computers in mind, offering an interface called Metro that is designed to be controlled by a user touching a display. READ MORE

Former Obama Econ Adviser: President Should Have 'A Mea Culpa' For Dividing Country

Surrogates rarely go off-message when a leader is strong. Lately, though, even the most prominent supporters of President Obama’s, such as Newark Mayor Cory Booker, have leveled criticisms against Obama or Obama’s campaign strategy. Booker criticized Obama’s attacks on private equity and immediately was forced to walk back those comments. Democrats at the state level have distanced themselves from Obama and his agenda. Former President Bill Clinton and Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein criticized Obama. 

And on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday, it was Obama’s former economic adviser Austan Goolsbee’s turn to go off message when he conceded that Obama had not lived up candidate Obama’s promises of uniting the country. (Video below) 
“I think Matt’s right that we ought to come forward ... and the president should have a mea culpa, that we have gotten into a place that was very different from what the campaign wanted it to be from 2008 ...,” Goolsbee said, while also adding that caveat that he felt Republicans should be blamed more than Obama. 
Goolsbee was responding to former Bush strategist and ABC political analyst Matt Dowd’s prior remarks on the show in which Down said Obama should issue a “mea culpa” because he ran in 2008 on a campaign of uniting “red America” and “blue America” but, due to his pushing his partisan Obamacare bill, ended up dividing Americans and Washington. 
With so many of Obama’s surrogates committing Michael Kinsley’s “Washington gaffe” in which someone inadvertently says what is true, one has to wonder if Obama can even keep members of his own party in line going into the home stretch of the election. 
One thing is for sure: the number of Obama surrogates that continue to undercut and criticize him and his message is a sign of weakness. It may also be a sign that Obama's administration and reelection campaign are not ready for -- and may have never been -- ready for primetime. WATCH VIDEO

Wayuu Flower with Reata Wayuu Bag

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