sábado, 2 de junio de 2012

Bilderberg...What is it?

Bilderberg: Breaking News


Syria Regime Change On Bilderberg Agenda
Paul Joseph Watson
| Pro-NATO intervention SNC head in attendance at elite confab.
AFP Staffer Manhandled By Police During Arrest At Bilderberg 2012
| American Free Press staffer is manhandled by overzealous police at the Bilderberg 2012 meetings.
Elite Plan One World Bank at Bilderberg Confab
| Infowars Nightly News round up of protest action from Bilderberg 2012.
The Global Elite’s Death Race with Joe Banister
| Former special agent of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and IRS whistleblower Joe Banister joins Alex on location at the Bilderberg meeting.
Protest groups converge to denounce secretive Bilderberg conference
London Guardian
| Annual off-the-record finance gathering attracts protesters from disparate groups, but they often have a similar goal in mind.
Is Bilderberg a conference on world affairs or a powerful global cabal? Depends on who you ask
Washington Post
| Outside the Jersey barriers, dozens of protesters and conspiracy theorists — convinced that Bilderberg is a global cabal that runs the world — waved signs and shouted into bullhorns.
Bilderberg Protester Arrested For Crossing Street
Paul Joseph Watson| Security crackdown surrounding elite confab intensifies.
Indiana Governor On Bilderberg “Short List”
Infowars.com | Rumors have circulated that Daniels may be Romney’s VP pick.
Establishment Media Covers Bilderberg 2012
Infowars.com | Alex Jones interviewed by standard bearers of establishment propaganda.
Bilderberg 2012: Photos
| Photos of arriving participants and the demonstration outside the confab in Virginia.

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Tiene una emergencia economica de Corto Plazo... Banco Social

Vuelve a subir el desempleo

Aquellos que hoy esperaban buenas noticias económicas desde Washington, se encuentran con una horrible decepción. Según el más reciente informe de empleo por parte del Departamento de Trabajo, la economía creó sólo 69,000 empleos en mayo (bastante por debajo de las expectativas) a la vez que la tasa de desempleo subió hasta el 8.2% y las cifras de empleo desde marzo y abril fueron revisadas a la baja de manera significativa. Mientras tanto, un “Armagedón Fiscal” está amenazando la economía de Estados Unidos y retrasando el crecimiento, pero extrañamente, el presidente Barack Obama no está haciendo nada al respecto.

El analista de la Fundación Heritage J.D. Foster explica que aunque una segunda recesión no tiene por qué estar a la vista, la noticia no es nada de lo que la administración Obama pueda presumir:

Estas cifras de empleo son coherentes con otras noticias bastante sombrías. Por ejemplo, el crecimiento económico del primer trimestre se revisó a la baja hasta el 1.9%, mientras que un importante indicativo del rendimiento del corazón económico de Estados Unidos, el Índice de Directores de Compras de Chicago, cayó hasta su nivel más bajo desde septiembre de 2009, cerca de lo más profundo de la reciente recesión. Nada de esto apunta necesariamente a una segunda recesión, más bien el continuo enredo y el no tener una postura para resistir un impacto económico como, por ejemplo, la profunda recesión en desarrollo en Europa.

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Reach Out to Latin America...are you interested in Colombia? Get a pre-market visit report

Why We Lie

We like to believe that a few bad apples spoil the virtuous bunch. But research shows that everyone cheats a little—right up to the point where they lose their sense of integrity

Research shows that nearly everyone cheats a little if given the opportunity. Dan Ariely, author of the new book, "The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty," explains why. (Photo courtesy Shutterstock)
Not too long ago, one of my students, named Peter, told me a story that captures rather nicely our society's misguided efforts to deal with dishonesty. One day, Peter locked himself out of his house. After a spell, the locksmith pulled up in his truck and picked the lock in about a minute.
"I was amazed at how quickly and easily this guy was able to open the door," Peter said. The locksmith told him that locks are on doors only to keep honest people honest. One percent of people will always be honest and never steal. Another 1% will always be dishonest and always try to pick your lock and steal your television; locks won't do much to protect you from the hardened thieves, who can get into your house if they really want to. The purpose of locks, the locksmith said, is to protect you from the 98% of mostly honest people who might be tempted to try your door if it had no lock.
We tend to think that people are either honest or dishonest. In the age of Bernie Madoff and Mark McGwire, James Frey and John Edwards, we like to believe that most people are virtuous, but a few bad apples spoil the bunch. If this were true, society might easily remedy its problems with cheating and dishonesty. Human-resources departments could screen for cheaters when hiring. Dishonest financial advisers or building contractors could be flagged quickly and shunned. Cheaters in sports and other arenas would be easy to spot before they rose to the tops of their professions.
But that is not how dishonesty works. Over the past decade or so, my colleagues and I have taken a close look at why people cheat, using a variety of experiments and looking at a panoply of unique data sets—from insurance claims to employment histories to the treatment records of doctors and dentists. What we have found, in a nutshell: Everybody has the capacity to be dishonest, and almost everybody cheats—just by a little. Except for a few outliers at the top and bottom, the behavior of almost everyone is driven by two opposing motivations. On the one hand, we want to benefit from cheating and get as much money and glory as possible; on the other hand, we want to view ourselves as honest, honorable people. Sadly, it is this kind of small-scale mass cheating, not the high-profile cases, that is most corrosive to society.

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