lunes, 11 de junio de 2012

Denials, half-truths, lies, deception, frustration, ...

NYT Denies It Received White House Leaks Despite Evidence to Contrary

“The notion that my White House would purposely release classified national security information is offensive,” President Barack Obama said at a press conference Friday in reference to two New York Times stories.

The first dealt with White House “Kill Lists,” while the second concerned America’s creation of the “stuxnet” virus that helped disable an Iranian nuclear plant from enriching uranium -- in which sensitive national security information was leaked in what Republicans have said were “some of the most serious breaches of national security in recent memory.” 
Dean Baquet, the Managing Editor of the New York Times, told Politico  “I can’t believe anybody who says these are leaks ... Read those stories. They are so clearly the product of tons and tons of reporting.”
Attorney General Eric Holder, unlike in the “Fast and the Furious” case, was pressured to assign two lawyers from the Department of Justice to investigate the matter.
But closer examinations of the stories in question -- and the White House’s actions -- point to the White House as the very source of these leaks. And, as White House critics have asserted, the Obama administration may have leaked the information to boost Obama’s image as a strong leader, playing up the national security card to give him cover for America’s slumping economy. 
In the New York Times story in question on Obama’s “Kill List” and drone strikes, every source in that story is affiliated with the Obama administration.
And in the New York Times article that revealed the United States co-authored the Stuxnet virus, the story reveals intimate details from meetings in the White House’s Situation Room and paints Obama as the central figure who ultimately decided to continue to the program (the implication is Obama made a critical decision that led to a successful intelligence outcome), which succeeded, after the virus became public in 2010 and administration officials were deciding whether the program was worth continuing.
Compare the White House’s lack of an immediate response to leaks favorable to them to their aggressive response to leaked information that detailed a failed intelligence mission in Iran. READ MORE

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GATTACA becomes reality as scientists screen, abort human babies based on 3,500 ‘genetic faults’

Ethan A. Huff
June 11, 2012
The popular 1997 science fiction film Gattaca portrays a futuristic world in which human beings genetically engineered (GE) with certain desirable and superior genetic traits are given preference to natural-born human beings who are considered inferior. And in just 15 years since the release of the film, this scenario has become a reality, as modern science has come up with a new way to test unborn babies for roughly 3,500 so-called genetic “defects.”
The U.K.’s Telegraph reports that a team of researchers from the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle has contrived a method of examining the genetic code of unborn babies via blood samples taken from their mothers, and saliva samples taken from their fathers. The tiny amounts of free-floating DNA present in both samples allow researchers to essentially map the entire genetic code of unborn babies and determine which genetic traits they will have upon birth.
Some babies are born naturally with “de novo” mutations, which are said to be linked to genetic defects such as Down syndrome and cystic fibrosis. These mutations are typically not passed down from parents to their children, and are instead acquired in some other way, including potentially through vaccinations and toxic environmental exposures.
In 39 out of 44 tested cases, the UW researchers were able to accurately pinpoint prior to birth de novo mutations that would occur in babies after birth. And as the technology becomes widely available to parents in the near future, the ghastly scenario depicted in the movieGattacawill evolve into an ever-present reality where the only unborn babies permitted to live and thrive will be those with “superior” genetic makeups.
“This work opens up the possibility that we will be able to scan the whole genome of the fetus for more than 3,000 single-gene disorders through a single, non-invasive test,” said Dr. Jay Shendure, lead scientist for the research published in the journal . His entire team, however, corporately added that “incorporating this level of information into prenatal decision-making raises many ethical questions that must be considered carefully within the scientific community and on a societal level.”
Genetic screening will lead to more abortions, more eugenics, and a culture of genetic class suppression
When science starts openly tampering with human life based on subjective perceptions of which genetic traits are desirable and which are not desirable, there is no stopping the pandora’s box of population control techniques that will surely ensue. Parents seeking the “perfect” child, for instance, will be more likely to simply abort a child with genetic “errors” and keep trying until they get the one they want. READ MORE

¿Por qué es América excepcional?

En 1776, cuando Estados Unidos anunció su independencia como nación, estaba compuesto por trece colonias rodeadas de potencias hostiles.

Hoy, Estados Unidos es un país con cincuenta estados que cubren un extenso continente. Sus fuerzas militares son las más poderosas del mundo. Su economía produce casi una cuarta parte de la riqueza del mundo. El pueblo americano está entre los más trabajadores, píos, afluentes y generosos del mundo.
¿Es América excepcional?
Cada nación adquiere significado y razón de ser a partir de un cierta cualidad unificadora – un carácter étnico, una religión común, una historia compartida. Estados Unidos es distinto. América fue fundada en un momento especial, por gente especial, partiendo de unos principios especiales acerca del hombre, la libertad y el gobierno constitucional.
La Revolución Americana hizo uso de antiguas ideas. Estados Unidos es el producto de la civilización occidental, moldeado por la cultura judeocristiana y las libertades políticas heredadas de Gran Bretaña.
No obstante, fundar Estados Unidos también fue revolucionario. No en el sentido de sustituir a un grupo de gobernantes por otro o de provocar la caída de las instituciones de la sociedad, sino de poner la autoridad política en manos del pueblo.
Como el escritor inglés G.K. Chesterton genialmente indicó: “América es la única nación del mundo que se ha fundado sobre un credo”. Ese credo se formula claramente en la Declaración de Independencia con la que las colonias americanas anunciaron su separación de Gran Bretaña. La Declaración es una imperecedera afirmación de derechos inherentes, de los propósitos adecuados del gobierno y de los límites de la autoridad política.
Los fundadores americanos apelaron a verdades evidentes, que derivan de las “Leyes de la Naturaleza y de la Naturaleza de Dios”, para justificar su libertad. Es un estándar universal y permanente. Estas verdades no son exclusividad de América sino que son aplicables a todos los hombres y mujeres en el mundo entero. Son tan ciertas hoy como en 1776. LEER COMPLETO

Envia Dineros de COLOMBIA A USA

Wayuu Purse Wayuu Purse...!

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