jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

WH in Prostitution Scandal...$105K in Champagne...Finally: it was a Terrorist attack!

Foreign Affairs: Obama Staffers May Be Linked to Colombia Prostitution Scandal, Says Fox

20 Sep 2012, 4:48 AM

When news of a prostitution scandal broke ahead of President Barack Obama's visit to Colombia in April, the administration let the Secret Service--and especially the military--take the fall. Now, however, Fox News reports that an investigation may reveal the involvement of two members of President Obama's advance team.

According to Fox:

...[M]ultiple law enforcement and congressional sources tell FoxNews.com that investigators also discovered two White House advance team members checked in prostitutes as overnight guests at a Cartagena hotel in the days before President Obama's April 13 visit.
"Three U.S. delegation members that stayed at the Hilton brought prostitutes back as overnight guests. One of them was ours (Secret Service) and the other two were White House staffers," a high-ranking Secret Service official told FoxNews.com. "We knew very early that White House staffers were involved."

The initial report is more than two months overdue, fueling speculation that it is being withheld--or possibly altered--to protect Obama administration staff.

Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT), who lead the Senate's homeland security committee, wrote to the Department of Homeland Security Inspector General last week asking about the status of the delayed report.

If true, the report would contradict White House Press Secretary Jay Carney’s April 23 comments that nobody on the White House staff had been involved in the incident, in which members of the U.S. advance team had hosted local prostitutes in their taxpayer-funded hotel rooms.

FoxNews.com also reports a “high-ranking Secret Service official” admitted that two White House staffers had brought prostitutes to their hotel. Sources also told FoxNews.com that Secret Service Director Sean Sullivan “publicly skewered agency employees who were involved” to cover up the involvement of White House aides in the scandal. READ MORE

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Champagne Towers: Obama Feted by Beyonce, Jay-Z at $40K Per Head Fundraiser

19 Sep 2012  

The media constantly reports that Mitt Romney isn't like us. He's aloof, rich beyond anyone's wildest dreams and can't relate to Joe Sixpack.

Meanwhile, President Barack Obama is hobnobbing with big name celebrities - again - while the Middle East burns, the economy craters and a former Navy SEAL killed in the attack on the American consulate in Libya is laid to rest.

Last night, Obama raked in $4 million at the 40/40 Club, a swanky gathering hosted by music superstars Jay-Z and Beyonce. The event "featured a champagne tower of 350 bottles worth $105,000 - more than twice the median household income of an American family."

About 100 donors who paid $40,000 each to attend the event sat on sofas in a large, glass room, according to the pool report.
Jay-Z and Beyoncé gave only brief remarks, letting Mr. Obama bask in limelight.
"I can't tell you how proud we are to host tonight's event with President Obama," Beyoncé, who was wearing a red cocktail dress, told the crowd. "We believe in his vision."

Update: EW.com, ignoring the optics of a president overseeing a rotten economy living it up like a one percenter, dubs this snapshot, "the most perfect photo of all time." Fan magazine or serious entertainment outlet?


Truth: Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack

19 Sep 2012 

The lily-livered, recreant, pusillanimous Obama Administration, which is in the process of enabling an Islamic caliphate to take over the Middle East, is slowly but surely admitting what the rest of the world had figured out immediately after the September 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi: it was, indeed, a terrorist attack. The Administration has been trying to shift the narrative away from the obvious – that the attack was preplanned.

Matt Olsen, the director of the national Counter terrorism Center, testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee regarding the slaughter of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans:

I would say yes, they were killed in the course of a terrorist attack on our embassy … We are looking at indications that individuals involved in the attack may have had connections to al Qaeda or al Qaeda's affiliates; in particular, al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. It appears that individuals who were certainly well-armed seized on the opportunity presented as the events unfolded that evening and into the morning hours of September 12th. We do know that a number of militants in the area, as I mentioned, are well-armed and maintain those arms. What we don't have at this point is specific intelligence that there was a significant advanced planning or coordination for this attack.

The cowardly Obama Administration has been refusing to acknowledge the truth for a week; the day after the attack, when a State Department official was asked if the attack was a terrorist attack, this was the response:

Frankly, we are not in a position to speak any further to the perpetrators of this attack. It was clearly a complex attack. We’re going to have to do a full investigation … We are committed to working with the Libyans both on the investigation and to ensure that we bring the perpetrators to justice. The FBI is already committed to assisting in that, but I just – we’re – it’s just too early to speak to who they were and if they might have been otherwise affiliated beyond Libya. READ MORE

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