lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012

Obama Blame's Video not his Impotence...Debacle en Oriente Medio...Are we getting ready for War?

Obama Admin: Blame 'Heinous' Video, Not Our 'Impotence'

16 Sep 2012 

The Obama administration this morning sent out Ambassador Susan Rice, the American ambassador to the United Nations, to flack for the administration’s utterly feckless Middle Eastern foreign policy. Her task was difficult: she somehow had to spin the administration’s cowardly foreign policy, resulting in a maelstrom of violent Islamist action around the world, as a result of something not Obama-related.And she did. She blamed a YouTube video.

On ABC’s This Week, Jake Tapper asked Rice:

Look at this map, if you would. There have been protests around the world over the last several days. And President Obama pledged to repair America's relationships with the Muslim world. Why does the U.S. seem so impotent? And why is the U.S. even less popular today in some of these Muslim and Arab countries than it was four years ago? 

Rice’s answer was astounding:
 Jake, we’re not impotent. We’re not even less popular, to challenge that assessment. I don’t know on what basis you make that judgment.

Well, Ambassador, it might be the al Qaeda flag flying over the US embassy in Tunisia. Or maybe it’s the dead American ambassador in Libya. Or perhaps it’s the burning of the American flag at the Cairo embassy, or outside our embassy in London. Or it could be the 29 other countries that experienced anti-US violence last week. But Rice continued:

It’s actually the opposite. First of all, let’s be clear what transpired here. What happened this week in Cairo, in Benghazi, in many other parts of the region, was a direct result of a heinous and offensive video that was widely disseminated, that the US government had nothing to do with, which we have made clear is reprehensible and disgusting.

This is where the rubber meets the road for the Obama administration. They’ve spent the entirety of the last week playing movie critic to a YouTube video that presents an offensive take on Islam. Now, it’s not the job of the White House to play Siskel & Ebert; it’s the White House’s job to defend American freedoms around the world. Imagine if these Islamist assaults had been about Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger going at it in Brokeback Mountain. Would the White House have been so quick to offer its movie review? “Well, Jake, while I found the cinematography stunning and the portrayal of the same-sex relationship groundbreaking, I did quibble a bit with Michelle Williams’ performance … and the film was offensive to Muslims.”

Surely not. Some free speech rights are more equal than others, apparently. And the Obama administration won't stand up for free speech rights. In fact, Rice refused to do so this morning when questioned by David Gregory on Meet the Press -- she simply wouldn't answer why the Cairo embassy didn't say anything about free speech rights as Muslims rioted. Instead, she continued to blame the YouTube movie. READ MORE


La debacle de Obama en Medio Oriente y cómo arreglar la situación

Las últimas noticias siguen siendo preocupantes en lo que respecta a las revelaciones que rodean a los ataques y protestas que están sucediendo en todo el mundo islámico y que tienen como objetivo a las embajadas de Estados Unidos. Las protestas se han extendido al menos a ocho países. Los informes indican que cuatro personas han sido arrestadas en relación con la muerte del embajador de Estados Unidos en Libia y de otros tres miembros del personal de la embajada en este país. Eso al menos nos ofrece la esperanza de obtener más información sobre  el deliberado ataque a las instalaciones americanas en Bengasi.

Mientras tanto, en Estados Unidos, las autoridades gubernamentales identificaron a Nakoula Basseley Nakoula como el hombre que está detrás de la controvertida película esgrimida como causa de las protestas. Se trata de un californiano de 55 años con un sombrío pasado que incluye muchos alias y un largo historial delictivo.

Sin embargo, a diferencia de una novela de Brad Thor, no podemos simplemente irnos directamente hasta el final del libro para averiguar qué significado tendrá todo esto para la acción política americana en esta problemática parte del mundo.

Pero (de nuevo, a diferencia de una novela de Brad Thor) sin hacer trampas, podemos predecir cómo va a terminar la historia, ya que el resultado de las políticas del presidente para Medio Oriente era predecible desde el comienzo.

La estrategia de Obama para esta parte del mundo empezó de forma muy parecida a la de Jimmy Carter: con gestos de conciliación y compromiso. El presidente centró sus prioridades estrictamente en tres objetivos: 1) retirada de Irak tan rápidamente como sea posible; 2) acercamiento a Siria e Irán y 3) transformar Estados Unidos en una parte neutral, para poder negociar la paz entre Palestina e Israel.
Para los no iniciados, ahora sabemos que los tres objetivos han tenido como resultado un miserable fracaso. READ MORE

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A World On The Verge Of War?

Zero Hedge
September 17, 2012

Here is a summary of where the world stands: -
- Unable to reach a compromise over the weekend, South Africa is now in an all out labor strike, with the police again firing rubber bullets at miners with lethal escalation guaranteed

- Back from vacation, the once again penniless citizens of Spain, Greece, and Portugal have resumed protesting austerity

- US embassies attacked, in many cases with numerous casualties, in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan, Lebanon, India, Balgadesh, Indonesia, and others.

- Japan “appropriating” China-contested islands provoking a firestorm of retaliation including demands for “war with Japan

- The Japanese ambassador to China dying mysteriously

- Netanyahu telling Meet the Press Iran will have a nuke in six-seven months and must be stopped beforehand

- Warships from more than 25 countries, including the United States, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, launching a military exercise in the Straits of Hormuz

- A third US aircraft – the CVN-74 Stennis – carrier is en route to Iran with an ETA of about 10 days

- And finally, a potential catalyst to light this whole mess on fire, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard announcing that its troops are now on the ground in Syria. READ MORE

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