miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

And we keep going down...!!!

Report: Median Household Income Down 1.1% in August, More Than 8% Under Obama

26 Sep 2012, 9:39 AM PDT

Median household incomes fell by another 1.1% in August, according to a Sentier Research report released Tuesday.

Since Obama took office, according to the report, household incomes are down more than 8%. And since the economic recovery began in June of 2009, household incomes have fallen by 5.7%. 
"Even though we are technically in an economic recovery, real median annual household income is having a difficult time maintaining its present level, much less recovering," said Sentier co-founder and former Census Bureau official Gordon Green.

These figures come as, Business Insider notes, the Census Bureau released its annual report showing three million more people were in poverty in 2011 than 2009, and the “average inflation-adjusted income for households in the middle 20% is now lower than it's been since 1995.”
In addition, The Health Care Cost Institute released a report that found “per-capita costs jumped 4.6% last year,” and a Center for Disease Control and Prevention report found there were more than one million uninsured Americans in the first three months of 2012 compared with last year.

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