domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2012

Obama's loves free speech...CNN: Communist News Network...Libre Mercado o Progresistas?..

Obama to Condemn Christian Filmmaker Before United Nations

22 Sep 2012 

Not only are we seeing the White House and State Department call more attention to the Mohammed-mocking "Innocence of Muslims" than any terrorist network ever could've hoped for, but the President's indefensible scapegoating of the film and filmmaker to draw attention and blame away from U.S. security failures apparently knows no bounds.

Next week, Obama will denounce the film in a speech before the United Nations General Assembly:
National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor previews the president's speech to the UN General Assembly next week:
"UNGA always provides an opportunity for the President to put the international situation in context, and to put forward a vision of US leadership. I would certainly expect the President to address the recent unrest in the Muslim world, and the broader context of the democratic transitions in the Arab World."
"As he has in recent days, the President will make it clear that we reject the views in this video, while also underscoring that violence is never acceptable[.]
My God, between the media and the Obama White House, we are finally witnessing Orwell's "1984" blossom to life.
As our economy slows, incomes shrink, unemployment creeps up, and poverty explodes -- the media assures us we're in "recovery" and that our frustrations should be taken out on "Emmanuel Goldstein," also known as "America's Successful."
As Obama's appalling policy of disengaging in the Middle East comes to fruition in the form of the region exploding and al-Qaeda's targeted assassination of an American ambassador -- the media spends two weeks savaging Mitt Romney and directing our sorrow, rage, and helplessness on "Emmanuel Goldstein," also known as "A Stupid Filmmaker."
For weeks this administration, aided and abetted by The State Media, has shamelessly lied to us about what happened in Libya. Moreover, in order to cover up and distract for unforgivable security lapses, this hapless filmmaker has been targeted for all of the blame -- certainly more blame than the Administration's failure to secure a consulate on 9/11 (of all days), but even more blame than the actual murderers.
And now, even though we know the truth about what really happened in Libya, it won't stop. It will never stop. Because Obama knows his media will never make him pay a political price for lying and scapegoating.
At all costs, the media quietly whispers amongst themselves, Obama must be reelected. READ MORE

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CNN Hid Knowledge of Libya Ambassador Diary For Days

22 Sep 2012 

CNN, in an effort to protect the Obama administration while still getting a scoop, hid the fact that they were in control of the diary of the Ambassador to Libya from September 15 to September 21. According to CNN, they found Ambassador Chris Stevens’ diary “four days after he was killed.” They then told Stevens’ family about the diary, and spent the next few days “corroborating” what they considered “newsworthy tips” in the diary.

This is absurd. The diary was found in a public area – according to CNN, “on the floor of the largely unsecured consulate compound where he was fatally wounded.” While sections with regard to the Ambassador’s private life surely should have been redacted, anything of relevance he had to say with regard to the security situation in Benghazi should have been published forthwith. Diaries contain the feelings of the authors; they require no corroboration.

So why did CNN wait a week?

They waited a week because they didn’t know what to do. Instead, they tried to leak out information they garnered slowly, without much notice. They buried the lede. Because they’re CNN, and this is the Obama administration, and they didn’t want to step on any toes. That’s why tonight, when they released news of the Ambassador’s diary, a week late, they headlined it this way: “CNN finds, returns journal belonging to late U.S. ambassador.”

That, of course, is not the news. The news is that the Libya ambassador’s diary contained worries about security in Benghazi. But CNN doesn’t worry about that. Instead, they worry that they’ll be perceived as having forfeited their status as Obama’s chief palace guards by releasing any details of the diary.


El Gráfico de la Semana: Dos sueños antagónicos

En año electoral, la idea del Sueño Americano hace siempre parte de la campaña política. Los candidatos hablan incansablemente del tema y ambos ofrecen su propia receta para alcanzar ese sueño.

Pero las características y el camino para lograr el Sueño Americano son lo bastante específico como para poder definir la diferencia que tiene respecto a otros enfoques, como lo demuestra El Gráfico de la Semana.

El clásico Sueño Americano tiene que ver con libertad, oportunidad, esfuerzo personal, gobierno limitado y libre mercado. El nuevo sueño propugnado por la izquierda, en nombre de la igualdad, tiene mucho que ver con el rol del Estado. Es el conocido Estado Niñera que ominosamente se infiltra en la vida de los ciudadanos. Y para que este nuevo sueño eche raíces, hará falta cambiar por completo la idiosincracia del pueblo americano.

Estados Unidos se enfrenta a una encrucijada en las elecciones de noviembre. El presidente Obama y Mitt Romney tienen dos ideas completamente distintas de ver las cosas y de solucionar los problemas para alcanzar el Sueño Americano. Y en manos del pueblo americano estará la decisión de mantener o redefinir el Sueño Americano y la promesa de un futuro mejor.


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