viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

Hillary Ignored Warnings...Obama no asiste a los resúmenes de Inteligencia... Ryan blasts Obama

Report: Hillary Ignored Warnings

13 Sep 2012 

Today, the Independent is reporting shocking details about the attack on the Libyan consulate that resulted in the death of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. The details are so explosive that they will result in a Congressional investigation. In fact, they’re so explosive that they should result in the resignation of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The only question now: What did Hillary Clinton know, and when did she know it?

Yesterday, we reported that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was responsible under the law for the “security policies and programs that provide for the protection of all US government personnel … on official duty abroad.” Clinton herself seemed bewildered by the attacks on the Libyan consulate, asking, “How could this happen in a country we helped liberate, in a city we helped save from destruction?”
But according to the Independent, she had no reason to be puzzled. Quoting senior diplomatic sources, the paper reports, “the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted.” Nonetheless, “no warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and ‘lockdown,’ under which movement is severely restricted.”

It gets worse. According to security sources, the State Department had greenlit a “health check” at the consulate I preparation for 9/11. Nonetheless, the attackers broke the perimeter within 15 minutes of the Libyan mob forming. Local guards did nothing. One witness reported, “The security people just all ran away and the people in charge were the young men with guns and bombs.” According to sources, the Ambassador died from smoke inhalation after he was trapped in a building set on fire and besieged by rioters. READ MORE


Obama: Desaparecido en las sesiones de inteligencia

Según un artículo de opinión del periodista Marc Thiessen aparecido en el Washington Post, el presidente Obama no está acudiendo a sus sesiones informativas de inteligencia diarias tan a menudo como sería necesario.

De hecho, Thiessen asevera que el presidente se está perdiendo más de la mitad de las diarias sesiones informativas de inteligencia , acudiendo sólo a alrededor de un 38% de sus sesiones de inteligencia de los Informes Presidenciales Diarios (PDB) durante 2011 y hasta mediados de 2012.
Si eso es cierto, estamos ante algo realmente problemático.

Estaremos de acuerdo en que eso no quiere decir que no haya ningún asunto de alta prioridad nacional sobre el que el Comandante en Jefe necesite ser informado. Hay gran cantidad de razones por las que el mundo está en ebullición y los intereses americanos se están viendo amenazados en muchísimos lugares del mundo.

¿No sería magnífico saber que el presidente se mantiene al tanto de cómo está marchando la lucha en Afganistán, donde 60,000 valientes americanos están combatiendo contra miembros de al-Qaeda, de la Red Haqqani y de los talibanes?

O quizás se pregunte ¿qué está pasando en Siria, donde ya han muerto más de 20,000 personas durante los últimos 18 meses? Es más, ¿qué hay del programa nuclear de Irán, que tiene a los observadores especialmente nerviosos  porque Teherán esté más cerca de conseguir la “bomba”?

Las cosas tampoco están yendo bien en Asia. Corea del Norte tiene un nuevo líder, China está en ascenso y las disputas territoriales en los mares del Este y del Sur de China tienen a la gente preguntándose si hay un verdadero problema a la vuelta de la esquina.

Y no es que perderse las sesiones informativas de inteligencia sea una práctica habitual de los presidentes americanos. Thiessen comenta que “Por el contrario, el antecesor de Obama, George W. Bush, casi nunca se perdía su diaria sesión de inteligencia ”. READ MORE


Paul Ryan Blasts Obama Over Weak Foreign Policy

13 Sep 2012 

If you thought for one nanosecond that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan were going to wither in the heat of the savage media assault launched against Romney after his statements about the Barack Obama Administration’s apology to the Islamists yesterday, think again.

This is not the John McCain campaign in 2012, hampered by its leader’s ineffectual approach. Paul Ryan stood up in Owensville, Ohio yesterday and lambasted the Obama Administration:

The administration sent mixed signals to those who attacked our embassy in Egypt, and mixed signals to the world. I want to be clear; it is never too early for the United States to condemn attacks on Americans, on our properties, and to defend our values. That’s what leadership is all about.

Ryan continued going on the offensive:

Undercutting allies like Israel, outreach to enemies like Iran, national security leaks and devastating defense cuts. A weak America breeds insecurity and chaos around the world. The best guarantee of peace is American strength. And peace through strength will be the Romney/Ryan foreign policy of this country.

Some of the more, shall we say, spineless Republicans criticized Romney for his remarks about Obama, but Ryan was having none of it. The same man who steamrolled Obama at the health care summit in 2010 isn’t about to give an inch just because the media is on the attack.
Nope. This isn’t 2008. This time we have two candidates who are unafraid of a fight.

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