viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2012

Real OBAMA on Isreal...find the Khalidi Tape...Jobless claims worse...Latin Obama: Romney Better!

Reward: $100,000 for Khalidi Tape

20 Sep 2012 

Breitbart News is doubling its reward--to $100,000--for one of the missing pieces of Barack Obama’s past, which may be the key to understanding his collapsing Middle East policy: the “Khalidi tape,” a video kept under wraps by the Los Angeles Times since April 2008. 

The Khalidi tape shows Obama at a 2003 farewell party for radical Palestinian academic and activist Rashid Khalidi, and reportedly features vitriolic anti-Israel rhetoric.
Reporter Peter Wallsten--now with the Wall Street Journal--revealed the existence of the tape in an article on Obama’s pro-Palestinian background. Obama’s participation in the Khalidi event, Wallsten wrote, had led Palestinian-Americans to believe "that Obama is more receptive to their viewpoint than he is willing to say."

The article was not aimed at vetting Obama’s past; rather, the tape was likely shared with the Times as a means of pressuring Obama by reminding him of his past commitment to the Palestinian cause as he courted pro-Israel voters and donors.
Accordingly, Wallsten seems to have revealed only enough of what was on the video to achieve that aim. While noting that some speakers accused the Israeli government of terrorism and likened Jewish settlers to Osama bin Laden, Wallsten added that Obama "adopted a different tone...and called for finding common ground."

Wallsten refused to release the Khalidi tape itself, or a transcript thereof, for readers to examine and judge for themselves.
The ties between Obama and Khalidi are deep, going back to the days when Obama served on the board of the Woods Fund with former terrorist Bill Ayers, and provided funds for Khalidi’s Arab American Action Network.

The Obama and Khalidi families also developed close personal friendships, which--by Obama’s own admission--affected the way he approached the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Middle East as a whole.
Notably, Obama's reluctance to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel could reflect Khalidi's influence.
Khalidi told Israel's Ha'aretz newspaper in 2008 that his family roots in Jerusalem date back more than 500 years, and that his uncle was the mayor of Jerusalem from 1935-7, a key period in the history of the conflict.
Obama broke his 2008 campaign promise to support Jerusalem as Israel's undivided capital. His new position was reflected in the platform fight at the 2012 Democratic National Convention over changes that were likely urged and approved by Obama before controversy erupted and he intervened to restore language supporting Israeli claims.

Given Obama’s muted response to the attacks on U.S. embassies and troops throughout the Middle East today; his refusal to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu next week; his eagerness to sacrifice Americans’ free speech rights in fruitless gestures of appeasement; and his belated but effusive support for the now-radicalized Arab Spring, it is worth examining the roots of his misguided foreign policy.
The Khalidi tape may provide the key.

The mainstream media has recently been eager to probe the implications of Mitt Romney’s comments at a fundraiser on an incomplete, apparently illegally obtained video tape. Yet it has refused to explore the implications of the Khalidi tape, and has protected Obama from whatever that video might reveal.
With America under attack, and Israel in existential danger, there is no longer any excuse for the cover-up.
The initial $50,000 reward offered by Breitbart News in July generated much interest--including in Israel--but no credible responses. Inquiries to the Arab American Action Network, and to anti-Israel activist Ali Abunimah, who served on the Network’s board at the time and has criticized Obama’s shift away from his earlier professed beliefs, remain unanswered.

Accordingly, we have doubled the reward amount in the hope that the source will come forward.
The full sum of $100,000 will be provided to whomever can provide the complete and unedited video and audio of the Khalidi event. The reward is contingent on Breitbart News being able to obtain independent authentication of the video recording, as well as verification that the video recording contains Obama's complete remarks at the event.



Asistencia social: Obama no sólo la deja hueca sino que la pone patas arriba

La controversia sobre el vaciamiento de la reforma de la asistencia social por parte de la administración Obama continúa creciendo. Dos nuevos informes del gobierno muestran la ilegalidad de la maniobra y sus efectos en los contribuyentes. Y está previsto que la Cámara de Representantes vote hoy para aprobar o no la nueva redacción de la ley de 1996 por parte del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos (HHS).
Ayer, la Contraloría General de Estados Unidos (GAO) hizo público un nuevo informe comentando que en los años desde que la reforma de la era Clinton añadió los requisitos laborales al programa de Asistencia Temporal para Familias Necesitadas (TANF), cinco estados se interesaron en las dispensas de los requisitos de la TANF. El informe confirma que desde que se promulgó la reforma de la asistencia social, el HHS nunca ha sugerido que tuviera autoridad alguna para dispensar de los requisitos laborales. De hecho, las peticiones de dispensas fueron rechazadas.

En los ejemplos específicos de 2005 y 2007, la respuesta del HHS fue clara: “El HHS afirmó que todos los requisitos aplicables del programa se refieren a las familias a las que se provee de la ayuda económica financiada por la TANF y que el Departamento no tiene autoridad para dispensar de ninguna de sus disposiciones”.

Hasta ahora, en este debate, hay una pregunta que ha quedado sin respuesta durante todo este tiempo: Exactamente ¿cuán estrictos son estos requisitos laborales que ahora causan esta controversia?
En un nuevo informe, el experto de la Fundación Heritage Robert Rector explica que “los requisitos laborales eran bastante benévolos, requiriendo que sólo de un 30% a un 40% del número total de casos de un estado participen en actividades laborales o relacionadas con el trabajo y requiriendo que las personas trabajen tan sólo unas 20 horas semanales para cumplir con los requisitos…Sin embargo, la mitad de los beneficiarios de la TANF reciben un cheque de la asistencia social sin desempeñar a cambio ninguna actividad en absoluto”. READ MORE

Jobless Claims Worse Than Expected

20 Sep 2012 

This morning, the Labor Department reported that 382,000 Americans filed for initial jobless claims last week. It was higher than expected, as analysts had predicted 375k filings. The Labor Department also revised last week's number higher, to 385K from a previously reported 382k. 

The 4-week moving average of claims also moved higher to 377k, up from a revised 375k.
The numbers signal continued sluggishness in the labor market. It is generally acknowledged that initial weekly jobless claims need to fall below 350k to indicate any improvement in the job market. It is very likely that the next jobs report, released on October 2nd, will again be a disappointment.

INVEST SAFELY IN BANCO SOCIAL...up to $10K ... 15% NET @ 12Mos.

Romney: Obama Threw 'White Flag Of Surrender'

21 Sep 2012, 2:52 AM PDT 

Mitt Romney, at a campaign event in Florida on Thursday, said President Barack Obama had “thrown the white flag of surrender” and had changed his slogan from “Yes, we can” to “No, I can’t.” Romney's comments were in response to Obama’s interview with the Spanish-language station Univision earlier in the day.

Romney said he “couldn't believe it when the president of the United States said he couldn't get change from the inside."

"His slogan was 'Yes, we can.' His slogan now is, 'No, I can't,'" Romney said. “He went from the president of change to the president who can't get change."
Romney said Obama had "no plan to get our economy working again."
"Well, I do," Romney said. 

At a Univision forum, Obama said  that the most important lesson he has learned during his first term was that “you can’t change Washington from inside, only from the outside.”
Obama said if he were to get a second term he wanted to convince Americans to put more “pressure on Congress to move issues forward.”

Obama's comments amounted to a concession: the candidate who campaigned in 2008 on changing Washington and bringing about bipartisan consensus has not been able to accomplish what he promised. The president and many in his administration have become creatures of Washington, encouraging crony capitalistic boondoggles like Solyndra. 

Obama's words came weeks after Bob Woodward released a book that portrayed Obama as a president who lacked the "stamina" to achieve bipartisan consensus, even when Democrats controlled all three branches of government for Obama's first two years in Washington. Obama has also politicized Washington. He has refused to meet with Republicans and attacked Paul Ryan's budget during a speech to which Ryan was invited by White House aides. 

Obama conceded to Woodward he had made a "mistake." 
“No wonder he's had such a hard time over the last four years," Romney added.
The Obama campaign issued a defensive, panicky and feverishly-researched statement defending a supposed non-gaffe.
Obama campaign spokeswoman Lis Smith said Romney took Obama’s exact words “wildly” out of context and was engaging in an act of “desperation.” 
Romney also attacked Obama for believing in income redistribution, calling it a “foreign” concept, and said unlike Obama, Romney could “get the job done from the inside.”

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