viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

Obama's Change? Hope? Forward?...Empty...Hopeless and Backwards!

Change You Can't Believe

6 Sep 2012 

The lies began even before President Barack Obama started speaking. The introductory video claimed that Obama had been affected--and roused to action--by “watching [his] mother die.” Obama, while very emotive about his mother, neglected to visit her before she died of cancer--a mistake he admitted and regretted. Yet he has repeatedly lied about her in his speeches, including the lie that she died without health insurance.

In the speech itself, Obama told the nation that he ran for President because he “saw that basic bargain slipping away,” that “by 2008 we had seen nearly a decade in which families struggled with costs that kept rising but paychecks that didn’t.” In fact, until the last few months of 2008, Americans had enjoyed a rising and widely-shared prosperity that contrasts sharply with the high unemployment and low paychecks of Obama’s term.

Obama continued with the half-truth that he has “cut taxes for those who need it,” but he has also raised taxes on the middle class, including the taxes in Obamacare. He then lied flagrantly about the proposals of his opponents, suggesting that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan had proposed “firing teachers” and “kicking students off financial aid.” There is no basis for that claim; in fact their policies would do, and have done, the opposite.
The President then repeated a claim that has been a refrain throughout this convention: that he “reinvented a dying auto industry that’s back on top of the world.” But GM is in trouble; Chrysler is foreign-owned; and the “reinvented” green cars that Obama pushed have failed to sell. Contrary to his repeated claims, tonight and elsewhere, Obama did not save the industry from bankruptcy but sent it there after looting it for his cronies.

As for what fuels those cars--with gas prices soaring across the country to levels vastly higher than at his inauguration in 2009--Obama said that his strategy had “opened millions of new acres for oil and gas exploration.” But he also blocked new exploration--often in defiance of the courts, and basic scientific sense, and the expansion that occurred in shale and gas happened in spite of President Obama, not because of him.
Obama made several outlandish claims about education, once again mischaracterizing his opponent’s policies (“gut education,” “crowded classroom,” “crumbling school”) while exaggerating his own achievements. He touted the federal government’s takeover of the student loan market, pretending that he had solved the problems of “a system that wasted billions of taxpayer dollars” instead of ensuring that those problems worsen.

From then, it was on to foreign policy. Obama once again lied about his predecessor’s policy, implied that George W. Bush did not care to pursue “the terrorists who actually attacked us on 9/11.” And for all the talk this week about how Romney should have said more about the troops, Obama displayed callous indifference to rising U.S. casualties when he declared, falsely, that he had “blunted the Taliban’s momentum in Afghanistan.”

Obama lied about key elements of his foreign policy agenda, asserting that “we have advanced the rights and dignity of all human beings” when in fact his administration has shunted human rights aside in favor of reconciliation with hostile regimes. He also said that the U.S. had “reasserted our power across the Pacific and stood up to China on behalf of our workers,” rather than allowing U.S. power to decline as China rises.
On the deficit, Obama cited “experts” who said that his policies “would cut our deficits by $4 trillion”--this after his own administration projected deficits and debt rising to infinity in what economists euphemistically call the “out” years. President Obama’s surrogates had suggested he would tackle entitlement reform tonight, but he said nothing specific about what he would do--after accusing his opponents of not presenting any new ideas.  READ MORE

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Krauthammer On Obama: "One Of The Emptiest Speeches I Have Ever Heard"

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: I was stunned. This is a man who gave one of the great speeches of our time in 2004, and he gave one of the emptiest speeches I have ever heard on a national stage. Yes, it had cadence, and yes, there were deceptions in it, but that is not what is so striking about it. There was nothing in it. This is a man who believes that government can and should do a lot. There is nothing in here that tells us how he's going to go from today to tomorrow. For any of the so called goals and what government is going to do, what is he going to enact?

At least Romney had a five point plan. What we heard from Obama was a vision. And he pulls numbers out of a hat. 100,000 new math and science teachers. 600,000 more people working in natural gas. Two million more trainees, and he doesn't say how we get from A to B. It's a vision. I have a vision of an America where there is no disease and everybody has a private airplane, but unless I tell you how we get there, I’ve said nothing. And what is so surprising, is that - all he had left - he can't speak about his record on the economy, and it's not a good one. As we heard, he didn't speak about achievements, the one that's liberals like, ObamaCare, stimulus and etc… they're unpopular.

So, at least he would talk about the future, what he's going to to. There was nothing there. I’m amazed that he was -- it was like this is a guy who is the A student in the class turning in a paper clearly a C, and the teacher says, “How could you do this? Why did you mail it in?” I felt the Biden speech was infinitely better, because it was empathic and carried a message, but the Obama speech, I thought was flat and had no content in it. Otherwise, I loved it, really…READ MORE

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Las tres principales batallas de los pequeños negocios

Los pequeños negocios están recibiendo una gran atención por parte de los políticos, debido a que son un motor clave de la creación de empleo, que es un factor de la economía de Estados Unidos que se ha estancado. Uno de los lemas de la Convención Nacional Republicana, “Nosotros lo forjamos”, continuó ayer con el debate sobre la economía.
En julio, una investigación por parte de la Federación Nacional de Empresas Independientes (NFIB) reveló que las tres principales preocupaciones de las pequeñas empresas eran los impuestos, las regulaciones y las malas ventas. Un rápido vistazo a estas tres principales batallas a las que se enfrentan los pequeños negocios muestra que tienen todos los motivos para estar desmoralizados.

1. Los impuestos

Las pequeñas empresas se hallan bajo la enorme amenaza de las subidas de impuestos en ciernes. El presidente Obama está defendiendo una subida de impuestos a los creadores de empleo del país, al menos a los 1.2 millones de pequeñas empresas que emplean a trabajadores y que ganan más de $200,000. Conocidas como las empresas fiscalmente transparentes, estos empresarios pagan sus impuestos a través del impuesto sobre los ingresos personales. Un estudio de Ernst & Young estima que esta subida de impuestos acabaría con alrededor de 710,000 empleos y causaría una caída de los sueldos.

Sin embargo, esta subida de impuestos es sólo una porción de la crisis del “Armagedón Fiscal” que está prevista que afecte al país el 1 de enero. La Oficina de Presupuesto del Congreso (CBO) ha dejado pocas dudas de que a menos que el Congreso y el presidente impidan el “Armagedón Fiscal”, el país se dirige hacia una nueva recesión para el próximo año. READ MORE


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