martes, 12 de junio de 2012

Keep YOUR Money!

Joan Rivers to Obama: Don't Redistribute My Hard-Earned Cash


President Barack Obama has virtually every celebrity in his corner - including the nation's surrogate grandmother, Betty White.

But the tireless Joan Rivers, out promoting her latest book, didn't sign on for Obama's soak the rich policy solutions.
Rivers, following the path blazed by fellow comic Jon Lovitz, isn't too keen on the government taking more of her hard-earned cash.

In an interview with POLITICO, Rivers said, “I’m also being chastised because I work 18 hours a day and make a living. I feel that I’m part of the 2 percent and I’m really not interested in a woman who has 95 children and has 95 husbands. I think the Chinese have it right: You each have one children, two children and you take care of them.”
Rivers agreed with the notion that the president’s policies were unfairly harsh to the rich, saying, “I think if I work very hard, I should be able to gather the fruits of my labor. And I think if you’re not about to work, you should get minimal and leave me alone. I think if you don’t wear a helmet and you fall off your bike, you pay for the doctor.”


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Russians Protest Against Putin

Thousands of Russian opposition protesters march against President Vladimir Putin and the government crackdown on dissenters. Video courtesy of Reuters.
MOSCOW—Tens of thousands of Russians marched in Moscow Tuesday to demand that President Vladimir Putin step down, defying a crackdown on opposition leaders a day earlier and heavy new fines for violations at protests.
Police reported no detentions at the march or the rally and concert that followed, a marked departure from protests last month that saw skirmishes with riot police and hundreds of protesters detained.
Police reported no detentions at the march or the rally and concert that followed, a marked departure from protests last month that saw skirmishes with riot police and hundreds of protesters detained.
"The strategy of intimidation isn't working, in fact, it had the opposite effect—more people came," opposition legislator Ilya Ponomaryov told reporters after he addressed the rally. "Putin is helping to build the protest movement."
But there was no indication the Kremlin was easing the hard line it has taken in recent weeks against opponents, especially protest leaders. Several prominent activists missed Tuesday's rally because they were being questioned by investigators after searches at their homes Monday. Boris Nemtsov, a longtime protest leader, was handed a summons by police while on stage at the rally. Blogger Alexei Navalnyi missed the rally because he was being questioned before being taken for a search of his office.
Anti-government protesters flooded Moscow Tuesday.
Turnout estimates varied widely, from under 20,000 to more than 100,000. The crowd appeared to be nearly as large as those seen in the winter, when the biggest mass protests in two decades first rocked the capital after allegations of widespread fraud in December's parliamentary elections. Enthusiasm seemed to flag in the spring as Mr. Putin was elected to a third presidential term, but picked up after his inauguration in May. READ MORE

Earthy Watch Hand Made Watch


¿Cuál es el papel de Estados Unidos en el mundo?


El éxito del experimento americano en el autogobierno es el resultado de sus principios fundacionales, estipulados en la Declaración de Independencia y protegidos por la Constitución de Estados Unidos. Las verdades universales y permanentes de igualdad y libertad humanas se conservan en Estados Unidos a través del Estado de Derecho, se reflejan en sus instituciones y son queridas por el pueblo. ¿Será que la dedicación de Estados Unidos a esos principios le confiere un papel especial en el mundo?

Desde los inicios, el propósito de la política exterior de Estados Unidos ha sido defender el sistema constitucional americano y los intereses comunes del pueblo americano. Por tanto, Estados Unidos se ha comprometido a proveer la defensa común, a proteger la libertad de comercio y a buscar relaciones pacíficas con otras naciones. El objetivo más importante de la política exterior americana sigue siendo la defensa de la independencia de Estados Unidos, de forma que pueda gobernarse a sí misma acorde con sus principios y la consecución de sus intereses nacionales.
A la vez, los Fundadores eran muy conscientes del significado universal de los principios americanos y de la responsabilidad única de Estados Unidos a la hora de mantener y promover estos principios. Como Thomas Paine recordaba a los patriotas de todos los lugares durante la difícil época de la lucha por la independencia de Estados Unidos: “La causa de América es en gran medida la causa de la humanidad” [1].  Los Fundadores creían que la idea de la libertad humana y, por consiguiente, del derecho inherente al autogobierno, eran aplicables no sólo a los americanos, sino a la gente de todo el mundo.
La Declaración de Independencia dice que todos los seres humanos están dotados de los mismos derechos inalienables, y que para asegurarlos “se instituyen gbiernos entre los hombres que derivan sus justos poderes del consentimiento de los gobernados”. Los Fundadores americanos hablaban de verdades universales y crearon un poderoso modelo de libertad para todo el mundo. Ellos comprendían que el compromiso de Estados Unidos con sus principios — tanto en política doméstica como exterior — tiene profundas consecuencias para la causa de la libertad en todo lugar.
Como observó George Washington: “Mantener encendido el fuego sagrado de la libertad y velar por el destino del modelo republicano de gobierno están justamente considerados como profunda y quizá definitivamente en juego en el experimento confiado al pueblo americano” [2]. READ MORE

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