sábado, 30 de junio de 2012

El Calentamiento Global es una Estafa!

Una verdad incómoda de verdad: el calentamiento global no es real!

Dieciséis científicos prominentes han firmado recientemente un artículo de opinión en el Wall Street Journal, expresando su creencia de que la teoría del calentamiento global no es compatible con la ciencia. Esto no ha estado recibiendo la atención que merece, porque los políticos (Especialmente Al Gore) estan francamente avergonzados de admitir que están equivocados sobre el fenómeno conocido como calentamiento global. No sólo se ha detenido el calentamiento de nuestro planeta, sino que se dirige hacia un período de enfriamiento.
Los nuevos datos muestran que, de hecho, la tierra no se ha calentado en absoluto durante los últimos 15 años. De hecho, los informes de Daily Mail, Met Office y la Universidad de East Anglia, y la Unidad de Investigación Climática, después de tomar los datos de cerca de 30.000 estaciones de todo el mundo, han encontrado que en la tierra se detuvo el calentamiento en el año 1997. El informe sugiere que nos dirigimos hacia un nuevo ciclo solar, Ciclo 25, que científicos de la NASA han pronosticado será mucho más fresco que el ciclo 24, que nos encontramos ahora. Estos datos en gran medida contradice la teoría aceptada entre el público que la contaminación de dióxido de carbono que está causando el calentamiento global e incluso propone que en realidad estamos en dirección a un enfriamiento global.
Yo comparto la misma frustración en la comunidad política y científica que los dieciséis científicos expresan. ¿Por qué todos estan a bordo del tren del calentamiento global iniciado por los políticos cuando la comunidad científica no lo respalda? Desde 1998, 31.000 científicos han firmado una petición con el hecho de que no hay evidencia científica o de consenso de que es el hombre el causante o que el calentamiento global existe, mientras que el Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC), cuenta con el apoyo de sólo 2.500 científicos. Sin embargo, por alguna razón se acepta que el calentamiento global es científicamente innegable.
Parte de esto se debe a que en 2006, Al Gore, mostro su documental, Una verdad incómoda, que ha defendido la causa para detener el calentamiento global y fue difundido en toda América, incluido en las aulas. Gore dramatiza los efectos del dióxido de carbono sobre el cambio climático e incluso se fabricó la evidencia mostrada en la película.
Sin embargo, el documental de 2007, La Gran Estafa del Calentamiento Global, (que estoy seguro que usted nunca ha oído hablar de) no recibió ningún tipo de publicidad a pesar de que sus argumentos contra el calentamiento global fueron respaldados por los científicos, académicos, escritores y ambientalistas.La película muestra los datos reales que la disminución de dióxido de carbono o el aumento sigue disminución de la temperatura o el aumento - no al revés. La película cita que cuando la tierra se calienta, el océano libera dióxido de carbono y cuando la tierra se enfría, el océano absorbe el dióxido de carbono.
Se estima que se ha gastado alrededor de $ 106,7 mil millones del dinero de los contribuyentes desde 2003  para tratar de entender y "arreglar" el calentamiento global. Y el gasto no se detiene allí. La misma investigación muestra que el gobierno se ha propuesto gastar alrededor de $ 1.4 mil millones en 2012 solo en cuestiones del cambio climático. El hecho del asunto es que estamos gastando cantidades atroces de dinero en un tema que no hay evidencia científica que apoye.
Si usted cree en el calentamiento global o no, os exhorto a hacer la investigación. No se limite a escuchar a los políticos. Mira las opiniones de los científicos, mirar los datos y formar su propia opinión, porque el debate sobre si o no el calentamiento global existe se está convirtiendo en demasiado importante para no estar educados en ella. Estoy seguro de que una vez la gente realmente vea los datos, que llegará a las mismas conclusiones que yo tengo. 

Más sentido común al hacer cumplir las leyes de inmigración

Ayer en un artículo, el analista político sénior del Washington Examiner Michael Barone argumentaba que la decisión del lunes de la Corte Suprema en el caso Arizona contra Estados Unidos allana el camino para que Estados Unidos implemente una reforma sensata de nuestras leyes de inmigración y ciertamente tiene razón.
Barone empieza argumentando que aunque la administración y algunos otros han sido rápidos a la hora de celebrar la decisión de la Corte Suprema de anular tres de las disposiciones de la ley estatal de Arizona (las que buscaban regular el registro de extranjeros, a los extranjeros en búsqueda de empleo y el arresto de personas basado en una posible expulsión) la parte más significativa de la decisión radica en lo que la Corte optó por ratificar.
En una unánime sentencia por 8 a 0, la Corte Suprema halló que las autoridades policiales de Arizona deberían poder controlar el estatus migratorio de cualquier persona parada o detenida debido a otras razones en caso de que haya una sospecha razonable para creer que la persona se encuentra ilegalmente en Estados Unidos. De hecho, esta decisión representó una victoria muy importante, pues los estados no deberían tener que mendigar al gobierno federal permiso para hacer cumplir las leyes dentro de sus fronteras.
Ampliando el argumento, Barone también señala que lo que es injusto no es que la ley de Arizona requerirá el que los inmigrantes legales lleven sus papeles (después de todo, esta ha tenido un largo historial como ley federal) sino más bien el que ciertos grupos continúen argumentando que hacer cumplir la ley federal de inmigración es opresivo e injusto.
Ciertamente, la continua tendencia de la administración Obama de escoger qué leyes de inmigración hará cumplir mediante la “discreción procesal” sólo sirve para fortalecer este equivocado argumento. La realidad es que el gobierno federal tiene todo el derecho de promulgar leyes determinando quién puede y quién no puede entrar al país, pero por supuesto, ese derecho conlleva la responsabilidad de que en realidad las hagan cumplir.
La buena noticia, comenta Barone, es que Estados Unidos se encuentra en una posición mucho mejor que en años anteriores para controlar nuestras fronteras y frustrar la inmigración ilegal. Esto se debe no sólo al incremento del personal y de los medios técnicos a lo largo de la frontera sino también a leyes como la de Arizona que ayudan a un mayor cumplimiento de la ley en los centros de trabajo (ya que el empleo es el principal impulsor de la inmigración ilegal).
Pero la administración debe actuar de verdad. Centrarse en detenciones y deportaciones sólo de “criminales extranjeros” no es ni de lejos suficiente. Como explica la “teoría de la ventana rota” para el cumplimiento de la ley, al hacer cumplir leyes “insignificantes”, la policía puede ayudar a crear un entorno “bien ordenado” que desmotive el que se cometan crímenes más graves.
En otras palabras, con el fin de que la administración cree un entorno “bien ordenado” para el cumplimiento de la ley de inmigración, esta no debería centrarse sólo en la expulsión de criminales extranjeros sino también en forjar el respeto al estado de derecho en lo que respecta al cumplimiento de la ley de inmigración y de los centros de trabajo.
Al mismo tiempo, lograr una “reforma sensata de nuestras leyes de inmigración” requiere que se pongan en práctica otras reformas clave. Estas incluyen rechazar la amnistía, continuar fortaleciendo los controles operacionales a lo largo de las fronteras y reintensificar las actividades para el cumplimiento de las leyes internas. También implica tomar medidas para reformar y perfilar los procesos de la inmigración legal.
Como señala Barone con respecto a la inmigración de alto nivel, “estamos cerrando las puertas a doctores en matemáticas y ciencias, mientras incluso Canadá y Australia les están dando la bienvenida”.
Barone tiene razón cuando comenta que la sentencia unánime de la Corte Suprema que dictamina sobre los controles del estatus migratorio por parte de  las autoridades policiales de Arizona “abre el camino a una reforma sensata de nuestras leyes de inmigración”. Ahora es el momento de que el Congreso y la administración actúen.

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Envie Dinero a USA...Rapido y Sencillo via Inn Reach


Un revés para la libertad

La Corte Suprema ha hablado, pero en el genio de la cimentación de nuestro gobierno constitucional, los Padres Fundadores incluyeron acertadamente el equilibrio de poderes entre nuestros tres equidistantes poderes de gobierno. Por tanto, con la reciente decisión de la Corte Suprema de validar el mandato individual de la Ley de Protección al Paciente y Cuidado de Salud Asequible (PPACA), más conocida como Obamacare mediante la coacción vía impuestos, ahora se ha proporcionado a nuestro poder legislativo una oportunidad para “controlar” la lectura por parte del Poder Judicial de nuestra Constitución.
Y en el empeño por limitar el tamaño y el alcance del gobierno federal con el fin de conservar nuestras libertades, el Congreso debería actuar inmediatamente para derogar y sustituir Obamacare. Pues no existe una vocación más noble para nuestros cargos públicos electos que conservar y proteger nuestras libertades.
Con la reciente decisión de la Corte Suprema parece no haber límites para lo que el Congreso puede hacer mediante sus poderes en materia de impuestos. Esto es especialmente problemático para cualquier país, pero sobre todo para uno que se enorgullece de ser el faro de la libertad para el mundo. No obstante, sí los hay.
La verdad es que siempre hubo un mejor modo de mejorar nuestro sistema de salud sin tener que añadir billones de dólares a nuestros déficits a la vez que cercenamos nuestras libertades. Pero siguiendo la definición expansiva del término “derechos” por parte del presidente Obama y sus colegas progresistas, el gobierno federal controla ya una sexta parte de nuestra economía nacional.
Existe una forma mucho mejor de atajar los problemas causados por los que no tienen un seguro médico y es necesario que el Congreso se ponga inmediatamente a trabajar en ello. Se podría empezar por la reforma del código tributario de modo que los americanos no sean penalizados cuando buscan un seguro médico fuera de sus centros de trabajo.
Como expone la analista de Heritage Nina Owcharenko: “El modo en el que el código tributario trata el seguro médico está desfasado y es insostenible…Es un vestigio de los controles de salarios y precios de la Segunda Guerra Mundial que proporciona una favorable deducción fiscal a aquellos que obtienen el seguro médico a través de su centro de trabajo”.
Reformar esta desfasada estructura fiscal y permitir que las personas adquieran su seguro médico más allá de las fronteras de sus estados sería otra medida bienvenida para reducir el costo del seguro médico y espolear la competitividad y la innovación.
Por último y quizás lo más importante, al parecer, la decisión de la Corte Suprema ha sancionado que la penalización que incluye el mandato individual es un impuesto y por tanto abre las puertas a una serie de gigantescas subidas de impuestos y una letanía de regulaciones gubernamentales. Esto sólo hará aún más difícil que nuestro país supere esta recesión económica. Con el déficit nacional alcanzando los $15 billones, nuestros cargos públicos electos deberían demostrar contención fiscal para asegurar que nuestro país nos continúe proporcionando la certidumbre y las oportunidades económicas que tantos vinieron buscando desesperadamente cuando inmigraron a este país.
La comunidad hispana debe comprender que el genio de nuestro país no reside en un gobierno en constante expansión, sino en ser un lugar que ha dado la bienvenida a la innovación y a la competitividad como el vehículo para elevar la calidad de vida de todos. Es a partir de ahí donde los responsables políticos deberían retomar las conversaciones sobre la manera de mejorar nuestro sistema de salud.
Obamacare es la forma equivocada de logralo. Hace falta derogarlo y empezar de nuevo.

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The Path to 50


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29 Jun 2012 137 post a comment

With Chief Justice John Roberts’ unthinkable decision to uphold Obamacare yesterday, all focus now shifts to repeal for conservatives. In order to repeal Obamacare, two things must happen: Republicans must retake the White House, and they must retake the Senate.

Contrary to popular opinion, Republicans don’t need a 60-vote majority to ram through an Obamacare repeal – as Ken Klukowski pointed out yesterday, “The only way to stop Obamacare now is with a one-page repeal bill that must be passed by the House and Senate. Because it would reduce the deficit you can pass it with 51 votes as a reconciliation bill in the Senate; you don’t need 60 votes.”

Republicans currently have 47 seats in the Senate. They only have 10 Senate seats up for re-election, as opposed to Democrats’ 23. Essentially, Republicans need to shift three seats from the Democrats and hold their own in order to win repeal, since the VP is the tiebreaker – although that assumes homogenous Senate Republican support for repeal.

Republicans essentially have four vulnerable seats; Democrats have up to ten. The question is how the Obamacare decision will play into these races – if Obamacare is unpopular in these states, that will certainly cut in Republicans’ favor. One thing is clear: swing-state voters do not like Obamacare. First, the Republican toss-up races:

  • Maine: Olympia Snowe’s retirement came as a welcome surprise to many conservatives, but it leaves former Maine governor Angus King as the likely winner in that race. King is running as an independent, but he is clearly a Democrat. The Republican nominee in Maine is Secretary of State Charlie Summers, who is running more than 25 points back of King at this point.
  • Massachusetts: Scott Brown is running a neck and neck race with Fauxcahontas, Elizabeth Warren. Obamacare is popular in the state, thanks to citizens’ familiarity with Romneycare (even though Romneycare is destroying the state’s finances). The Obamacare decision will have little role here.
  • Nevada: Dean Heller is up against Rep. Shelley Berkley. The race is tight, and Berkley has a history of problems with Congressional ethics. Current polls show Heller up narrowly over Berkley. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is pouring his resources into Berkley’s campaign. According to recent polls, just 34 percent of Nevadans thought that the Supreme Court should rule Obamacare Constitutional.
  • Indiana: The defeat of Richard Lugar in the Indiana primary has put this state in play. Polls show Mourdock and his opponent, Joe Donnelly, essentially tied. Obamacare is massively unpopular in the state; 57 percent of Hoosiers don’t like it.

So the prediction for Republicans is that they will lose Maine, and hold the other three. At the worst, Republicans will lose two seats of these four.

Now for the Democrats. And this should have Republicans licking their lips:

  • Hawaii: Daniel Akaka retired from his seat in this state, and former Republican Gov. Linda Lingle, who is quite popular, is running for the seat. Both Democratic possibilities, Mazie Hirono and Ed Case, poll well against Lingle – but the last polls done were back in January.
  • Missouri: Claire McCaskill is in serious trouble against whichever Republican emerges from a bruising primary in the state. She runs behind Sarah Steelman, John Brunner, and Todd Akin. And Obamacare is massively unpopular in the state.
  • Montana: Jon Tester is running into an uphill battle against Congressman Denny Rehberg – polls show him trailing by a small to moderate margin. While Tester is a big Obamacare advocate, there’s no polling data indicating which way Montana leans on the issue.
  • New Mexico: Sen. Jeff Bingaman has decided not to run for re-election, opening the door wide for a Republican challenger. But current polling data has Rep. Martin Heinrich (D) running a few points ahead of Heather Wilson. That polling data is at least three months old. Obamacare as a whole is not popular in the state, which will undoubtedly hurt Heinrich.
  • North Dakota: Sen. Kent Conrad isn’t running this time. That leaves Congressman Rick Berg (R) taking on Heidi Heitkamp in a very tight race – the polls have been bouncing back and forth between the two, although most of the polls showing Heitkamp competitive come from Democrat-leaning pollsters. A full 70 percent of North Dakotans didn’t support Obamacare. Heitkamp did.
  • Virginia: The latest polls have showed a bounce in support for Republican former Sen. George Allen; Tim Kaine, the former governor of the state, has dropped in support at the same time. They’re now running neck and neck. As with other swing states, Obamacare is not popular in Virginia.
  • Wisconsin: Former governor Tommy Thompson is destroying Tammy Baldwin (D) in the polls in Wisconsin; Scott Walker’s big win in the recall effort is a boost for Thompson as well. And Obamacare remains massively unpopular in the state – by a 2-to-1 margin, Wisconsinites thought it should be overturned by the Supreme Court.
  • Florida: Polls show that 50 percent of Floridians didn’t like the Obamacare decision. And Rep. Connie Mack (R) is running even with Sen. Bill Nelson in the latest polls. This could be a significant boost for Mack – although Obama’s immigration decision was popular in Florida, which could be an equal boost for Nelson.
  • Michigan: Senator Debbie Stabenow is running strong against Republican challenger Rep. Pete Hoekstra in current polling. Barring a major upswing for Hoekstra, Democrats will likely hold this seat – although Hoekstra may be able to ride Mitt Romney’s coattails, since Romney is running very strong in Michigan at present.
  • Ohio: Ohio’s one of the toughest races to call. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D) is running against Secretary of State and Republican up-and-comer Josh Mandel, and the polls have been vacillating wildly. Mandel was closing the gap in May polling, but dropped behind again in June, perhaps as a result of President Obama’s frequent campaign stops in the state. Nonetheless, Ohio doesn’t love Obamacare

The prediction: Republicans will pick up at least five seats from the Democrats. And with increased conservative excitement and turnout thanks to the fact that the Senate is the crucial battleground for Obamacare repeal, the numbers may be better than that.

So, if Republicans can hold two of their four vulnerable seats and take five from the Democrats, they’ll have 50 votes – and the prospective Romney vice president will be the tiebreaker. That will be a difficult task. Repeal of Obamacare will come down to the wire – and in these states, every call, every canvassing, every vote will count.

It’s up to these swing state Americans to decide whether we all move further down the path toward nationalization of health care. The opportunity is at hand to repeal Obamacare. It’s an opportunity we can’t afford to blow.


viernes, 29 de junio de 2012

Derogar completemanete el OBAMACARE!

Obamacare: Un aviso de alerta para el pueblo americano


La decisión de la Corte Suprema de ratificar Obamacare en su totalidad refleja una trágica malinterpretación de la Constitución que nos podría costar no sólo económicamente sino también en términos de libertad. La parte buena de la sentencia es que la Corte reconoció que existen límites a lo que el Congreso puede hacer según la Cláusula de Comercio. Pero esto es lo único positivo de una mala noticia. Por tanto, la Corte fundamentalmente malinterpreta Obamacare, retorciendo el argumento para encontrar a otra autoridad –en el poder de poner impuestos— para que el Congreso promulgue la ley.
Los efectos de la decisión se sentirán mucho más allá de Obamacare. Al permitir que el gobierno requiera a los americanos que compren un producto o servicio según ordene el gobierno federal, la Corte ha dañado gravemente el principio del gobierno limitado. La decisión anunciada hoy abre las puertas a incluso más dictados por parte de Washington para las generaciones venideras. De hecho, cualquiera que tenga alguna duda sobre esto sólo tiene que leer la sugerencia por parte de la Corte de que el Congreso podría obligar a los americanos a que compren ventanas energéticamente eficientes o a pagar un impuesto determinado.
Afortunadamente, los americanos siempre han luchado por la libertad y no se rendirán ahora. Debemos volver a la tarea que tenemos entre manos y trabajar por la total derogación de esta ley. Básicamente, la Corte Suprema ha devuelto esta decisión al Congreso y al pueblo, que es donde reside el poder político.
El pueblo americano ha hablado: no respalda Obamacare y teme sus consecuencias cada día más. Precisamente este mes, una nueva encuesta llevada a cabo por el New York Times y CBS News mostraba que más de dos tercios de los americanos quería ver como la Corte Suprema anulaba Obamacare por completo o en parte y sólo el 24% mantendría en pie la ley.
Afortunadamente, el deber de defender la Constitución no se ha otorgado solamente a la Corte Suprema, sino que es compartido por el Congreso y por el presidente. Ahora es el turno del Congreso para hacer lo que es correcto por razones tanto constitucionales como de normativa: derogar Obamacare.
El pueblo americano sabe que este año marcará un punto de inflexión en la historia de Estados Unidos. Tenemos una gran decisión que tomar entre, por un lado, un gobierno constitucional y limitado y por el otro, el Leviatán en la forma de un gobierno gigantesco.
Esta ley se olvida de las familias americanas: sube las primas y los impuestos, eleva el gasto y la deuda, socava la relación entre el médico y el paciente, pone trabas a la libertad religiosa y amplía el papel del gobierno en nuestras vidas diarias.
Es hora de la total derogación de Obamacare.


El plan energético de Obama: El mismo eslógan, versión diferente


Tanto a los republicanos como a los demócratas les encanta el lema de “todas las opciones posibles”, puesto que pueden hacer que signifique prácticamente lo que quieran. Los demócratas lo usan para respaldar proyectos clientelistas en sus distritos. Y los republicanos hacen lo mismo. Demasiado a menudo, los políticos usan este popular lema cuando discuten sobre la política de energía y demasiado a menudo, lo usan para indicar subsidios generalizados. El gobierno federal necesita eliminar los subsidios y las pesadas regulaciones para todas las fuentes y tecnologías energéticas y permitir que el mercado actúe como debe. La realidad es que tenemos una variedad de recursos energéticos nacionales (energía nuclear, petróleo, carbón, gas natural, energía eólica, solar, hidroeléctrica y biocombustibles). El mercado energético puede ser diverso y competitivo sin la interferencia del gobierno. Si estas fuentes de energía no se pueden mantener por sí solas, entonces no están preparadas para ser parte de nuestro combinado energético.
Por desgracia, el presidente Obama está manteniendo el statu quo de la definición de “todas las opciones posibles” como sinónimo de subsidios. Obama dice que respalda una política de energía en la que todas las fuentes tengan un trozo de la tarta, pero sus normativas y su retórica dejan claro que él quiere que las porciones para las renovables sean más grandes y las de los combustibles fósiles más pequeñas.
Por ejemplo, la idea del presidente Obama de incluir el carbón en “todas las opciones posibles” es para desquiciar a la industria de la producción de carbón, mientras simultáneamente está subsidiando a un puñado de plantas energéticas para la captura y almacenamiento de carbono (CCS). En marzo, la Agencia de Protección de Estados Unidos (EPA) propuso nuevos estándares de desempeño en origen para las emisiones de dióxido de carbono que apuntan directamente al carbón; las plantas de gas natural ya cumplen con ese estándar.
En la actualidad, la CCS es una quimera económica e incluso el objetivo del presidente Obama de subsidiar la CCS para hacerla comercialmente viable en una década es más que ambicioso. Ese plan sólo dará como resultado más dólares del contribuyente despilfarrados en un intento por comercializar una tecnología innecesaria que no proporcionará cambios apreciables en la temperatura de la tierra. La regla del CO2 es sólo una de la multitud de regulaciones administrativas (la tecnología de control de utilidad máxima alcanzable o Utility MACT, las cenizas del carbón, la zona de protección de cursos de agua o la polución atmosférica interestatal, por nombrar algunas) que están obligando a las centrales existentes a cerrar prematuramente, prohibiendo la construcción de nuevas centrales  y haciendo más difícil la minería del carbón. Las normativas de Obama también van a subir los costos de la energía para las empresas y los hogares americanos.
Esto mismo es válido para el supuesto respaldo del presidente a la producción de petróleo. El presidente Obama, de manera coherente, da promoción al hecho de que la producción nacional de petróleo es la mayor en ocho años. Aunque este es un desarrollo positivo para Estados Unidos, la producción no se ha incrementado como resultado de las normativas del presidente, más bien lo ha hecho a pesar de ellas. Si Obama estuviese sinceramente interesado en aumentar la producción de petróleo, su administración habría aprobado el oleoducto Keystone XL, habría abierto a la exploración áreas tanto en tierra como en el mar, habría emitido a tiempo permisos de perforación y ventas de arriendos usufructuarios de perforaciones y habría requerido un oportuno proceso de revisión medioambiental. Tampoco habría pedido a las compañías petroleras que paguen su “parte equitativa” al eliminar lo que él llama vacíos legales y subsidios especiales para las compañías petroleras y de gas. El hecho es que no son específicas para la industria del petróleo y del gas, sino que están generalmente disponibles para el sector manufacturero en su más amplio sentido.
El presidente Obama, a la vez que quiere reducir el uso de los combustibles fósiles, quiere usar los subsidios y los mandatos para aumentar la proporción de energías renovables. El presidente continúa presionando para incrementar los subsidios a las energías renovables a pesar del hecho de que subsidiar tecnologías poco rentables es un derroche y una pérdida económica. Por no mencionar que fomenta el capitalismo clientelista y la dependencia del gobierno. En sus últimos dos discursos del estado de la Unión pidió un mandato para un estándar de energías limpias (CES) que requeriría que los productores de electricidad vendiesen energía libre de carbono. Los defensores de un CES han promocionado el plan como un enfoque de mercado, pero si realmente fuera de mercado, los productores no necesitarían el mandato. Confiarían en el precio y en la competitividad.
Mi colega David Kreutzer resume la versión del presidente de “todas las opciones” de manera más apropiada:
¿Qué política de energía es la mejor?
a. Subsidiar la energía solar, la energía eólica, los biocombustibles y las tecnologías energéticamente eficientes.
b. Un mandato para el consumo de energía solar, energía eólica, biocombustibles y tecnologías energéticamente eficientes.
c. Todas las opciones arriba mencionadas.
d. Permitir que los mercados produzcan petróleo, gas natural, carbón y otras fuentes de energía a precios asequibles.

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Ingrese al Mercado Americano...Reach Out

Today's SCOTUS Decision Dooms Obama's Reelection

28 Jun 2012 

Yes, Obama and the Democrats are entitled to a bit of a victory lap today, after Chief Justice Roberts searched deeply within his political self and found a path to uphold ObamaCare. Sure, the individual mandate was unconstitutional on the two arguments made by the Obama Administration. But, on the argument they expressly didn't make--that the mandate was really a tax--the Court decided that Congress was well within its power to enact the provision. So, its still the law of the land. But, today's ruling will probably go down in history as the most effective GOP voter turnout operation ever. There is only one way to repeal ObamaCare and that is through the ballot box. It will happen. 

During the debates over ObamaCare, the President and Democrats strained themselves to argue that the individual mandate wasn't a tax. Obama himself had campaigned on a promise to never raise taxes on any families earning less than $250,000 a year. Today, the Court called the mandate for what it is...a tax. In doing so, it acknowledged that, not only did Obama break his campaign promise, but he and his leftist allies have ushered in the largest tax hike in history. They will go with that record into the voting booth in November. 
From a nakedly partisan viewpoint, today's ruling is the best case scenario for the GOP. ObamaCare is still deeply unpopula,r and now the only way to undo it is to sweep Obama and dozens of Democrats out of office. The GOP base will speed up its rallying to Romney, because it is their only chance to repeal this monstrosity. Independents, who have been peppered with silly social issue memes from the media, will put all of that aside to ensure that ObamaCare is repealed. 
Many of my colleagues are understandably upset with Chief Justice Roberts. But, he may have pulled off the ultimate Jedi Knight mind trick. He upheld the law by framing it as a tax, which runs counter to Obama's campaign promises. His opinion even provides a legal basis to restrain future federal power grabs. Moreover, he has ensured that the only way to appeal the law is to prevail, across the board, in November. That was ultimately always the case.
But that awareness was implied. Now it is explicit. We have to run the tables in November to have any hope of maintaining our liberty. There is great clarity in knowing the stakes of a fight. Thanks to today's ruling, we have that now. 
Patriots around the country will now realize that there is no cavalry on the horizon. If we want to preserve our liberties, we will have to fight for it. Patriots and Independents now have a singular reason to show up at the polls in November. This focus will doom Obama's reelection campaign.
Today, I donated to a congressional candidate who is committed to repealing ObamaCare. What did you do?

miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012

Syrian Rebels backed by NATO are Muslim extremists!

Syrian Rebels Ransack Christian Churches

NATO-backed thugs desecrate places of worship
Paul Joseph Watson

Shocking images have emerged which show the aftermath of Christian churches ransacked by NATO-backed Syrian rebels, illustrating once again how western powers are supporting Muslim extremists in their bid to achieve regime change in the middle east.
A photograph provided to us by a Christian woman in Homs, scene of some of the bloodiest clashes of the conflict, shows a member of the Free Syrian Army posing with a looted Catholic cross in one hand and a gun in the other while wearing a priest’s robe.
“Everyone knows simply removing these garments from the church is a sin. The priest is the only one who wears them too. They even pray before putting them on. Him posing in front of the funeral car as well is disgusting to the max,” our source told us.
“They destroyed the church and went in to film it. I know this for a fact.”
“The Robes can only be worn by Deacons or Priests or Sub-Deacons, and they a Christian man wouldn’t hold a Cross in one hand and a gun in another,” the woman adds
Another image shows a ransacked church in Bustan al-Diwan (Old Homs).
While Syrian rebels busy themselves ransacking Christian churches, they also rallying around the Al-Qaeda flag just as their counterparts did in Libya.
This video shows Syrian “activists” flying the Al-Qaeda flag during an anti-Assad protest in the northern Syrian town of Binnish.
In another clip, armed Syrian rebels address the camera standing behind a table draped with the black Al-Qaeda flag.
Last month we highlighted a photo published by French news agency AFP shows a Syrian rebel wearing the Al-Qaeda flag on his arm accompanying UN observers in the village of Azzara.
Why are western governments who are supposed to be engaged in a ‘war on terror’ against radical Muslim terrorists handing those very same terrorists control over entire countries?

A third image sent by our source shows another place of worship, Church Um Al Zinar, with part of its roof missing thanks to Syrian rebels who have been portrayed by the international media as saints despite their involvement in terrorist bombings and massacres.
The latest terror attack carried out by rebels occurred earlier today when gunmen stormed a pro-government TV station, bombing buildings and shooting dead three employees.
The sight of NATO-backed rebels desecrating Christian places of worship is becoming a recurring theme.
Back in March we reported on shocking video footage which showed Libyan rebels desecrating Christian and Jewish graves at a cemetery.
The clip shows Libyan rebels breaking apart headstones while shouting “Allahu Akbar”. The men later try to smash up a large Christian cross statue with sledgehammers.

U.S. Poverty Rate On Rise Despite $1 Trillion Spent To Combat It

Ronald Reagan once quipped that we had a war on poverty and poverty won. And according to a new study by the Cato Institute titled “The American Welfare State: How We Spend Nearly $1 Trillion a Year Fighting Poverty—and Fail,” poverty is still on its winning streak even though the federal government, like it does with failing schools, keeps pumping in money into anti-poverty programs with no rhyme or reason, not knowing if the dollars the government spends actually are being spent wisely and properly. 

The poverty rate has risen to 15.1 percent and, according to the study, the federal government will spend “more than $668 billion on at least 126 different programs to fight poverty,” and “that does not even begin to count welfare spending by state and local governments, which adds $284 billion to that figure.” 
According to Cato, the United States spends nearly $1 trillion annually on anti-poverty programs, which amounts to $20,610 for every person living in poverty or $61,830 for a family of three in poverty.
Like with nearly every bit of domestic spending, the study found that “welfare spending increased significantly under President George W. Bush and has exploded under President Barack Obama” to the tune of a 41 percent increase. 
And yet, despite nearly $15 trillion spent fighting poverty since Lyndon Johnson declared war on poverty in 1964, the study found that “the poverty rate is perilously close to where we began more than 40 years ago.”
“Clearly we are doing something wrong,” the authors of the study write. “Throwing money at the problem has neither reduced poverty nor made the poor self-sufficient.”

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Stockton City Council Votes in Favor of Bankruptcy Budget

[image] Associated Press
The Stockton City Council listened to statements from citizens Tuesday.
STOCKTON, Calif.—The city of Stockton, Calif., late Tuesday voted to adopt a new budget under which it can operate if it is under bankruptcy, a move widely considered the last step before it formally files for Chapter 9 protection.
At a Stockton City Council meeting Tuesday, members voted 6-1 in favor of the budget, which allows the city to pay for day-to-day operations while it is in bankruptcy protection. While the Council didn't formally declare that Stockton is bankrupt, officials said filing for Chapter 9 protection is the city's only option.
Council member Paul Canepa, who voted for the budget, said, "With a heavy heart, I will be supporting this...I'm very sorry for this decision but I have to do this."
Marc Levinson, Stockton's bankruptcy attorney, said the city and its creditors tried to reach deals but the "gap was too deep."
City officials are expected to officially file for Chapter 9 protection sometime this week, possibly as early as Wednesday.
Under the new budget, Stockton will cut $10 million in debt payments to creditors, scale back retiree health care, and cut employee salaries and benefits. Under California law, Stockton must adopt a balanced budget by July 1.
"This is a sad, sad day for the city of Stockton," Stockton Mayor Ann Johnson said during the meeting.
Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection provides a financially distressed municipality protection from its creditors while it develops a plan for adjusting its debts. Creditors cannot demand a liquidation of assets to force the municipality, while under protection, to repay debts.
Stockton, with 300,000 residents and $700 million in debt, would be one of the largest cities ever to file for Chapter 9 protection, according to municipal finance experts and bankruptcy officials. Bridgeport, Conn., which filed in June 1991, was the largest city to seek bankruptcy by population, with 141,000 residents, according to U.S. Bankruptcy Court records. And up till now, the largest city to file for bankruptcy by debt load was Vallejo, Calif., which owed $50 million to creditors when it entered bankruptcy protection in 2008. Vallejo emerged from insolvency last year.
Stockton has spiraled into a morass of debt because of high retiree costs and big spending on a downtown revitalization effort, coupled with falling property-tax revenues because of the real-estate downturn, among other factors.
In February, Stockton began negotiating with 19 parties, including retirees and city workers, under a California law that requires municipalities to try mediation before filing for Chapter 9 bankruptcy. That mediation process expired Monday.
At the City Council meeting Tuesday, dozens of retirees spoke and expressed concern over the effects that a bankruptcy would have on their medical benefits.
Gary Jones, 52 years old, who retired from Stockton's Police Department in 2006 after the discovery of a malignant brain tumor, was among former city workers worried about their health care.
"I have tons of medications I take every day. I have facial seizures," he said, adding that if Stockton declares bankruptcy, "I won't have insurance."
Stockton faces pressure on how to handle retiree costs, with retiree health care costs expected to increase by 115% and pension costs by 94% by 2022. Retiree costs represent nearly 20% of the city's $150 million budget.
Bob Deis, Stockton's city manager, said during the meeting the city had committed $600,000 to $1 million to retirees' health-care costs and "we've set aside nothing."

martes, 26 de junio de 2012

Romney's VP?

Condi for VP?

This past weekend there was a fundraising gathering for Mitt Romney in Park City, Utah. There were many Republican luminaries who attended, including VP hopefuls like Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, South Dakota Sen. John Thune, and Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, as well as Sen. John McCain and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. But many of the attendees said the star speaker was former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Ambassador Charles Cobb, who was ambassador to Iceland from 1989 to 1992, said Rice was "spectacular." Donor Kent Lucken, an international banker in Boston, said, "she rocked it."
So, of course, there are those calling for Rice to be the choice for Veep. But one wonders if they remember 2008 …
December 7, 2008, one moth after Barack Obama was elected, Rice was interviewed by Wolf Blitzer on CNN, and this is what she said about Obama:
“But of course, he is someone that I admire. He was on my committee, the Foreign Relations Committee. We have talked a number of times. He is going to do very well for the country. But eight years is a long time. The American people are wise in wanting change. Two terms is plenty. And I’m going to go back to California and on to other things.”
Three days later, December 10, 2008, being interviewed by Dan Raviv on CBS:
Raviv: Are you personally excited about Barack Obama becoming our next President and our first African-American President?
Rice: Sure, it's meaningful. It's meaningful to me personally. It's meaningful to the country. I'm a kid from Birmingham, Alabama, and until we moved to Denver, Colorado, when I was 12 I didn't have a white classmate – the whole time when I went to school in Alabama. So sure! This is a huge move forward for our country. Our country has been getting there. You know, we've had back-to-back African-American secretaries of state! We have heads of Fortune 500 companies who are black. The world's greatest golfer – not exactly a sport known for African-American dominance – is an African-American. And so, slowly but surely this country has been overcoming race.
Raviv: May I take it that you actually preferred a victory for Senator Obama, and not John McCain?
Rice: I have constantly told people that I was Secretary of State and I was not going to get into a partisan debate. And I would vote my ballot in a secret way, as all Americans do. But I just want to acknowledge that after the election took place, it was a special time for Americans.
In October, 2010, Rice appeared at the Aspen Institute in Washington, D.C., and said of Obama, "Nothing in this president's methods suggests this president is other than a defender of America's interests." Was she serious?
Condi is not the best choice for VP – especially not in the aftermath of her disastrous second term, in which she was Secretary of State, and ended up undercutting American allies like Israel.

Wayuu Purse Wayuu Purse

Supreme Court Backs Arizona’s Right to Enforce Immigration Laws

Today’s Supreme Court decision upholding the major provision of Arizona’s S.B. 1070 immigration law is a strong rebuke of the Obama Administration.
The Administration had argued that its own immigration enforcement priorities should be treated as controlling law—that is, above the determinations of both Congress and Arizona. But the Court’s decision means that the President must go through Congress if he wishes to impede the states’ ability to enforce immigration laws within their borders.
In a judgment joined by all eight justices who participated (Justice Elena Kagan was recused), the Court found that Arizona may implement its requirement that law enforcement officers make a “reasonable attempt…to determine the immigration status” of any person they stop, detain, or arrest, if “reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien unlawfully present in the United States.” The Court found that three other provisions, which regulated alien registration, illegal aliens seeking employment, and arrest of individuals based upon possible removability, were preempted by federal law.
In this case, the Court recognized that the core of S.B. 1070, which requires officers to work collaboratively with the federal government to determine the immigration status of those who have been stopped or detained for a lawful purpose, need not be interpreted to conflict with federal law. With this decision, the Court has reaffirmed the important principle that, much as he might want to, President Obama cannot prevent the states from taking action to enforce federal immigration laws just by saying that he doesn’t want them to do so.
In 1996, as part of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, Congress made it clear that states retain inherent authority to cooperate in immigration enforcement and to supplement federal resources with their own. Federal officials are required by law to respond whenever state or local officers request verification of an alien’s immigration status (Homeland Security operates a 24/7 hotline for exactly that purpose). As Justice Anthony Kennedy said for the majority, “Federalism, central to the constitutional design, adopts the principle that both the National and State Governments have elements of sovereignty the other is bound to respect.”
The federal government has the exclusive authority to determine who should be admitted into the country and who should be deported from the country—a principle that the Court emphasized in preempting certain aspects of S.B. 1070. However, nothing in Arizona’s immigration check provisions modifies the conditions under which somebody can legally enter or stay in the country.
Some have argued that Section 2(B) of S.B. 1070, which the Court held was not preempted, will result in racial profiling. However, as U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli conceded during oral argument, this case did not involve any allegation of racial profiling.
In fact, S.B. 1070 explicitly prohibits racial profiling. Specifically, Section 2(B) prohibits random stops to question someone about their immigration status but permits law enforcement officers to make such an inquiry when he or she makes a “lawful stop, detention, or arrest…in the enforcement of any other law or ordinance of a county, city or town of this state.” In other words, the stop must be lawful and predicated on a suspected violation of some non-immigration law.
If an officer legitimately stops, detains, or arrests somebody who is suspected of committing another offense and, while doing so, develops a reasonable suspicion (which must be based on articulable, objective facts, not a mere hunch) that the subject is an illegal alien, then the officer must make “a reasonable attempt” to verify or dispel that suspicion—specifically, by checking with the federal government. In short, all Arizona’s law requires is that law enforcement officers not turn a blind eye to possible violations of federal immigration laws while investigating other offenses during the course of their duties.
Arizona and other border states bear the largest burden when immigration laws are not enforced federally or when rules are overlooked. And the burden is significant. There are 2,000 miles along the southwest border, 370 of which adjoin Arizona. Illegal entries and border smuggling by “coyotes” are rampant, with an accompanying influx of drugs, dangerous criminals, and vulnerable people (who often end up as victims of human trafficking). Between 2006 and 2010, in the border town of Nogales alone, 51 drug smuggling tunnels were discovered. Home invasions and kidnappings are common in Arizona.
Illegal aliens take jobs from Americans and drive down wages. It is estimated that illegal aliens constitute 7.4 percent of the state’s workforce. To address these problems, Arizona passed S.B. 1070, the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act. Today’s decision reaffirmed that the states are not without recourse to address such a systemic problem. States should not have to beg the federal government for permission to enforce laws within their borders.
Today’s decision means that the Obama Administration may not, by executive order, prevent states like Arizona from participating in an immigration verification process set up by Congress. The President may disagree, but for his disagreement to actually have the force of law, he will have to persuade members of Congress—a refreshing change for a President who has seen fit to go it alone far too frequently. While some people in other countries will be unhappy with today’s decision, as Judge Carlos Bea stated in his dissent from the Ninth Circuit’s opinion (which has now been overturned), “We do not grant other nations’ foreign ministries a heckler’s veto.”


Corte Suprema: Respaldo a la ley de Arizona para hacer cumplir las leyes de inmigración

La decisión de hoy de la Corte Suprema ratificando la disposición principal de la ley de inmigración S.B. 1070 de Arizona es una firme reprimenda a la administración Obama. La administración había argumentado que sus propias prioridades en el cumplimiento de la ley de inmigración deberían ser tratadas como ley de control, es decir, por encima de las determinaciones tanto del Congreso como de Arizona. Pero la decisión de la Corte significa que el presidente debe pasar por el Congreso si desea obstaculizar la capacidad de los estados para hacer cumplir las leyes de inmigración dentro de sus fronteras.
En una sentencia compartida por los ocho magistrados que participaban (la magistrada Elena Kagan se retiró del caso), la Corte halló que Arizona puede implementar su requerimiento de que las autoridades policiales hagan un “intento razonable…de determinar el estatus migratorio” de cualquier persona que retengan, detengan o arresten, si “existen sospechas razonables de que la persona es un extranjero presente de forma ilegal en Estados Unidos”. La Corte halló que otras tres disposiciones, que regulaban el registro de extranjeros, a los extranjeros ilegales en búsqueda de empleo y el arresto de personas basado en una posible expulsión, eran jurisdicción de la ley federal.
En este caso, la Corte reconoció que lo primordial de la S.B. 1070, que requiere que los agentes de policía trabajen en colaboración con el gobierno federal para determinar el estatus migratorio de aquellos que han sido retenidos o detenidos por un propósito legal, no es necesario interpretarlo como en conflicto con la ley federal. Con esta decisión, la Corte ha reafirmado el importante principio de que, por mucho que pudiera querer, el presidente Obama no puede impedir que los estados tomen medidas para hacer cumplir las leyes federales de inmigración sólo por decir que él no quiere que lo hagan.
En 1996, como parte de la ley de Responsabilidad ante el Inmigrante y de Reforma de la Inmigración Ilegal, el Congreso dejó claro que los estados conservan la autoridad inherente de cooperar en el cumplimiento de las leyes de inmigración y de complementar los recursos federales con los suyos propios. Los oficiales de policía federales son requeridos por la ley a responder siempre que los oficiales estatales o locales soliciten la verificación del estatus migratorio de un extranjero (Seguridad Interior tiene en funcionamiento una línea de atención telefónica permanente exactamente para esa finalidad). Como comentó el magistrado Anthony Kennedy en nombre de la mayoría de la Corte, “El federalismo, clave para el diseño constitucional, adopta el principio de que tanto el gobierno nacional como el estatal tienen elementos de soberanía que el otro está obligado a respetar”.
El gobierno federal tiene la autoridad exclusiva para determinar quién debe ser admitido en el país y quién debe ser deportado del país, un principio que la Corte enfatizó al declarar jurisdicción federal ciertos aspectos de la S.B. 1070.
Sin embargo, nada en las disposiciones de control de la inmigración de Arizona modifica las condiciones bajo las que alguien puede entrar o permanecer legalmente en el país. Hay quien ha argumentado que la Sección 2(B) de la S.B. 1070, que la Corte sostiene que no es de jurisdicción federal, dará como resultado el perfilado racial. Sin embargo, como reconoció Donald Verrilli, procurador general de Estados Unidos, durante una apelación oral, este caso no implicaba ninguna acusación de perfilado racial.
De hecho, la S.B. 1070 prohíbe explícitamente el perfilado racial. Particularmente, la Sección 2(B) prohíbe retenciones aleatorias para preguntar a alguien acerca de su estatus migratorio pero permite a los oficiales de policía que realicen tal indagación cuando dicho agente “legalmente para, detiene o arresta en el cumplimiento de cualquier otra ley u ordenanza de un condado, localidad o ciudad de este estado”. En otras palabras, la parada debe ser legal y basada en una sospecha de violación de alguna ley no migratoria. Si un agente de policía para, detiene o arresta de manera legítima a alguien que es sospechoso de cometer otra infracción y mientras la realiza, se desarrolla una sospecha razonable (que debe estar basada en hechos articulables y objetivos, no en una mera presunción) de que el sospechoso es un extranjero ilegal, entonces el agente de policía debe realizar “un intento razonable” de verificar o disipar esa sospecha, específicamente, al realizar un control con el gobierno federal. En pocas palabras, todo lo que la ley de Arizona requiere es que las autoridades policiales no hagan de la vista gorda a posibles violaciones de las leyes federales de inmigración mientras están investigando otras infracciones durante el desempeño de su deber.
Arizona y otros estados fronterizos soportan una carga pesadísima cuando las leyes de inmigración no se hacen cumplir a nivel federal o cuando las reglas son pasadas por alto. Y la carga es significativa. Hay más de 3,000 kilómetros de frontera suroeste, 515 de los cuales son frontera de Arizona. Las entradas ilegales y el contrabando fronterizo por parte de los “coyotes” se ha disparado sin control, con la consiguiente entrada de drogas, peligrosos criminales y gente vulnerable (que a menudo acaban como víctimas del tráfico de personas). Entre 2006 y 2010, sólo en la ciudad fronteriza de Nogales, se descubrieron 51 túneles para el contrabando de droga. Los allanamientos de morada y los secuestros son comunes en Arizona.
Los extranjeros ilegales quitan empleos a los americanos y hacen bajar los salarios. Se estima que los extranjeros ilegales constituyen el 7.4% de la población activa del estado. Para abordar estos problemas, Arizona aprobó la S.B. 1070, la ley Apoye a Nuestras Fuerzas de Orden Público y de Vecindarios Seguros. La decisión de hoy reafirmó que los estados no se encuentran sin recursos para abordar tales problemas sistémicos. Los estados no deberían tener que mendigar al gobierno federal para obtener permiso para hacer cumplir las leyes dentro de sus fronteras.
La decisión de hoy significa que la administración Obama no puede, por orden ejecutiva, impedir que los estados como Arizona participen en un proceso de verificación de la inmigración establecido por el Congreso. El presidente puede que no esté de acuerdo, pero para que su desacuerdo tenga realmente fuerza de ley, tendrá que persuadir a los miembros del Congreso, lo que supone un refrescante cambio para un presidente que ha visto conveniente hacer las cosas por su cuenta con demasiada frecuencia. Aunque algunas personas en otros países estarán descontentas con la decisión de hoy, tal y como el juez Carlos Bea afirmó en su discrepancia con la opinión del 9º Circuito (que ahora ha sido revocada), “No concedemos a los ministros de Asuntos Exteriores de otras naciones derecho a que nos acallen ”.

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lunes, 25 de junio de 2012

Why only Catholics are fighting the HHS Mandate?

Catholic Bishops Begin National Campaign for Religious Liberty

A mass at Baltimore’s Basilica of the Assumption on Thursday night was the setting for the start of what U.S. Catholic bishops are calling a “Fortnight for Freedom,” a campaign “of teaching and witness for religious liberty.” 

The initiative is in response primarily to the HHS mandate, part of ObamaCare, which forces Catholic and other religious institutions such as schools, hospitals, and charities, to provide free contraception, abortion-inducing drugs, and sterilization procedures for its employees in their health insurance plans. The mandate is set to go into effect on August 1st.
The celebrant of the mass, Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori, head of the “Fortnight for Freedom” initiative, was greeted by a standing ovation and applause as he entered the standing-room-only basilica.
During his homily, Archbishop Lori explained that the two-week campaign is in response to President Obama’s “morally objectionable” policies which amount to an attack on religious freedom. The Archbishop said:
Religious freedom includes the freedom of individuals to act in accord with their faith but also the freedom of church institutions to act in accordance with their teachings and to serve as a buffer between the power of the state and the freedom of the individual conscience.
Outside the basilica, approximately 40 members of Catholic groups protested the archbishop’s message, criticizing it as political activity and stating that it is inconsistent with the rights of women. James Salt, executive director of Catholics United, a group that says it is committed to “social justice” issues, said, "We think that the decision to have a 'Fortnight for Freedom' really is a political attack on President Obama, and it doesn't reflect the moral priorities of Catholics sitting in the pews, who are really more concerned about bread-and-butter issues."
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has dedicated fourteen days from June 21st, the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More, to July 4th, Independence Day, as a “special period of prayer, study, catechesis, and public action” that will serve to “emphasize both our Christian and American heritage of liberty.” The bishops chose June 21st as the starting date for the campaign because Saints John Fisher and Thomas More are both known as martyrs who were executed when they refused to deny their faith and beliefs in the face of persecution.
The “Fortnight for Freedom” will include daily reflections, available on the USCCB website, bulletin inserts, a texting campaign, and special events in dioceses and parishes throughout the country. The two-week period will end on July 4th with a special mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, celebrated by Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington D.C.

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Is Obama’s Latino Strategy Vulnerable?

Until recently, the general perception was that the Latino vote, which favored Barack Obama heavily in 2008 when he received 67% of that constituency, was assured of supporting him in the same manner in 2012.

But recent events have cast doubts on that assumption. Jorge Ramos, the premier journalist at Univision, the huge Spanish network, has been calling for answers in the Fast and Furious scandal, tweeting,” “It’s a very simple question. Who authorized Fast and Furious? We don’t have an answer yet.”
With Obama’s recent statements on immigration reform, including his decision not to deport hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children, the expectation was that Obama had secured the Latino vote for good. Yet the Obama Administration has deported more undocumented immigrants. 1.2 million, than any other president, and that has not gone unnoticed by the Latino community, which smells election-year politicking behind Obama’s sudden amnesty for the undocumented immigrants.
Ramos, in particular, was offended earlier this year when he posed the question of Fast and Furious to Obama and was given the condescending response, “the United States is a big country.” In addition, Ramos was angry because the Obama campaign had used Ramos’ image in a campaign ad as well as the name of Univision without permission. He released a statement saying:
 “A few hours ago the Obama reelection campaign aired an ad using my image and that of Noticias Univisión. I want to make clear that I reject the use of my likeness and that of Noticias Univisión in any election campaign. We have let the Obama campaign and the White House know, and we want to leave a public notice of our disagreement. We have always defended our journalistic integrity and will always continue to do so.”
Ramos also interviewed David Axelrod, who said picking Marco Rubio as a running mate for Mitt Romney would be “an insult to Hispanics.”
There is no guarantee that the Latino vote is in Obama’s pocket. If Univision, which is a television giant, starts to melt away from Obama, his prospects in November start looking grimmer and grimmer.

Antarctic ice shelves not melting at all, new field data show

Twenty-year-old models which have suggested serious ice loss in the eastern Antarctic have been compared with reality for the first time - and found to be wrong, so much so that it now appears that no ice is being lost at all.
"Previous ocean models ... have predicted temperatures and melt rates that are too high, suggesting a significant mass loss in this region that is actually not taking place," says Tore Hattermann of the Norwegian Polar Institute, member of a team which has obtained two years' worth of direct measurements below the massive Fimbul Ice Shelf in eastern Antarctica - the first ever to be taken.
According to a statement from the American Geophysical Union, announcing the new research:
It turns out that past studies, which were based on computer models without any direct data for comparison or guidance, overestimate the water temperatures and extent of melting beneath the Fimbul Ice Shelf. This has led to the misconception, Hattermann said, that the ice shelf is losing mass at a faster rate than it is gaining mass, leading to an overall loss of mass.
The team’s results show that water temperatures are far lower than computer models predicted ...
Hatterman and his colleagues, using 12 tons of hot-water drilling equipment, bored three holes more than 200m deep through the Fimbul Shelf, which spans an area roughly twice the size of New Jersey. The location of each hole was cunningly chosen so that the various pathways by which water moves beneath the ice shelf could be observed, and instruments were lowered down.
The boffins also supplemented their data craftily by harvesting info from a biology project, the Marine Mammal Exploration of the Oceans Pole to Pole (MEOP) effort, which had seen sensor packages attached to elephant seals.
"Nobody was expecting that the MEOP seals from Bouvetoya would swim straight to the Antarctic and stay along the Fimbul Ice Shelf for the entire winter," Hattermann says. "But this behaviour certainly provided an impressive and unique data set."
Normally, getting sea temperature readings along the shelf in winter would be dangerous if not impossible due to shifting pack ice - but the seals were perfectly at home among the grinding floes.
Overall, according to the team, their field data shows "steady state mass balance" on the eastern Antarctic coasts - ie, that no ice is being lost from the massive shelves there. The research is published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.
This is good news indeed, as some had thought that huge amounts of ice were melting from the region, which might mean accelerated rates of sea level rise in future. ®


viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

Do Democrats take latinos for granted?

Romney to Latinos: Obama 'Taking Your Vote for Granted'

President Barack Obama has taken the Hispanic vote for granted, according to Mitt Romney in a much-anticipated speech to the National Association of Latino Elected Officials (NALEO) in Florida on Thursday. 

“He’s taking your vote for granted,” Romney said of Obama. “I’ve come here today with a simple message: You do have an alternative. Your vote should be respected.”
Romney was referring to Obama’s inaction on immigration even though Democrats were in the majority in the House and Senate when he became president. 
Romney said Obama, because he cannot sell his economic policies that have left more Latinos (11% as opposed to 8%) unemployed than the general population, will simply tell Hispanics that “things could be worse” and “imply that you really don’t have an alternative.” 
Romney’s remarks were eagerly anticipated in light of Obama’s announcement last Friday that his administration would take actions to not deport illegal immigrants under 30 years of age who came to the country as children and even give some work visas. Critics responded that Obama was circumventing the legislative process and the will of the American people by implementing immigration policy by fiat. 
If he became president, Romney claimed, he would “put in place my own long-term solution that will replace and supersede the President's temporary measure,” but left out specifics. Romney did offer some specific measure he would take to strengthen legal immigration, such as reallocating Green Cards to those seeking to keep their families under one roof, exempting “from caps the spouses and minor children of legal permanent residents,” proverbially stapling a green card to immigrants who get advanced degrees, and allowing for a “a path to legal status for anyone who is willing to stand up and defend this great nation through military service.”
Governor Romney is in an electoral bind. He outflanked many of his Republican rivals to the right on immigration in the GOP primary, and that was one of the only areas in which he won the trust of conservatives. And any temptation Romney could have to tilt to the center on immigration will be tempered by two forces. First, doing so will add to the “flip-flopper” stereotype that is his biggest liability. Second, the white working class voters who are fleeing from Obama’s economic policies en masse and whose votes Romney will have to win by wide margins, are some of the most conservative when it comes to illegal immigration, particularly the effect illegal immigration has on labor and wages in a down economy. 
Romney told the audience the story of his American father who was born in Mexico. He recounted how his grandfather and father lived in poverty at times. 
“My Dad didn’t finish college,” Romney said. “But he believed in a country where the circumstances of one’s birth were not a barrier to achievement. This is my father’s story – but it could be any American’s.”
Romney then turned the focus back to the economy, asking, “Is the America of 11% Hispanic unemployment the America of our dreams?”
For Romney to make inroads among Hispanic voters, he has to convince them that their children could become successful like his own father and that Obama, with his poor economic policies, threatens to leave an America in which the notion that one’s children will live in a better and more prosperous nation than the one they inherited is no longer possible.

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