jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012

Seniors scared of....OBAMA...Biden invented jobs number...Ecuador the "Beacon" of Free press!


22 Aug 2012

Ten days after the selection of Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney's national and swing state poll numbers have all trended up. Yep, thanks to a near-flawless VP roll-out, the Romney-Ryan ticket has not only made up the ground Romney lost after six very tough weeks on defense, but in the crucial swing states, Team Romney is in the best shape they've ever been in. Therefore…

The media, obviously, is worried -- especially due to the Romney-Ryan decision to go on offense over Medicare -- a tactical move that has been very successful in calling attention to a fact the media would prefer not to report: That Obama raids nearly three-quarters of a TRILLION dollars from Medicare to pay for the forever-unpopular ObamaCare.
So the media-march has been on to declare the Ryan pick something of a flop and to downplay the energizing effect the Congressman from Wisconsin has had on the GOP base and the electorate in general (for example, photos of the massive crowds the Romney-Ryan ticket draws can only be found in New Media). The Obama campaign and its media minions have also sought to terrify seniors into believing Ryan is some sort of Medicare Murderer, eager to toss old people out in the cold to pay for the one-percents' tax cuts.
Fortunately, old doesn’t equal dumb: [emphasis added]
A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows 41 percent of Americans view the new GOP vice presidential nominee favorably, while 37 percent rate him unfavorably — slightly improved from last week’s polling.
Among seniors, though, the numbers are even better for Ryan: 50 percent favorable and 35 percent unfavorable. Fully one-third of seniors say they have a strongly favorable view of the Wisconsin congressman, while one-quarter have a strongly unfavorable view.
The numbers suggest Democrats’ attempts to turn Ryan’s Medicare proposal against the GOP haven’t stuck yet among the most pivotal group: seniors. If a Medicare attack was working, after all, seniors would likely be the first group to start deserting Ryan. …
Democrats initially hailed Ryan’s selection as a game-changer in senior-heavy districts and states like Florida, and they’ve been pushing hard the message that it would “end Medicare as we know it” and could lead to an additional $6,000 in out-of-pocket costs for seniors (without specifying that it’s future seniors, of course). READ MORE

Wayuu Purse Wayuu Purse

Biden: We 'Created 200,000 Brand New Good-Paying Jobs'

22 Aug 2012 

Mensa Joe Biden, who has been exiled to solid-blue states where he can do the least damage, said in Minneapolis, Minnesota on Tuesday that Mitt Romney and his allies “sound like squealing pigs”:

In spite of that, in spite of Governor Romney’s insistence to let Detroit go bankrupt, we rescued the automobile industry, saved a million jobs and created 200,000 brand-new good paying jobs. Over the objection – though they sound like squealing pigs – over the objections of Romney and all his allies, we passed the toughest Wall Street regulations in history, turning Wall Street back into the allocator of capital it always has been and no longer a casino, and they want to repeal it.
First Mensa Joe said Romney would put people back in chains; now he visits a farm state and calls Romney a squealing pig. The man has a snake-like way of darting his venomous tongue at the most opportune moments.

As for Mensa Joe’s specious argument that Obama saved a million jobs, and created 200,000 “brand-new good paying jobs",  perhaps someone could remind him of these hard facts: in January 2009, when the Anointed One took office, unemployment was 7.6%, it is now 8.3%; as the Wall Street Journal has noted, "there hasn't been one day during the entire Obama presidency when as many Americans were working as on the day President Bush left office."

Total jobs today are 500,000 less than in January 2009 when Obama entered office; fewer workers are being hired now than during the average recession month between 2007 and 2009; and America has suffered 42 straight months of unemployment over 8%, which the Joint Economic Committee of Congress confirms is the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression. The number of unemployed Americans has risen over the last 3 months by 76,000 people.
So, to borrow Biden’s technique of using metaphors, the best way to size up Mensa Joe’s lying while making appearances in a prairie state like Minnesota would be thus: he’s a snake in the grass.

Wayuu Laptop Sleeve Wayuu Laptop Sleeve

La vuelta a la tortilla de la OEA

El 24 de agosto, los ministros de Exteriores de Latinoamérica y el Caribe se reunirán en Washington para una cumbre de la venerable Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA). Se meterán directa y  precipitadamente en la disputa en la que están envueltos Julian Assange, fundador de WikiLeaks, la concesión de asilo diplomático por parte de Ecuador y el Reino Unido.
¿Por qué ahora? ¿Por qué en Washington? ¿Por qué la OEA? Probablemente porque es otra oportunidad de manchar la imagen de Estados Unidos.

Es probable que Ecuador y sus amigos izquierdistas de la Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América (ALBA) denuncien a un aliado de Estados Unidos por su presunta amenaza de invadir la embajada ecuatoriana en Londres, al estilo de la “diplomacia de las cañoneras”. Insistirán en los presuntos planes conspirativos a los que Estados Unidos da refugio para asegurar que la entrega legal de Assange dejará al “valiente” australiano luchando desesperadamente por su vida en las garras de la vengativa y hermética injusticia de Estados Unidos.

Por una vez, el Departamento de Estado no se está tragando estas tonterías. Victoria Nuland, vocera del Departamento de Estado comentó que “Ecuador está tratando de agitar las aguas en este problema”. El Departamento de Estado dice que la OEA es un foro inapropiado para este asunto bilateral. De nuevo, insistía Nuland, “Tratamos asuntos muy importantes en la OEA que tienen que ver con la fortaleza, la salud y la democracia en la región y, francamente, este es un tema secundario”.
Fundamentalmente problemático es ver la doble moral. Si Ecuador y la ALBA están tan preocupados acerca de la inviolabilidad de las dependencias diplomáticas, entonces ¿por qué se salen del camino correcto y adoptan amigos como Irán, Siria y por tanto a grupos islámicos militantes como Hamás y Hizbolá, todos ellos con largos historiales de atentados contra embajadas y promoción de salvajes actos de terrorismo?
Es más, Bolivia, Ecuador y Venezuela han expulsado a los embajadores de Estados Unidos por simple capricho. Y los embajadores de Estados Unidos han sido hostigados por muchedumbres antiamericanas. En junio, los países de la ALBA renunciaron al Tratado Interamericano de Asistencia Recíproca (TIAR), un histórico pacto de seguridad colectiva que simbolizaba la unidad del continente. Ha habido ataques por parte de los miembros de la ALBA a la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y, en el caso de Ecuador, la ponencia especial sobre la libertad de prensa está en curso. READ MORE

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