lunes, 27 de agosto de 2012

The Real Romneys...One TAX: Clear and Simple...Obama's failure is OUR fault!

The Romneys Sparkle on Fox. Where Have They Been Hiding Ann?

Though he enters this week’s Republican National Convention with a decent chance at winning the presidency, Mitt Romney has made some blunders along the way--the most serious of which may be his campaign’s failure thus far to highlight the charm and personality of his wife, Ann. Today’s joint interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday showed Americans what we have been missing--and what an opportunity has been missed.

The Romneys are a heartwarming couple, comfortable with themselves and what they have accomplished together, eager to share the hospitality of their home with family and friends. Amidst all the talk of grocery shopping at Costco and setting chores for the kids, what emerges in the Fox interview is a genuine chemistry, an interplay between two different but complimentary individuals who care very deeply for each other.
The contrast to Barack and Michelle Obama is subtle but perhaps crucial. The Obamas have often seemed to exude an undercurrent of resentment in interviews with, and about, each other. They share common political commitments, but Michelle Obama has also been openly skeptical of her husband’s ambitions, especially after his congressional defeat in 2000, and even when he was first discussed as a presidential candidate in 2004. READ MORE

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El Nuevo Impuesto de Tipo Único – tan fácil como un, dos, tres

Resumen: El actual sistema impositivo desmotiva el ahorro. Desmotiva la inversión. Desmotiva el espíritu empresarial. Causa que los que toman decisiones deslocalicen los recursos de la nación, limitando las ganancias por productividad, las ganancias salariales y el nivel total de competitividad internacional de la nación. Y es muy, muy complicado. El Nuevo Impuesto de Tipo Único es el remedio. Reemplaza cada impuesto principal recaudado por el gobierno federal. Para los no entendidos, es tan fácil de entender como decir uno, dos, tres: un tipo, dos créditos, tres deducciones. Para las personas mayores con Medicare, uno de los dos créditos (el del seguro médico) es reemplazado por una deducción extra. El Nuevo Impuesto de Tipo Único es sencillo, de imposición neutra y permitirá que Estados Unidos alcance su completo potencial económico.

El sistema tributario existente es manifiestamente indefendible, especialmente por su complejidad y el sumidero que supone para la vitalidad económica. El sistema tributario inflige su complejidad a los contribuyentes de todos los niveles sociales. Los ciudadanos con bajos ingresos deben navegar por el enormemente complejo Crédito por Ingresos Obtenidos. Aquellos que ahorran deben vencer las inherentes desmotivaciones del sistema y sortear una gran cantidad de tipos y regímenes impositivos para las diferentes formas de ahorro. Las empresas que invierten en nuevas fábricas y en equipamiento deben pagar un extra para obtener el capital social y luego deben vencer los obstáculos fiscales adicionales para sus inversiones. El resultado neto es un sistema fiscal caótico y una economía mucho más pequeña.
La necesidad de una reforma fiscal exhaustiva y fundamental es evidente. Sin embargo, es habitual que las propuestas de reforma fiscal, tales como el tradicional Impuesto Único, resuelvan sólo una parte del problema al reformar o reemplazar los impuestos personales y empresariales de carácter federal. El Nuevo Impuesto de Tipo Único reemplaza ambos impuestos a los ingresos, así como el impuesto a la muerte, los impuestos sobre la nómina y todos los especiales y los no dedicados a un fondo fiduciario. Con el Nuevo Impuesto de Tipo Único, los contribuyentes americanos tratarán con un impuesto único y sencillo. READ MORE


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NECESITA DINERO? Ayuda Económica Temporal del Banco Social

Obama Email to Supporters: If I Lose, It's Your Fault

Today, President Obama sent out a campaign email essentially blaming his supporters if he loses. See, he’s supposedly being outspent. And because he’s supposedly being outspent, he’s losing. And he can’t spend more money unless his supporters fork it over.

This is the campaign version of Obama’s entire economic argument: he can’t fix the economy unless he spends more money. And unless we give him more money, he can’t spend it. So if the economy fails, it’s our fault.

Here’s the perverse logic:

Last week, when I was in Iowa, voters told me they were feeling it. The numbers back it up: Our side is getting outspent 2-to-1 on the air there.

But the folks asking me about this don't want an explanation -- they want to know what I'm going to do about it.

And the fact is that solving this problem is up to you ….

We're losing this air war right now.

I don't have as much time to campaign this time as I did in 2008, so this whole thing is riding on you making it happen.

Perhaps the most laughable aspect of this latest desperate missive is Obama’s assertion that he doesn’t have “as much time to campaign this time as I did in 2008.” He’s done nothing but campaign since the beginning of the year. From January to mid-June, Obama held more than 160 fundraisers. During that same period in 2004, President George W. Bush had held just 79 fundraisers.

Here’s the sad fact for Obama: nobody’s enamored with him anymore. His spendthrift ways haven’t just bankrupted the country – they’ve bankrupted his campaign. And he still blames everyone else.

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