miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

Ex-Dem now Conservative!!!...Stock collapse?....Obamacare steals from Medicare

'Lesson Learned': Ex-Dem Davis Electrifies RNC

28 Aug 2012

Former Rep. Artur Davis (D-AL), the man who gave one of the nomination speeches for President Barack Obama before becoming a Republican and moving to Virginia, spoke tonight at the Republican National Committee, where he electrified the crowd with a spectacular attack on the presidency of Barack Obama. His central appeal was to independents and Democrats, whom he implored to reconsider their support of the failed president.

He arrived onstage to a standing ovation. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you. Some of you may know, the last time I spoke at a convention, it turned out I was in the wrong place.

"So, Tampa, my fellow Republicans, thank you for welcoming me where I belong.”

Davis praised Mitt Romney as a serious candidate, as opposed to the current president. “He has no illusions about what makes America great, and he doesn't confuse the presidency with celebrity, or loftiness with leadership,” said Davis, before launching into an explanation of why so many independents and Democrats were turning away from that celebrity-driven president.

“Now, America is a land of second chances,” said Davis, “and I gather you have room for the estimated 6 million of us who know we got it wrong in 2008 and who want to fix it.” He continued: READ MORE

Wayuu Messenger Bag


Is There Going To Be A Stock Market Crash In The Fall?

The Economic Collapse
Aug 29, 2012

Is the stock market going to crash by the end of this year?  Are we on the verge of major financial chaos on a global scale? Well, this is the time of the year when investors start getting nervous.

We all remember what happened during the fall of 1929, the fall of 1987 and the fall of 2008.  However, it is important to keep in mind that we do not see a stock market crash in the fall of every year.  Some years the stock market cruises through the months of September, October, November and December without any problems whatsoever.  But this year conditions certainly seem to be right for a “perfect storm” to develop.  Technical indicators are screaming that a stock market decline is imminent and sources in the financial industry all over the world are warning that a massive crisis is on the way.  In fact, the Telegraph ran a story with the following shocking headline the other day: “Market crash ‘could hit within weeks’, warn bankers“. 

What you are about to read should alarm you.  But it is not a guarantee that anything will or will not happen.  When Ben Bernanke gives his speech at the Jackson Hole summit on Friday he could announce to the rest of the world that the Federal Reserve has decided to launch QE3 and that the Fed will be printing up trillions of new dollars.  If that happened global financial markets would leap for joy.  So it is always a dangerous thing when anyone out there tries to tell you that they can “guarantee” what is about to happen in the financial world.  There are just so many moving parts.  But if we do not see major intervention by the governments of the world or by global central banks a major financial crisis could rapidly develop this fall.  The conditions are certainly right for a stock market collapse, and we could easily see a repeat of what happened back in 2008.
The truth is that the second half of 2012 looks a little bit more like the second half of 2008 with each passing day.
For example, credit default swaps are soaring just like we saw back during the last financial crisis.  The following is from a recent article in the Telegraph by Harry Wilson and Philip Aldrick…. READ MORE


Cómo Obamacare le roba a Medicare y perjudica a nuestros mayores

Las guerras retóricas sobre Medicare han subido de temperatura esta semana, después de que el presidente Obama declarara en su discurso radiofónico del sábado que sus propuestas de reforma “no tocarán sus beneficios de Medicare garantizados. No a cambio de tan poco”.

Pero eso es incorrecto. Obamacare quita $716,000 millones de Medicare durante  los próximos 10 años, según la Oficina de Presupuesto del Congreso (CBO) y utiliza estos “ahorros” en Medicare para financiar otras ampliaciones de los derechos a beneficios a los que obliga Obamacare. Medicare se convierte así en la gallina de los huevos de oro para Obamacare y los “ahorros” en Medicare provenientes de las reducciones de los pagos de este no se devuelven para hacer solvente Medicare. Unas reducciones de los pagos de Medicare tan enormes ciertamente perjudican a los beneficios de Medicare, así como al acceso de las personas mayores a esos beneficios.

La analista de la Fundación Heritage Alyene Senger explica cómo perjudica esto a las personas mayores de Estados Unidos:
El perjuicio de esas reducciones irá en detrimento del acceso de las personas mayores a la atención. El informe de 2012 de los consejeros de Medicare concluye que estos menores índices de pago de Medicare causarán el que, según se estima, un 15% de los hospitales, de las instalaciones de enfermería especializadas y de las agencias de atención a domicilio operen con pérdidas para 2019, el 25% opere con pérdidas en 2030 y un 40% para 2050. Operar con pérdidas significa que es probable que estas instalaciones reduzcan sus servicios a los pacientes de Medicare o que cierren sus puertas, dificultando que las personas mayores accedan a estos servicios.
El presidente también comentó el sábado que “Como presidente, mi objetivo ha sido fortalecer ahora estos programas y conservarlos para generaciones futuras”. Pero Obamacare impone nuevos impuestos a las generaciones presentes y futuras, incluido un nuevo “impuesto sobre la nómina” para Medicare que ni siquiera va a parar a Medicare. Senger detalla que:

El impuesto sobre la nómina financia Medicare Parte A, el fondo fiduciario que se prevé que se haga insolvente ya en 2024. Obamacare incrementa este impuesto desde el 2.9% hasta el 3.8%, lo que se prevé que cueste a los contribuyentes $318,000 millones de 2013 a 2022. Sin embargo, por primera vez en la historia, Obamacare no usa los ingresos tributarios provenientes del aumento del impuesto sobre la nómina para Medicare para pagar Medicare; el dinero se utiliza para financiar otras partes de Obamacare, como ocurre con gran parte de los $716,000 millones de las reducciones. READ MORE

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1 comentario:

  1. Hopefully the republican, democrat paradigm will dissolve, and we can realize we are one nation, one people under God.
