martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

American Families getting poorer...Reformar el Seguro Social...Obama's Failed promises!

It Is Not Just Your Imagination – American Families ARE Getting Poorer

Michael Snyder
The Economic Collapse
August 28, 2012

Did you know that median household income in the United States is lower today than it was when the last recession supposedly ended?  If we are in the middle of an “economic recovery”, how can this possibly be happening?

Stunning new statistics compiled by Sentier Research show that the U.S. economy is not nearly as healthy as we have been led to believe.  According to the study that Sentier Research has just released, median household income in the United States was sitting at $55,470 back in January 2000.  In December 2007, when the recession began, it was sitting at $54,916.  In June 2009, when the recession supposedly ended, it was sitting at $53,508.  Today, it is sitting at $50,964.  This is a long-term trend that is definitely going in the wrong direction.  The fact that median household income in the U.S. is now 4.8 percent lower than it was when the last recession ended is incredibly disturbing, especially since all of the things that we buy on a regular basis just keep going up in price.  Food, gas, electricity, car insurance and health insurance all cost a whole lot more today than they did back in the year 2000, and yet median household income has dropped 8.1 percent since that time.  So what does all of this mean?  It means that American families ARE getting poorer.
Yes, the stock market has been soaring, corporate profits have set all-time records in recent years and the big Wall Street banks that were showered with bailout money are absolutely thriving.
But there has been no economic recovery on “Main Street”.

According to the Sentier Research report mentioned above, incomes have been declining in all geographic regions of the country and in all sectors of the economy….
-Median household income for the self-employed has fallen 9.4 percent since June 2009.
-Median household income for private sector employees has fallen 4.5 percent since June 2009.
-Median household income for government workers has fallen 3.5 percent since June 2009.
-Median household income for Americans living in the West has fallen 8.5 percent since June 2009.
-Median household income for Americans living in the Northeast has fallen 4.9 percent since June 2009.
-Median household income for Americans living in the South has also fallen 4.9 percent since June 2009.
-Median household income for Americans living in the Midwest has fallen 1.1 percent since June 2009.
Remember, the recession supposedly ended in June 2009. READ MORE


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A reformar el Seguro Social... de una vez! Paga beneficios a hijos de millonarios sin necesidad!

Muchos aspectos del Seguro Social se remontan a 1939 y reflejan un Estados Unidos que hace mucho no existe. Uno de esos aspectos es el pago de beneficios del Seguro Social a niños menores de edad, incluso si sus padres son millonarios.

He aquí un claro ejemplo: los cheques del Seguro Social enviados a los tres hijos menores del Representante Pete Stark (D-CA). Stark tiene 80 años, gana $174,000 anuales como Miembro del Congreso y tiene una fortuna personal de alrededor de $27 millones. Sin embargo, sus hijos reciben y continuarán recibiendo sus cheques del gobierno hasta que cumplan 18 años.

Stark no está haciendo nada ilegal ni indigno, simplemente así es como funciona el Seguro Social de hoy en día. Los beneficios para hijos y esposas se crearon en el año 1939, cuando en la mayoría de las familias, sólo el esposo tenía un trabajo. Cuando este dejaba de trabajar, la familia no tenía otros ingresos salvo un pequeño cheque del Seguro Social. Los beneficios para los niños estaban pensados para permitirles seguir en la escuela en lugar de tener que ir a trabajar para sustentar a sus familias. Nadie esperaba que esos beneficios se repartiesen a los hijos de millonarios.

Hace mucho tiempo que se debió reformar meticulosamente el Seguro Social para que se ajuste a la realidad del siglo XXI. Casi 30 años (toda una generación) hace desde que el Congreso revisó por última vez el Seguro Social, en 1983. En un momento de déficits presupuestarios de billones de dólares anuales y de un programa de Seguro Social que se enfrentará tanto a un déficit de liquidez de $300,000 millones anuales dentro de pocos años como a una reducción de los beneficios del 25% a partir de entonces, simplemente no nos podemos permitir usar unos recursos tan escasos para pagar beneficios a personas tan ricas.

Este es sólo uno de los problemas del decrépito programa del Seguro Social. Otro es que millones de americanos con bajos ingresos reciben un beneficio por parte del Seguro Social que está por debajo del umbral de pobreza después de trabajar y pagar impuestos durante los 35 años necesarios. READ MORE

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RNC Backup Plan: Just Read Obama's 2008 Promises From the Podium

28 Aug 2012

If, as George Orwell once observed, the greatest enemy of any left-wing government is its previous propaganda, then Barack Obama’s most fearsome enemy is a small volume his campaign published in 2008: Change We Can Believe In: Barack Obama's Plan to Renew America's Promise. I bought it after Obama won the presidency that November, and it makes for very entertaining--and somewhat sad--reading nearly four years later.

Among the many promises Obama makes are the following: “Send Rebate Checks of $1,000 to American Families,” “Staff the Government Based on Talent, Not Political Loyalties,” and “Eliminate North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Programs.” Some of the pledges combine hubris with bad policy: “Create Five Million New Green Jobs,” “Create Automatic Workplace Pensions.” Others are just silly: “Create a ‘Craigslist’ for Service.”

No matter who you are, there’s a broken promise in this book for you. Seniors? Obama promised to “Preserve Social Security” and “Put Medicare on Solid Footing.” Greens? Obama said he would “Rally the World to Stop Global Warming.” Chicago residents? Obama pledged to “End the Dangerous Cycle of Youth Violence.” The scale of Obama’s cult of personality can be measured by the wide scope of his disappointments today.

There is one promise, however, that stands out among the others, and best defines the failure of the Obama presidency: the promise to “Jump-start our economy with a $50 billion stimulus plan that would put money directly in the pockets of families struggling with rising food and mortgage payments.” The actual stimulus, as passed in early 2009, was nearly 18 times as big and did little to help struggling families or the economy itself. READ MORE

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