domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

Media won't tell Obama is Losing...Internet Use TAX!!!... Recesión Inminente

Story the Media Won't Tell: Obama Is Losing

25 Aug 2012 

Actions speak louder than polls…

It's 8:21 on a Saturday morning and according to this photo snapped by Sharon Broadie, this is the size of the crowd that showed up in Powell, Ohio, (just outside of Columbus) to see Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan:
Here's a look at the line to get in, and another look at the crowd from another source. And a real jaw-dropper.
Meanwhile, President FailureTeleprompter is relegated to rationalizing his lack of turnout into a "deliberate" desire for smaller, more intimate crowds. Yeah, that sounds like the Mr. Greek Column we've all come to know and grow tired of.
Meanwhile, the media refuses to report on the size of either side's crowds.
Meanwhile, across the country, the documentary film "2016" has just opened wide on over 1,000 screens and in the heart of Hollywood's biggest season hit #3 at the box office.
Meanwhile, though their Media Palace Guards assure us this is not the case, the Obama campaign's increasingly desperate and shrill campaign is acting more and more like a campaign so far behind and so in fear of losing, they feel they have nothing to lose. From "felon" to "chains" to "Mitt killed my wife" to one bald-faced lie after another, President Obama has forsaken the dignity of the office and -- should he win a second term --  all hope of bringing the country together after the kind of scorched-earth campaign only the terrified wage.
Meanwhile, the media is behaving in a manner no less shrill and desperate than their Presidential Master. When the unemployment rate increases, the media tells us that's a good thing. When the economy shrinks from 4.1 to 1.5%, the media still call it "the recovery." When an idiot in Missouri says something stupid about rape and abortion, the media launches into a week-long narrative accusing Republicans of being soft on rape.
Meanwhile, Obama supports infanticide. Romney opposes abortion except in cases of rape, incest and when the mother's life is at risk. Yesterday CNN released a poll showing 62% of the American people agree with Romney and only 32% with Obama.
This morning the media was still painting Romney-Ryan as the out-of-touch extremists on this issue.
Meanwhile, yesterday, Mitt Romney made a birth certificate quip and within thirty-minutes those few words received more media attention (and phony outrage) than the record number of American casualties currently mounting in Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, as the clock runs down and campaign days grow more and more precious, three days ago, the Obama campaign felt it was a good use of the Vice President to send him to the supposedly safe state of Minnesota.
Meanwhile, yesterday, Mitt Romney was in the true blue state of Michigan.
Something is happening in this country -- something both the Obama campaign and its media cronies know is happening but won't acknowledge.
What's happening is on the ground and not yet quantifiable in polling that doesn’t yet have its sea legs. But it's out there and it's real and before the media and President Obama are forced to acknowledge it, they're spending every bit of their dignity and credibility and integrity to kill it.
Red State's Erick Erickson senses it too.


FCC Launching Huge Internet Tax

Kurt Nimmo August 26, 2012

Julius Genachowski and the FCC: gaining “necessary participation” by raiding the pocketbooks of internet consumers.
Get ready for another transfer of wealth via government confiscation. The FCC is ready to tax internet service in order to fund its Connect America Fund boondoggle.
As is usually the case in corporatist nations – Mussolini told us corporatism is the essence of fascism – mega-corporations support this brazen theft.
“Numerous companies, including AT&T, Sprint and even Google have expressed support for the idea,” reports The Hill today.
The scheme is nothing new. “Consumers already pay a fee on their landline and cellular phone bills to support the FCC’s Universal Service Fund.” The “Service Fund” was devised as yet another grand socialist enterprise “to ensure that everyone in the country has access to telephone service, even if they live in remote areas.”
In 2011, appointed apparatchiks at the FCC “overhauled a $4.5 billion portion of the Universal Service Fund and converted it into a broadband Internet subsidy, called the Connect America Fund. The new fund aims to subsidize the construction of high-speed Internet networks to the estimated 19 million Americans who currently lack access.”
It hardly seems relevant that the FCC lacks statutory authority over broadband. Nowadays, just about the entire government – from Obama’s executive orders to the “Super Congress” – runs by dictatorial fiat.
The FCC’s illegal power grab supported by transnational telecoms has already resulted in the sort of abuses that are routine when the government inserts itself in the business realm. READ MORE

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Es inminente otra recesión

Ayer, la Oficina de Presupuesto del Congreso (CBO) informó de que sin lugar a dudas, Estados Unidos tendrá una nueva recesión el próximo año a menos que el Congreso y el presidente lo impidan.
Nos vamos a enfrentar a la más amplia subida de impuestos de la historia, el “Armagedón Fiscal”, que está previsto que entre en vigor el 1 de enero así como a lo que los expertos están denominando un “precipicio fiscal” de agudos e implacables cambios presupuestarios que hundirán al país en picado. El Congreso y el presidente tienen el poder de impedir esto y cuando se acabe el receso de agosto del Congreso, eso es exactamente lo que deberían hacer.

En su nuevo informe, la CBO indicó que si el Congreso no actúa, no es el crecimiento económico de lo que deberíamos preocuparnos, ya que la economía realmente se contraerá el próximo año. Se contraerá un 0.5% y la tasa de desempleo alcanzará un máximo del 9.1%. Como explica el analista de la Fundación Heritage J.D. Foster:
Olvídese de los porcentajes, ¿qué significa eso en pérdida de empleos reales si el presidente Obama y el Congreso no actúan? Significa que casi 1.6 millones más de americanos estarán sin trabajo, además de los 12.8 millones que ahora mismo quieren trabajan pero no encuentran un empleo.


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