jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

Ryan's Masterful Speech...Obama's Economic Collapse...La Doctrina Obama

Ryan's Masterful Speech: A Fireside Chat With a Nation in Crisis

29 Aug 2012 

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a politician connect with a nation quite like Paul Ryan did it tonight. Ryan has the simple charisma of sincerity. It helps that he is adept at explaining complicated subjects in clear, concise language. But there is something more there, a skill that I’m not sure can be taught or rehearsed. It’s a way of relating to the world, to other human beings--even family and intimate friends--through ideas. Through reason.

It’s a form of leadership we rarely see. In 2008, Barack Obama impressed pundits with his intellect and rhetoric, but beyond his high-flown hyperbole, much of what he offered was mere sophistry. Obama is a man of words, not ideas--of letters but not leadership, as Ryan pointed out tonight. Ryan’s own ideas are not only substantively better but also seem more deeply felt, more passionate and authentic--without trying too hard to be so.

Ryan’s commitment to ideas includes respect for ideas with which he disagrees--which is different than Obama’s skill in reciting (or distorting) opposing arguments merely to undermine them. During the Occupy protests in the fall of 2011, Ryan surprised many conservatives by declining to criticize them, defending their rights to express their views. It was a “safe” answer--but it was not a dodge. It was fundamental to who Ryan is.

The emptiness of Obama’s words is most exposed in the emptiness of his humor, which either pokes fun at his opponents or elevates himself through self-deprecating jokes that  have all the self and little of the deprecation. By contrast, Ryan has a natural wit that he used in his speech, gently making fun of Mitt Romney’s music tastes as a way of telling Americans how serious the senior running mate is about his commitment to his goals.

It has been a very long time since Americans have met a leader who uses ideas not to dazzle, not to appeal to our heads but to our hearts as well. That leadership is not quite unprecedented, but you have to go back a long way to uncover it. To John F. Kennedy, perhaps, whom Ryan evokes with his good looks and straightforward talk. Or perhaps to FDR, for Ryan’s speech tonight was nothing if not a fireside chat with a nation in crisis.

A final note. I find it difficult to be objective about Ryan’s speech; I was emotional throughout, partly because he is one of the few politicians I have been able to call a friend, and it is simply overwhelming to see a friend on that stage. But I was also moved because Ryan is doing something extraordinary. Not stopping the oceans, or righting all historic wrongs, but reminding us that we are, uniquely a nation of ideas. What a blessing.

Wayuu Messenger Bag


Obama Has Stolen $5.3 Trillion From Our Children In Order To Make Himself Look Good

Michael Snyder
The Economic Collapse
Aug 30, 2012

Barack Obama has destroyed the future of America in order to improve his chances of winning the next election.  Under Obama, 5.3 trillion dollars has been ruthlessly stolen from our children and our grandchildren.

That money has been used to pump up the debt-fueled false prosperity that we have been experiencing.  When the U.S. government borrows money that it does not have from someone else (such as China) and spends that money into the economy it is going to make our economic numbers look better.  Even if the government spends that money on incredibly stupid things, it still gets into the hands of average Americans who in turn spend that money on food, gas, clothes, etc.  If we were to go back and take that extra 5.3 trillion dollars out of the U.S. economy, I guarantee you that we would be in a rip-roaring depression right now.  We would look a lot like Greece at this point.  For several years Greece has been raising taxes and cutting government spending in an attempt to balance the budget and these austerity measures have resulted in an unemployment rate of over 23 percent and an economy that has contracted by close to 25 percent.

Most Americans don’t want to go through pain like that so they are okay with continuing to financially rape our children and our grandchildren.  Just imagine how you would feel if your parents died tomorrow and you found out that they had left you with a million dollar debt that you were legally obligated to pay off.  How would you feel, knowing that you had just been sold into debt slavery for the rest of your life?  Well, that is how our children and our grandchildren are going to feel.  We are destroying the greatest economic machine the world has ever seen, we are accumulating the biggest mountain of debt in the history of the planet, and the coming economic collapse that we have caused is going to wipe out the promising future that our children and our grandchildren were supposed to have.  If they get the chance, future generations of Americans will curse us bitterly and will spit on our graves.  What we are doing to our children and our grandchildren is the kind of stuff that horror movies are made of.  You should be ashamed of yourself America.

The federal budget deficit for 2012 will be larger than the entire U.S. national debt was 30 years ago.  In 1982 Ronald Reagan was in the White House and the U.S. national debt was considered to be a tremendous national crisis.  But somehow we have allowed our national debt to grow from about a trillion dollars back then to approximately $16,000,000,000,000 today.
By the end of Obama’s first term, the U.S. national debt will have grown more than it did from the time that George Washington became president to the time that George W. Bush became president.
That is hard to believe.

Obama is going to outdo all the presidents from George Washington through Bill Clinton in just one term.
Amazing. READ MORE

La Doctrina Obama en acción

Un Estados Unidos más pobre, más pequeño, más humilde y menos influyente, esa es la visión de Estados Unidos que sostiene Barack Obama según el escritor Dinesh D’Souza, que disertó el pasado jueves en la Fundación Heritage acerca de su nuevo libro sobre el 44º presidente de la nación: Obama’s America: Unmaking the American Dream (El Estados Unidos de Obama: Deshaciendo el sueño americano).
El incisivo análisis del libro llega a muchas conclusiones sobre la Doctrina Obama que son similares a las de los documentos de la Fundación Heritage.

Muchas de las medidas y normativas de Obama pueden parecer incompresibles viniendo del líder de la nación más poderosa del mundo. Por tanto, a menudo se atribuyen a su torpeza e ineptitud. Sin embargo, según D’Souza, este es un presidente que no buscaba el más alto cargo del país para conservar la grandeza y el liderazgo americanos. En cambio, la principal filosofía inspiradora de Obama está profundamente enraizada en el anticolonialismo.

D’Souza ve al presidente como alguien que está empeñado con éxito en una visión oculta por la retórica política para la mayoría de los americanos que votaron por Obama. Desde la perspectiva de Obama, comenta D’Souza, Estados Unidos es demasiado rico, consume demasiado de los recursos del mundo, es demasiado fuerte en términos militares y tiene que ser reducido a su lugar adecuado entre aproximadamente las ocho principales naciones del mundo. “Él quiere…un Estados Unidos en declive de modo que otras naciones se puedan subir”.

En términos de política interior, esto explica por qué el presidente ni siquiera se ha inmutado mientras la deuda nacional se dispara en billones. Si la aplastante carga de esta deuda causa un declive nacional, toda la responsabilidad será suya. Y en términos de política exterior, ese análisis explica cuestiones como:

· ¿Por qué Obama parece alinearse frecuentemente con los rivales de Estados Unidos y oponerse a sus aliados? Un ejemplo sorprendente es la decisión de la administración Obama de cancelar el acuerdo con Polonia para la defensa antimisiles adoptado por la administración Bush. Mientras tanto, el presidente fue cazado por una cámara diciéndole al presidente ruso Dmitri Medvédev que dispondría de “mayor flexibilidad” tras las elecciones de noviembre. Otro ejemplo es el respaldo de la administración a Argentina en su disputa con Gran Bretaña sobre las Islas Malvinas, un giro de 180 grados en la posición política de Estados Unidos. Los dictadores del Medio Oriente han sido derrocados, pero enemigos como Irán y Siria reciben un tratamiento permisivo.

· ¿Por qué la administración se empeña en desmontar el arsenal nuclear de Estados Unidos mientras otras naciones están o bien manteniendo los suyos o bien aumentándolos? El presidente ve nuestro arsenal nuclear como la mayor amenaza global, no el de Rusia, ni el de Corea del Norte ni el de Irán. La Cumbre de Seguridad Nuclear de 2010 del presidente fue una reunión exclusivamente de aliados de Estados Unidos, pues Irán y Corea del Norte ni siquiera fueron invitados. READ MORE



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