sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

Hoping for Change...Medios de Descomunicación...GOP and Internet Freedom

Sean Hannity: Stephen K. Bannon's 'The Hope and The Change' 'Most Powerful Documentary I've Ever Seen'

24 Aug 2012

This evening on Fox News’ "Hannity," Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon, director of "The Hope & the Change," David Bossie of Citizens United, producers of the film, and adviser Pat Caddell appeared to discuss the massive disillusionment of Democrats and independents with President Barack Obama – and their film, which details that disillusionment in devastating detail.

The show opened with a promo of former Obama voter after former Obama voter decrying Obama’s horrible record and their own disappointment with the Obama administration. “I fear for my children,” says one. “I’m exhausted, and I’m tired,” says another.
The film will premiere on Tuesday at the Republican National Convention in Tampa.
“This is the most powerful documentary I’ve ever seen in my life,” said Sean Hannity. “There’s no way that anybody who watches this film can vote for Barack Obama. It’s impossible. You bring us back and walk us through the whole election cycle.”
Bannon explained that the goal of the film was to “go through the journey of [the] lives [of Democrats and independents] and go through the journey of the last four years.” Bossie added, “People bandy about the Reagan coalition. That’s who these people are. If Republicans can learn to speak to middle America, these people, they’ll win a lot of elections.” And Caddell pointed out, “these are people who were in the middle… but they believed. They invested a great deal of hope… What is shocking is hearing their own words.”

Bannon pointed out the emotion of the massive wave of 2008. “President Obama, for a moment in time, had something that was very unique in American history,” said Bannon. And then the moment was gone, as "The Hope & The Change" shows.
Caddell explained, “The thing these people wanted was to unite the country. They wanted to change how politics worked… What they describe, what you see in the film, how they feel about the country, what they worry about the future, what they’re going through in their own lives… [There are moments] when you want to cry. When I wanted to cry… Nothing was scripted, nothing was programmed.”
“This,” says Caddell, “is the voice of America.”

The media coverage of these people – the disillusioned middle class, the betrayed Democrats and independents who voted for Obama – has been egregiously meager. But "The Hope & The Change" shows they’re there. In fact, they’re everywhere. These were folks who wanted a United America. And now America is divided. “I believe President Obama’s and David Axelrod’s strategy of dividing the country… at best, if he does win, it will be a pyrrhic victory,” Bannon pointed out.
The images of Americans suffering under President Obama are indeed heartbreaking -- Americans cutting out cable, cutting out restaurants, turning down gifts for their children. This is the despair of the Obama economy. And The Hope & The Change puts these stark images before the eyes of voting Americans. “Maybe he just doesn’t quite understand budgets,” says one woman, “because he hasn’t had to live within a budget.” READ MORE



Medios de comunicación: Dándole una mano a la reforma de la asistencia social de Obama

Desde que el 12 de julio los analistas de la Fundación Heritage Robert Rector y Kiki Bradley destaparon la historia de que la administración Obama había vaciado de sus requisitos laborales a la ley de reforma de la asistencia social de 1996, la administración lo ha estado negando. En semanas recientes, todos los “verificadores de información” de los medios de comunicación han saltado declarando que la primicia de la Fundación Heritage es “falsa”.
Los principales medios de comunicación (el más reciente, la CNN) han estado haciendo el trabajo sucio en defensa de la nueva redacción de la ley de reforma de la asistencia social del presidente Obama. Puesto que estos supuestos guardianes del gobierno están haciendo de perritos falderos, la Fundación Heritage continuará proporcionando los datos y realizando la información investigativa.
Rector ya ha desacreditado las afirmaciones de la administración de que no se vació la reforma de la asistencia social y de que los gobernadores republicanos trataron de hacer lo mismo en 2005. Ahora, está desmontando pieza a pieza la defensa de la administración de su nueva normativa de dispensas con una nueva serie de documentos.

La afirmación: las nuevas reglas incrementarán aún más el trabajo
Los “verificadores de información” de la CNN afirman que “De un modo marginal, las dispensas podrían cambiar precisamente cómo se calcula el trabajo pero el objetivo esencial de impulsar a los beneficiarios de la asistencia social hacia el empleo (algo en lo que tanto demócratas como republicanos estuvieron de acuerdo en los años 90) sigue siendo el mismo”.
Esa es exactamente la defensa realizada por la secretaria del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos (HHS), Kathleen Sebelius: que dispensar a los estados de los requisitos laborales de la asistencia social según el programa de Asistencia Temporal para Familias Necesitadas (TANF) aún requerirá que los estados introduzcan a los beneficiarios de la asistencia social en el mundo laboral. Ella sostiene que los estados tendrán que “comprometerse a que sus propuestas trasladarán al menos a un 20% más de personas desde la asistencia social hasta el empleo, comparado con el anterior desempeño del estado”. READ MORE

Wayuu iPad SleeveWayuu iPad Sleeve 

Campaign buttons are displayed at the RNC State Chairman's National Meeting in Scottsdale, Ariz., Friday, April 20, 2012. Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is scheduled to speak at the meeting. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
Republicans could soon champion the protection of Internet Freedom as an official party issue, The Daily Caller has learned. Language in the final draft of the Internet freedom proposal was obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller.
The language was finalized on Tuesday, a source in the Republican Party told The Daily Caller, but it awaits party approval next week at the upcoming Republican National Convention.
Approval of the newly finalized draft language, however, would make the party the first of the two dominant political parties to fully and officially embrace Internet freedom. It also signals what Republicans view as important and necessary to keep the Internet open and free.
“Internet Freedom”, according to the finalized draft language, would entail the removal of “regulatory barriers” for technology businesses, resistance to international governance of the Internet and the “constitutional protection” of personal data.
“We will remove regulatory barriers that protect outdated technologies and business plans from innovation and competition, while preventing legacy regulation from interfering with new technologies such as mobile delivery of voice and video data as they become crucial components of the Internet ecosystem,” said the finalized draft.
“We will resist any effort to shift control away from the successful multi-stakeholder approach of Internet governance and toward governance by international or other intergovernmental organizations,” it said.
“We will ensure that personal data receives full constitutional protection from government overreach and that individuals retain the right to control the use of their data by third parties,” it said.
Progressive and Democratic proponents of a regulation-laden approach to the Internet have long dominated the direction of the tech policy discussion in Washington.

Having tried to make a claim over the term with their own brand of freedom from corporate influence over the Internet, some progressive and left-leaning libertarian advocacy groups have even gone so far as to promote a Declaration of Internet Freedom that codifies those principles.
Republicans have only recently ramped up efforts to dominate the conversation in bold fashion in recent months.
The GOP efforts are currently being modeled on the recent stance taken by the Ron Paul-founded Campaign For Liberty’s Technology Manifesto, as well as more right-of-center libertarian tech policy voices.
These voices include TechFreedom president Berin Szoka, Mercatus Center senior research fellow Adam Thierer, Associate Director of Technology Studies at the Competitive Enterprise Institute Ryan Radia, and Netcompetition president Scott Cleland.

It is also modeled off of the efforts of Republican politicians in both chambers of Congress.
California Republican Representatives Mary Bono Mack and Darrell Issa, Tennessee Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn, Oregon Republican Rep. Greg Walden, Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul and Michigan Republican Rep. Fred Upton are some of leaders in the House on Internet issues.
Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, Texas Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul have lead Republican efforts in the Senate.

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