martes, 21 de agosto de 2012

Who really wants to Control Women...Ecuador the beacon of free speech gives asylum to a Sex offender...Obama against the military!

Let's Talk About Who Wants To Control Women

20 Aug 2012 

Democrats are desperate to change the subject from their losing battle on Medicare to government control of health. GOP Senate Candidate Todd Akin made a ridiculous comment regarding his opinion on rape and abortion after which Democrat incumbent Claire McCaskill and the DNC claimed that Akin wants to control women's bodies. This coming from the woman and party who championed Obamacare, a law that will legitimately control all women's bodies, and men's bodies, too. 

To wit: Robert Gibbs confirms the existence of the so-called "death panels" -- an unelected board comprised of people who will determine your health care needs.
Under Obamacare women's decisions on their health will be overseen by a litany of bureaucrats. There exists no privacy in Obamacare; HHS will know your health history and each doctor who treats you will too, regardless of discipline:
The law doesn't guarantee that contraceptives or morning-after pills are covered. It's up to the president. That means any future president could decide not to cover them. (Sec. 1302)
The wide variety of views expressed by the current presidential candidates should alert women not to surrender their insurance choices to the discretion of one person. By compelling you to enroll in a one-size-fits-all plan, that's what the Obama health law does. Read More

Wayuu iPad Sleeve Wayuu iPad Sleeve 

Antiamericanismo: Ahora respaldado por Ecuador

Ayer, el creador de WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, australiano de 41 años que está huyendo de unas acusaciones de violación sexual, se plantó en el balcón de la embajada de Ecuador en Londres y le dijo al presidente de Estados Unidos que lo dejara en paz.
“Le pido al presidente Obama que haga lo correcto: Estados Unidos debe renunciar a su caza de brujas contra WikiLeaks”, comentó Assange.
Se trata de una atrevida afirmación que llega de boca de un individuo patético, comenta la analista de la Fundación Heritage Helle Dale.
Assange se quería enfrentar al gobierno más poderoso del mundo al publicitar cantidades ingentes de documentos sensibles del gobierno de Estados Unidos en su página web WikiLeaks. En realidad, demostró no ser más que un hombrecillo egocéntrico, más bien sórdido, con un complejo de mártir que lo ha llevado a reclamar asilo político en un caso que posiblemente nadie podría justificar.
Mientras Assange está eludiendo las acusaciones de delito sexual en su contra por parte de Suecia escondiéndose en la embajada ecuatoriana, Bradley Manning, el soldado de Estados Unidos que confió en Assange y que de manera ingenua le pasó miles de datos militares americanos sobre Afganistán, se enfrentará a la justicia. Como observa Dale:
Las ironías abundan en este caso. Assange afirma que WikiLeaks es una herramienta para la libertad de expresión. Pero el gobierno ecuatoriano de Rafael Correa es famoso por no permitir unos medios de comunicación libres. Assange afirma que su objetivo es la transparencia del gobierno, pero los gobiernos contra los que está peleando (el sueco, el británico y el americano) son sólidamente democráticos, algo que difícilmente se puede decir el régimen comunista de Ecuador.

Necesita Dinero?...Ayuda Economica Temporal del Banco Social

Obama Adds Military Heroes to 'Enemies List'

21 Aug 2012

President Barack Obama has added military heroes to his “enemies list,” singling out veterans’ groups such as Special Operations for America and Veterans for a Strong America on his campaign website, much as he singled out donors to Republican rival Mitt Romney for attack. Several veterans’ groups have spoken out against the Obama administration’s habit of taking credit for the Osama bin Laden raid and leaking military secrets for political gain--so the Obama campaign is trying to shoot the messenger. 

The charge made by the Obama campaign is that the veterans’ groups are “Swift Boat 2.0”--referring to the group that launched a series of ads (never refuted) in 2008 contesting claims by then-Democrat presidential candidate John Kerry about his war record. Left-wing groups aligned with the Obama administration have even gone so far as to call the U.S. Navy Seals “gutless” for their participation in criticism of Obama.
Ryan Zinke (above, in 2006), a member of the Montana state Senate and a U.S. Navy SEAL from 1985 to 2008, told Breitbart News: “It's a sad time for America when a President has to resort to bully tactics, intimidation, and misleading personal attacks against anyone who dares to speak out and be heard. The good thing is Americans have a long history of defeating tyrants.”
Joel Arends, recipient of the Bronze Star and chair of Veterans for a Strong America, said:
The president's team is more serious about labeling a group of veterans as “swift boaters” than they are about going after the leakers in his administration.  The reality is as simple as it is disturbing - American lives are now in danger because this White House under the leadership of President Obama have leaked vital national security secrets.  And instead of appointing a special prosecutor - this President dispatches his campaign team to smear a group of vets looking out for their buddies in uniform. It just shows the lack of seriousness on the part of this administration.
If they want to call us swift boaters because we are looking out for our buddies on the battlefield that's fine with me - we'll take the political body blows for our comrades in order to ensure that the American people fully understand our position on the issue and see the administration's intransigence on this issue.

 Arawak raw Bag Arawak Raw Bag

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