viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012

Are we in Bankrupcy already? Is the Obama-Biden plan the right track?

The Obama Bankruptcy

Aug 17, 2012 • By IRWIN M. STELZER
The end of Medicare and Medicaid as we know them—through reform, the Ryan way, or -bankruptcy, the Obama way. The direction of the country—via the Romney-Ryan right track, or the Obama-Biden wrong track. Those are the choices, made stark by the addition of Paul Ryan to the Republican ticket.
Barack Obama
Anyone who thought that the selection of Paul Ryan would force the president and his team to abandon purely negative campaigning had better think again. The presence of Ryan on the ticket has merely changed the target of Obama’s negative campaign from Mitt Romney’s performance at Bain Capital to Paul Ryan’s plans to make sense of our fiscal condition and preserve Medicare, unchanged for those 55 years old and over, reformed for other Americans. The Obama campaign remains stuck on negative, claiming that Ryan would destroy Medicare and Medicaid “as we know them.” How Obama would preserve these programs “as we know them” remains a deeper secret than his well-publicized cyberattacks on Iran. The simple fact is that existing entitlements, gobbling ever-larger portions of our GDP, cannot survive “as we know them.”
I am reminded of a wonderful scene in an Elaine May movie (A New Leaf) in which Walter Matthau’s attorney is trying to explain to him that he has squandered his entire huge inheritance. To which an uncomprehending Matthau, waving a check that has bounced, replies that his check must be honored, a position he maintains despite his lawyer’s repeated explanation that, having spent more than the income from his inheritance for many years, he has no more capital: “You don’t have any money.”
President Obama certainly cuts a more elegant figure than the late, rumpled Walter Matthau, but he, too, has no money to back his spending plans. Which is why the Democrats are sticking to their negative campaign rather than saying just how they propose to save these entitlements as we know them. Matthau solved his problem by marrying an extraordinarily wealthy heiress; Obama has solved his problem—our problem—by borrowing almost 40 cents to cover every dollar he spends. That can’t go on, and won’t be solved by soaking the rich: Squeeze them dry and he won’t affect the rounding error in his deficits. Read More



NBC, CBS, ABC Lead Evening Broadcasts with Romney Tax Returns, Again

17 Aug 2012 at Breibart

On Thursday, the FBI revealed that the man who shot a guard at the Family Research Council's Washington, D.C. building had 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches in his bag, worked for an LGBT organization, told his parents he had  "strong opinions with respect to those he believes do not treat homosexuals in a fair manner," and uttered, "I don't like your politics" before opening fire. FRC President Tony Perkins accused the Southern Poverty Law Center, which had labelled the FRC a hate group, of giving the shooter "license" to carry out his actions. 

Further, rumors were swirling that President Barack Obama would replace Vice President Joe Biden with Hillary Clinton. These rumors became more intense in light of a litany of gaffes by Vice President Joe Biden, the most prominent of which was when he told an audience in which half the attendees were black in a Virginia city known for its history of racial tension that Republicans were "gonna put y'all back in chains."
One would think the mainstream media networks would have struggled over which of these two significant stories they would lead their Thursday evening broadcasts with.
Yet, since these two stories hurt Obama, the evening broadcasts of NBC News, ABC News, and CBS News (all three!) led with stories about Romney's tax returns, further proving that the mainstream media, far from being the neutral arbiters they so desperately claim to be, wears the same jersey as the Obama campaign.

Wayuu One Color Medium Bag Wayuu Bag  

DREAM: Hay que resolver los retos de la inmigración

El día 15 de agosto entró en vigor la normativa de la administración Obama de acción diferida para los denominados “soñadores” (DREAMers) , es decir, personas que entraron el país siendo menores de edad y que se hallan en situación ilegal.
La normativa, anunciada por el presidente Obama el 15 de junio, permitirá que hasta 1.7 millones de inmigrantes ilegales que fueron traídos a Estados Unidos cuando eran menores soliciten permanecer en Estados Unidos durante dos años sin tener que enfrentarse a una deportación.
Aunque elogiado por algunos como “uno de los cambios más radicales en la política de inmigración en décadas”, el programa (llamado Consideración de la Acción Diferida para los Llegados durante su Infancia) hace poco por solventar realmente los retos migratorios de la nación.
Más que unir a la nación con soluciones para un importante problema de este país, el presidente Obama escogió eludir el proceso legislativo y abusar de la libertad que el presidente tiene con la actual ley, en un intento de implementar de modo efectivo amplias secciones de la legislación de la ley DREAM, que ha sido estudiada y rechazada por Congresos controlados tanto por los demócratas como por los republicanos.
Como cuestión de normativa, hay formas razonables de abordar los casos de los niños que fueron traídos ilegalmente por sus padres a Estados Unidos a una edad muy temprana, unas formas que son coherentes con los principios conservadores de reforma de la inmigración. De hecho, el sistema migratorio de Estados Unidos está deshecho y con una necesidad extrema de reforma. Los líderes de nuestra nación deberían trabajar juntos para encontrar soluciones efectivas, razonables y proinmigración para salvaguardar las fronteras de la nación, fomentar el estado de derecho y administrar un sistema de inmigración y naturalización justo y positivo. Read More

Tiene una Emergencia Económica...Banco Social, Un Verdadero Banco

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