lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

The Left Hypocrisy

I'm Waiting For The Left To Start Calling Black Church Leaders 'Bigots'

Black church leaders have condemned the President's words on same sex marriage from the pulpit: Just days after President Barack Obama announced his support for same-sex marriage, pastors and priests around Maryland took to their own pulpits with their reaction– and in some cases– condemnation of the president.

Everyone who fits the progressives' White Anglo-Saxon Protestant stereotype of conservatives is referred to as a bigot if he or she disagrees with the President on SSM. So when will the left say the same of black church leaders? Obama is already trying to patch up the damage.
It's a similar story to that of Prop 8: the left zealously attacked the Mormons but said little of the black community who voted overwhelmingly for Prop 8.
Progressives found themselves in a quandary: if they criticized the black or hispanic communities they would look like racists. Their way out was to focus the entirety of their hatred onto Mormons, the safe group to attack. The strategy worked.
Will a similar strategy work again? As progressives celebrate the President's words on gay marriage (but say nothing of his refusal to add it to the DNC platform, so nothing at all has changed) how will they handle the voices from the black community who are criticizing the President's hastily-organized stance? Will they try to buy off more preachers?

Dems Attack Romney Over Layoffs Made by Obama Bundler

Realizing that Obama's reelection is in serious jeopardy, the President's campaign today released a two-minute ad slamming Mitt Romney for layoffs made at a company controlled by Bain Capital. The ad is built around interviews with former steelworkers at GST Steel, a mill in Kansas City, who were laid off as the company collapsed in the wake of a downturn in the steel market. The ad is certainly gripping and emotional. It is also, however, completely wrong. 

The company was shut down in 2001. Romney left Bain in 1999, long before the plant closing, to run Winter Olympics. Two years is an eternity in the business world. Blaming Romney for decisions made two years after the left the company is at best disingenuous.
However, there was a political power-player serving as a director of Bain at the time of the company's bankruptcy and layoffs--Jonathan Lavine. Lavine joined Bain in 1993. He is currently Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer. He is also a major bundler for Barack Obama, raising between $100-200k for the his reelection. While we don't know the specific role Lavine had in decisions regarding the bankrupt company, he certainly had more influence than someone who had left Bain two years before.
Perhaps Obama should use some of Lavine's donations to help the steelworkers featured in his ad.

François Hollande, the One Percent Socialist

French voters are learning that their newly-elected Socialist president, François Hollande owns three homes on the French Riviera, according to the Daily Mail:

France's new Socialist president owns three holiday homes in the glamorous Riviera resort of Cannes, it emerged today.
The 57-year-old who 'dislikes the rich' and wants to revolutionise his country with high taxes and an onslaught against bankers is in fact hugely wealthy himself.
His assets were published today in the Official Journal, the gazette which contains verified information about France's government.
Hollande's "one percent socialism" comes as a surprise to much of the French electorate, to whom he sold himself as a common man with empathy for their economic circumstances.
Once again, socialism proves itself a luxury good.
Not surprisingly, the Agence France-Press news agency describes Hollande's assets as "modest."

Wanna Reach to Hispanics? 

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