domingo, 27 de mayo de 2012

New Study from U.K. Think Tank Shows How Big Government Undermines Prosperity

But hope springs eternal. To help make the case, I’ve cited research from international bureaucracies such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and European Central Bank. And since most of those organizations lean to the left, these results should be particularly persuasive.
I’ve also cited the work of academic scholars from all over the world, including the United States, Australia, and Sweden.

The evidence is very persuasive that big government is associated with weaker economic performance.

Now we have some new research from the United Kingdom. The Centre for Policy Studies has released a new study, authored by Ryan Bourne and Thomas Oechsle,  examining the relationship between economic growth and the size of the public sector. Read More

The real issue is that a over 50% of the people thinks that Governments creates wealth!!! It is OUR Money they take off the market to later decide whom to promote, who has their same interests and will donate back to the campaign when needed!

Foreign Agents Creep into U.S. & Canada Under Integration Scheme


Alex Newman New American May 27, 2012
As the so-called trilateral North American “integration” process marches onward toward an ever-closer union between the governments of Canada, the United States, and Mexico, national law enforcement agents are slowly creeping across borders through a variety of shadowy schemes. Going forward, that trend is set to accelerate, according to officials, who say government functionaries may soon be able to chase and arrest suspects outside of their own nations. But critics of the controversial plan are fighting back with increasing urgency.

U.S. and Canadian authorities have already spent millions of dollars on “pilot projects” seeking to blur national borders in the field of policing. Almost 150 so-called “cross-border” officers have been trained so far, according to a report published this month byEmbassy magazine. Meanwhile, the Shiprider program — officially known as “Integrated Cross-border Maritime Law Enforcement Operations” — has been active since 2009, when high-ranking bureaucrats from the United States and Canada signed the agreement without even obtaining legislative approval.
“Shiprider removes the international maritime boundary as a barrier to law enforcement by enabling seamless continuity of enforcement and security operations across the border, facilitating cross-border surveillance and interdiction, and serving as both a force multiplier and, potentially, as a model for other U.S./Canadian cross-border (integrated) enforcement and security initiatives,” the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) says about the scheme on its website. Read More

Explore the opportunities of the Free Trade agreement with Colombia...

El Gráfico de la Semana: Manirroto

Esta semana salió una noticia de esas que lo dejan a uno con la boca abierta. Ante la prensa, el vocero de la Casa Blanca Jay Carney dijo este miércoles: “Este presidente ha sido…ha demostrado una importante templanza fiscal y ha actuado con gran responsabilidad fiscal”.
En la administración Obama parecen fieles creyentes de no permitir que la realidad les malogre un buen titular, porque, después de los billones despilfarrados de esta administración, es sorprendente que ahora nos salgan con esto.

Como muestra El Gráfico de la Semana, este presidente nos ha dado déficits presupuestarios sin precedentes: Basta con que Ud. mire el récord de sus predecesores, ni siquiera en tiempos de guerra habían sido tan manirrotos con el dinero del contribuyente.
No importa lo que la retórica electoral inspire en estos días, los hechos puros y duros hablan de una realidad distinta a la que nos quieren pintar. El presidente ha gastado demasiado y por el camino, nos ha endeudado mucho más de lo imaginado.  Lo mejor que podríamos empezar hacer para alterar este rumbo a la bancarrota es empezar a frenar el gasto. Así evitamos terminar en la triste situación de Europa. Pero en año electoral, nos ofrecerán que nos van a dar más cosas, aunque no tengan con qué pagarlas.
Si quiere saber más sobre la deuda, el gasto y el déficit, no deje de visitar El Presupuesto Federal en Gráficos (2012) de Estados Unidos

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