sábado, 12 de mayo de 2012

Devastating Graph Reveals Obama's Unemployment Economy

Of the 13.3 million Americans who were unemployed in the first quarter of 2012, a staggering 29.5% have been out of work for 52 weeks or more (the official definition of long-term unemployment).   As the Pew Charitable Trusts point out, that works out to roughly 3.9 million people, or more than the population of Oregon.

James Pethokoukis of the American Enterprise Institute blog has posted a devastating graph depicting the spike in long-term unemployment since President Barack Obama took office.
Since 1967, the previous 1983 high for long-term unemployment rate  was less than half what it is today under Barack Obama.
Economists say high long-term unemployment rates are especially dangerous.  As time out of work increases, a worker's skills and knowledge of new technologies grow rusty, making them less attractive to employers and therefore less likely to re-enter the workforce.  As Ingrid Schroeder, director of the Pew Fiscal Analysis Initiative at the Pew Charitable Trusts explains:
"When you look at the overall long-term unemployment rate in early 2008, it was about 9.5 percent.  And when you look at where we are today, at 29.5 percent, you expect it to be worse [than where it was at the beginning of the recession], but it's more than triple where it was at the beginning of the Great Recession."

Mike Adams

May 11, 2012
The following announcement has been issued by the Raw Milk Freedom Riders. A call to action for Monday, May 14th is also included below. The Minnesota government is taking its cue from California and declaring war on fresh milk, threatening to throw moms in jail for providing fresh food to infants and families. Here’s the announcement:

Minneapolis, MN — Several Minnesota mothers who organize community access to local fresh farm foods plan to risk criminal charges by openly and publicly defying warnings from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA). The MDA has threatened several mothers, conducted investigations against them and sent them warning letters that if they continue helping provide fresh food to their friends and neighbors, they will be subject to criminal charges and prosecution. The MDA alleges the Mothers are violating food-handling regulations. Dozens of individuals who are disgusted with what they regard as MDA’s overly aggressive tactics are expected to join in the same activity as these mothers.

“It is absolutely outrageous that during this time of economic crisis our state government is investigating and sending warning letters to mothers and putting farmers on trial who are helping provide communities with fresh foods. It is my right to contract privately with a farmer for the food of my choice just as it is the right of every American,” says Melinda Olson a mother and recipient of one of the MDA’s letters. “The MDA’s harassment against mothers will not work. We plan to ignore this warning and continue operating as we are. MDA should not waste taxpayer money investigating, prosecuting and jailing peaceful farmers and mothers for helping their communities secure fresh foods. Our time to stand up against this tyranny is now!” Read more at: http://www.infowars.com/minnesota-moms-threatened-with-criminal-charges-for-distributing-fresh-food-from-local-farms/

How to Avoid Your Next Money Crisis: A 5-Step Prep Plan

Money crisisWhat's a surefire way to inspire yourself to clean the house? Schedule a party. And there's nothing like unexpected visitors to get the job done even faster.

Deadlines -- or out-of-the-blue events -- are also great motivators when it comes to financial housekeeping. Baby on the way? Adjustable mortgage rate about to re-set? Portfolio allocation all out of whack? Household income suddenly cut in half? Give us a pressing reason to get our money affairs in order, and the job may just get done.

But there's a big difference between getting it done quickly and getting it done right. Financial frenzies come in many flavors. But the most common triggers that send folks into money triage mode are the death of a loved one, divorce/marriage, dealing with complex financial products, and preparing for retirement.

These life/money events are fraught with emotion and unfamiliar challenges, and there is no more lethal cocktail than anxiety, complexity and a tight deadline. Even worse, spur-of-the-moment money decisions often lead to even bigger problems down the road. Read more: http://www.dailyfinance.com/2012/05/09/how-to-avoid-your-next-money-crisis-a-5-step-prep-plan/

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