lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012

I am Catholic and I truly respect every individual right to a personal religious believe. I just want to stress out that we are mostly attacked for not being open, liberal and progressive enough to go with the flow. 



There are some religious organizations that already have everything the left, progressives and liberals asked for: 

Many want the Catholic Church to be progressive thus be more inclusive ... those who think this way are not true Catholics. As the church whose values ​​are immutable because they were established by Jesus and the tradition of the Church, we progress intellectually within the specified set of values. It is very tough to stick to these values and be Catholic but it is what keeps us tied, together. If you seek more inclusiveness in our church, LOVE is the word and we are full of it. Get to know us. However, everyone has multiple choices and there are plenty of offers; I am in full freedom to go to them and accommodate my beliefs to values ​​more convenient ... so we are in a free "Market".

If we used the logic of those who say we must change, WHY "Inclusive" Protestant Churches are loosing so many followers. WHY?
The best examples are the Episcopalians, Anglicans United States. In ten years have lost 30% of his parishioners. A third of its parishes meets less than 40 people for making a single liturgical celebration on Sunday. Cathedrals are empty and parishioners are looking elsewhere. 
If things go according to the apparently overwhelming logic that people use, the Episcopalians, among others, should have temples overflowing and masses of parishioners. They have married priests, since 1930 accepted contraception, since 1976 have priestesses, since 1989, bishops, since 2000 ceased to consider adultery a sin, and in 2003 ordained a gay bishop living with a partner; in 2006 accepted gay marriage; in 2010 ordered a lesbian bishop active and, of course, are pro-abortion. They have, therefore, everything every religious ordained or lay people and, theologians and, wildly progressive Catholics, ever wanted,  BUT there are no parishioners. I ask again, Why? 
The answer to this question was given, bravely, by the Pope at a meeting in Erfurt (Germany) with key Lutheran leaders of their country. "Because OUR desire to approach the world our way, going away from God, HIS word, HIS message..."

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