viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

The Real Facebook Investing Story: How Advisers and Investors Are Using Social Media

Posted 3:56PM 05/18/12 Posted under: Facebook, Market News
InvestmentsInvestment adviser Mark Matson's firm manages more than $3 billion for thousands of investors, and he's a big believer in coaching those clients in the art of prudent financial planning.

But the CEO of Matson Money isn't doing the majority of that advising to people facing him across a mahogany desk or in a wainscoted boardroom at his Mason, Ohio, offices. He's spreading his message on Facebook, Twitter and LiveStream.

Matson is part of a growing trend, one that may make the age-old gripe that financial advisers aren't responsive enough a thing of the past: High-net-worth investors are increasingly connecting with their money managers on social media.

"Today's investor is inundated with so many messages from Wall Street pundits and it's most important for them to understand that prudent investing is rarely the message being offered," Matson said. "That is why each week I employ social media to explain complex investing issues with solid, down-to-earth values that simply make sense."

What Investors Want

Yes, a lot of investors may have put money into a certain lavishly-hyped IPO stock Friday, but plenty of them see Facebook less as a "buy" than as an investing tool.

They have recognized that there's a lot more to do on Facebook than just "liking" pictures of your friend's new baby or tending your livestock in Farmville. Read More
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