lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012

Flawed Pharma Study Demonizing Vitamins and Minerals Debunked

Patrick Gallagher - -  Monday, May 28, 2012
It seems that some people will do just about anything to get ahead, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise when a mostly falsified study is released to put down what is primarily known as a fundamentally healthy and intelligent choice.

Unfortunately, people still will try to spread discord amongst their fellow man in an apparent attempt to get ahead; sacrificing the good of the people is unfortunately a small price to pay for an insurmountably large personal gain, in many cases. This dishonest act can be seen in one such case of misinformation – a ‘study’ performed in order to bring the market for multivitamins and other very respectable health supplements down a notch.
In the article Iowa Women’s Health Study, much of the piece takes many things that are widely known as beneficial within a large number of vitamin supplements, and links some of these to various deaths in which people with diseases would essentially overdose themselves on vitamins in a desperate grab to fight off the disease. The article then discounts the fact that many people do not even use vitamins except for when they are sick, wrongfully linking an absurd amount of deaths directly to the use of vitamins and other supplements. As an example, a person was diagnosed with a life threatening disease, and in a sense of sheer panic began using as much as 40 supplements all at once, going up from using literally nothing the previous day. This example was then taken out of context and used as a source of evidence that supplements are in fact potentially deadly – a completely biased and ridiculous claim! Read More
Read: Why nearly ALL vitamin studies are worthless

Todavia hay personas que dudan que el regimen Cubano, como el Chino, es Comunista. 

Una fuerza en pro de la libertad desde China hasta Cuba 
El sábado por la noche, el activista legal chino, Chen Guancheng, ciego desde la infancia, llegó a Newark, Nueva Jersey, tras escapar a siete años de persecución en China. Con la dulce tierra de la libertad bajo sus pies, Chen respiró el aire libre y remarcó: “Deberíamos enlazar nuestros brazos para continuar en la lucha por la bondad en el mundo y para luchar contra la injusticia”. La recién encontrada libertad de Chen es un motivo de celebración, pero también es un recordatorio de que Estados Unidos debe seguir siendo una fuerza en pro de la libertad en el mundo, ya sea al otro lado del mundo o a 150 kilómetros de las costas de Florida.
Chen, abogado autodidacta de 40 años, estuvo encarcelado durante cuatro años, fue puesto bajo arresto domiciliario y sufrió palizas después de dar voz a la oposición contra la normativa de un solo hijo de la China comunista, que tiene como consecuencia abortos forzados por el gobierno, esterilizaciones bajo coacción y multas o abusos físicos contra los vecinos y familiares de las mujeres con embarazos no autorizados. El mes pasado, Chen escapó del control de las autoridades chinas y encontró refugio en la embajada de Estados Unidos. Después de una serie de negociaciones, Chen y sus familiares cercanos ganaron su libertad y ahora es un investigador de temas legales en la Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad de Nueva York.
El caso de Chen trae a la luz la realidad de la China de hoy en día: un país que ha sido transformado radicalmente durante los últimos 30 años gracias al desarrollo económico. Pero a pesar de todo lo que ha cambiado el país, muchas cosas siguen igual. El analista de la Fundación Heritage Walter Lohman explica que:

China también es un lugar que no ha cambiado desde la masacre de 1989 en la plaza de Tiananmen en lo referente al respeto por los derechos fundamentales de su pueblo. A veces esto es difícil de creer para los diplomáticos, académicos, empresarios y turistas que pasan algún tiempo allí. Asimismo, hay muchos chinos acomodados y de mundo que tampoco lo ven.
La República Popular de China es una nación autoritaria y, sí,  “comunista”. Esta China es la realidad de cada día para Chen. Y es una realidad brutal para muchos cientos de millones más. Las relaciones entre Estados Unidos y China nunca serán normales mientras el régimen chino sea como es.

Read More  Lee este Articulo en Ingles

Obama’s Ironic European Lecture

Europe is in bad shape, there’s no doubt about it. The sovereign debt crisis continues to roil the continent, Greece may leave the euro, Spain may have to revise its budget deficit upward for the second time because of bad loans, and France has a new socialist president pledging more spending instead of austerity. So when the G8 leaders met last week, President Obama had some words of advice to offer — “Look at me and learn from my stellar example!”
OK, that’s a paraphrase, but his actual words aren’t all that much different. No joke, the president who has presided over a downgraded credit rating, three years without a budget, an exploding deficit, an entitlement system desperately in need of reform, and an unemployment rate still over 8 percent has painted himself as a model for others to follow.
Quite remarkably, the president bragged that he has worked to “bring down our deficits and debt over the longer term” while staying “focused on growing the economy and creating jobs in the immediate term.” Though he acknowledges that “Of course, we still have a lot of work to do,” he says that now there’s “room to take a balanced approach to reducing our deficit and debt, while preserving our investments in the drivers of growth and job creation over the long term — education, innovation, and infrastructure for the 21st century.”
In other words, because of his supposed successes, America can afford to spend even more money on stimulus.
It’s hard to say whether the president’s intended audience was the leaders of the G8 or the American electorate, but regardless of who it was, there’s not much for Obama to brag about.
In the past four years, unemployment has gone up, more people are unemployed longer, gas prices are higher, the cost of health care insurance has increased, the national debt is higher, federal spending has increased, more Americans are on food stamps, regulatory costs are higher, home values have declined, America’s economic recovery is historically slow, and while federal spending on education has increased, results remain flat. You can see for yourself just how bad America’s fiscal outlook is in Heritage’s 2012 edition of the Federal Budget in Pictures.
Though Europe needs solutions, they certainly shouldn’t be looking at President Obama for the answers.

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