miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

Obama Nazi death camp gaffe 'hurt all Poles': PM

Poland's prime minister said Wednesday that remarks by President Barack Obama erroneously identifying a Nazi death camp as Polish had hurt all Poles and he expected more from the US than "regret".
"I am convinced that our American friends can today allow themselves a stronger reaction than a simple expression of regret from the White House spokesman -- a reaction more inclined to eliminate once and for all these kinds of errors," Donald Tusk told reporters in Warsaw.
Obama on Tuesday mistakenly called a Nazi facility used to process Jews for execution as a "Polish death camp." The White House later said the president "misspoke" and expressed "regret".
The linguistic faux pas overshadowed his posthumous award of America's highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, to Jan Karski, a former Polish anti-Nazi underground officer who provided the Allied powers with early eyewitness accounts of the Germany's Holocaust against Jews.
Obama's words had "hurt all Poles," Tusk said Wednesday.
"Today this is a problem for the reputation of the United States. This can be an opportunity for the US administration and for President Obama to support Poland in its activity for historic truth," Tusk added.
The Polish government keenly watches the global media for descriptions of former concentration camps as "Polish" because it says the term -- even if used simply as a geographical indicator -- can give the impression that Poland bore responsibility for Nazi Germany's World War II genocide.
Although located in Poland, Nazi Germany's most notorious World War II death camp -- Auschwitz -- was set up and run entirely by German dictator Adolf Hitler's occupying forces from 1940 to 1945.
While most of the camp's 1.1 million victims were Jews deported from other German-occupied nations, the Nazis sent at least 300,000 Polish Jews there.
Polish Jews represented around half the six million killed in the Holocaust.
Until 1942, the camp was primarily a prison and killing centre for non-Jewish Poles such as resistance members. An estimated 75,000 died there, out of around 2.6 million non-Jewish Poles who perished under the Nazi German occupation of their country. Taken from

Iran to build new nuclear plant by early 2014: TV


Iran is to build a new nuclear power plant, alongside its sole existing one in the southern city of Bushehr, by early 2014, state television reported on Sunday, quoting the head of the country's Atomic Energy Organisation.

"Iran will build a 1,000-megawatt nuclear power plant in Bushehr next year," the television quoted Fereydoon Abbasi Davani as saying. He was referring to the Iranian calendar year running from March 2013 to March 2014.

The current Bushehr nuclear plant was started by German engineers in the 1970s, before Iran's Islamic revolution, and was completed by Russia, which continues to help keeping it running and provides fuel for it.

In addition, Iran has a research reactor operating in Tehran that is used to make medical isotopes for patients with cancer and other illnesses.

A new Bushehr plant would boost electricity production in Iran, which has some of the world's biggest reserves.

State television made its announcement in the wake of talks in Baghdad on Wednesday and Thursday between Iran and world powers that focused on Tehran's controversial nuclear programme.

Those talks almost collapsed because of the very different positions held by the two sides, but agreement was finally reached to hold another round in Moscow on June 18-19.

Iran insists its nuclear programme is exclusively peaceful and aimed at producing energy and medical isotopes.

The world powers -- the Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States -- suspect the programme could include work towards developing a nuclear weapons capability, and they have backed UN Security Council resolutions calling on Iran to curb its activities. From Breitbart

Constitución viviente: Los progresistas atrapados en su propia trampa


Sabemos que los “progresistas” están a favor de lo que ellos llaman “constituciones vivientes”, documentos de gobierno que se cambian fácilmente para adaptarse a los cambiantes gustos de los votantes. A veces se apoyan en los jueces para “dar vida” a la Constitución, como hizo la Corte Suprema en 1965 en el famoso caso Griswold v. Connecticut.
Sin embargo, algunos también parecen estar deseando constituciones muertas. El jueves, un entrevistador, Jeremy Hobson, de la radio pública nacional NPR tuvo una idea interesante: “Tengo que decir que cuando hablo con amigos de todo el país, miran este     sistema en California y que dicen: bueno, ¿ simplemente por qué no botan la Constitución [estatal] que exige que los votantes aprueben todo lo que hacen?”. Esa fue la pregunta de Hobson para el gobernador de California,  Jerry Brown (D).

Pero Brown pareció darse cuenta de que no le queda de otra que quedarse con el documento “perfeccionado” por sus antecesores progresistas.
“¿Por qué no botamos esta constitución y ya?”, respondió Brown. “Se ha hecho ya en varios países y se llama golpe de estado. Mire Ud., esto es una democracia, se le pueden hallar fallos pero en comparación con la parálisis en Washington, por lo menos tenemos un árbitro de última instancia, y es el pueblo mismo”.
Brown y sus colegas progresistas están viéndose obstaculizados por el sistema que ellos mismos han diseñado. Será interesante ver en qué acaba todo esto.

Que mas quisieran los Democratas!!!

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