martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

The Last Sip!

Evidence: Trayvon Had Bruised Knuckles, Zimmerman Broken Nose


The medical report from George Zimmerman’s family doctor after the Trayvon Martin shooting shows that Zimmerman’s nose was broken; he also had a pair of black eyes, two lacerations on the back of his head, a bruised upper lip, and a back injury. He was examined by the doctor the day after the shooting. The three-page medical report will likely be used as evidence for the defense.

Meanwhile, the Trayvon Martin autopsy shows that other than his gunshot wound, the only injury on Martin was that the skin on his knuckles was broken. Combined with the evidence from Zimmerman's medical report, the logical conclusion is that Martin was beating up Zimmerman severely before Zimmerman shot him.

Zimmerman was eager to get back to work, and visited the doctor, according to ABC News, to “get legal clearance to return to work.” Zimmerman was not hospitalized the night of the shooting. As ABC News reports, “In addition to his physical injuries, Zimmerman complained of stress and ‘occasional nausea when thinking about the violence.’” The doctor made notes suggesting that it was “imperative” that Zimmerman visit a “psychologist for evaluation.” Read More

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