jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

Mitt Romney Visits Solyndra Amid Attack on Obama Jobs Record

Mitt Romney Visits Solyndra Amid Attack on Obama Jobs Record: “The reason for keeping it quiet is because we knew if word got out that Solyndra would do everything in their power and the Obama administration would do everything in their power to stop us from having this news conference,” an aide said in a...

Why is The Democratic Party loosing support?

Artur Davis, Former Black Caucus Member, Switches to GOP


Artur Davis was first elected to Congress from Alabama in 2002. The Harvard Law School grad was quickly tapped as a rising star among Democrats. He became a Senior Whip for the caucus, co-chair the New Democrat Coalition and even headed up the Southern region for the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee. His eight years in Congress showed him to be a thoughtful, independent and energetic member. Yesterday, he announced he is now a Republican.

Davis made the announcement on his blog. His own words speak louder than anything I could write.
But parties change. As I told a reporter last week, this is not Bill Clinton’s Democratic Party (and he knows that even if he can’t say it).  If you have read this blog, and taken the time to look for a theme in the thousands of words (or free opposition research) contained in it, you see the imperfect musings of a voter who describes growth as a deeper problem than exaggerated inequality; who wants to radically reform the way we educate our children; who despises identity politics and the practice of speaking for groups and not one national interest; who knows that our current course on entitlements will eventually break our solvency and cause us to break promises to our most vulnerable—that is, if we don’t start the hard work of fixing it.
On the specifics, I have regularly criticized an agenda that would punish businesses and job creators with more taxes just as they are trying to thrive again. I have taken issue with an administration that has lapsed into a bloc by bloc appeal to group grievances when the country is already too fractured: frankly, the symbolism of Barack Obama winning has not given us the substance of a united country. You have also seen me write that faith institutions should not be compelled to violate their teachings because faith is a freedom, too. You’ve read that in my view, the law can’t continue to favor one race over another in offering hard-earned slots in colleges: America has changed, and we are now diverse enough that we don’t need to accommodate a racial spoils system. And you know from these pages that I still think the way we have gone about mending the flaws in our healthcare system is the wrong way—it goes further than we need and costs more than we can bear.
Taken together, these are hardly the enthusiasms of a Democrat circa 2012, and they wouldn’t be defensible in a Democratic primary. But they are the thoughts and values of ten years of learning, and seeing things I once thought were true fall into disarray. So, if I were to leave the sidelines, it would be as a member of the Republican Party that is fighting the drift in this country in a way that comes closest to my way of thinking: wearing a Democratic label no longer matches what I know about my country and its possibilities.
Do read the whole thing.
Barack Obama campaigned on changing politics in America. He certainly succeeded, but not in the way he or his supporters envisioned. Over the past decade, the progressive left has pulled off a hostile takeover of the Democrat party. Today's party is not the one of just a generation ago.
Artur Davis didn't leave the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party left Artur Davis.

Read Artur Davis complete post

We are GOOD .... The left wants to tell us different!

Couple gives Houston waiter $5,000 tip

While most people had three days off this weekend for Memorial Day, one waiter is very glad he was working.

That's because one of his customers left a tip of more than 18,000 percent.
"I'm just humbled by it, that's all," D'Amicos Italian Cafe waiter Greg Rubar said.
Rubar still can't believe how his bad luck turned into good fortune.
"I think it was three or four weeks ago, it was a Friday night, it was raining really hard," he said.
Rubar was heading home a few weeks ago when high water ruined his car.
"The way I work, hours I work, it was very hard to take the bus, I was taking a cab a lot," he said.
Rubar has worked at D'Amicos for 16 years and one couple in particular have become very good customers over the past eight years. Rubar told them about his car problem but never expected what would happen this past Saturday.
"They just came in and gave me money to buy a car, told me to go buy a car with it," Rubar said.
Those longtime customers gave Rubar an envelope, filled with $5,000 in cash.
"It's enough money to go buy you a nice car. I didn't even look at it. I was hesitant about it, but he said, 'No you take it and buy you a car!'" Rubar said. "People can be generous, you know? They told me they felt like I deserved this."
Rubar says no one has ever done anything like this for him. His boss is overwhelmed at the generosity of the two customers.
"And also that we have staff that our customers feel so close to that they could willingly and wantingly do something like that for them," the restaurant's VP Brina D'Amicos said.
Rubar says another customer is helping him select a used vehicle to buy. He also has a message for his two special friends.
"Thank you very, very much. I mean I did need it and I'm gonna buy a car with it; that's what that money's gonna go to -- every cent," he said.
The two customers wish to remain anonymous. Rubar has not seen them since they gave him the money. Rubar says he plans to get his new vehicle soon.
(Copyright ©2012 KTRK-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.) 
Check out Colombia and the new Free Trade Agreement...Reach Out 

90,000 Murdered for Being Catholics!!! All being covered up and rarely mentioned

Bozell Column: Viva Cristo Rey!

By Brent Bozell | May 29, 2012 

Brent Bozell's pictureWhen I first heard For Greater Glory (originally titled Cristiada, which I prefer) was being shot I was stunned – and skeptical. It could never be produced by Hollywood. In fact, it wouldn’t be a theatrical release, maybe a short documentary, certainly with a small budget. On the former I was correct: it was made in Mexico. On the latter I was wrong. It’s a full-fledged, major motion picture, with grade-A talent. And it’s wonderful.

The cast includes Andy Garcia, Eva Longoria, Peter O’Toole (in a cameo role as a murdered priest, the octogenerian is splendid), Ruben Blades and Mexican star Eduardo Verastegui. This is serious stuff.
The movie depicts the Mexican Cristero uprising against the military dictatorship of President Plutarco Calles between 1926 and 1929. Calles was an ardent anti-Catholic in a nation dominated by Catholics. At his command Catholic churches were ordered shuttered, the Mass outlawed and many priests murdered.

The most famous moment in the struggle, not depicted in the film, was the martyrdom of Padre Miguel Pro, ordered shot by firing squad by Calles in 1927, with the heart-wrenching final moments (Pro kneeling in prayer, then standing, his arms extended in the sign of the cross as bullets shatter him, Pro shot point blank when the fusillade didn’t kill him) photographed by order of the Presidente. Padre Pro was beatified by Pope John Paul II the Great in 1988.

I was shown the early trailers because of the family connection. My grandfather Will Buckley Sr. was a strong supporter of the Cristeros. A devout Catholic with business interests in Mexico and an ardent love of that country, so much so that he planned to move his family there, Buckley provided materiel aid to the impoverished peasants. Some things we know to be true. He was targeted for assassination; his oil leases were expropriated by the government; he was expelled. Others are in question: that there was actual attempt to kill him (another version has it that the assassins turned and offered him assistance should he want someone capped); that a train he hired to smuggle in arms from El Paso (maybe) became lost, wandered about at night, ultimately found its way back to El Paso and the weapons were confiscated; and that his heirs were also banished but don’t tell my cousin who has been practicing law there for decades.

You know nothing of this uprising? Not to worry, virtually no one does. That included the primary actors. Garcia tells the Huffington Post he knew nothing, but understands it, given that the same catastrophe befell native Cuba, where it “was not only the taking away of religious rights, they curtailed and took away all rights.” Even Verastegui, a fervent Catholic, admits he was ignorant of this struggle because of the Mexican public school system. That has changed now thanks to the soft-spoken and elegant Mexican real estate developer-turned-producer Pablo Jose Barroso.

Much is being written about the timing of the movie’s release in the wake of the Obama administration’s anti-religious mandate and on the eve of the bishops’ planned “Fortnight for Freedom” June 21 through July 4. The timing is extraordinary but fortuitous. The movie was planned before President Obama’s assault against the Catholic Church.

But just the idea of the connection brings out the worst in the secularist press. Slant magazine pans it as a film “that gives the screen epic a bad name.” It attacks the “solemn speechifying,” the “overstuffed cast of characters,” the “half-baked material,” and given “this religion is specifically Catholic… [the movie] …makes the material a tough sell.” When Garcia’s character ultimately converts to Christianity, “we’re back to embracing a worldview where the implied mandate to practice Catholicism feels near as onerous as the inability to do so.”



miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

The War on Baby Girls: Part 1 - Undercover in Texas

Obama Nazi death camp gaffe 'hurt all Poles': PM

Poland's prime minister said Wednesday that remarks by President Barack Obama erroneously identifying a Nazi death camp as Polish had hurt all Poles and he expected more from the US than "regret".
"I am convinced that our American friends can today allow themselves a stronger reaction than a simple expression of regret from the White House spokesman -- a reaction more inclined to eliminate once and for all these kinds of errors," Donald Tusk told reporters in Warsaw.
Obama on Tuesday mistakenly called a Nazi facility used to process Jews for execution as a "Polish death camp." The White House later said the president "misspoke" and expressed "regret".
The linguistic faux pas overshadowed his posthumous award of America's highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, to Jan Karski, a former Polish anti-Nazi underground officer who provided the Allied powers with early eyewitness accounts of the Germany's Holocaust against Jews.
Obama's words had "hurt all Poles," Tusk said Wednesday.
"Today this is a problem for the reputation of the United States. This can be an opportunity for the US administration and for President Obama to support Poland in its activity for historic truth," Tusk added.
The Polish government keenly watches the global media for descriptions of former concentration camps as "Polish" because it says the term -- even if used simply as a geographical indicator -- can give the impression that Poland bore responsibility for Nazi Germany's World War II genocide.
Although located in Poland, Nazi Germany's most notorious World War II death camp -- Auschwitz -- was set up and run entirely by German dictator Adolf Hitler's occupying forces from 1940 to 1945.
While most of the camp's 1.1 million victims were Jews deported from other German-occupied nations, the Nazis sent at least 300,000 Polish Jews there.
Polish Jews represented around half the six million killed in the Holocaust.
Until 1942, the camp was primarily a prison and killing centre for non-Jewish Poles such as resistance members. An estimated 75,000 died there, out of around 2.6 million non-Jewish Poles who perished under the Nazi German occupation of their country. Taken from

Iran to build new nuclear plant by early 2014: TV


Iran is to build a new nuclear power plant, alongside its sole existing one in the southern city of Bushehr, by early 2014, state television reported on Sunday, quoting the head of the country's Atomic Energy Organisation.

"Iran will build a 1,000-megawatt nuclear power plant in Bushehr next year," the television quoted Fereydoon Abbasi Davani as saying. He was referring to the Iranian calendar year running from March 2013 to March 2014.

The current Bushehr nuclear plant was started by German engineers in the 1970s, before Iran's Islamic revolution, and was completed by Russia, which continues to help keeping it running and provides fuel for it.

In addition, Iran has a research reactor operating in Tehran that is used to make medical isotopes for patients with cancer and other illnesses.

A new Bushehr plant would boost electricity production in Iran, which has some of the world's biggest reserves.

State television made its announcement in the wake of talks in Baghdad on Wednesday and Thursday between Iran and world powers that focused on Tehran's controversial nuclear programme.

Those talks almost collapsed because of the very different positions held by the two sides, but agreement was finally reached to hold another round in Moscow on June 18-19.

Iran insists its nuclear programme is exclusively peaceful and aimed at producing energy and medical isotopes.

The world powers -- the Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States -- suspect the programme could include work towards developing a nuclear weapons capability, and they have backed UN Security Council resolutions calling on Iran to curb its activities. From Breitbart

Constitución viviente: Los progresistas atrapados en su propia trampa


Sabemos que los “progresistas” están a favor de lo que ellos llaman “constituciones vivientes”, documentos de gobierno que se cambian fácilmente para adaptarse a los cambiantes gustos de los votantes. A veces se apoyan en los jueces para “dar vida” a la Constitución, como hizo la Corte Suprema en 1965 en el famoso caso Griswold v. Connecticut.
Sin embargo, algunos también parecen estar deseando constituciones muertas. El jueves, un entrevistador, Jeremy Hobson, de la radio pública nacional NPR tuvo una idea interesante: “Tengo que decir que cuando hablo con amigos de todo el país, miran este     sistema en California y que dicen: bueno, ¿ simplemente por qué no botan la Constitución [estatal] que exige que los votantes aprueben todo lo que hacen?”. Esa fue la pregunta de Hobson para el gobernador de California,  Jerry Brown (D).

Pero Brown pareció darse cuenta de que no le queda de otra que quedarse con el documento “perfeccionado” por sus antecesores progresistas.
“¿Por qué no botamos esta constitución y ya?”, respondió Brown. “Se ha hecho ya en varios países y se llama golpe de estado. Mire Ud., esto es una democracia, se le pueden hallar fallos pero en comparación con la parálisis en Washington, por lo menos tenemos un árbitro de última instancia, y es el pueblo mismo”.
Brown y sus colegas progresistas están viéndose obstaculizados por el sistema que ellos mismos han diseñado. Será interesante ver en qué acaba todo esto.

Que mas quisieran los Democratas!!!

PA TV song glorifies violence against Israel: "The revolution calls to i...

martes, 29 de mayo de 2012

The Last Sip!

25 Signs That The Smart Money Has Completely Written Off Southern Europe

    Michael Snyder
    The Economic Collapse

    When it comes to the financial world, it is important to listen to what the “smart money” is saying, but it is much more important to watch what the “smart money” is actually doing.

    The ultra-wealthy and those that run the biggest financial institutions on the planet are far more “connected” to what is really going on in financial circles behind the scenes than you and I could ever hope to be.  But if we watch their behavior we can get clues as to what they think is about to happen.  As is the case with so many other things, if you want to figure out what is really going on in Europe, just follow the money.  And right now, money is rapidly flowing out of southern Europe and into northern Europe.  In fact, some large corporations are now pulling the money that they make in Greece during the day out of the country every single night.  It is becoming increasingly clear that the upper crust of the financial world considers a Greek exit from the euro to be “inevitable” and that it also considers much of the rest of southern Europe to be a lost cause.  Unfortunately, a financial collapse across southern Europe is also likely to trigger another devastating global recession.
    Even though all the warning signs were there, very few people actually expected to see the kind of financial crisis that we saw back in 2008.
    But it happened.
    Now very few people actually expect another “Lehman Brothers moment” to happen in Europe although the warning signs are all around us.
    Sadly, most people never want to believe the truth until it is too late.
    The following are 25 signs that the smart money has completely written off southern Europe….
    #1 Lloyd’s of London is publicly admitting that it is rapidly making preparations for a collapse of the eurozone.
    #2 According to the New York Times, top global law firms are advising their clients to withdraw all cash and all other liquid assets from Greece….
    So their advice is blunt: Remove cash and other liquid assets from Greece and prepare to take a short-term hit on any other investments.
    “My personal view is that it is irrational for anyone, whether a corporation or an individual, to be leaving money in Greek financial institutions, so long as there is a credible prospect of a euro zone exit,” said Ian M. Clark, a partner in London for White & Case, a global law firm that has a team of 10 lawyers focusing on the issue.
    #3 According to CNBC, large numbers of wealthy Europeans have been moving their money from banks in southern Europe to banks in northern Europe….READ MORE

    Bankers Want To Keep Greece Mired In Depression

    Astounding quote lifts veil on elite’s arrogance
    Paul Joseph Watson - Infowars.com - Tuesday, May 29, 2012

    An astounding quote buried at the bottom of a CNBC article lifts the lid on the arrogance of the global banking elite and their desire to see Greece remain mired in depression.

    The article, entitled Greece to Leave Euro Zone on June 18: Wealth Manager, focuses on Integral Asset Management’s Nick Dewhirst’s contention that Greece will exit the single currency the day after national elections on June 17 if the populist party is victorious.
    However, in the very last paragraph of the story we read;
    “Kit Juckes, global head of foreign exchange at Societe Generale, told CNBC’s “Worldwide Exchange” (see video above) that the best outcome was “the status quo.” “A Greek economy in depression, austerity that guarantees they’ll stay in depression and living on life support from the rest of Europe is the best,” he said.”
    As the representative of Societe Generale, one of Europe’s biggest banks, Juckes is brazenly admitting that the elite would rather see Greece rot and decline into a failed state than allow her to leave the euro and become economically independent once again.
    Juckes’ quote also underscores how the austerity measures imposed on Greece by European technocrats are not in the country’s best interests at all and are in fact designed to keep Greece’s economy under the dictatorial control of the banking elite.
    As we have previously documented, the biggest fear amongst technocrats is not for the welfare of the Greek people in the event of bank runs and panic engendered by an exit from the euro, but that a post-euro Greek economic recovery would provide a good example for other countries in the eurozone to follow.
    In a Financial Times piece written by Arvind Subramanian, a Senior Fellow at the Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics, which counts amongst its directors numerous influential Bilderberg members, including former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker, former United States Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, and Bilderberg kingpin David Rockefeller, the elite’s true concerns over a ‘Grexit’ are perfectly encapsulated. READ MORE

    Get to know Colombia...Opportunities open for American Business. Check out

    20 Signs That Society Is Beaking Down And That America Has Been Overrun By Psychos

    Michael Snyder - American Dream

    In order for a society to function successfully, people need to be able to trust one another.  Unfortunately, we are rapidly getting to the point where it is very difficult to trust anyone and society is breaking down.

    Just think about it.  Do you trust most politicians?  Do you trust most lawyers?  Do you trust most bankers?  Do you trust the police?  As you will read about below, even doctors are going absolutely bonkers these days.  So if the “upper crust” of society cannot even be trusted, then what about everyone else?  Sadly, the truth is that America has been overrun by psychos.  Most people look somewhat “normal” when you meet them, but unfortunately very few people have pure motives these days.  You never know when someone is going to stab you in the back (literally or figuratively).  These days, most people simply do whatever is right in their own eyes, and that makes society a very unpredictable place.  As the economy continues to fall apart in future years, people are going to become even more desperate, and that is going to cause all of this craziness to get even worse.
    Almost everywhere you look, there are signs of societal decay.  During an interview last year, trends researcher Gerald Celentemade the following statement….
    “Society is breaking down on every level: socially, economically, politically and it’s not just the U.S. It’s worldwide.”
    Sadly, he hit the nail right on the head.  There is not a single segment of society that the rot of social decay has not touched.  A lot of people want to put all of the blame on “the politicians” or “the bankers”, but the truth is that many of us are just as corrupt as they are.  Instead of pointing fingers, many of us need to look in the mirror.
    You might find some of the examples in the list below to be a bit humorous, but a very serious point is being made here.
    America is being fundamentally changed, and not for the better.
    The following are 20 signs that society is breaking down and that America has been overrun by psychos….
    #1 Cannibalism is alive and well in America apparently.  Down in Miami the other day, police shot a man who was literally eating the face off of another man….
    “The guy was, like, tearing him to pieces with his mouth, so I told him, ‘Get off!’” Vega said. “The guy just kept eating the other guy away, like, ripping his skin.”
    Vega flagged down a Miami police officer, who he said repeatedly ordered the attacker to get off the victim. The attacker just picked his head up and growled at the officer, Vega said.
    As the attack continued, Vega said the officer shot the attacker, who continued chewing the victim’s face. The officer fired again, killing the attacker.
    It is being reported that the victim in this crime has lost about 75% of his face.
    #2 Down in Florida recently, a crazed doctor spit a mouthful of blood on state troopers during a DUI arrest.  It is quite frightening when even doctors are displaying this kind of psychotic behavior…. READ MORE

    Tax Cuts Stimulate Sweden

    Since the beginning of the recession, academics, authoritative international institutions, and most government officials pushed for massive stimulus spending. Sweden bucked the trend, focusing instead on slashing marginal tax rates and peeling government back. How did it fare?
    The Spectator reports:
    While most countries in Europeborrowed massively, Borg did not. Since becoming Sweden’s finance minister, his mission has been to pare back government. His ‘stimulus’ was a permanent tax cut. To critics, this was fiscal lunacy — the so-called ‘punk tax cutting’ agenda. Borg, on the other hand, thought lunacy meant repeating the economics of the 1970s and expecting a different result.
    Three years on, it’s pretty clear who was right. ‘Look atSpain,Portugalor theUK, whose governments were arguing for large temporary stimulus,’ he says. ‘Well, we can see that very little of the stimulus went to the economy. But they are stuck with the debt.’ Tax-cuttingSweden, by contrast, had the fastest growth inEuropelast year, when it also celebrated the abolition of its deficit.
    Too bad the U.S. decided against Sweden’s advice. Still, missing one opportunity doesn’t mean we have to miss another: Tax reform is calling.   

    Los recortes de impuestos estimulan la economía de Suecia


    Desde el comienzo de la recesión, el mundo académico, prestigiosas instituciones internacionales y la mayoría de los funcionarios públicos presionaron para que se llevara a cabo un masivo gasto en estímulo económico. Suecia rompió la tendencia, centrándose más bien en reducir los tipos impositivos marginales y haciendo retroceder la expansión del gobierno. ¿Y cómo les fue a los suecos?

    La revista británica Spectator cuenta lo que hizo el el ministro de finanzas de Suecia, Anders Borg:

    Mientras la mayoría de países en Europa se endeudó masivamente, Borg no lo hizo. Desde que se convirtió en ministro de finanzas de Suecia, la misión [de Borg] ha sido meterle la tijera a las finanzas públicas. Su “estímulo” fue una reducción de impuestos permanente. Para los críticos, eso era una locura fiscal – la denominada agenda de “recorte fiscal punk”. Borg, por otro lado, pensó que locura era repetir la política económica de los años 70 y esperar un resultado diferente…
    Tres años después, está bien claro quién tenía razón. “Miren a España, Portugal o el Reino Unido, cuyos gobiernos defendieron grandes paquetes temporales de estímulo”, dice Borg. “Bueno, podemos ver que muy poco de ese estímulo llegó a la economía. Pero se quedaron con la deuda”. La Suecia del recorte de impuestos, por el contrario, tuvo el año pasado el crecimiento más rápido de Europa, cuando también celebró el fin de su déficit.
    Es una lástima que Estados Unidos decidiese lo contrario desoyendo el consejo de los suecos. No obstante, perder una oportunidad no significa que tengamos que perder la siguiente. Y esa es acometer una buena reforma fiscal.

    lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012

    The Last Sip!

    I am Catholic and I truly respect every individual right to a personal religious believe. I just want to stress out that we are mostly attacked for not being open, liberal and progressive enough to go with the flow. 



    There are some religious organizations that already have everything the left, progressives and liberals asked for: 

    Many want the Catholic Church to be progressive thus be more inclusive ... those who think this way are not true Catholics. As the church whose values ​​are immutable because they were established by Jesus and the tradition of the Church, we progress intellectually within the specified set of values. It is very tough to stick to these values and be Catholic but it is what keeps us tied, together. If you seek more inclusiveness in our church, LOVE is the word and we are full of it. Get to know us. However, everyone has multiple choices and there are plenty of offers; I am in full freedom to go to them and accommodate my beliefs to values ​​more convenient ... so we are in a free "Market".

    If we used the logic of those who say we must change, WHY "Inclusive" Protestant Churches are loosing so many followers. WHY?
    The best examples are the Episcopalians, Anglicans United States. In ten years have lost 30% of his parishioners. A third of its parishes meets less than 40 people for making a single liturgical celebration on Sunday. Cathedrals are empty and parishioners are looking elsewhere. 
    If things go according to the apparently overwhelming logic that people use, the Episcopalians, among others, should have temples overflowing and masses of parishioners. They have married priests, since 1930 accepted contraception, since 1976 have priestesses, since 1989, bishops, since 2000 ceased to consider adultery a sin, and in 2003 ordained a gay bishop living with a partner; in 2006 accepted gay marriage; in 2010 ordered a lesbian bishop active and, of course, are pro-abortion. They have, therefore, everything every religious ordained or lay people and, theologians and, wildly progressive Catholics, ever wanted,  BUT there are no parishioners. I ask again, Why? 
    The answer to this question was given, bravely, by the Pope at a meeting in Erfurt (Germany) with key Lutheran leaders of their country. "Because OUR desire to approach the world our way, going away from God, HIS word, HIS message..."

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    Flawed Pharma Study Demonizing Vitamins and Minerals Debunked

    Patrick Gallagher - Infowars.com -  Monday, May 28, 2012
    It seems that some people will do just about anything to get ahead, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise when a mostly falsified study is released to put down what is primarily known as a fundamentally healthy and intelligent choice.

    Unfortunately, people still will try to spread discord amongst their fellow man in an apparent attempt to get ahead; sacrificing the good of the people is unfortunately a small price to pay for an insurmountably large personal gain, in many cases. This dishonest act can be seen in one such case of misinformation – a ‘study’ performed in order to bring the market for multivitamins and other very respectable health supplements down a notch.
    In the article Iowa Women’s Health Study, much of the piece takes many things that are widely known as beneficial within a large number of vitamin supplements, and links some of these to various deaths in which people with diseases would essentially overdose themselves on vitamins in a desperate grab to fight off the disease. The article then discounts the fact that many people do not even use vitamins except for when they are sick, wrongfully linking an absurd amount of deaths directly to the use of vitamins and other supplements. As an example, a person was diagnosed with a life threatening disease, and in a sense of sheer panic began using as much as 40 supplements all at once, going up from using literally nothing the previous day. This example was then taken out of context and used as a source of evidence that supplements are in fact potentially deadly – a completely biased and ridiculous claim! Read More
    Read: Why nearly ALL vitamin studies are worthless

    Todavia hay personas que dudan que el regimen Cubano, como el Chino, es Comunista. 

    Una fuerza en pro de la libertad desde China hasta Cuba

    El sábado por la noche, el activista legal chino, Chen Guancheng, ciego desde la infancia, llegó a Newark, Nueva Jersey, tras escapar a siete años de persecución en China. Con la dulce tierra de la libertad bajo sus pies, Chen respiró el aire libre y remarcó: “Deberíamos enlazar nuestros brazos para continuar en la lucha por la bondad en el mundo y para luchar contra la injusticia”. La recién encontrada libertad de Chen es un motivo de celebración, pero también es un recordatorio de que Estados Unidos debe seguir siendo una fuerza en pro de la libertad en el mundo, ya sea al otro lado del mundo o a 150 kilómetros de las costas de Florida.
    Chen, abogado autodidacta de 40 años, estuvo encarcelado durante cuatro años, fue puesto bajo arresto domiciliario y sufrió palizas después de dar voz a la oposición contra la normativa de un solo hijo de la China comunista, que tiene como consecuencia abortos forzados por el gobierno, esterilizaciones bajo coacción y multas o abusos físicos contra los vecinos y familiares de las mujeres con embarazos no autorizados. El mes pasado, Chen escapó del control de las autoridades chinas y encontró refugio en la embajada de Estados Unidos. Después de una serie de negociaciones, Chen y sus familiares cercanos ganaron su libertad y ahora es un investigador de temas legales en la Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad de Nueva York.
    El caso de Chen trae a la luz la realidad de la China de hoy en día: un país que ha sido transformado radicalmente durante los últimos 30 años gracias al desarrollo económico. Pero a pesar de todo lo que ha cambiado el país, muchas cosas siguen igual. El analista de la Fundación Heritage Walter Lohman explica que:

    China también es un lugar que no ha cambiado desde la masacre de 1989 en la plaza de Tiananmen en lo referente al respeto por los derechos fundamentales de su pueblo. A veces esto es difícil de creer para los diplomáticos, académicos, empresarios y turistas que pasan algún tiempo allí. Asimismo, hay muchos chinos acomodados y de mundo que tampoco lo ven.
    La República Popular de China es una nación autoritaria y, sí,  “comunista”. Esta China es la realidad de cada día para Chen. Y es una realidad brutal para muchos cientos de millones más. Las relaciones entre Estados Unidos y China nunca serán normales mientras el régimen chino sea como es.

    Read More  Lee este Articulo en Ingles

    Obama’s Ironic European Lecture


    Europe is in bad shape, there’s no doubt about it. The sovereign debt crisis continues to roil the continent, Greece may leave the euro, Spain may have to revise its budget deficit upward for the second time because of bad loans, and France has a new socialist president pledging more spending instead of austerity. So when the G8 leaders met last week, President Obama had some words of advice to offer — “Look at me and learn from my stellar example!”
    OK, that’s a paraphrase, but his actual words aren’t all that much different. No joke, the president who has presided over a downgraded credit rating, three years without a budget, an exploding deficit, an entitlement system desperately in need of reform, and an unemployment rate still over 8 percent has painted himself as a model for others to follow.
    Quite remarkably, the president bragged that he has worked to “bring down our deficits and debt over the longer term” while staying “focused on growing the economy and creating jobs in the immediate term.” Though he acknowledges that “Of course, we still have a lot of work to do,” he says that now there’s “room to take a balanced approach to reducing our deficit and debt, while preserving our investments in the drivers of growth and job creation over the long term — education, innovation, and infrastructure for the 21st century.”
    In other words, because of his supposed successes, America can afford to spend even more money on stimulus.
    It’s hard to say whether the president’s intended audience was the leaders of the G8 or the American electorate, but regardless of who it was, there’s not much for Obama to brag about.
    In the past four years, unemployment has gone up, more people are unemployed longer, gas prices are higher, the cost of health care insurance has increased, the national debt is higher, federal spending has increased, more Americans are on food stamps, regulatory costs are higher, home values have declined, America’s economic recovery is historically slow, and while federal spending on education has increased, results remain flat. You can see for yourself just how bad America’s fiscal outlook is in Heritage’s 2012 edition of the Federal Budget in Pictures.
    Though Europe needs solutions, they certainly shouldn’t be looking at President Obama for the answers.

    domingo, 27 de mayo de 2012

    New Study from U.K. Think Tank Shows How Big Government Undermines Prosperity

    But hope springs eternal. To help make the case, I’ve cited research from international bureaucracies such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and European Central Bank. And since most of those organizations lean to the left, these results should be particularly persuasive.
    I’ve also cited the work of academic scholars from all over the world, including the United States, Australia, and Sweden.

    The evidence is very persuasive that big government is associated with weaker economic performance.

    Now we have some new research from the United Kingdom. The Centre for Policy Studies has released a new study, authored by Ryan Bourne and Thomas Oechsle,  examining the relationship between economic growth and the size of the public sector. Read More

    The real issue is that a over 50% of the people thinks that Governments creates wealth!!! It is OUR Money they take off the market to later decide whom to promote, who has their same interests and will donate back to the campaign when needed!

    Foreign Agents Creep into U.S. & Canada Under Integration Scheme


    Alex Newman New American May 27, 2012
    As the so-called trilateral North American “integration” process marches onward toward an ever-closer union between the governments of Canada, the United States, and Mexico, national law enforcement agents are slowly creeping across borders through a variety of shadowy schemes. Going forward, that trend is set to accelerate, according to officials, who say government functionaries may soon be able to chase and arrest suspects outside of their own nations. But critics of the controversial plan are fighting back with increasing urgency.

    U.S. and Canadian authorities have already spent millions of dollars on “pilot projects” seeking to blur national borders in the field of policing. Almost 150 so-called “cross-border” officers have been trained so far, according to a report published this month byEmbassy magazine. Meanwhile, the Shiprider program — officially known as “Integrated Cross-border Maritime Law Enforcement Operations” — has been active since 2009, when high-ranking bureaucrats from the United States and Canada signed the agreement without even obtaining legislative approval.
    “Shiprider removes the international maritime boundary as a barrier to law enforcement by enabling seamless continuity of enforcement and security operations across the border, facilitating cross-border surveillance and interdiction, and serving as both a force multiplier and, potentially, as a model for other U.S./Canadian cross-border (integrated) enforcement and security initiatives,” the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) says about the scheme on its website. Read More

    Explore the opportunities of the Free Trade agreement with Colombia...

    El Gráfico de la Semana: Manirroto

    Esta semana salió una noticia de esas que lo dejan a uno con la boca abierta. Ante la prensa, el vocero de la Casa Blanca Jay Carney dijo este miércoles: “Este presidente ha sido…ha demostrado una importante templanza fiscal y ha actuado con gran responsabilidad fiscal”.
    En la administración Obama parecen fieles creyentes de no permitir que la realidad les malogre un buen titular, porque, después de los billones despilfarrados de esta administración, es sorprendente que ahora nos salgan con esto.

    Como muestra El Gráfico de la Semana, este presidente nos ha dado déficits presupuestarios sin precedentes: Basta con que Ud. mire el récord de sus predecesores, ni siquiera en tiempos de guerra habían sido tan manirrotos con el dinero del contribuyente.
    No importa lo que la retórica electoral inspire en estos días, los hechos puros y duros hablan de una realidad distinta a la que nos quieren pintar. El presidente ha gastado demasiado y por el camino, nos ha endeudado mucho más de lo imaginado.  Lo mejor que podríamos empezar hacer para alterar este rumbo a la bancarrota es empezar a frenar el gasto. Así evitamos terminar en la triste situación de Europa. Pero en año electoral, nos ofrecerán que nos van a dar más cosas, aunque no tengan con qué pagarlas.
    Si quiere saber más sobre la deuda, el gasto y el déficit, no deje de visitar El Presupuesto Federal en Gráficos (2012) de Estados Unidos


    sábado, 26 de mayo de 2012

    The Last Sip!

    Not to discourage everyone on Memorial weekend...but just something to Think before our next vote!

    Congressional Budget Office Warns of Recession in 2013

    The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office is warning that if $607 billion in tax increases and spending cuts all hit as scheduled -- roughly the beginning of next year -- the U.S. will likely go into recession in 2013.

    This is the "fiscal cliff" you may have heard about. But while economists, the Federal Reserve, and members of Congress have been warning about its approach for some time, the CBO's report is the first detailed analysis of its potential effects. Director of the Congressional Budget Office Douglas Elmendorf. Getty

    A Recipe for Recession

    All of the following are scheduled to occur around the turn of the year, and together make up the so-called fiscal cliff:
    1. The expiration of the Bush-era tax cuts, including a 3% to 5% upward income-tax adjustment and a 5% increase in the capital-gains tax.
    2. A return of the alternative minimum tax, which could affect those with yearly incomes as low as $30,000.
    3. A 2% payroll tax increase, which had temporarily been cut for 2011 and 2012.
    4. $1.2 trillion in automatic budget cuts, because the president and Congress failed to pass a deficit-cutting package in the wake of last summer's debt-ceiling debate.
    Read More

    Make the right decision...DEB DR.

    Fear of Bank Runs in U.S. Hit All Time Highs

    Oohh if this was a Conservative...but for Democrats its COOL!

    The husband of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former President of the United States Bill Clinton, was snapped at a party in Monaco yukking it up with porn stars Brooklyn Lee (on his left arm) and Sasha Reign (on his right).
Lee then tweeted the photo to her Twitter followers.
PHOTOS: Brooklyn Lee and Sasha Reign.

    The husband of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former President of the United States Bill Clinton, was snapped at a party in Monaco yukking it up with porn stars Brooklyn Lee (on his left arm) and Sasha Reign (on his right).
    Lee then tweeted the photo to her Twitter followers.

    Obama and His Pot-Smoking ‘Choom Gang’

    ap Barack obama high school nt 120525 wblog Obama and His Pot Smoking Choom Gang
    Young Barack Obama
    Unlike Bill Clinton, Barack Obama never tried to say he didn’t inhale.
    In his 1995 memoir “Dreams of My Father,” Obama writes about smoking pot almost like Dr. Seuss wrote about eating green eggs and ham. As a high school kid, Obama wrote, he would smoke “in a white classmate’s sparkling new van,” he would smoke “in the dorm room of some brother” and he would smoke “on the beach with a couple of Hawaiian kids.”
    He would smoke it here and there. He would smoke it anywhere.
    Now a soon-to-be published biography by David Maraniss entitled “Barack Obama: The Story” gives more detail on Obama’s pot-smoking days, complete with testimonials from young Barry Obama’s high school buddies, a group that went by the name “the Choom Gang.” Choom was slang for smoking marijuana.
    Maraniss portrays the teenage Obama as not just a pot smoker, but a pot-smoking innovator.
    “As a member of the Choom Gang,” Maraniss writes, “Barry Obama was known for starting a few pot-smoking trends.”
    The first Obama-inspired trend: “Total Absorption” or “TA”.
    “TA was the opposite of Bill Clinton’s claim that as a Rhodes scholar at Oxford he smoked dope but never inhaled,” explains Maraniss. Here’s how it worked: If you exhaled prematurely when you were with the Choom Gang, “you were assessed a penalty and your turn was skipped the next time the joint came around.” Read More

    A cuento de que los inmigrantes hispanos son en su mayoria Democratas?...eso es lo que nosotros creemos!

    Nos han vendido esta idea de que somos una comunidad de ilegales o en raya con la ilegalidad o que nuestro estatus de inmigrantes en los Estados Unidos es de menor categoria que los diferentes grupos de inmigrantes que en olas han llenado este pais de gente honesta y trabajadora. Por este pensamiento creemos que nuestras soluciones vienen de parte del Gobierno...NO es asi!
    Tenemos que despertar e ignorar aquellos que quieren vendernos valores a cambios de supuestas dadivas con promesas de legalidad o vias para la residencia o ciudadania.

    Nosotros somos trabajadores, honestos, con fuertes valores familiares y religiosos, orgullosos de nuestro pasado, respetuosos de las leyes y defensores de los Estados Unidos de America. Nuestra verdadera inclusion sera cuando participemos activamente en nuestro destino politico, no como espectadores siguiendo  agrupaciones que no defienden nuestros ideales sino que estan detras de su agenda politica, sino con nuestra comunidad, en cada pequeña ciudad o municipalidad, defendiendo nuestro entrono, las escuelas y lo que nuestros hijos reciben de educacion, integrandonos a la cultura de nuestros vecinos e invitandolos a que se integren a la nuestra.


    El futuro de la libertad depende de reivindicar los principios fundacionales de América. “Si una nación espera ser ignorante y libre en un estado civilizado, espera lo que nunca fue y nunca será” como ya advertía Thomas Jefferson. La extendida ignorancia acerca de la historia americana es solamente el síntoma más reconocido del preocupante declive del conocimiento popular de nuestros principios fundamentales. Nos enfrentamos a un sistema educativo que mantiene la mediocridad en nombre del relativismo; a un Estado centralizado, en permanente expansión y desancorado de los límites constitucionales; con jueces haciendo leyes abiertamente y moldeando la sociedad en base a filosofía popular y no a jurisprudencia seria; y a una creciente confusión sobre el legítimo papel de América en el mundo, algo que se ha hecho mucho más evidente debido a la amenaza fundamental que representan los islamistas radicales. En el fondo de todos estos problemas está la duda ubicua sobre los principios básicos que definen a América y que deberían inspirar nuestra política y nuestras normativas.

    viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012

    The Last Sip!

    Look no further...The same fines will be imposed in the USA...Wake up...

    Australians Face Huge Fines For Speaking Ill Of New Carbon Tax

    The Tax whose name cannot be spoken

    Paul Joseph Watson
    Friday, May 25, 2012

    Praised by Barack Obama as a model for the world, Australia’s highly unpopular carbon tax, set to take effect from July 1st, is set to be policed by laws which forbid business owners from criticizing it for causing price rises!!! – with thought criminals who do so under threat of being hit with huge fines of over $1 million dollars.
    “SHOPS and restaurants could face fines up to $1.1 million if waiters or sales staff wrongly blame the carbon tax for price rises or exaggerate the impact,” reports the Daily Telegraph.
    According to ACCC deputy chairman Dr Michael Schaper, the warning applies, “to comments made by staff over the phone, on the shop floor or in meetings. It also covers advertising, product labels, websites, invoices, contracts and contract negotiations.”
    This draconian measure will be enforced by teams of “carbon cops” who roam the streets conducting snap inspections of businesses to ensure they are not making any reference to the tax.
    The characterization of dissent against the carbon tax as a criminal offense exemplifies how the measure passed last year goes way beyond merely forcing Australia’s top 500 companies to pay an extra $23.78 per each tonne of CO2 emitted. The system will be rolled into a carbon trading system by 2015.
    Not only will Australians be whacked with price rises on everything from energy to food, small business owners will also be intimidated into silence when they are forced to pay out more for key supplies. Energy prices across the country have already been skyrocketing over the course of the last year. READ MORE