jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

Ryan's Masterful Speech...Obama's Economic Collapse...La Doctrina Obama

Ryan's Masterful Speech: A Fireside Chat With a Nation in Crisis

29 Aug 2012 

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a politician connect with a nation quite like Paul Ryan did it tonight. Ryan has the simple charisma of sincerity. It helps that he is adept at explaining complicated subjects in clear, concise language. But there is something more there, a skill that I’m not sure can be taught or rehearsed. It’s a way of relating to the world, to other human beings--even family and intimate friends--through ideas. Through reason.

It’s a form of leadership we rarely see. In 2008, Barack Obama impressed pundits with his intellect and rhetoric, but beyond his high-flown hyperbole, much of what he offered was mere sophistry. Obama is a man of words, not ideas--of letters but not leadership, as Ryan pointed out tonight. Ryan’s own ideas are not only substantively better but also seem more deeply felt, more passionate and authentic--without trying too hard to be so.

Ryan’s commitment to ideas includes respect for ideas with which he disagrees--which is different than Obama’s skill in reciting (or distorting) opposing arguments merely to undermine them. During the Occupy protests in the fall of 2011, Ryan surprised many conservatives by declining to criticize them, defending their rights to express their views. It was a “safe” answer--but it was not a dodge. It was fundamental to who Ryan is.

The emptiness of Obama’s words is most exposed in the emptiness of his humor, which either pokes fun at his opponents or elevates himself through self-deprecating jokes that  have all the self and little of the deprecation. By contrast, Ryan has a natural wit that he used in his speech, gently making fun of Mitt Romney’s music tastes as a way of telling Americans how serious the senior running mate is about his commitment to his goals.

It has been a very long time since Americans have met a leader who uses ideas not to dazzle, not to appeal to our heads but to our hearts as well. That leadership is not quite unprecedented, but you have to go back a long way to uncover it. To John F. Kennedy, perhaps, whom Ryan evokes with his good looks and straightforward talk. Or perhaps to FDR, for Ryan’s speech tonight was nothing if not a fireside chat with a nation in crisis.

A final note. I find it difficult to be objective about Ryan’s speech; I was emotional throughout, partly because he is one of the few politicians I have been able to call a friend, and it is simply overwhelming to see a friend on that stage. But I was also moved because Ryan is doing something extraordinary. Not stopping the oceans, or righting all historic wrongs, but reminding us that we are, uniquely a nation of ideas. What a blessing.

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Obama Has Stolen $5.3 Trillion From Our Children In Order To Make Himself Look Good

Michael Snyder
The Economic Collapse
Aug 30, 2012

Barack Obama has destroyed the future of America in order to improve his chances of winning the next election.  Under Obama, 5.3 trillion dollars has been ruthlessly stolen from our children and our grandchildren.

That money has been used to pump up the debt-fueled false prosperity that we have been experiencing.  When the U.S. government borrows money that it does not have from someone else (such as China) and spends that money into the economy it is going to make our economic numbers look better.  Even if the government spends that money on incredibly stupid things, it still gets into the hands of average Americans who in turn spend that money on food, gas, clothes, etc.  If we were to go back and take that extra 5.3 trillion dollars out of the U.S. economy, I guarantee you that we would be in a rip-roaring depression right now.  We would look a lot like Greece at this point.  For several years Greece has been raising taxes and cutting government spending in an attempt to balance the budget and these austerity measures have resulted in an unemployment rate of over 23 percent and an economy that has contracted by close to 25 percent.

Most Americans don’t want to go through pain like that so they are okay with continuing to financially rape our children and our grandchildren.  Just imagine how you would feel if your parents died tomorrow and you found out that they had left you with a million dollar debt that you were legally obligated to pay off.  How would you feel, knowing that you had just been sold into debt slavery for the rest of your life?  Well, that is how our children and our grandchildren are going to feel.  We are destroying the greatest economic machine the world has ever seen, we are accumulating the biggest mountain of debt in the history of the planet, and the coming economic collapse that we have caused is going to wipe out the promising future that our children and our grandchildren were supposed to have.  If they get the chance, future generations of Americans will curse us bitterly and will spit on our graves.  What we are doing to our children and our grandchildren is the kind of stuff that horror movies are made of.  You should be ashamed of yourself America.

The federal budget deficit for 2012 will be larger than the entire U.S. national debt was 30 years ago.  In 1982 Ronald Reagan was in the White House and the U.S. national debt was considered to be a tremendous national crisis.  But somehow we have allowed our national debt to grow from about a trillion dollars back then to approximately $16,000,000,000,000 today.
By the end of Obama’s first term, the U.S. national debt will have grown more than it did from the time that George Washington became president to the time that George W. Bush became president.
That is hard to believe.

Obama is going to outdo all the presidents from George Washington through Bill Clinton in just one term.
Amazing. READ MORE

La Doctrina Obama en acción

Un Estados Unidos más pobre, más pequeño, más humilde y menos influyente, esa es la visión de Estados Unidos que sostiene Barack Obama según el escritor Dinesh D’Souza, que disertó el pasado jueves en la Fundación Heritage acerca de su nuevo libro sobre el 44º presidente de la nación: Obama’s America: Unmaking the American Dream (El Estados Unidos de Obama: Deshaciendo el sueño americano).
El incisivo análisis del libro llega a muchas conclusiones sobre la Doctrina Obama que son similares a las de los documentos de la Fundación Heritage.

Muchas de las medidas y normativas de Obama pueden parecer incompresibles viniendo del líder de la nación más poderosa del mundo. Por tanto, a menudo se atribuyen a su torpeza e ineptitud. Sin embargo, según D’Souza, este es un presidente que no buscaba el más alto cargo del país para conservar la grandeza y el liderazgo americanos. En cambio, la principal filosofía inspiradora de Obama está profundamente enraizada en el anticolonialismo.

D’Souza ve al presidente como alguien que está empeñado con éxito en una visión oculta por la retórica política para la mayoría de los americanos que votaron por Obama. Desde la perspectiva de Obama, comenta D’Souza, Estados Unidos es demasiado rico, consume demasiado de los recursos del mundo, es demasiado fuerte en términos militares y tiene que ser reducido a su lugar adecuado entre aproximadamente las ocho principales naciones del mundo. “Él quiere…un Estados Unidos en declive de modo que otras naciones se puedan subir”.

En términos de política interior, esto explica por qué el presidente ni siquiera se ha inmutado mientras la deuda nacional se dispara en billones. Si la aplastante carga de esta deuda causa un declive nacional, toda la responsabilidad será suya. Y en términos de política exterior, ese análisis explica cuestiones como:

· ¿Por qué Obama parece alinearse frecuentemente con los rivales de Estados Unidos y oponerse a sus aliados? Un ejemplo sorprendente es la decisión de la administración Obama de cancelar el acuerdo con Polonia para la defensa antimisiles adoptado por la administración Bush. Mientras tanto, el presidente fue cazado por una cámara diciéndole al presidente ruso Dmitri Medvédev que dispondría de “mayor flexibilidad” tras las elecciones de noviembre. Otro ejemplo es el respaldo de la administración a Argentina en su disputa con Gran Bretaña sobre las Islas Malvinas, un giro de 180 grados en la posición política de Estados Unidos. Los dictadores del Medio Oriente han sido derrocados, pero enemigos como Irán y Siria reciben un tratamiento permisivo.

· ¿Por qué la administración se empeña en desmontar el arsenal nuclear de Estados Unidos mientras otras naciones están o bien manteniendo los suyos o bien aumentándolos? El presidente ve nuestro arsenal nuclear como la mayor amenaza global, no el de Rusia, ni el de Corea del Norte ni el de Irán. La Cumbre de Seguridad Nuclear de 2010 del presidente fue una reunión exclusivamente de aliados de Estados Unidos, pues Irán y Corea del Norte ni siquiera fueron invitados. READ MORE



miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

Ex-Dem now Conservative!!!...Stock collapse?....Obamacare steals from Medicare

'Lesson Learned': Ex-Dem Davis Electrifies RNC

28 Aug 2012

Former Rep. Artur Davis (D-AL), the man who gave one of the nomination speeches for President Barack Obama before becoming a Republican and moving to Virginia, spoke tonight at the Republican National Committee, where he electrified the crowd with a spectacular attack on the presidency of Barack Obama. His central appeal was to independents and Democrats, whom he implored to reconsider their support of the failed president.

He arrived onstage to a standing ovation. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you. Some of you may know, the last time I spoke at a convention, it turned out I was in the wrong place.

"So, Tampa, my fellow Republicans, thank you for welcoming me where I belong.”

Davis praised Mitt Romney as a serious candidate, as opposed to the current president. “He has no illusions about what makes America great, and he doesn't confuse the presidency with celebrity, or loftiness with leadership,” said Davis, before launching into an explanation of why so many independents and Democrats were turning away from that celebrity-driven president.

“Now, America is a land of second chances,” said Davis, “and I gather you have room for the estimated 6 million of us who know we got it wrong in 2008 and who want to fix it.” He continued: READ MORE

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Is There Going To Be A Stock Market Crash In The Fall?

The Economic Collapse
Aug 29, 2012

Is the stock market going to crash by the end of this year?  Are we on the verge of major financial chaos on a global scale? Well, this is the time of the year when investors start getting nervous.

We all remember what happened during the fall of 1929, the fall of 1987 and the fall of 2008.  However, it is important to keep in mind that we do not see a stock market crash in the fall of every year.  Some years the stock market cruises through the months of September, October, November and December without any problems whatsoever.  But this year conditions certainly seem to be right for a “perfect storm” to develop.  Technical indicators are screaming that a stock market decline is imminent and sources in the financial industry all over the world are warning that a massive crisis is on the way.  In fact, the Telegraph ran a story with the following shocking headline the other day: “Market crash ‘could hit within weeks’, warn bankers“. 

What you are about to read should alarm you.  But it is not a guarantee that anything will or will not happen.  When Ben Bernanke gives his speech at the Jackson Hole summit on Friday he could announce to the rest of the world that the Federal Reserve has decided to launch QE3 and that the Fed will be printing up trillions of new dollars.  If that happened global financial markets would leap for joy.  So it is always a dangerous thing when anyone out there tries to tell you that they can “guarantee” what is about to happen in the financial world.  There are just so many moving parts.  But if we do not see major intervention by the governments of the world or by global central banks a major financial crisis could rapidly develop this fall.  The conditions are certainly right for a stock market collapse, and we could easily see a repeat of what happened back in 2008.
The truth is that the second half of 2012 looks a little bit more like the second half of 2008 with each passing day.
For example, credit default swaps are soaring just like we saw back during the last financial crisis.  The following is from a recent article in the Telegraph by Harry Wilson and Philip Aldrick…. READ MORE


Cómo Obamacare le roba a Medicare y perjudica a nuestros mayores

Las guerras retóricas sobre Medicare han subido de temperatura esta semana, después de que el presidente Obama declarara en su discurso radiofónico del sábado que sus propuestas de reforma “no tocarán sus beneficios de Medicare garantizados. No a cambio de tan poco”.

Pero eso es incorrecto. Obamacare quita $716,000 millones de Medicare durante  los próximos 10 años, según la Oficina de Presupuesto del Congreso (CBO) y utiliza estos “ahorros” en Medicare para financiar otras ampliaciones de los derechos a beneficios a los que obliga Obamacare. Medicare se convierte así en la gallina de los huevos de oro para Obamacare y los “ahorros” en Medicare provenientes de las reducciones de los pagos de este no se devuelven para hacer solvente Medicare. Unas reducciones de los pagos de Medicare tan enormes ciertamente perjudican a los beneficios de Medicare, así como al acceso de las personas mayores a esos beneficios.

La analista de la Fundación Heritage Alyene Senger explica cómo perjudica esto a las personas mayores de Estados Unidos:
El perjuicio de esas reducciones irá en detrimento del acceso de las personas mayores a la atención. El informe de 2012 de los consejeros de Medicare concluye que estos menores índices de pago de Medicare causarán el que, según se estima, un 15% de los hospitales, de las instalaciones de enfermería especializadas y de las agencias de atención a domicilio operen con pérdidas para 2019, el 25% opere con pérdidas en 2030 y un 40% para 2050. Operar con pérdidas significa que es probable que estas instalaciones reduzcan sus servicios a los pacientes de Medicare o que cierren sus puertas, dificultando que las personas mayores accedan a estos servicios.
El presidente también comentó el sábado que “Como presidente, mi objetivo ha sido fortalecer ahora estos programas y conservarlos para generaciones futuras”. Pero Obamacare impone nuevos impuestos a las generaciones presentes y futuras, incluido un nuevo “impuesto sobre la nómina” para Medicare que ni siquiera va a parar a Medicare. Senger detalla que:

El impuesto sobre la nómina financia Medicare Parte A, el fondo fiduciario que se prevé que se haga insolvente ya en 2024. Obamacare incrementa este impuesto desde el 2.9% hasta el 3.8%, lo que se prevé que cueste a los contribuyentes $318,000 millones de 2013 a 2022. Sin embargo, por primera vez en la historia, Obamacare no usa los ingresos tributarios provenientes del aumento del impuesto sobre la nómina para Medicare para pagar Medicare; el dinero se utiliza para financiar otras partes de Obamacare, como ocurre con gran parte de los $716,000 millones de las reducciones. READ MORE

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martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

American Families getting poorer...Reformar el Seguro Social...Obama's Failed promises!

It Is Not Just Your Imagination – American Families ARE Getting Poorer

Michael Snyder
The Economic Collapse
August 28, 2012

Did you know that median household income in the United States is lower today than it was when the last recession supposedly ended?  If we are in the middle of an “economic recovery”, how can this possibly be happening?

Stunning new statistics compiled by Sentier Research show that the U.S. economy is not nearly as healthy as we have been led to believe.  According to the study that Sentier Research has just released, median household income in the United States was sitting at $55,470 back in January 2000.  In December 2007, when the recession began, it was sitting at $54,916.  In June 2009, when the recession supposedly ended, it was sitting at $53,508.  Today, it is sitting at $50,964.  This is a long-term trend that is definitely going in the wrong direction.  The fact that median household income in the U.S. is now 4.8 percent lower than it was when the last recession ended is incredibly disturbing, especially since all of the things that we buy on a regular basis just keep going up in price.  Food, gas, electricity, car insurance and health insurance all cost a whole lot more today than they did back in the year 2000, and yet median household income has dropped 8.1 percent since that time.  So what does all of this mean?  It means that American families ARE getting poorer.
Yes, the stock market has been soaring, corporate profits have set all-time records in recent years and the big Wall Street banks that were showered with bailout money are absolutely thriving.
But there has been no economic recovery on “Main Street”.

According to the Sentier Research report mentioned above, incomes have been declining in all geographic regions of the country and in all sectors of the economy….
-Median household income for the self-employed has fallen 9.4 percent since June 2009.
-Median household income for private sector employees has fallen 4.5 percent since June 2009.
-Median household income for government workers has fallen 3.5 percent since June 2009.
-Median household income for Americans living in the West has fallen 8.5 percent since June 2009.
-Median household income for Americans living in the Northeast has fallen 4.9 percent since June 2009.
-Median household income for Americans living in the South has also fallen 4.9 percent since June 2009.
-Median household income for Americans living in the Midwest has fallen 1.1 percent since June 2009.
Remember, the recession supposedly ended in June 2009. READ MORE


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A reformar el Seguro Social... de una vez! Paga beneficios a hijos de millonarios sin necesidad!

Muchos aspectos del Seguro Social se remontan a 1939 y reflejan un Estados Unidos que hace mucho no existe. Uno de esos aspectos es el pago de beneficios del Seguro Social a niños menores de edad, incluso si sus padres son millonarios.

He aquí un claro ejemplo: los cheques del Seguro Social enviados a los tres hijos menores del Representante Pete Stark (D-CA). Stark tiene 80 años, gana $174,000 anuales como Miembro del Congreso y tiene una fortuna personal de alrededor de $27 millones. Sin embargo, sus hijos reciben y continuarán recibiendo sus cheques del gobierno hasta que cumplan 18 años.

Stark no está haciendo nada ilegal ni indigno, simplemente así es como funciona el Seguro Social de hoy en día. Los beneficios para hijos y esposas se crearon en el año 1939, cuando en la mayoría de las familias, sólo el esposo tenía un trabajo. Cuando este dejaba de trabajar, la familia no tenía otros ingresos salvo un pequeño cheque del Seguro Social. Los beneficios para los niños estaban pensados para permitirles seguir en la escuela en lugar de tener que ir a trabajar para sustentar a sus familias. Nadie esperaba que esos beneficios se repartiesen a los hijos de millonarios.

Hace mucho tiempo que se debió reformar meticulosamente el Seguro Social para que se ajuste a la realidad del siglo XXI. Casi 30 años (toda una generación) hace desde que el Congreso revisó por última vez el Seguro Social, en 1983. En un momento de déficits presupuestarios de billones de dólares anuales y de un programa de Seguro Social que se enfrentará tanto a un déficit de liquidez de $300,000 millones anuales dentro de pocos años como a una reducción de los beneficios del 25% a partir de entonces, simplemente no nos podemos permitir usar unos recursos tan escasos para pagar beneficios a personas tan ricas.

Este es sólo uno de los problemas del decrépito programa del Seguro Social. Otro es que millones de americanos con bajos ingresos reciben un beneficio por parte del Seguro Social que está por debajo del umbral de pobreza después de trabajar y pagar impuestos durante los 35 años necesarios. READ MORE

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RNC Backup Plan: Just Read Obama's 2008 Promises From the Podium

28 Aug 2012

If, as George Orwell once observed, the greatest enemy of any left-wing government is its previous propaganda, then Barack Obama’s most fearsome enemy is a small volume his campaign published in 2008: Change We Can Believe In: Barack Obama's Plan to Renew America's Promise. I bought it after Obama won the presidency that November, and it makes for very entertaining--and somewhat sad--reading nearly four years later.

Among the many promises Obama makes are the following: “Send Rebate Checks of $1,000 to American Families,” “Staff the Government Based on Talent, Not Political Loyalties,” and “Eliminate North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Programs.” Some of the pledges combine hubris with bad policy: “Create Five Million New Green Jobs,” “Create Automatic Workplace Pensions.” Others are just silly: “Create a ‘Craigslist’ for Service.”

No matter who you are, there’s a broken promise in this book for you. Seniors? Obama promised to “Preserve Social Security” and “Put Medicare on Solid Footing.” Greens? Obama said he would “Rally the World to Stop Global Warming.” Chicago residents? Obama pledged to “End the Dangerous Cycle of Youth Violence.” The scale of Obama’s cult of personality can be measured by the wide scope of his disappointments today.

There is one promise, however, that stands out among the others, and best defines the failure of the Obama presidency: the promise to “Jump-start our economy with a $50 billion stimulus plan that would put money directly in the pockets of families struggling with rising food and mortgage payments.” The actual stimulus, as passed in early 2009, was nearly 18 times as big and did little to help struggling families or the economy itself. READ MORE

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lunes, 27 de agosto de 2012

Grande Falcao....

Grande Falcao...3 Goals!

GOLES FALCAO ...GRANDE !!!! http://videogoleshd.blogspot.com/2012/08/video-goles-atletico-madrid-vs-athletic.html

The Real Romneys...One TAX: Clear and Simple...Obama's failure is OUR fault!

The Romneys Sparkle on Fox. Where Have They Been Hiding Ann?

Though he enters this week’s Republican National Convention with a decent chance at winning the presidency, Mitt Romney has made some blunders along the way--the most serious of which may be his campaign’s failure thus far to highlight the charm and personality of his wife, Ann. Today’s joint interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday showed Americans what we have been missing--and what an opportunity has been missed.

The Romneys are a heartwarming couple, comfortable with themselves and what they have accomplished together, eager to share the hospitality of their home with family and friends. Amidst all the talk of grocery shopping at Costco and setting chores for the kids, what emerges in the Fox interview is a genuine chemistry, an interplay between two different but complimentary individuals who care very deeply for each other.
The contrast to Barack and Michelle Obama is subtle but perhaps crucial. The Obamas have often seemed to exude an undercurrent of resentment in interviews with, and about, each other. They share common political commitments, but Michelle Obama has also been openly skeptical of her husband’s ambitions, especially after his congressional defeat in 2000, and even when he was first discussed as a presidential candidate in 2004. READ MORE

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El Nuevo Impuesto de Tipo Único – tan fácil como un, dos, tres

Resumen: El actual sistema impositivo desmotiva el ahorro. Desmotiva la inversión. Desmotiva el espíritu empresarial. Causa que los que toman decisiones deslocalicen los recursos de la nación, limitando las ganancias por productividad, las ganancias salariales y el nivel total de competitividad internacional de la nación. Y es muy, muy complicado. El Nuevo Impuesto de Tipo Único es el remedio. Reemplaza cada impuesto principal recaudado por el gobierno federal. Para los no entendidos, es tan fácil de entender como decir uno, dos, tres: un tipo, dos créditos, tres deducciones. Para las personas mayores con Medicare, uno de los dos créditos (el del seguro médico) es reemplazado por una deducción extra. El Nuevo Impuesto de Tipo Único es sencillo, de imposición neutra y permitirá que Estados Unidos alcance su completo potencial económico.

El sistema tributario existente es manifiestamente indefendible, especialmente por su complejidad y el sumidero que supone para la vitalidad económica. El sistema tributario inflige su complejidad a los contribuyentes de todos los niveles sociales. Los ciudadanos con bajos ingresos deben navegar por el enormemente complejo Crédito por Ingresos Obtenidos. Aquellos que ahorran deben vencer las inherentes desmotivaciones del sistema y sortear una gran cantidad de tipos y regímenes impositivos para las diferentes formas de ahorro. Las empresas que invierten en nuevas fábricas y en equipamiento deben pagar un extra para obtener el capital social y luego deben vencer los obstáculos fiscales adicionales para sus inversiones. El resultado neto es un sistema fiscal caótico y una economía mucho más pequeña.
La necesidad de una reforma fiscal exhaustiva y fundamental es evidente. Sin embargo, es habitual que las propuestas de reforma fiscal, tales como el tradicional Impuesto Único, resuelvan sólo una parte del problema al reformar o reemplazar los impuestos personales y empresariales de carácter federal. El Nuevo Impuesto de Tipo Único reemplaza ambos impuestos a los ingresos, así como el impuesto a la muerte, los impuestos sobre la nómina y todos los especiales y los no dedicados a un fondo fiduciario. Con el Nuevo Impuesto de Tipo Único, los contribuyentes americanos tratarán con un impuesto único y sencillo. READ MORE


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NECESITA DINERO? Ayuda Económica Temporal del Banco Social

Obama Email to Supporters: If I Lose, It's Your Fault

Today, President Obama sent out a campaign email essentially blaming his supporters if he loses. See, he’s supposedly being outspent. And because he’s supposedly being outspent, he’s losing. And he can’t spend more money unless his supporters fork it over.

This is the campaign version of Obama’s entire economic argument: he can’t fix the economy unless he spends more money. And unless we give him more money, he can’t spend it. So if the economy fails, it’s our fault.

Here’s the perverse logic:

Last week, when I was in Iowa, voters told me they were feeling it. The numbers back it up: Our side is getting outspent 2-to-1 on the air there.

But the folks asking me about this don't want an explanation -- they want to know what I'm going to do about it.

And the fact is that solving this problem is up to you ….

We're losing this air war right now.

I don't have as much time to campaign this time as I did in 2008, so this whole thing is riding on you making it happen.

Perhaps the most laughable aspect of this latest desperate missive is Obama’s assertion that he doesn’t have “as much time to campaign this time as I did in 2008.” He’s done nothing but campaign since the beginning of the year. From January to mid-June, Obama held more than 160 fundraisers. During that same period in 2004, President George W. Bush had held just 79 fundraisers.

Here’s the sad fact for Obama: nobody’s enamored with him anymore. His spendthrift ways haven’t just bankrupted the country – they’ve bankrupted his campaign. And he still blames everyone else.

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Millonarios vs Once Caldas GREAT GOALS!

Messi score 2 Goals Against Osasuna 26/08/2012

domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

Media won't tell Obama is Losing...Internet Use TAX!!!... Recesión Inminente

Story the Media Won't Tell: Obama Is Losing

25 Aug 2012 

Actions speak louder than polls…

It's 8:21 on a Saturday morning and according to this photo snapped by Sharon Broadie, this is the size of the crowd that showed up in Powell, Ohio, (just outside of Columbus) to see Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan:
Here's a look at the line to get in, and another look at the crowd from another source. And a real jaw-dropper.
Meanwhile, President FailureTeleprompter is relegated to rationalizing his lack of turnout into a "deliberate" desire for smaller, more intimate crowds. Yeah, that sounds like the Mr. Greek Column we've all come to know and grow tired of.
Meanwhile, the media refuses to report on the size of either side's crowds.
Meanwhile, across the country, the documentary film "2016" has just opened wide on over 1,000 screens and in the heart of Hollywood's biggest season hit #3 at the box office.
Meanwhile, though their Media Palace Guards assure us this is not the case, the Obama campaign's increasingly desperate and shrill campaign is acting more and more like a campaign so far behind and so in fear of losing, they feel they have nothing to lose. From "felon" to "chains" to "Mitt killed my wife" to one bald-faced lie after another, President Obama has forsaken the dignity of the office and -- should he win a second term --  all hope of bringing the country together after the kind of scorched-earth campaign only the terrified wage.
Meanwhile, the media is behaving in a manner no less shrill and desperate than their Presidential Master. When the unemployment rate increases, the media tells us that's a good thing. When the economy shrinks from 4.1 to 1.5%, the media still call it "the recovery." When an idiot in Missouri says something stupid about rape and abortion, the media launches into a week-long narrative accusing Republicans of being soft on rape.
Meanwhile, Obama supports infanticide. Romney opposes abortion except in cases of rape, incest and when the mother's life is at risk. Yesterday CNN released a poll showing 62% of the American people agree with Romney and only 32% with Obama.
This morning the media was still painting Romney-Ryan as the out-of-touch extremists on this issue.
Meanwhile, yesterday, Mitt Romney made a birth certificate quip and within thirty-minutes those few words received more media attention (and phony outrage) than the record number of American casualties currently mounting in Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, as the clock runs down and campaign days grow more and more precious, three days ago, the Obama campaign felt it was a good use of the Vice President to send him to the supposedly safe state of Minnesota.
Meanwhile, yesterday, Mitt Romney was in the true blue state of Michigan.
Something is happening in this country -- something both the Obama campaign and its media cronies know is happening but won't acknowledge.
What's happening is on the ground and not yet quantifiable in polling that doesn’t yet have its sea legs. But it's out there and it's real and before the media and President Obama are forced to acknowledge it, they're spending every bit of their dignity and credibility and integrity to kill it.
Red State's Erick Erickson senses it too.


FCC Launching Huge Internet Tax

Kurt Nimmo August 26, 2012

Julius Genachowski and the FCC: gaining “necessary participation” by raiding the pocketbooks of internet consumers.
Get ready for another transfer of wealth via government confiscation. The FCC is ready to tax internet service in order to fund its Connect America Fund boondoggle.
As is usually the case in corporatist nations – Mussolini told us corporatism is the essence of fascism – mega-corporations support this brazen theft.
“Numerous companies, including AT&T, Sprint and even Google have expressed support for the idea,” reports The Hill today.
The scheme is nothing new. “Consumers already pay a fee on their landline and cellular phone bills to support the FCC’s Universal Service Fund.” The “Service Fund” was devised as yet another grand socialist enterprise “to ensure that everyone in the country has access to telephone service, even if they live in remote areas.”
In 2011, appointed apparatchiks at the FCC “overhauled a $4.5 billion portion of the Universal Service Fund and converted it into a broadband Internet subsidy, called the Connect America Fund. The new fund aims to subsidize the construction of high-speed Internet networks to the estimated 19 million Americans who currently lack access.”
It hardly seems relevant that the FCC lacks statutory authority over broadband. Nowadays, just about the entire government – from Obama’s executive orders to the “Super Congress” – runs by dictatorial fiat.
The FCC’s illegal power grab supported by transnational telecoms has already resulted in the sort of abuses that are routine when the government inserts itself in the business realm. READ MORE

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Es inminente otra recesión

Ayer, la Oficina de Presupuesto del Congreso (CBO) informó de que sin lugar a dudas, Estados Unidos tendrá una nueva recesión el próximo año a menos que el Congreso y el presidente lo impidan.
Nos vamos a enfrentar a la más amplia subida de impuestos de la historia, el “Armagedón Fiscal”, que está previsto que entre en vigor el 1 de enero así como a lo que los expertos están denominando un “precipicio fiscal” de agudos e implacables cambios presupuestarios que hundirán al país en picado. El Congreso y el presidente tienen el poder de impedir esto y cuando se acabe el receso de agosto del Congreso, eso es exactamente lo que deberían hacer.

En su nuevo informe, la CBO indicó que si el Congreso no actúa, no es el crecimiento económico de lo que deberíamos preocuparnos, ya que la economía realmente se contraerá el próximo año. Se contraerá un 0.5% y la tasa de desempleo alcanzará un máximo del 9.1%. Como explica el analista de la Fundación Heritage J.D. Foster:
Olvídese de los porcentajes, ¿qué significa eso en pérdida de empleos reales si el presidente Obama y el Congreso no actúan? Significa que casi 1.6 millones más de americanos estarán sin trabajo, además de los 12.8 millones que ahora mismo quieren trabajan pero no encuentran un empleo.


sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

Hoping for Change...Medios de Descomunicación...GOP and Internet Freedom

Sean Hannity: Stephen K. Bannon's 'The Hope and The Change' 'Most Powerful Documentary I've Ever Seen'

24 Aug 2012

This evening on Fox News’ "Hannity," Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon, director of "The Hope & the Change," David Bossie of Citizens United, producers of the film, and adviser Pat Caddell appeared to discuss the massive disillusionment of Democrats and independents with President Barack Obama – and their film, which details that disillusionment in devastating detail.

The show opened with a promo of former Obama voter after former Obama voter decrying Obama’s horrible record and their own disappointment with the Obama administration. “I fear for my children,” says one. “I’m exhausted, and I’m tired,” says another.
The film will premiere on Tuesday at the Republican National Convention in Tampa.
“This is the most powerful documentary I’ve ever seen in my life,” said Sean Hannity. “There’s no way that anybody who watches this film can vote for Barack Obama. It’s impossible. You bring us back and walk us through the whole election cycle.”
Bannon explained that the goal of the film was to “go through the journey of [the] lives [of Democrats and independents] and go through the journey of the last four years.” Bossie added, “People bandy about the Reagan coalition. That’s who these people are. If Republicans can learn to speak to middle America, these people, they’ll win a lot of elections.” And Caddell pointed out, “these are people who were in the middle… but they believed. They invested a great deal of hope… What is shocking is hearing their own words.”

Bannon pointed out the emotion of the massive wave of 2008. “President Obama, for a moment in time, had something that was very unique in American history,” said Bannon. And then the moment was gone, as "The Hope & The Change" shows.
Caddell explained, “The thing these people wanted was to unite the country. They wanted to change how politics worked… What they describe, what you see in the film, how they feel about the country, what they worry about the future, what they’re going through in their own lives… [There are moments] when you want to cry. When I wanted to cry… Nothing was scripted, nothing was programmed.”
“This,” says Caddell, “is the voice of America.”

The media coverage of these people – the disillusioned middle class, the betrayed Democrats and independents who voted for Obama – has been egregiously meager. But "The Hope & The Change" shows they’re there. In fact, they’re everywhere. These were folks who wanted a United America. And now America is divided. “I believe President Obama’s and David Axelrod’s strategy of dividing the country… at best, if he does win, it will be a pyrrhic victory,” Bannon pointed out.
The images of Americans suffering under President Obama are indeed heartbreaking -- Americans cutting out cable, cutting out restaurants, turning down gifts for their children. This is the despair of the Obama economy. And The Hope & The Change puts these stark images before the eyes of voting Americans. “Maybe he just doesn’t quite understand budgets,” says one woman, “because he hasn’t had to live within a budget.” READ MORE



Medios de comunicación: Dándole una mano a la reforma de la asistencia social de Obama

Desde que el 12 de julio los analistas de la Fundación Heritage Robert Rector y Kiki Bradley destaparon la historia de que la administración Obama había vaciado de sus requisitos laborales a la ley de reforma de la asistencia social de 1996, la administración lo ha estado negando. En semanas recientes, todos los “verificadores de información” de los medios de comunicación han saltado declarando que la primicia de la Fundación Heritage es “falsa”.
Los principales medios de comunicación (el más reciente, la CNN) han estado haciendo el trabajo sucio en defensa de la nueva redacción de la ley de reforma de la asistencia social del presidente Obama. Puesto que estos supuestos guardianes del gobierno están haciendo de perritos falderos, la Fundación Heritage continuará proporcionando los datos y realizando la información investigativa.
Rector ya ha desacreditado las afirmaciones de la administración de que no se vació la reforma de la asistencia social y de que los gobernadores republicanos trataron de hacer lo mismo en 2005. Ahora, está desmontando pieza a pieza la defensa de la administración de su nueva normativa de dispensas con una nueva serie de documentos.

La afirmación: las nuevas reglas incrementarán aún más el trabajo
Los “verificadores de información” de la CNN afirman que “De un modo marginal, las dispensas podrían cambiar precisamente cómo se calcula el trabajo pero el objetivo esencial de impulsar a los beneficiarios de la asistencia social hacia el empleo (algo en lo que tanto demócratas como republicanos estuvieron de acuerdo en los años 90) sigue siendo el mismo”.
Esa es exactamente la defensa realizada por la secretaria del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos (HHS), Kathleen Sebelius: que dispensar a los estados de los requisitos laborales de la asistencia social según el programa de Asistencia Temporal para Familias Necesitadas (TANF) aún requerirá que los estados introduzcan a los beneficiarios de la asistencia social en el mundo laboral. Ella sostiene que los estados tendrán que “comprometerse a que sus propuestas trasladarán al menos a un 20% más de personas desde la asistencia social hasta el empleo, comparado con el anterior desempeño del estado”. READ MORE

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Campaign buttons are displayed at the RNC State Chairman's National Meeting in Scottsdale, Ariz., Friday, April 20, 2012. Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is scheduled to speak at the meeting. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
Republicans could soon champion the protection of Internet Freedom as an official party issue, The Daily Caller has learned. Language in the final draft of the Internet freedom proposal was obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller.
The language was finalized on Tuesday, a source in the Republican Party told The Daily Caller, but it awaits party approval next week at the upcoming Republican National Convention.
Approval of the newly finalized draft language, however, would make the party the first of the two dominant political parties to fully and officially embrace Internet freedom. It also signals what Republicans view as important and necessary to keep the Internet open and free.
“Internet Freedom”, according to the finalized draft language, would entail the removal of “regulatory barriers” for technology businesses, resistance to international governance of the Internet and the “constitutional protection” of personal data.
“We will remove regulatory barriers that protect outdated technologies and business plans from innovation and competition, while preventing legacy regulation from interfering with new technologies such as mobile delivery of voice and video data as they become crucial components of the Internet ecosystem,” said the finalized draft.
“We will resist any effort to shift control away from the successful multi-stakeholder approach of Internet governance and toward governance by international or other intergovernmental organizations,” it said.
“We will ensure that personal data receives full constitutional protection from government overreach and that individuals retain the right to control the use of their data by third parties,” it said.
Progressive and Democratic proponents of a regulation-laden approach to the Internet have long dominated the direction of the tech policy discussion in Washington.

Having tried to make a claim over the term with their own brand of freedom from corporate influence over the Internet, some progressive and left-leaning libertarian advocacy groups have even gone so far as to promote a Declaration of Internet Freedom that codifies those principles.
Republicans have only recently ramped up efforts to dominate the conversation in bold fashion in recent months.
The GOP efforts are currently being modeled on the recent stance taken by the Ron Paul-founded Campaign For Liberty’s Technology Manifesto, as well as more right-of-center libertarian tech policy voices.
These voices include TechFreedom president Berin Szoka, Mercatus Center senior research fellow Adam Thierer, Associate Director of Technology Studies at the Competitive Enterprise Institute Ryan Radia, and Netcompetition president Scott Cleland.

It is also modeled off of the efforts of Republican politicians in both chambers of Congress.
California Republican Representatives Mary Bono Mack and Darrell Issa, Tennessee Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn, Oregon Republican Rep. Greg Walden, Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul and Michigan Republican Rep. Fred Upton are some of leaders in the House on Internet issues.
Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, Texas Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul have lead Republican efforts in the Senate.

viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012

FIRST BOX OFFICE: Anti-Obama Movie #1

By NIKKI FINKE | Friday August 24, 2012

FRIDAY 2 PM: The anti-Obama movie 2016 Obama’s America went into wider release around America today and is opening right now in first place at the domestic box office. That’s quite a feat since the Rocky Mountain Pictures political documentary is still playing in only 1,090 North American theaters – or about 1/3 as many theaters as big-budget actioner The Expendables 2 (3,355 theaters). But these political documentaries like faith-based films are frontloaded. The Stallone picture from Millenium/Lionsgate is still

expected to end the weekend #1 and should top the box office tonight. And, based on matinee trends, 2016 Obama’s America looks to gross $1.2M-$1.7M Friday for a $3.7M-$5.0M weekend. But right now it has grossed $700,000 today compared to $300,000 for The Expendables 2. Its new cume after this weekend could make it the #1 conservative documentary (ahead of Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed’s $7.7M). The success of the anti-Obama pic is based on big pre-sales leading into the Republican National Convention August 27-30, and exhibitors are reporting busloads of filmgoers arriving at theaters around the country in pre-organized trips. It also employed much of the same marketing techniques used to garner attention and support for faith-based films, understandable since the audience is overlapping. Its campaign included advertising nationally over the past two weeks on talk radio and cable news channels including Fox News Channel, A&E, History and MSNBC.



La web del Departamento de Estado se convierte en “el mundo según Obama”

El Departamento de Estado continúa editando su página web en pro de un relato de lo que ocurre en el mundo pero girando alrededor de Barack Obama.
Como informó el analista de la Fundación Heritage Jim Roberts, el Departamento de Estado cambió hace tres meses el formato de una de sus mejores realizaciones, las Notas de Fondo país por país, por un formato supuestamente más acorde con los tiempos que corren. Las Notas de Fondo han sido usadas durante décadas por diplomáticos, investigadores, educadores y estudiantes. Estas proporcionan información en profundidad de una forma fácilmente entendible, cubriendo la historia, la economía, la demografía, la cultura, la política y muchas cuestiones más.
Con escasa o ninguna promoción (se podría decir que con escasa o ninguna advertencia), fueron sustituidas en mayo por las denominadas Hojas Informativas, centradas exclusivamente en la actual política de actuación de Estados Unidos, es decir, la política de actuación de la administración Obama.
La decisión fue tomada por la Oficina de Asuntos Públicos tras una investigación aleatoria llevada a cabo a través de state.gov, que recoge automáticamente la información sobre las visitas a la página web. Un responsable del Departamento de Estado comento a la Fundación Heritage que:
El Departamento trabaja continuamente para mantener el ritmo de nuestro mundo cada vez más digital. Como gran parte de la información de la serie de las Notas de Fondo mostraba una información disponible en otras páginas web (que no era el caso cuando las Notas de Fondo se desarrollaron por primera vez para ser impresas, hace 30 años), el Departamento actualizó el formato para centrarse en áreas en las que podría proporcionar una información única. Estas hojas informativas sobre países con un nuevo formato están más centradas en los aspectos de las relaciones de Estados Unidos con cada país en particular.
Mantener el ritmo del mundo digital es una cosa. De hecho, es un objetivo importante y loable. Sin embargo, cambiar el contenido de una página web del Estado, es otra bien distinta. Aunque el nuevo formato ciertamente describe el estado actual de las relaciones bilaterales entre Estados Unidos y el resto de países del mundo, no refleja las relaciones mantenidas en el pasado y de ninguna manera posee la profundidad de información disponible en las bien redactadas y detalladas Notas de Fondo de años anteriores, disponibles ahora sólo en forma de archivo. READ MORE


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Morning Jay: How to Read the Polls

Aug 24, 2012 • By JAY COST

In every presidential cycle, there is a debate about partisan identification in polling. Conservatives complain about too few Republicans being sampled; pollsters, journalists, and liberals respond by saying it is inappropriate to weigh polls by party identification.
What to make of all this?
The primary issue relates to the population that polls are sampling. There are several populations to choose from, and we can conceive of this as a series of concentric circles.
The idea here is that each circle represents a different population that can be sampled – but with a twist. The adult population includes all other sub-populations, the registered voter population is smaller than the adult population but includes likely and actual voters, and so on. And of course we cannot poll the actual voters until after they have voted!
Each population is worth polling, albeit for different questions. For instance, if you want a gauge of “consumer confidence,” you naturally sample the adult population. If you want a measure of how voters think about the state of the economy, a poll of adults would not be your best bet.
The reason that polls become a partisan football is that the further out on the circles you move, the more Democratic the poll usually gets. Likely voter polls usually have fewer Democrats than registered voter polls, which have fewer Democrats than adult polls.
Thus, the conservative case against “oversampling” Democrats is not that a pollster has included more Democrats than he should have in his sample, but that the population he is sampling has more Democrats than will come out to vote on Election Day.
This is how pollsters can be honest brokers, employing best practices, and still produce polls that overestimate the Democratic standing.
So what is the solution? At first blush one might conclude that the best approach is just to move inward through the circles – from registered voters to likely voters. Yet this approach does not necessarily produce a clearer picture of the ultimate electorate. We are still quite far from Election Day and a large portion of the voting public has yet to engage, meaning that those polls could still be more Democratic than the actual electorate (or even more Republican)
Absent some panacea, we have to approach the polls with prudence. Above all, we have to remember that the population we care most about – the actual voters – cannot be polled. So, all polls must be examined with caution.
We also have to keep history in mind. Over the last quarter century, party identification on Election Day has actually been quite stable in presidential elections.