jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

Why "Democrats" oppose Voter ID?...Jobless claims hit Four-Month high...Media Ignores Jobless claim rise...Y ahora que hace el Ejercito de USA?....

71 % of Voters Favor Voter ID

17 Oct 2012 

The support for voter ID in the United States remains strong, but it is clear that Democrats, who are gullible enough to buy into expletive-laden videos like Sarah Silverman’s or faux comedy video’s like Rainn Wilson’s, are more convinced that illegal voting should be here to stay.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 71% of voters think voters should be required to show ID before they vote. 66% of likely U.S. voters believe voter fraud is a serious problem, and 33% say it is a very serious problem.

Yet 34% think voter ID laws discriminate against some voters, which is up from 22% at the end of last year. 87% of GOP voters think voter ID doesn’t discriminate, while 60% of Democrats think it does.
The bottom line is this: 94% of Republicans and 76% of voters not affiliated with either major party favor voter ID; only about 50% of Democrats do.

When it comes to support for illegal voting, the Democrats win the election hands down.

The Perfect Shake


Jobless Claims Hit Four-Month High: Increase 46K to 388K

18 Oct 2012

Now that Obama's down 51-45% in the latest Gallup poll, maybe the bureaucrats behind the jobs numbers decided it no longer made sense to juice their results to benefit a president who might go down in flames? I kid. I kid. Kinda.

It was strange, though, to see last week's jobless claims hit a four-year low right after a counter-intuitive drop in the September unemployment rate -- all of this coming just weeks before a presidential election. But according to the corrupt media, only "truthers" dare question the government, so let's just get to this week's numbers:
Weekly applications for U.S. unemployment benefits jumped 46,000 last week to a seasonally adjusted 388,000, the highest in four months. The increase represents a rebound from the previous week's sharp drop. Both swings were largely due to technical factors.
The Labor Department says the four-week average of applications, a less volatile measure, fell slightly to 365,500, a level consistent with modest hiring.
Last week, California reported a large drop in applications, pushing down the overall figure to the lowest since February 2008.
This week, it reported a significant increase as it processed applications delayed from the previous week.
Oh, I see what happened. Through some crazy coincidence, the left-wing state of California which is run by a left-wing government and left-wing bureaucrats wasn't able to process all of its unemployment claims just weeks before a presidential election and the week after that bizarre drop in unemployment. And as a result, a left-wing president in reelection trouble got quite the boost.
Like I said … coincidence.
Question my government?
Go on.


Media Suddenly Muted on Jobless Claims

18 Oct 2012

Last Thursday morning, the headlines on National Public Radio were jubilant. "Jobless Claims Drop To Lowest Level In More Than Four Years," they crowed. NPR's anchors repeated the news in their hourly and half-hourly updates. The sudden, seasonally-adjusted drop--from 369,000 to 339,000 new claims--was touted by NPR and the rest of the mainstream media as timely evidence of economic recovery under President Barack Obama.

This week, jobless claims have soared to 388,000--a four-month high. NPR explained, correctly, that both changes were largely the result of the fact that California failed to process all of its jobless claims last week and therefore submitted an incomplete report that was rectified this week. But it did not bother to revisit its cheerleading from the week before, nor did it try to imply broader conclusions about the direction of the economy under Obama. The headline is: "Jobless Claims Take Sharp Jump: Rose By 46,000 Last Week."
Imagine if there were a conservative equivalent to NPR. The headlines this morning would have been full of dire conclusions of economic decline under Obama. But there is no media outlet that twists the truth to the right as much as NPR and other mainstream outlets twist it to the left. Fox News is muted this morning: its headline is "Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Rise to 388,000," a nod to the mainstream media narrative--for the last four years--that Obama is improving the economy and that any setbacks, no matter how large, are "unexpected."

That is the success of mainstream media bias--it has re-framed discussion to the extent that even conservative outlets feel an obligation to report the news in the left's terms. That is why everyone is discussing the jobless claims as a one- or two-week phenomenon rather than a four-year burden, which is what they have been.


El siguiente paso para el Ejército de Estados Unidos

Este mes, la Asociación del Ejército de Estados Unidos se reunirá para su encuentro y exposición anuales. Cuando se considere el final del conflicto iraquí y la retirada de Afganistán, habrá una pregunta en la mente de todos: ¿Adónde vamos a partir de aquí?

Durante los últimos 11 años, el Ejército ha llevado la mayor parte de la carga de las guerras en Irak y Afganistán. Los Marines han estado allí con ellos, pero el tamaño y la composición del Ejército hizo de él el mayor contribuidor de tropas para el conjunto de acontecimientos conocido como “Guerra contra el Terrorismo”. Y ha sido un camino largo y difícil.

Cada rama de las fuerzas armadas se está posicionando de cara al futuro. Eso es lo que sucede siempre que amaina un conflicto. Pero para la Fuerza Aérea, la Armada y el Cuerpo de Marines la decisión es más fácil. El nuevo “pivote” estratégico hacia Asia de la administración Obama les ha dado un rumbo que seguir. Las inmensas extensiones de aire y agua que conforman el teatro de operaciones Asia-Pacífico son sus elementos naturales. Sin embargo, el ejército contempla dicho “pivote” así como la ausencia de declaraciones de grandes o largas guerras en tierra o de conflictos debidos a la creación de nuevas naciones y no tiene más remedio que preguntar: “¿Para qué quieren que nos preparemos?”

El Ejército se está dejando el alma buscando una estrategia y devanándose los sesos para decidir cómo dimensionarse, cómo equiparse y cómo preparar a sus tropas. En las escuelas del Ejército, los instructores ya están declarando ciertos escenarios como fuera de los límites de una discusión productiva. Y los comandantes les están diciendo a los capitanes y tenientes frases como: “Nunca volveremos a hacer eso” y “Esa ya no será la misión del Ejército”.

Aunque el Ejército nunca ha sido muy bueno pronosticando. Después de Vietnam, se deshizo deliberadamente de sus conocimientos acumulados en contrainsurgencia. En mitad de la intervención en Kosovo, los coroneles que estudiaban en la Escuela de Guerra del Ejército de Estados Unidos declararon que al Ejército no le correspondía ni siquiera pensar en la creación de naciones y en otras complejas contingencias y que su única función legítima era ser un gigantesco puño que la nación enviaba para combatir en sus principales guerras. Sin duda, unos bonitos pensamientos.

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