viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

What Crazy things Obama supporters will do if Romney wins?...Last Poll shows Romney Wins...Media Task: Save Obama on Benghazi...Mientras El Gobierno Despilfarra nuestro Dinero!!!

50 Crazy Things That Obama Supporters Are Threatening To Do If Romney Wins

Michael Snyder
American Dream
Oct 19, 2012

Will cities all over America erupt in violence if Mitt Romney wins the election?  Right now we are probably witnessing the most divisive campaign in modern U.S. history, and both sides truly hate one another.  Even CNN is running articles about how polarized politics in America has become and how vicious both sides can be.  There is a lot of anger and frustration out there that has been bottled up for a long time, and this election could end up being a trigger event that releases a lot of it.  Both sides are entirely convinced that they can win this tightly contested election, and one side is going to feel bitterly disappointed when it does not happen.  Both sides are talking as if it is going to be “the end of America” or “the end of the world” if they lose this election.  This is particularly true when it comes to Obama supporters.  On social networking sites such as Twitter, many of them have actually been proclaiming that Mitt Romney wants to “exterminate black people” and many of them have been openly threatening to harm him if he does win the election.  This is a very dangerous sign, and these threats should be taken very seriously.  Of course a lot of Romney supporters are also likely to go absolutely insane if Obama ends up winning.  In fact, one Romney supporter apparently put a bullet through the window of an Obama campaign office in Denver the other day.  But when it comes to threatening to do crazy things if the election does not go their way, Obama supporters definitely take the cake.
The following are 50 crazy things that Obama supporters are threatening to do if Romney wins…

1. if romney wins i will cry in the fetal position every day (Source)
2. I’m serious: if Mitt Romney wins the presidency I’m moving to La Jolla to live in his vacant mansion #election (Source)
3. #IfObamaDontWin ima be walking around playing #2Pac with a 38 on my hip every where i go” (Source)
4. Best believe if Romney wins I’m dropping out and selling drugs (Source)
5. If romney win ima start bac robbin white folks.! (Source)
6. if Romney actually wins, I’m starting a riot (Source)
7. If Romney take away weave & my yams(foodstamps) . Ima get his White Asz (Source)
8. If Mitt Romney wins , I’m never having sex again! (Source)
9. if Romney wins and there’s a riot, I’m participating! (Source)
10. #IfObamaDontWin hell yeah America should riot and kill Romney!!! (Source)
11. if #Romney becomes president ima find away to be in the black panthers so we can take that mf out. (Source)
12. If Mitt Romney wins the election, I volunteer as tribute for the Hunger Games (Source)
13. If Romney Get Elected , The Only Hope Ima Have Is Sellin Dope ! #Gshit (Source)
14. Why ppl say if Romney win it’s back to the feilds? Lol if he win ima blow the white house up (Source)
15. If mitt Romney gets elected then ima buy all the tampons in the store!!!!!!!! And probably buy them in bulk from Sam’s club (Source)
16. If Romney takes away food stamps 2 Chainzz in this bit IMMA START A RIOT (Source)
17. If romney do win.. This riot is gon help out my christmas shoppin alot lol (Source)
18. I think we are all being too kind as Dems. If Romney wins see how kind he will be to our Middle class disappearing pockets. This is war! (Source)
19. If Romney wins I’m moving out of the country.. (Source)
20. If Romney wins who’s moving to Canada with me? (Source)
21. #IfObamaDontWin Im moving to mexico lol (Source)
22. I swear if #Romney wins Im legit packing up my stuff and moving to england!! I cant stand him! He always changes his mind! (Source)
23. #IfObamaDontWin Why hello Italy.. I’m going back. (Source)
24. If Romney wins the election I’m fleeing to Brazil after graduation. (Source)
25. #IfObamaDontWin Im Moving To Ghana (Source)
26. #IfObamaDontWin I’m Moving to Zimbabwe. (Source)
27. I’m an undecided voter. I haven’t decided where I’m moving if Romney wins. (Source)
28. My mom said if Romney wins we’re leaving the country ^.^ (Source)
29. #IfObamaDontWin people are gunna move to a different country were they can get financial help (Source)
30. I think ima start a riot if romney win. (Source)
31. Maybe workers should stand together and tell bosses if Romney wins they’re walking off the job. (Source)
32. If I see another “Romney” sign I swear ima knock it down… -_- #Obama2012 (Source)
33. Ima start stealing Romney signs for a bonfire lol (Source)
34. if romney wins our ppl will riot…. (Source)
35. If Romney became President and took away welfare Downtown Cincinnati would become a riot (Source)
36. If Mitt Romney wins come Nov. I’m becoming an Atheist Nun, just to shut-down those dickheads that want take control over me. (Source)
37. If romney becomes president just know it’s gone be a RiOT ! People can’t stand him. (Source)
38. Guys if Romney wins that means no more food stamps. The hood is about to have its own hunger games… (Source)
39. Oh wow! I heard there is gunna be a big riot if Romney wins! (Source)
40. When Romney wins, deys arl gonna riot and kill the cwacker, and da rest of da whiteys too. (I CAN’T F$KING WAIT!) I need a target rich envir (Source)
41. @FloggerBarb LMAO! Naw, my homeboy paged me. Say he gots to axe me a question about rioting #ifobamadontwinholla, jig! (Source)
42. If mitt Romney wins instead of ridin round wit da Nina we Gonn be ridin round wit dat pistol (Source)
43. Dear American pro-lifers, if Mitt Romney becomes president, I will personally abort one foetus for every vote he wins.#tryme (Source)
44. I Heard Mitt Romney , Tryna Take Away Food Stamps , If He Do .”IMA START A RIOT , IMA START A RIOT” (Source)
45. If Romney wins Ima start a riot ill burn the whole White House down (Source)
46. If Romney wins then ima take it upon myself to assassinate his ass!! (Source)
48. If Romney wins, I think I’ll kill myself. Can’t live through the indignity of that on top of a really crappy year. (Source)
49. I Hope The USA Is Well Aware That If In The Event This Character Romney Wins The Election, The People Will Start A Country Wide Riot! #Power (Source)
50. If Mit Romney win ima start a fucking riot str8 burning shit down (Source)
So do you believe that violence will erupt if Romney wins?  Please feel free to post a comment with your thoughts below….

The Perfect Shake


Election 2012 Likely Voters Trial Heat: Obama vs. Romney

Among likely voters : Romney 52% Obama 45%

All registered voters are asked: "Suppose the presidential election were held today, and it included Barack Obama and Joe Biden as the Democratic Party's candidates and Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan as the Republican Party's candidates. Who would you vote for [ROTATED: Barack Obama and Joe Biden, the Democrats (or) Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, the Republicans]?" Those who are undecided are further asked if they lean more toward Obama and Biden or Romney and Ryan and their leanings are incorporated into the results.

These results are for likely voters, who are the respondents Gallup deems most likely to vote based on their responses to a series of questions asking about current voting intentions, thought given to the election, and past voting behavior. Each seven-day rolling average is based on telephone interviews with approximately 2,700 likely voters; margin of error is ±2 percentage points.
See registered voter results here.

For a complete explanation of Gallup's likely voter procedures, please click here.


To Save Obama, Democrats Renew Criticism of Intelligence Community

19 Oct 2012

A Republican member of the House intelligence committee is vigorously disputing a new claim by Democrat and fellow committee member Rep. Jan Schakowsky of Illinois that intelligence officials told the committee there had been a “demonstration that was going on” during an attack on the US consulate in Benghazi on 9/11 that killed four Americans.

Jonathan Allen of Politico reported early Wednesday morning that Rep. Schakowsky had blamed faulty intelligence for the Obama administration’s repeated insistence that the attack had been motivated by outrage at an anti-Islamic video. She had added that the House intelligence committee, too, had received the same incorrect information:
Rep. Jan Schakowsky, an Illinois Democrat who serves on the House Intelligence Committee, called Romney’s criticism of the president “an obvious miss and a politicization” of the Libya situation. She also said the president was clear in his Rose Garden remarks, even if the cause of the attack was not yet known.

”We were told the same thing that turned out to be wrong, that there was this demonstration that was going on,” she said of the Intelligence Committee. “The president’s reaction at that time was, regardless of the circumstances, that this was an act of terror. … I don’t agree with that analysis that just technically the president was correct. I think that’s what he meant,” Schakowsky said.
Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA), who serves with Schakowsky on the intelligence committee, said that Schakowsky’s memory of what the committee had been told was incorrect. “If anybody is trying to politicize this thing, it’s Rep. Schakowsky by twisting the intelligence to help the president’s reelection chances,” he told Breitbart News.  “That’s very dangerous.  Her comments do not reflect what we were told.”
The State Department had no evidence of a protest at the U.S. consulate, and the Central Intelligence Agency had reported to Washington within 24 hours that the Benghazi attack was an assault by terrorists, not a spontaneous demonstration against a video.

Schakowsky’s new claim about faulty early intelligence reports renew an attempt by Democrats to lay blame upon the intelligence services. During his debate with Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) last week, Vice President Joe Biden had claimed that the “intelligence community told us that” the video had been the cause of the Benghazi attacks.

Yet a new report by Hannah Allam and Jonathan S. Landay of McClatchy Newspapers suggests that the Obama administration changed its story about the Benghazi attack after the first 48 hours, moving away from suggestions of terrorism and embracing the idea that the deadly assault was a response to an anti-Islam video made in the U.S.

And as Breitbart News reported earlier this week, it was only once the video story began to fall apart that the Obama administration pointed to the president’s Sep. 12 statement in the Rose Garden, in which he had used the term “acts of terror” in a generic sense.
Photo credit: Evanston Now

Diez ejemplos de desperdicio del dinero del contribuyente en 2012

Bailarinas exóticas, ardillas robot y un programa de reality televisivo en la India. Todo lo anterior se pagó este año con dólares de sus impuestos.

Dos informes recién aparecidos –Federal Spending by the Numbers 2012 (El Gasto Federal 2012 en cifras) de la Fundación Heritage y Waste Book 2012 (Libro del Despilfarro 2012), informe de la Oficina del senador Tom Coburn (R-OK)– arrojan luz sobre estos y otros ejemplos de gasto irresponsable llevado a cabo por Washington.

Si Ud. valora los dólares de sus impuestos, seguramente se sentirá enfurecido ante estos proyectos de desperdicio. A continuación le presentamos los 10 principales ejemplos de despilfarro, cinco de cada informe. Aunque no son necesariamente los conceptos que suponen un mayor costo, sin duda suponen un derroche y son representativos de la adicción al gasto de Washington, algo que debe acabar ya.

El Presupuesto Federal de 2012 en Cifras:

1. Un reality televisivo en la India. El Programa de Acceso al Mercado del Departamento de Agricultura gasta $200 millones anuales para ayudar a que las asociaciones y cooperativas agrícolas de Estados Unidos publiciten sus productos en los mercados extranjeros. En 2011, financió un reality televisivo en la India que promocionaba el algodón de Estados Unidos.

2. Estudiando el excremento de los cerdos. En cumplimiento de la ley del Aire Limpio, la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) concedió una subvención de $414,450 para la financiación de un estudio chino sobre el excremento de los cerdos y una subvención de $1.2 millones a las Naciones Unidas para la promoción del combustible limpio.

3. Los aperitivos de Amtrak. Amtrak, la compañía de trenes de Estados Unidos y  subsidiada por el gobierno federal, perdió en 2011 $84.5 millones en servicios de comida y bebida y $833.8 millones durante los últimos diez años. Y nunca ha cubierto los gastos por ofrecer estos servicios.

4. Usar ejercicios militares para impulsar los biocombustibles. La Armada de Estados Unidos compró 450,000 galones de combustible por valor de $12 millones (a casi $27 el galón) para llevar a cabo unos ejercicios con el objetivo de promocionar dicho combustible y hacer más fácil su comercialización. Se trata de la mayor compra de biocombustible que jamás haya hecho el gobierno.

5. Conferencias para empleados públicos. Sólo en 2008 y 2009, el Departamento de Justicia gastó $121 millones para celebrar o participar en 1,832 conferencias.

El Libro del Despilfarro de 2012:

1. La “Roboardilla”. Se gastaron $325,000 en una ardilla robot llamada “Roboardilla”. Este subsidio de la Fundación Nacional para la Ciencia se usó para crear una ardilla robótica de apariencia real con la finalidad de estudiar cómo reaccionaría ante ella una serpiente cascabel.

2. Pastelitos. Las tiendas de pastelitos están de moda en Washington DC y en el resto del país. Sin embargo, los 10 propietarios de tiendas de pastelitos que recibieron $2 millones en garantías para préstamos de la Administración de Pequeños Negocios, no pueden presumir mucho de su ingenio empresarial, pues son los contribuyentes quienes los están manteniendo a flote.

3. Cupones de comida para licor y comida basura. Aunque estaban pensados para garantizar que los niños que pasen hambre reciban una alimentación saludable, los cupones de comida financiados por el contribuyente se gastaron sin embargo en comida rápida en establecimientos como Taco Bell y Burger King, en alimentos no nutritivos como caramelos, helados y refrescos y por unas 2,000 personas de Nueva York y Massachusetts ya fallecidas. Los beneficiarios de los cupones de comida gastaron $2,000 millones sólo en gaseosas. Los pagos improcedentes del Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Suplementaria (SNAP) sumaron $2,500 millones de despilfarro, incluida una bailarina exótica que estaba ganando $85,000 anuales.

4. Elaboración de cerveza en Nuevo Hampshire. A pesar del éxito financiero y la popularidad de la cervecera Smuttynose, esta empresa aún sigue recibiendo $750,970 del Programa de Subsidios Globales para el Desarrollo Comunitario (CDBG) para poder construir sus nuevas instalaciones que comprenden una fábrica de cerveza y un restaurante.

5. El puente cubierto a ninguna parte. ¿Qué lista del despilfarro del gobierno estaría completa sin un infame “puente a ninguna parte”? En este caso, son $520,000 para arreglar un puente cubierto Stevenson Road en el condado de Green, Ohio, que se usó por última vez en 2003.

Parte de este derroche apenas si alcanza para justificar un error de redondeo según los actuales parámetros presupuestarios federales. Sin embargo, ninguna rebaja del gasto es demasiado pequeña. El Congreso debería erradicar hasta los más pequeños ejemplos de despilfarro. Hacer eso creará el impulso necesario para que se atajen los complicados retos presupuestarios a largo plazo, tales como la reforma del programa de derechos a beneficios.

El ejercicio fiscal 2012 es el cuarto ejercicio consecutivo con más de un billón de dólares de déficit. El total de la deuda federal ha sobrepasado los $16 billones. El gasto federal alcanzó en 2012 los $3.6 billones (es decir, el 22.9% de la economía). A pesar de estas aterradoras cifras, que van camino de empeorar, el Congreso continúa ampliando las estructuras de gobierno.

El desperdicio es intrínseco a un gobierno omnipresente debido a que el gobierno se preocupa principalmente de eludir los controles y, sólo de forma secundaria, de gastar el dinero adecuadamente.
Como advierten los dos informes, ya es hora de que el Congreso ponga freno a este desperdicio del dinero del contribuyente. Punto.

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