miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

Obama needs a Debate Punch...We are getting poorer, and fatter, and sicker, and... Univision: el Unico medio con periodismo investigativo!

Hail Mary: Losing the Election, Obama Needs a Debate Knock-Out

2 Oct 2012

Yes, I realize everyone in the media is telling me that the race for President is over. With 5 weeks to go, Obama has been called the winner by the DC bubble of journalists. Even the beltway GOP has gotten into the act. (My hatred of them will become clear on November 7th) An objective read of recent polling, however, shows that Obama is clearly in trouble. Obama is losing and it is his campaign that needs a boost from today's debate. 

This week, virtually every media organization has rushed forward their pre-debate polls. Every poll seems to be converging on an Obama lead of 2-4 points. The problem for Obama is that all of these polls have very ambitious assumptions about Democrat turnout this year. It will not come close to 2008 levels, putting Obama's reelection in real jeopardy.

Tonight, National Journal released their latest poll. Among likely voters, the race is tied. Among independents, Romney has an 8-point lead. As you can probably guess, the poll assumes a 2008 turnout model and is D+7. So, if Democrats achieve the same history-making turnout they experienced in 2008, Obama and Romney are tied. In 2008, with a D+7 electorate, Obama defeated McCain by 7 points. Today, with the same electorate, Obama is tied. 
Tell me, which campaign is underperforming?

In the past two weeks, virtually every media poll has shown a narrowing of the presidential race. Obama's lead is now beneath the Democrat skew in polls. In other words, a D+5 poll, for example, will give him a lead of 2-3 points. Another poll with a D+7 sample will show him tied. The numbers change, but his lead has never exceeded the partisan oversampling in any poll. He has never held a lead in any poll that has a more realistic turnout of the November elections.

You poll a lot of Democrats, Obama wins. You poll based on a realistic turnout of the November elections? Obama loses.

The media, in its waning days, can only get you so far. They have sacrificed their credibility on the altar of Obama, but it won't be enough. They tell us that Romney needs to win the debates to turn his campaign around. Yet, his campaign is steadily gaining ground against Obama. Going into the first debate, the underdog is Obama. The pressure is on him to right his own ship.



Americans May Be Getting Poorer, But At Least We Are Getting Fatter And Sicker

Michael Snyder
Economic Collapse

I know, there really isn’t any good news in that headline.  Americans are steadily getting poorer, fatter and sicker and yet most people continue to operate under the delusion that things are somehow going to get better.

Sadly, not only are we not better off than we were four years ago, the truth is that things have been getting worse for a very long time.  Median household income in the United States has declined for four years in a row, and it has fallen by more than $4000 overall since Barack Obama has been in the White House.  Yet the media insists that we are in the midst of an “economic recovery”.  A higher percentage of Americans are obese or severely obese than ever before, and Baby Boomers are much sicker than their parents were at the same age.  Yet we are supposedly a “health conscious” nation.  Technology is advancing faster than we have ever seen before in human history, but the life expectancy of poor Americans has dropped significantly in recent years.  So exactly what in the world is going on here?
It seems like there is a health food store or a vitamin store on almost every corner, and yet as a whole we are in much worse condition than our parents were.  The following is from a recent news story by the CBS News affiliate in Washington D.C.….
Obesity among baby boomers is more than double the rate of their parents at the same age, and boomers with three or more chronic conditions was 700 percent greater than the previous generation.
But it isn’t just the Baby Boomers that are obese.  Sadly, obesity has become a raging epidemic in America and all of the numbers show this.
For example, a study by the RAND corporation discovered that the percentage of Americans that are severely obese rose from 3.9 percent in the year 2000 to 6.6 percent in 2010.
That is a huge increase in just a decade.
And the numbers are even more sobering when you look at the percentage of Americans that are just obese (rather than being severely obese).
As I wrote about the other day36 percent of all Americans are considered to be obese, and it is being projected that by 2030 that number will rise to 42 percent.
To put that in perspective, it is important to note that only 13 percent of all Americans were obese back in 1962.
Sadly, not only are we getting fatter, many of us are also living shorter lives.
In a previous article, I quoted a CBS News story that discussed recent research which shows that the lifespans of poor Americans have been dropping rapidly in recent years….
Overall life expectancy has dropped for white Americans who have less than a high school diploma to rates similar to those of the 1950s and 1960s, new research finds.
The study found non-Hispanic white men without a diploma lived on average until 67.5 in 2008, three years less than they did in 1990. The drop in lifespan was even bigger for non-Hispanic white women with low education: They live five years shorter than 1990 rates, from 78 years old to just 73.5.
Why are people not living as long?
Well, our lifestyles certainly are not helping things.  The average American watches 28 hours of television every single week.  That is not conducive to a long and happy life.
But of course a lot of other factors are at play as well.
When you don’t have a lot of money, you can’t afford to eat healthy and you can’t afford to go see the doctor much.
Unfortunately, average Americans have steadily seen their incomes drop even as the cost of living has continued to go up.  The following is from a recent article posted on Investors.com….
Since 2009, the middle 20% of American households saw their average incomes drop 4%. In 2011 alone, they fell 1.7%. The poorest 20% have fared even worse under Obama, Census data show. Their incomes have dropped more than 7% since 2009, and are now lower than they’ve been at any time since 1985, after adjusting for inflation. READ MORE


Rápido y Furioso: Univision sigue haciendo preguntas incómodas

Poco después de la organización de un exitoso foro que contó con la presencia del presidente Obama, Univision, la mayor red de noticias en lengua española de Estados Unidos, ha destapado más información sobre la fallida Operación Rápido y Furioso.

La Operación Rápido y Furioso tuvo como resultado que cerca de 2,000 potentes armas de fuego viajaran libremente a través de la frontera de Estados Unidos para ser utilizadas por los cárteles de la droga mexicanos, lo que a su vez provocó la muerte de docenas, por no decir cientos, de civiles inocentes, incluido el agente americano de la Patrulla de Fronteras de Estados Unidos Brian Terry.

El que fuera procurador general de México, Víctor Humberto Benítez Treviño, estima que aproximadamente 300 mexicanos han sido asesinados con las armas de la Operación Rápido y Furioso y que cientos de esas armas siguen sin aparecer. Entre las más inquietantes acusaciones del informe de Univision se incluye la posibilidad de que las armas de la Operación Rápido y Furioso fueran usadas, en enero de 2010, por un escuadrón de sicarios que trabaja para el cártel de Juárez para matar a tiros a 16 adolescentes (y herir a 12 más) que estaban asistiendo a una fiesta de cumpleaños en Ciudad Juárez.

Como Heritage ha estado informando, los responsables de la administración Obama han sido poco abiertos a la hora de esclarecer lo que sabían sobre la tan mal diseñada Operación Rápido y Furioso. Incluso hay fuertes indicios de que el procurador general de Estados Unidos Eric Holder podría haber dado testimonio contradictorio bajo juramento ante el Congreso.

Como comenta Lachlan Markay, de Heritage,  en respuesta al informe hecho público recientemente por el propio inspector general del Departamento de Justicia:
Aunque el informe no afirma que Holder engañase al Congreso, sí dice que esas declaraciones bajo juramento sugerían que el transporte de armas tuvo lugar. Holder dice que leyó esos testimonios y que estos no sugerían tal cosa. Si el inspector general tiene razón, ambas afirmaciones son ciertas: o Holder no revisó los testimonios o no fue veraz sobre su contenido.
El informe de Univision sólo profundiza en la necesidad de que esta administración proporcione al pueblo americano, así como al gobierno mexicano, mayor información sobre cómo es posible que el gobierno de Estados Unidos pudiera haber permitido que este programa se llevase a cabo. Sólo ha resultado en la muerte de ciudadanos tanto americanos como mexicanos, incluido Terry.

Y a pesar de la mínima cobertura prestada por parte de los principales medios de comunicación a la controvertida Operación Rápido y Furioso, el reciente informe del inspector general ha dejado claro que aún quedan cosas por destapar, incluida la posibilidad de que pueda haber otra “investigación de la Oficina de Alcohol, Tabaco, Armas de Fuego y Explosivos (ATF) en torno a un individuo sospechoso de transportar componentes para montar granadas hasta México…y de suministrárselos a los carteles de la droga”.

Como se vio en el reciente foro que organizó Univision con el presidente Obama, durante el cual el presentador de noticias Jorge Ramos presionó con preguntas al presidente Obama respecto a un buen número de asuntos importantes , está claro que a la mayor red de noticias en lengua española no le tiembla la mano a la hora de hacer preguntas incómodas ni de arrojar un poco de luz respecto a los fracasos de esta administración.

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