jueves, 30 de enero de 2014

Putin vs Obama, is America Godless? Mmhhh....As always, reason and faith in line with Science: Obtaining Embrionic type stem cells from Mature cells!!!...Por que quieren dominiar las escuelas y mas importante a los alumnos, los socio-progressistas?

Putin: America Is Godless, Has Turned Away from Christian Values

Russian President Vladimir Putin condemned the West, including the United States, for eschewing Christian values and opting instead for a “path to degradation.”

In his State of the Nation speech last month, Putin asserted that, “Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values… Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan.” Russia has adopted new laws that ban homosexual propaganda and criminalizes the insulting of religious sensibilities.

The law on religious sensibilities was approved in the wake of a protest in Moscow’s largest cathedral by a female punk rock group, Pussy Riot. State-run television said the group’s “demonic” protest was funded by “some Americans.” Russia’s newfound embrace of traditional values has prompted a rise in Orthodox vigilantism. Extreme groups such as the Union of Orthodox Banner Bearers, an ultraconservative faction who adopted a slogan “Orthodoxy or Death,” are gaining prominence.

It was not that long ago that the United States was accusing Russia for being a “godless nation.” On March 8, 1983, Ronald Reagan said this about Russia to an audience of evangelicals:
Yes, let us pray for the salvation of all of those who live in that totalitarian darkness--pray they will discover the joy of knowing God. But until they do, let us be aware that while they preach the supremacy of the state, declare its omnipotence over individual man, and predict its eventual domination of all peoples on the Earth, they are the focus of evil in the modern world.
History supports the 40th President of the United States' remarks. According to a 1995 Russian presidential committee report, Soviet authorities executed 200,000 clergy and believers from 1917 to 1937, many of them crucified, scalped, and otherwise tortured. Thousands of churches were destroyed, and those that survived were turned into warehouses, garages, or museums of atheism.

Moreover, another 500,000 religious figures were persecuted and 40,000 churches destroyed in the period from 1922 to 1980, the report said. Half the country’s mosques and more than half the synagogues were also destroyed. “Clergymen were crucified on churches’ holy gates, shot, scalped [and] strangled,” said Alexander Yakovlev, head of the Commission for the Rehabilitation of the Victims of Political Repression. “I was especially shocked by accounts of priests turned into columns of ice in winter,” Yakovlev said. “It was total cruelty.”


Scientists Create Embryonic-Type Stem Cells from Mature Cells

LONDON (Reuters) - In experiments that could open a new era in stem cell biology, scientists have found a simple way to reprogram mature animal cells back into an embryonic-like state that allows them to generate many types of tissue.

The research, described as game-changing by experts in the field, suggests human cells could in future be reprogrammed by the same technique, offering a simpler way to replace damaged cells or grow new organs for sick and injured people.

Chris Mason, chair of regenerative medicine bioprocessing at University College London, who was not involved in the work, said its approach in mice was "the most simple, lowest-cost and quickest method" to generate so-called pluripotent cells - able to develop into many different cell types - from mature cells.
Read the rest of the story at Reuters.

El ministro niega que se enseñe a los niños a ser homosexuales

Francia: padres boicotean la asignatura «ABCD de la igualdad» impuesta por el Ministerio de Educación

Desde la semana pasada, una campaña insta a los padres a desescolarizar a sus hijos una vez al mes como medida de protesta contra una asignatura adoctrinadora en la ideología de género impuesta por el Ministerio de Educación francés. Según los medios locales, en algunos centros las ausencias llegaron a ser de un tercio del alumnado, lo que alertó al ministerio. La campaña lleva el nombre de «Día de suspensión del colegio» y ha sido transmitida sobre todo vía SMS y a través de redes sociales.

(Agencias/InfoCatólica) El ministro francés de Educación, Vincent Peillon, explicó que algunos padres le preguntaron por la veracidad de un rumor según el cual en la escuela francesa se alienta en los niños la homosexualidad.

«Es totalmente falso», afirmó el responsable de Educación, quien defendió la asignatura, bautizada como «ABCD de la igualdad». Está previsto que se dé en todas las escuelas francesas a partir del próximo curso.

La intervención del ministro se produce después de que un gran número de padres no llevaran en los últimos días a sus hijos a la escuela en respuesta a un llamamiento al boicot de esta asignatura orquestado por la escritora Farida Belghoul, líder del movimiento «Manif pour tous», creado el año pasado en oposición a la legalización del matrimonio homosexual.

viernes, 10 de enero de 2014

Europe: Deflation, USA: Stagnation, China: Danger....For 70% of teens Gay attraction is dubios...Que paso con la Pobreza?

World View: Eurozone Plummets into Deflation

  • Eurozone plummets into deflation

Eurozone plummets into deflation

Inflation versus deflation (Don Stott, Silver Bear Cafe)
Inflation versus deflation (Don Stott, Silver Bear Cafe)
The eurozone consumer price index (CPI) inflation rate fell to 0.8% in December, continuing a long string of steadily decreasing month after month inflation rate reports. The "core inflation rate," which excludes food and energy and so is less volatile, fell to 0.7%. The following table shows the core inflation rate reported in each of several months in the last year:

'   Dec 2012    1.5%
'   Jul 2013    1.1%
'   Aug         1.1%
'   Sep         1.0%
'   Oct         0.8%
'   Nov         0.9%
'   Dec 2013    0.7%
This has been a fairly dramatic trend and demonstrates that deflation is becoming firmly lodged in the European economy.

For over ten years, mainstream economists have been predicting inflation or hyperinflation because central banks have had near-zero interest rates and have been pumping trillions of "printed" dollars into the economy. For ten years, Generational Dynamics has been predicting a deflationary spiral. Once again, generational theory is right, and mainstream economists are wrong. Mainstream economists didn't predict and can't explain the tech bubble of the 1990s, the real estate and credit bubble of the 2000s, or the financial crisis of 2007. 

It was perfectly obvious that there was a huge real estate bubble in the 2004-2007 time frame, as I wrote about many times in that period. Mainstream economists, however, didn't even recognize the bubble until around 2009, when they started saying, "Oh yeah, by the way, there was a real estate bubble in 2006. Let's not do that again." Are you kidding me? Mainstream economists have no clue what's going on, and they have no clue what will happen next year, except to assume that the same thing that happened last year will happen next year, and you don't need mainstream economists to make that "prediction."

The Wall Street stock market bubble has gotten so large that even some mainstream financial advisers are predicting a crash soon. (See, for example, Estimating the Risk of a Market Crash, John P. Hussman Ph.D.) According to Friday's Wall Street Journal, the S&P 500 Price/Earnings index (stock valuations) on Friday (January 3) morning was 18.88, which is astronomical by historic standards, indicating that stocks are far overpriced, and the stock market bubble is worse than ever.

As Europe spirals into deflation, it's worth duly noting that Bank of England Governor Mark Carney is expressing concern about China's credit bubble. The Chinese credit system has grown to $24 trillion from $9 trillion in late 2008, equivalent to adding the entire US commercial banking system.

Generational Dynamics predicts a continued deflationary spiral, and a massive world financial crisis, as a crisis in one country or market creates a chain reaction that affects the entire world. Reuters and Telegraph (London) and Telegraph (Dec 2013)

70 percent of teens with ‘gay’ attraction later say they are exclusively heterosexual: study

  • Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:03 EST
ITHACA, NY, January 9, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Questions are being raised about the validity of research on teenagers with same-sex attractions after a Cornell University professor found that more than 70 percent of teens who said they had ever had a same-sex “romantic attraction” later told researchers that they were unreservedly heterosexual.

The study, published last month in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, analyzed data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, also known as Add Health, which conducted four waves of surveys on teens as they matured into adulthood from 1994 to 2008.
Study author Ritch Savin-Williams, director of Cornell's Sex and Gender Lab, said that some of the "inconsistent" data may have been caused by confusion over the questions in Add Health, which could have led some teens to incorrectly say they were homosexuals. But Savin-Williams highlighted "the existence of mischievous adolescents who played a ‘jokester’ role"

"In this essay, we argue that researchers who base their investigations of non-heterosexuality derived from reports of romantic attractions of adolescent participants from Wave 1 of Add Health must account for their disappearance in future waves of data collection," Savin-Williams wrote in the introduction to his study.
He said that survey questions about “romantic attraction” might have confused the teens, especially since the Add Health survey did not define what the term meant.

He also noted the role of “jokester” replies, citing hundreds of survey responses from teens who said they had an artificial arm, hand, leg, or foot, which subsequently proved to be false when the teens were interviewed at home.

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The researcher pointed out that the existence of “inconsistent” teens is not new to social science studies, but inconsistencies in the Add Health data may have been ignored by analysts and may have led to misleading conclusions. “It’s not that we saw something that no one else had seen,” Savin-Williams said. “But they kept using the data...People should have said, ‘Hold on here. Who are these kids?’”

He noted that many previous Add Health data analyses have shown suspiciously high numbers of same-sex attracted teens, but argues that confused teens and false answers may have distorted those results, making the studies on sexual minority teens inaccurate.

"The high prevalence of Wave 1 youth with either both-sex or same-sex romantic attractions was initially striking and unexpected," Savin-Williams wrote. "Subsequent data from Add Health indicated that this prevalence sharply declined over time such that over 70% of these Wave 1 adolescents identified as exclusively heterosexual as Wave 4 young adults."

"Importantly, these ‘dubious’ gay, lesbian, and bisexual adolescents may have led researchers to erroneously conclude from the data that sexual-minority youth are more problematic than heterosexual youth in terms of physical, mental, and social health," Savin-Williams concluded.
An abstract with a link to obtain the full report is available here.

Por qué hemos estado perdiendo la guerra contra la pobreza desde la época de Johnson

Hace cuarenta años, el presidente de Estados Unidos Lyndon B. Johnson declaró en tono desafiante la guerra. No, no era contra el comunismo ni contra las fuerzas comunistas de Vietnam. En su lugar, este texano alto y desgarbado declaró la guerra contra la pobreza. Entre sus comentarios preparados para un Congreso conjunto, Johnson dijo de manera confiada: “…Nuestro objetivo no es sólo aliviar los síntomas de la pobreza, sino curarla y, sobre todo, prevenirla”.

Un estudio rápido del 36º presidente de Estados Unidos nos revela a un joven profesor expuesto a algunos de los más profundos niveles de pobreza e indigencia a lo largo de la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México, lo que ayuda a explicar por qué Johnson se puso un objetivo tan honorable y ambicioso cuando se convirtió en el jefe ejecutivo del país.

Desgraciadamente, tras cuatro décadas y miles y miles de millones de dólares gastados en los programas federales contra la pobreza, la realidad es que el número de americanos que vive en la pobreza ha aumentado. Según los últimos datos de la Oficina del Censo, el número de americanos que vive en la pobreza se mantiene en torno a los 50 millones. Mientras que el gobierno establece oficialmente el nivel de pobreza en unos ingresos individuales de alrededor de $11,500, para una familia de cuatro miembros la cifra ronda los $23,550.

En el caso de los hispanos, estas cifras dan aún más que pensar. Según un reciente artículo del Washington Post, los niños hispanos conforman ya el mayor grupo de pobreza infantil, lo que supone la primera vez en la historia de Estados Unidos que los niños blancos pobres han sido superados por los niños pobres de otra raza o etnia.

Puesto que se espera que el número de hispanos que vive en Estados Unidos se incremente en los próximos años y décadas, estas cifras revelan un problema sintomático no sólo de un grupo étnico, sino de todo el Estado a nivel colectivo.

Y aunque en las cuatro décadas desde que Johnson declaró la guerra contra la pobreza hemos visto una vertiginosa colección de avances tecnológicos que pocos podrían haber predicho, un viaje en el tiempo apenas habría hecho que nos sorprendiéramos al escuchar las recetas de la política federal sobre la mejor forma de reducir la pobreza. Los argumentos se pueden resumir de este modo: con el fin de reducir la pobreza, se incrementan el rol y el presupuesto del gobierno federal.

Con la excepción de la emblemática Ley de Reforma de la Asistencia Social de 1996, el Congreso y los sucesivos presidentes han adoptado el mismo mantra, esperando de forma desesperada poder desplegar algún día una pancarta que diga: “Misión cumplida” respecto a la “Guerra contra la Pobreza”, aunque no hayan tenido éxito hasta ahora.

Es por eso por lo que si hay alguna vez un momento oportuno para oír voces que disientan sobre cómo reducir de manera efectiva la pobreza, éste sería tan buen momento como cualquier otro.
Para empezar, reafirmemos lo que funciona. Por ejemplo, en cuanto a la perniciosa cantidad de niños hispanos que viven en la pobreza, la gran mayoría proviene de hogares monoparentales.

Mis colegas de la Fundación Heritage han pasado años estudiando estas cifras y publicaron un documento con un título muy oportuno: “Matrimonio, la mejor arma contra la pobreza infantil”. Entre los hallazgos del mismo destaca que, comparados con niños criados en familias intactas, los niños criados en hogares monoparentales tienen más probabilidades de sufrir problemas emocionales y de comportamiento.

Además, el actual sistema de asistencia social incentiva el que las personas vean los programas públicos de ayuda como permanentes, en lugar de temporales. Esto es exactamente lo opuesto al espíritu de la visión de Lyndon B. Johnson sobre cómo erradicar la pobreza: “Pues la guerra contra la pobreza no se ganará aquí en Washington… se debe ganar en cada uno de nuestros hogares”. Esos perversos incentivos están reflejados en un reciente informe que citaba que en la mayoría de los estados del país, vivir de la asistencia social resultaba más rentable que trabajar en un empleo por el salario mínimo.

Esta es la realidad que demasiado a menudo no se tiene en cuenta por culpa de la mezquindad de la política.
En vez de politizar la pobreza como hemos estado haciendo durante los últimos 40 años, pongamos el énfasis en la verdadera necesidad del rol que debe desempeñar la sociedad civil si queremos disminuir el número de americanos que vive en la pobreza. Y, por supuesto, eso no quiere decir que el gobierno federal no deba desempeñar ningún papel en esta honorable cruzada, sino que mejor resistámonos al deseo de delegar totalmente este verdadero problema en nuestros responsables públicos electos. El país nos lo agradecerá.

jueves, 9 de enero de 2014

Christians Martyrs because of Islamist Extremism, Why?....25% of women seeking abortions were abused...Luchar contra la Pobreza: Trabajo y Matrimonio!!!

Report: Number of 'Martyred' Christians Nearly Doubled in 2013

A report from the non-denominational group Open Doors says the number of Christians martyred around the world for their faith nearly doubled in 2013.

The report documents 2,123 Christians killed for their faith in 2013 versus 1,201 killed in 2012.
Details, carried in Reuters, show that over half the deaths took place Syria alone. However, because many of those deaths are due to heightened tensions from the civil war, Open Doors ranked "North Korea at the top of its list of 50 most dangerous countries for Christians. " The next four most dangerous were "Somalia, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan."

Open Doors' France's Michael Varton said ongoing conflicts and wars that pit Islamists against others--as in Syria--are especially dangerous for Christians. The report says, "Islamist extremism is the worst persecutor of the church worldwide."

The report makes clear that in North Korea the issue isn't always the number of Christians killed but the number held as political prisoners for their faith. Open Doors estimates "50,000 to 70,000 [Christians] lived in political prison camps."

Wayuu Fashion

One-quarter of all women seeking an abortion were abused, new study finds

  • Wed Jan 08, 2014 13:56 EST
Updated at 3 p.m. EST to include remarks from Dr. David Reardon.
LONDON, January 8, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – One out of every four women who seeks an abortion has been a victim of abuse, according to a new meta-analysis.

In the study, which was published online yesterday in the peer-reviewed open access journal PLOS Medicine, the researchers found that intimate partner violence (IPV) is associated with higher abortion rates and repeat abortions.

The meta-analysis, which examined 74 studies of women around the world, found that between 2.5 and 30 percent of abused women have had an abortion within the last year. That rates soars to between 14 and 40 percent over a lifetime.

Physical, mental, psychological or sexual abuse – as well as “coerced decision-making” – were linked to higher abortion rates and repeat abortions. The authors refer to multiple studies over the last decade, including a 2005 report that found women were 10 times more likely to abort a planned pregnancy. Studies showed between two and 18 percent of women said they felt coerced to have the abortion.
Post-abortion women have testified that they were forced to abort by parents, boyfriends, ex-boyfriends, husbands, abusers, even policemen.

“These findings reinforce the broad consensus that there is a significant relationship between induced abortion and violence against women,” Dr. Jacqueline C. Harvey of the Reproductive Research Audit (RRA) told LifeSiteNews.com. This “suggests that for many women, the choice to have an abortion is not made freely, but from fear,” said Harvey, who testified about the issue before the Texas legislature last July.
Cheryl Sullenger, senior policy analyst at Operation Rescue, told LifeSiteNews the survey confirms her own observations. “The most dangerous time for women is during pregnancy when they are at risk of increased domestic violence attacks, especially if their partners want them to have an abortion against their will,” she said.

Even the National Organization for Women has recognized that murder is the leading cause of death for pregnant women.

Dr. David Reardon, director of The Elliot Institute, which produced a 21-page report on forced abortions in 2004, explained the psychology of the abusers to LifeSiteNews. “In most cases of abuse, these are not men who want to have children,” he said. “They see the pregnancy as threat to their freedom and control and domination, being the focus of the woman's affections, so they see the child as a threat to themselves.”
The forced abortions can lead to a vicious circle of abuse, he warned. “As a result of an increased guilt, anger, rage, and other issues that they face, women who had abortions can become more self-destructive, so they may seek out abusive relationships as a form of self-punishment,” he said.

Because of this high rate, abortionists “should consider the possibility that women seeking termination of pregnancy may be experiencing intimate partner violence,” the study's five authors wrote.
Harvey said, “The take away from this meta-analysis is the cry for help – the willingness and desire these women have to escape violent relationships and the need for clinics to put patients over profits and help these women at risk, rather than merely taking their money and returning them to their abusers.”

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Susan Bewley, a consultant obstetrician at King's College in London and one of the study's authors, found that abortion-minded women "welcomed the opportunity to disclose their experiences ... and to be offered help." She even suggested that abortion facilities "represent an appropriate setting in which to test interventions designed to reduce intimate partner violence."

But pro-lifers did not hold out any hope that the billion-dollar abortion industry will change its ways.
“If anyone thinks that abortionists might be willing to intervene on behalf of these women, they are sadly mistaken,” Sullenger said. “Abortionists are more likely to cover up for the abusers, as long as they can get paid for the abortion.”

Instead, the abortion industry has a history of fighting and then ignoring laws requiring abortionists to report abuse. As of January 1, Dr. Ulrich George Klopfer had to shut down his abortion facility in Indiana after failing to report the potential statutory rape of minor girls to state officials under the terms of the law. Undercover investigations have shown abortion workers telling minors how to cover up for their abusers.
Sometimes abortionists themselves are the perpetrators. In 2003, a jury convicted Arizona abortionist Brian Finkel of 24 counts of sexual abuse. Abortion employees from California to Michigan, from Oregon to Pennsylvania, and from England to Ghana have been convicted or accused of sexually abusing women during the abortion procedure.

“This kind of violence against women is an unfortunate consequence of abortion on demand,” Sullenger told LifeSiteNews. “It ironically robs many abused women of their 'choice' to keep their babies, and perhaps that is why domestic violence against pregnant women seems to be a low priority for the 'abortion-rights' movement.”

Cómo luchar contra la pobreza – y vencerla

Cuando el presidente Johnson inició la “Guerra contra la Pobreza” el 8 de enero de 1964, prometió “no sólo aliviar los síntomas de la pobreza, sino curarla y, sobre todo, prevenirla”. Por desgracia, el medio siglo de legado de la “Gran Sociedad” de Johnson no ha estado a la altura de ese noble objetivo.

La “Guerra contra la Pobreza” no le ha hecho justicia a los pobres. Nuestra responsabilidad con el prójimo en situación de necesidad exige más: corregir la dirección de las normativas púbicas y un compromiso por parte de cada uno de nosotros para hacer lo que podamos en nuestras propias comunidades.

A pesar de gastar cerca de $20 billones desde que empezó la “Guerra contra la Pobreza”, el índice de pobreza sigue estando hoy en día casi tan alto como a mediados de los 60. En la actualidad, el gobierno gasta anualmente cerca de $1 billón en 80 programas federales de ayuda según ingresos que proporcionan dinero, alimentos, vivienda, atención médica y servicios sociales enfocados en los americanos pobres y con bajos ingresos. Pero evidentemente, los responsables políticos no se pueden esconder detrás de montones de programas y miles de millones en gasto y afirmar que han cumplido con sus obligaciones con los pobres. Las buenas intenciones no bastan.

Necesitamos cambiar el carácter de las ayudas públicas. Eso significa modificar el objetivo de los incentivos de los programas federales de asistencia social. “A veces esos incentivos fomentan la dependencia, incluso durante generaciones”, indicó Robert L. Woodson, fundador y presidente del Centro Neighborhood Enterprise, en su testimonio del año pasado ante el Comité de Presupuesto del Senado. Woodson conoce de primera mano los efectos de estos programas, ya que trabaja con responsables comunitarios de todo el país con el objetivo de facultar a quienes están en situación de necesidad para que puedan vencer a la adversidad.

Por otro lado, el tipo correcto de incentivos puede “ayudar a la gente para que adquiera responsabilidades personales y persiga sus sueños”, observa Woodson. Transformar esos incentivos para fomentar la responsabilidad personal tiene un efecto espectacular: después de que la reforma de la asistencia social de 1996 comenzara a exigir que los beneficiarios trabajasen o se preparasen para trabajar, el número de inscritos en la asistencia social cayó a menos de la mitad, mientras que los índices de pobreza entre madres solteras y niños negros cayeron hasta mínimos históricos. Pero aquella reforma modificó los incentivos de solo uno de los más de 80 programas federales de asistencia social.

Como concluye Woodson:
De modo que si queremos ayudar a quienes están en situación de necesidad, tenemos que preguntarnos: ¿El enfoque que estamos adoptando para paliar la pobreza, por lo que lo llamamos red de seguridad, está ayudando realmente o está siendo perjudicial esta mano amiga?

Además de promover el trabajo, cualquier iniciativa seria en nombre de quienes están en situación de necesidad debe tomarse en serio el restablecer el matrimonio como la mejor arma de Estados Unidos contra la pobreza infantil. Los hijos nacidos y criados fuera del matrimonio tienen más de cinco veces más probabilidades de sufrir la pobreza que sus coetáneos criados en familias intactas.

Cuando comenzó la “Guerra contra la Pobreza”, el 8% de los niños de Estados Unidos nacía fuera del matrimonio. Desde mediados de los años 60, el fenómeno de tener hijos sin estar casados se ha disparado hasta más del 40% de todos los nacimientos; y desde el 25% hasta el 73% en el caso de los niños negros. Recuerde, un niño nacido y criado fuera del matrimonio tiene más de cinco veces más probabilidades de sufrir la pobreza que un niño criado en una familia intacta.

Volver a forjar una cultura del matrimonio necesita una reforma normativa con el fin de reducir las penalizaciones que sufre el matrimonio en los programas de asistencia social. También exige un tipo de restablecimiento de las relaciones que debe ocurrir a nivel personal, mediante la labor de las iglesias y de iniciativas comunitarias como “First Things First”, en Chattanooga, TN, que forja las habilidades necesarias para una relación. Estas y otras iniciativas para vencer la pobreza deberían hacer que nos involucráramos personalmente en el empeño de ayudar a restaurar vidas, familias y comunidades.

Fomentar el trabajo y restablecer el matrimonio “serían un mejor plan de batalla para erradicar la pobreza de Estados Unidos que gastar más dinero en programas fallidos”, comenta el investigador sénior de la Fundación Heritage Robert Rector en el Wall Street Journal de hoy, “Y ayudaría a alcanzar el objetivo de Lyndon B. Johnson de ‘sustituir su desesperación por la oportunidad’”.

miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014

NBC's & MSNBC's Hate tales...11 de los Mejores Placeres que existen!!!...So Obama only pays 18% of Income TAX? and income inequality?

History of Hate: Five Years of Falsehoods at NBC News

Everyone acted surprised when we learned yesterday that after a couple of disastrous months, MSNBC is defiantly refusing to change their editorial process. But why would they? For years now, MSNBC and NBC News have both become a culture of left-wing hate and fraudulent editing. The only thing new, as you will see below, is that the frequency of the fraud and hate is increasing.

What I've assembled here isn't anything close to comprehensive, but it is a revealing top ten:

1. In August of 2009, MSNBC anchor Contessa Brewer sliced and diced a photograph so it wouldn't look like a black man attended a Tea Party carrying a firearm. Brewer then blasted the Tea Party as racist.
2. In May of 2011, on the air, MSNBC anchor Ed Schultz referred to conservative talk radio star Laura Ingraham as a "right wing slut."

3.  In August of 2011, MSNBC anchor Ed Schultz maliciously edited video to make it look as though then-presidential candidate Rick Perry had described Barack Obama as a "big black cloud."

4. In April of 2012, NBC News maliciously edited a 911 call to make it sound as though George Zimmerman racially profiled Trayvon Martin.

5. In June of 2012, on her MSNBC show, longtime NBC star Andrea Mitchell attempted to manufacture a Romney gaffe with a fraudulent edit.
6. In January of 2013, MSNBC fraudulently edited video to make it look as though one of the Sandy Hook parents was heckled by gun rights activists.

7. In August of 2013, MSNBC hired rageaholic Alec Baldwin to anchor a weekly show just weeks after the actor took to Twitter to threaten a gay journalist using a series of homophobic tweets. Weeks after being hired, Baldwin was fired after another predictable incident involving the actor hurling anti-gay slurs.

8. In November of 2013, during what appeared to be a scripted segment, MSNBC anchor Martin Bashir took to the air to suggest someone teach Governor Sarah Palin a lesson by defecating in her mouth.
Through its Twitter account, MSNBC promoted this segment:  "WATCH: Martin Bashir gives Sarah Palin a remedial course on the physical scars and humiliation of slavery."
Bashir eventually apologized and left the network.

9. In December of 2013, MSNBC anchor Melissa Harris-Perry and guests held Mitt Romney's adopted black infant grandson up to the entire world for ridicule.

10. In January of 2014, MSNBC's "Queen" Rachel Maddow went to extraordinary lengths to lie about the Koch brothers backing mandatory drug tests for Florida welfare recipients.

What we've seen from MSNBC the past couple of months is not new behavior.
Fraudulent editing, hate, name-calling, and smears is not an editorial failure at MSNBC/NBC News - it is a business plan.

Wayuu Fashion

11 Placeres que nos Encantan!

"Algunas, de hecho, son más simples, dulces y fáciles de alcanzar", apunta, y entrega ejemplos de lo que a ella personalmente le produce placer: 
1.- Reír sin parar: según la sexóloga, el fenómeno de no poder recuperar el aliento de tanta risa no es algo que se dé seguido y, por lo tanto, cuando ocurre resulta muy placentero.  
2.- El abrazo de un niño: "Nada se siente más perfecto o mejor que tener los brazos y las piernas de tu pequeño alrededor de tu cuerpo, y su cabeza enterrada en tu cuello. El mundo se vuelve lleno de paz y amor", asegura Fulbright.
3.- Despertar y volverse a dormir: ¿alguna vez te has despertado en la mañana pensando que tu reloj no sonó y es tarde para irte a trabajar, pero luego te das cuenta de que es sábado y puedes seguir durmiendo? Para la sexóloga, cuando eso ocurre es un "momento absolutamente delicioso".
4.- Saciar la sed: sobre todo cuando se hace con agua pura. "Nada rehidrata mejor que el agua, en especial cuando tu cuerpo lo ansía. Seguramente has estado en esa situación y sabes lo bien que se siente", asegura.
5.- Hundirse en una tina caliente después de pasar tiempo en el frío: sentir manos, pies, nariz y todo literalmente congelado, debe ser una de las sensaciones menos placenteras que existen. Sin embargo, saber que tienes la posibilidad de entrar en calor, lo hacen soportable. "Una buena ducha o tina caliente es generalmente la manera perfecta para hacer que la sangre fluya de nuevo", indica Fulbright.
6.- Recibir una inesperada ayuda financiera: ¿te ha ocurrido que te pones una chaqueta que estaba perdida al fondo de tu clóset o usas una cartera que tenías olvidada, y en su interior encuentras un flamante billete? Sin duda, tu primera reacción es sonreír sin parar, en especial si el dinero te llega cuando realmente lo necesitas.
7.- Meterse a la cama con sábanas limpias y frescas: a juicio de la sexóloga, se trata de una situación que no requiere mayor explicación. Simplemente -dice- "se siente celestial".
8.- Estar junto a tu pareja piel con piel, y sentirla de pies a cabeza: según Fulbright, no importa que ese momento de intimidad no pase a mayores, sino que el sólo hecho de estar en brazos de la persona que amas, "es una de las pocas cosas que nos hacen olvidar que el resto del mundo existe". 
9.- La satisfacción de haber tenido una buena sesión de entrenamiento: el ejercicio físico estimula la producción de endorfinas, las que son conocidas como "las hormonas de la felicidad", ya que tienen efecto analgésico y otorgan sensación de bienestar. Así, poner el cuerpo en movimiento puede, en efecto, provocar placer.
10.- Saber que la persona de quien estás enamorada, también te ama: cosquilleo, mariposas en el estómago, la sonrisa que no se borra del rostro. Son múltiples los efectos que genera el amor entre dos personas y que, según la sexóloga, hacen que "todo en el mundo se sienta bien".
11.- Conseguir un objetivo esperado: no importa si es grande o pequeño, la emoción que se siente al lograr algo tras haber trabajado duro, es inmensa, asegura la sexóloga.

Millionaire Obama: I Hate Income Inequality

President readies populist push despite personal affluence

Back from his $4 million Hawaii vacation, President Barack Obama seems poised to sound the populist trumpet in an effort to turn the page on 2013’s disastrous Obamacare rollout.

Many pundits are speculating that Obama, seeing the popularity of liberal populists like New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio, will use the current debate over unemployment insurance to engage in more divisive rhetoric:
The Obama administration has set the stage for a push that could rekindle cries of class warfare -- calling for renewed long-term unemployment benefits, a minimum wage increase and a campaign against what Democrats call "income inequality."
Ahead of his multi-week, holiday vacation in Hawaii, President Obama pushed Congress to move forward on extending federal unemployment benefits that weren't included in the budget deal Senate Democrats and House Republicans struck to fund the federal government for the next two years. The White House has scheduled an East Room event on Tuesday in which the president will appear with people who lost that insurance.
On Tuesday, that's precisely what Obama did, trotting out unemployed people to push for another boost to unemployment benefits, and citing income inequality as the rationale.

One potential challenge for the President’s prospective populist push is his own family’s affluence. Despite the President’s public lowering of his own salary, the Obamas' tax returns show a family whose incomes would routinely place them in the highest bracket, with lucrative income streams outside of the White House. Last year, however, the Obama family paid an effective tax rate of only 18 percent.

martes, 7 de enero de 2014

Media Omits climate change mission of Antarctica rescued group!!!....while Gore and Climate Change CEO's are running loose...and the GOP to sopport and attend March for Life!

Mainstream Media Omits Climate Change Mission from Antarctica Ship Rescue

Global warming experts adrift in Antarctica since Christmas have finally been rescued, as the valiant efforts to save the Russian ship Akademik Shokalskiy were documented throughout the mainstream media. 

Yet one major detail – what the ship was doing in Antarctica at all – seems to have eluded almost every major media outlet.

Breitbart News previously reported that the New York Times's account of how the Russian ship was finally freed from a large chunk of ice after attempts by a Chinese icebreaker failed mysteriously omitted the original purpose of having 25 professors on board a ship in Antarctica in the first place.
However, the Times was not anywhere near alone in covering only the details of the rescue without any look into why the crew needed rescuing.

CNN's earlier reports on the ship coincide with this week's news that the crew on the ship was finally saved by an American icebreaker ship, both mentioning that the crew onboard the Akademik Shokalskiy were, indeed, "on a climate change research ship." It stands out among media sources in pointing this out. The Associated Press, for example, mentions only that the Akademik Shokalskiy was a "research ship." The Washington Post version of the AP story claims the ship was in Antarctica "re-creating Australian explorer Douglas Mawson’s 1911-13 voyage to Antarctica." NBC News went with this story, too, as did Reuters – omitting any mention of climate change research. ABC News went with no mention of any motive for the ship's being down in the Antarctic at all.

Not every media outlet merely reported a straight story without that key fact; some attempted to find new angles to the story that distracted from the purpose of the voyage and the tragedy that befell it – during Antarctica's summertime, no less – and the terrible optics these implied for the climate change lobby. USA Today, for example, wondered whether there would be any impact on the Antarctic tourist cruise industry thanks to the media's covering a ship stuck in the region (it concluded that no, no cruise companies seem to be worrying about this). National Geographic went with the very bizarre twist of emphasizing the American rescue ship's horsepower compared both to the Russian ship and its initial Chinese icebreaker savior, admiring the sheer power to break ice of such a ship.

Only publications with "conservative" reputations like the New York Post and the Boston Herald addressed the climate change angle of the story. The Herald ran an editorial hoping that the incident would increase awareness of the continued growth of Antarctica's polar ice caps, a fact contrary to much global warming speculation. The Post also mentioned the record-breaking ice in Antarctica's summer and highlighted the ship's goal to document the hypothetical record-breaking melting the scientists expected to find.
The Akademik Shokalskiy first sent out its distress call that it was stuck in ice on Christmas morning and has been lodged there ever since until finally having its passengers saved this week. The Snow Dragon, a Chinese icebreaker, moved closer to the Akademik Shokalskiy but, rather than managing to break a path through which it could escape, the icebreaker got stuck itself. A helicopter the ship brought with it did manage to take some passengers out of the Akademik Shokalskiy before the full rescue. An American vessel, the Polar Star, arrived this week from Australia and is in the process of returning the passengers to Tasmania, where they are expected by mid-January. The ships themselves remain lodged in ice.


Climate Change Groups Seek New Leadership as Green Movement Loses Momentum

It is unclear exactly why many climate change organizations are installing new executives, but it appears they are following the professional sports paradigm: When a team loses more than it wins, you can’t fire all the players, but you can fire the coach.

In the last decade the environmentalist have peddled harsh laws to install climate change strategies. However, many of these laws don’t pass, and new regulations fail to get traction. With global warming at a standstill for most of the last two decades and – much to Al Gore’s chagrin – plenty of ice still on the polar caps, more green groups are firing their CEO’s.Next to go is Maggie Fox, president and CEO of the Al Gore-founded Climate Reality Project, who will be gone in the Spring. The group was previously called the Alliance for Climate Protection and was part of the unsuccessful environmental movement’s drive to enact cap-and-trade legislation in 2009-10.

Two other large U.S. environmental companies are giving the boot to their leaders. National Wildlife Federation President and CEO Larry Schweiger is leaving in May, and Natural Resources Defense Council President Frances Beinecke is also parting ways with his group in 2014.

Frank O'Donnell, president of Clean Air Watch, defended the changing of the guard. "It happens in every profession," he said; "An older generation gives way to a new one. In this case, a new generation of leaders needs to step up." However, this logic doesn’t fully explain why Greenpeace USA is canning Executive Director Phil Radford who is only in his late 30s, a clear member of that younger generation.

Republicans throw weight behind March for Life: RNC delays annual meeting so members can attend

  • Mon Jan 06, 2014 18:58 EST
WASHINGTON, D.C., January 6, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – In a move that boosts social conservatives in an election year, the Chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC) has announced that he is delaying the RNC's annual winter meeting so he and others can attend the March for Life.
The Washington Times reports that approximately 20 of the 168 members of the RNC were planning to attend the March before Preibus' announcement. With Preibus' backing, the RNC is now renting buses to take attendees from downtown D.C. to the March, which takes place on Capitol Hill.

Hundreds of thousands
“I saw that there was a real interest among a significant portion of our members to attend and support the Rally for Life,” Priebus said in an email to The Times. “This is a core principle of our party. It was natural for me to support our members and our principles.”

The Republican Party has faced infighting between fiscal and social conservatives for several years. But despite this, according to RNC Deputy Press Secretary Raffi Williams, observers should not be surprised by the Chairman's decision. “The Republican Party will always be home for Americans who believe in social conservative issues,” he told LifeSiteNews.com in an e-mail.

This is the first time in years that the RNC has had its winter meeting in D.C. The meeting will now be delayed by a few hours on the first day. Williams said that “[the RNC] thought it only fitting for our members to attend the March to take part in the fight for the unborn.” The meeting will last four days.

Click "like" if you are PRO-LIFE

The Times cited several members of the RNC who were influential in Preibus’s decision. Missouri GOP Chairman Ed Martin said that “[w]hen Reince got wind of what members were planning on their own, he emailed that he would shift our RNC schedule so we could attend...” Oklahoma member Carolyn McLarty said the change has its origins in an e-mail RNC member Kathy Hayden of Virginia sent to attendees about the March “about a week ago.” “Things have snowballed from there,” she said.

In a public statement, March for Life President Jeanne Monahan said her organization was “pleased that...Chairman Reince Priebus recognizes the importance of the life issue and has given it priority in the Committee's calendar.” She encouraged attendees “to show their support for life, and in particular for adoption, the theme of this year's event.” 

The March for Life has taken place for 40 years, typically on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Hundreds of thousands usually participate in the annual event.

lunes, 6 de enero de 2014

Real facts vs Myths about the Minimum Wage...USA pierde influencia en el Mundo...The Obamacare disaster!

Seven Minimum Wage Facts That Have Democrats Worried

With the midterm elections just over 300 days away, nervous Democrats reeling from the Obamacare debacle are hoping a big push to raise the minimum wage will be the silver bullet that will spare them from the historic losses they suffered in 2010.

Democrats and unions are busy working to get minimum wage initiatives on state ballots in the hopes of creating an electoral “minimum wage magnet” to attract low-income, minority, and union voters to the polls.
Seven minimum wage facts, however, may diminish Democrats' high hopes.

1. Just 2.8% of American workers earn at or below the minimum wage.

The U.S. Department of Labor says 1.6 million people make the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. Another 2 million earn below that rate, such as restaurant servers who make tips in addition to a lower base hourly wage which, according to U.S. News and World Report, "in many cases actually puts them significantly above the minimum wage in reality, if not officially." That means in a nation of 317 million people, just 3.6 million (1.1%) make at or below the minimum wage. As a share of the U.S. workforce, just 2.8% of people working make minimum wage.
2. Half of all minimum wage workers are 16 to 24 years old. 

According to the Department of Labor, "minimum wage workers tend to be young," and "about half of those paid the Federal minimum wage or less" are below age 25. Many of these are students working while in school or teenagers with part-time or summer jobs. That means half of the people most affected by a minimum wage hike are among those least likely to show up at the polls to vote, especially in a midterm election year. Indeed, minimum wage workers who are 16 and 17 years old are not even legally eligible to vote.

3.  Labor workers already make well above the minimum wage.

Democrats and unions hoping labor workers will be energized by a minimum wage bump will be sad to know that laborers in every single sector of what the government calls "production and nonsupervisory employees"—like manufacturing, construction, mining, retail, transportation, etc.—already earn well above the minimum wage. In fact, in November 2013, the government reported that the average hourly labor wage across all industries was $20.31—a figure nearly three times the federal minimum wage. And as the unions themselves boast, a union member's annual salary is already $10,400 higher than a non-union worker.

4. Even those who support minimum wage hikes concede it could kill jobs.

Many economists and conservatives point to the body of economic literature that shows minimum wage increases kill jobs and simply encourage companies to pass along the added cost in the form of higher prices. But even ardent supporters like socialist Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant, who recently helped pass a $15 minimum wage in the SeaTac, Washington, concede the move could spawn job losses. "There may be a few jobs lost here and there, but the fact is, if we don't fight for this, then the race to the bottom will continue," said Sawant.

5. Minorities and the poor are hit hardest by the minimum wage. 

Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman famously noted that "the most anti-black law on the books of this land is the minimum wage law." Higher wages mean employers seek higher, more skilled workers. That, said Friedman, puts those with disproportionately less education and experience at a significant disadvantage when looking to put their foot on the first rung of the employment ladder.

6. Even progressives concede the minimum wage is no panacea for America's economic woes.

President Barack Obama's former chairwoman of the Council of Economic Economic Advisers Christina Romer says, "economic analysis raises questions about whether a higher minimum wage will achieve better outcomes for the economy and reduce poverty." As a result, says Romer, "most economists prefer other ways to help low-income families." Similarly, progressive Daily Beast writer Jamelle Bouie says while he supporters the move, "the minimum wage is a Band-Aid for wage stagnation and income inequality" and "doesn't make up for our sluggish economy and weak labor market."

7. 21 states already have minimum wages that are higher than the federal $7.25/hr rate.

Just last week, 13 states boosted their minimum wage rates above the federal minimum wage rate of $7.25/hr. That means 21 states now already have minimum wages that exceed the federal rate.
For these reasons and more, Republicans see Democrats' minimum wage tactic as a desperate attempt to run from the Obama record.

"If I had a dollar for every time Democrats thought their issue of the week was going to be their pathway to victory, I would have enough money to pay taxpayers back all the money that was wasted on the broken Obamacare website," said Republican Congressional Campaign Committee spokeswoman Andrea Bozek.

Wayuu Fashion

Querida, encogí a Estados Unidos: La influencia global americana con Obama

Segundo discurso inaugural de Obama
Una encuesta publicada recientemente por Pew Research, “El lugar de Estados Unidos en el mundo”, indica que el enfoque de Obama hacia los asuntos exteriores ha tenido un efecto profundamente negativo en el modo en el que los americanos ven su papel en el mundo.

Lejos de ver la “la refulgente ciudad en la colina” expresada por los líderes políticos americanos, desde William Bradford a Ronald Reagan, los americanos consideran que, en la actualidad, su influencia como nación a nivel mundial está en declive. “Por primera vez en unos estudios que datan desde hace cerca de 40 años, hay una mayoría (53%) que dice que Estados Unidos desempeña un papel menos importante y poderoso como líder mundial que el que desempeñaba hace una década”, indica Pew.

Entre los hallazgos más sorprendentes del estudio de Pew, llevado a cabo desde el 30 de octubre al 6 de noviembre entre 2,000 adultos, destaca el que la proporción de americanos que piensa que la influencia de Estados Unidos está en declive se ha incrementado en 12 puntos, llegando a duplicarse desde 2009, el primer año de mandato de Obama. No resulta sorprendente, indica Pew, que “Un porcentaje cada vez mayor quiere que Estados Unidos ‘se preocupe de sus propios asuntos a nivel internacional’ y preste mayor atención a los problemas internos”.

Incluso son más los encuestados que dicen que Estados Unidos está perdiendo el respeto internacional. Su número casi se equipara con el del segundo mandato del expresidente George W. Bush (71% en mayo de 2008), aunque las cifras de Bush se vieron afectadas por el desapego general a su “estilo de cowboy” de Texas y por dos guerras que fueron impopulares entre la opinión pública extranjera. En el caso del presidente Obama, llegó al cargo inmerso en una ola de benevolencia internacional, recibiendo el premio Nobel de la Paz incluso antes de ocupar el cargo.

Sin embargo, los tiempos han cambiado. La estrepitosa caída de este año en la confianza ha estado causada por la torpe política de actuación respecto a la guerra civil siria, el intento de apaciguar el programa de nuclear de Irán y las deferencias con los líderes políticos de Rusia y China.

Por sorprendentes que sean las conclusiones de Pew, en realidad no deberían constituir ninguna sorpresa. Al fin y al cabo el presidente comenzó su mandato en el cargo con una gira mundial para pedir perdón. Los críticos de la política exterior de Obama han argumentado durante años que para el plan del presidente para este país, es crucial un menor impacto a nivel global, una consecuencia natural de su visión política. Entre quienes han expuesto este argumento se encuentra Dinesh D’Souza, autor de “Obama’s America: Unmaking the American Dream, published before the 2012 election”.

La puesta en acción de la doctrina Obama supone nada más y nada menos que un ariete apuntado hacia el poderío americano y con éste, los cimientos del sistema global posterior a la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Aunque los americanos se están dando cuenta por fin de esta escalofriante revelación.

The Genealogy of Obamacare

Harking back to the worst of the New Deal.

Jan 13, 2014, Vol. 19, No. 17 • By JAY COST
Despite its clunky rollout, Obamacare continues to move forward. Many of the problems with the website have been fixed, at least on the “front end” that the consumer sees. The government, meanwhile, has reported nearly 2 million enrollments between the federal and state exchanges. This number is well below the 3.3 million expected—and it is almost surely an overestimation, considering the potentially high levels of nonpayment by enrollees and the remaining problems on the “back end,” where the insurance companies interact with the government. Still, it suggests that the program is here to stay for the time being.


Supporters of the law are breathing a huge sigh of relief, but their respite may be short-lived. Already there are hints of bigger problems with the law—bad ratios of healthy to sick enrollees, limited networks of doctors and hospitals, paltry drug formularies, and more. And there are more problems to come, symptoms of a deeper malady inherent in the law: It is ill-suited to our Madisonian system. Obamacare seeks to micromanage a vast sector of the American economy, when our government was designed purposely to prevent that sort of control. When central planners during the New Deal ignored the limitations placed on our pluralistic government, the results were disappointing and often perverse. The flaws already evident in the Obamacare system suggest that history may be repeating itself.

The progressives of the early 20th century were a diverse group of activists, but one thing they had in common was a taste for telling people what to do. Early progressive thinkers like Herbert Croly were enthusiastic about grand, government-directed endeavors to make America a better place. And that was the subtext of Theodore Roosevelt’s famed Osa-watomie speech: He wanted to co-opt Lincoln’s wartime coercion for peaceful social engineering.

The problem the progressives encountered is that our Madisonian system is incompatible with their grand ambitions. If the progressive left was bent on telling people what to do for their own good, just that sort of curb on individual freedom was one of the Framers’ biggest fears. For a decade, the Founding generation had been bossed around by a distant and unsympathetic British government, and then—after throwing off the shackles of colonialism—they found themselves, under the Articles of Confederation, at the mercy of ignorant, capricious, yet effectively omni-potent state legislatures. The subtext of Federalist 51 is a promise from Madison to the people: Nobody is going to tyrannize you under this new government. In Madison’s scheme, the government would empower a broad spectrum of interests to check one another, thus breaking and controlling what he called in Federalist 10 “the violence of faction.” 

Of course, this has not stopped the government from finding novel ways to boss people around. Even so, the Madisonian system has often thwarted central planners who think the world would be a better place if only the country would follow their dictates. 

This was a lesson the progressives had to learn the hard way during the New Deal. Today when people think of the New Deal, they are wont to recall Social Security or the minimum wage. But those were actually part of the second New Deal, which focused on granting new rights or powers to different groups. The first New Deal had more to do with controlling almost every aspect of American economic life, and it was an epic disaster that even the staunchest FDR cheerleaders are hard-pressed to defend. 

The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) of 1933 was the first major program of the New Deal, and it was straightforward: The government would pay farmers not to farm in the hope that this would cut down the glut of agricultural products, raise farm prices and wages, and thus promote prosperity. Yet in practice it failed in surprising and far-reaching ways. It was in Dixie that the AAA wrought the most harm, decimating the economic standing of poor farmers, many of them black. Wealthy landowners manipulated the payment program so as to stiff tenants, purchase farm equipment, and send unskilled laborers crowding into the big cities looking for work. When reformers in the Agriculture Department tried to do something about this, they were unceremoniously sacked to keep congressional bigwigs like Senate majority leader Joseph Robinson of Arkansas happy. CONTINUE READING

domingo, 5 de enero de 2014

Same-Sex marriage is "Anthropological Regression"... the Military struggling to accommodate its political correctness!!! ...Closing in on Abortion...finally!

Pope Francis Affirms Same-Sex Marriage Is 'Anthropological Regression'

A Maltese bishop said that in a private conversation with Pope Francis about same-sex marriage and adoption of children, the pontiff affirmed to him that same-sex marriage is “an anthropological regression.”

According to the National Catholic Register, Auxiliary Bishop Charles J. Scicluna of Malta said in an interview in Avvenire, the Italian bishops’ newspaper, that he had expressed to the pope his concern about proposed legislation in his country to permit same-sex couples the right to adopt children.
“The Pope showed his sadness at this development, especially on the question of adoption,” said Scicluna.
I told him that the promoters [of the bill] quote his words: “If a person is gay and seek the Lord and have good will, who am I to judge?” but they don’t quote his words from 2010 when he was still Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires. The Pope repeated the phrase of his letter of 2010: “It's an anthropological regression."
In 2010, when Pope Francis was archbishop of Buenos Aires, then-Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio referred to same-sex marriage as an “anti-value and an anthropological regression.”

Similarly, in a conversation with Rabbi Abraham Skorka published in the book On Heaven and Earth, Francis said same-sex marriage is a weakening of the institution of marriage – that has existed for thousands of years – and is “forged according to nature and anthropology.”

Scicluna, who acted as a justice at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said the new Maltese socialist government, elected last March, vowed to advance the causes of gay activists, including same-sex unions.

The bishops of Malta have responded to the proposed legislation by affirming Catholic doctrine which states that while homosexual activity itself is sinful, “pastoral closeness to everyone, including homosexual people,” is required.

Similar to the report given by Scicluna regarding use of Pope Francis’ words to support the same-sex lobby in his country, the Chicago Tribune reported in November that two Catholic Illinois state representatives, House Speaker Michael Madigan and Rep. Linda Chapa LaVia, cited the pontiff’s words to justify their decision to vote in support of same-sex marriage in their state.

Despite Pope Francis’ continued affirmation of Catholic doctrine regarding same-sex marriage as “anti-value and an anthropological regression,” in December, gay magazine The Advocate named Pope Francis its “Person of the Year.”

As Breitbart News reported, The Advocate cited the pope’s same words, “If someone is gay and seeks the Lord with good will, who am I to judge?” to justify its decision to depict Pope Francis in sharp contrast to his predecessors, Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
The Advocate referred to Pope Francis’ words as a “stark change in rhetoric” that are a sign that “LGBT Catholics who remain in the church now have more reason to hope that change is coming.”

Wayuu Fashion by CaritoCaró

Women Can't Do Pull-Ups, Soldiers Don't Fit into Uniforms, and Other Unspoken Truths About Unfit America

The Marine Corps has delayed implementation of its new fitness plan requiring women do three pull-ups because a majority of female recruits failed to pass the standard. Why not delay the roll out of women in combat instead?

“I don’t think it’s a very high bar,” Marine Capt. Ann G. Fox told the New York Times upon the February announcement of closing the gap between male and female physical fitness tests. “I think the test should be the same as the men 20 pull-ups. People train to what they’re tested on.”

The fact that 55 percent of female recruits failed the pull-up portion of the fitness test failed by just one percent of male recruits suggests that the disparity involves something beyond training to the test. Decreeing the integration of combat units is an easier task than decreeing upper-body-strength equality. The Marines could vanquish the Barbary Pirates and the guardians of Chapultepec Castle. They can’t defeat biology.
The delusional egalitarianism behind the new fitness standard obscures a much greater problem facing military readiness: recruits of both sexes increasingly falter at basic fitness tests at which their predecessors once excelled. “What we were finding was that the soldiers we’re getting in today’s Army are not in as good shape as they used to be,” Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling told the New York Times in 2010. “This is not just an Army issue. This is a national issue.”

Indeed, it is. Children, whether because of a thinning of their ranks or the specter of neighborhood molesters, rarely engage in unsupervised outdoor play any more. Hordes of kids riding bikes, playing stickball, or shooting hoops is as much of an anachronism as listening to eight-tracks. Kids seemingly play sports on the computer more than they play sports with their friends. Gym class and recess feel the squeeze from other schoolhouse priorities. The virtual world of the internet steals time from the actual world in backyards and playgrounds. Rougher sports, particularly football, have been strangely crusaded against at a time when the bellies rather than the brains of young people remain the paramount public health concern. A society paranoid of bodily injury fails to grasp that the most dangerous activity is inactivity.

Paradoxically, America watches more sports than at any point in history as children participate in sports, at least on a spontaneous, neighborhood level, in fewer numbers than at any point in memory. This, combined with dietary habits that imagine Mountain Dew and Red Bull as a new food group, has had terrible consequences for the armed forces—and America. Whereas the federal government judged about one in twenty teens obese four decades ago, they dub almost one in five teens obese today. Fatty Arbuckle and Fats Domino would surely need new nicknames had they risen to fame in the 21st century.

But like the pull-up test that failed, the military have flunked their fitness tests rather than their fitness test-takers.
• The Army unveiled a new program in 2010 featuring fewer sit-ups and distance running and more stretching and balancing in order to curb injuries and accustom increasingly weak and flabby recruits to exercise. “We know kids today are less fit,” one of the new fitness regimen’s designers told the New York Times. “We have to adjust.”

• Air Force fitness standards implemented in 2013 no longer assign automatic failures to Buddha bellies (men with 39-inch waists or women with 35-inch waists).

• Plastic surgeons report an uptick in military personnel seeking liposuction to pass branch body-size mandates.

• The number of soldiers discharged by the Army for fatness increased tenfold in the last five years.

• “Too Fat to Fight,” a report issued by 100 retired admirals and generals, noted that more than a quarter of 17- to 24-year-olds—the recruiting demographic for the armed forces—are too fat to serve.

The military can’t remake women as men. America can reorient its fitness priorities for its children and transcend collective neuroses regarding the outdoors and body contact. Our phobias about sending our kids outside have resulted in greater threats than even the neighborhood boogeyman. One such realized threat, hardly the most ominous, is a decline in military readiness.

The Marine Corps deserves blame that their female recruits can’t do pull-ups as much as it deserves blame for the failure of its male recruits to have babies. But they’ll continue to make the mistake of correcting this mistake. Marines adapt and overcome. But there’s no overcoming Mother Nature. There’s only adapting to her.
Unfortunately, in a world of digital distractions and super-sized meals, adapting to Mother Nature has never been so universally regarded as maladaptive.

More pro-life laws passed in last two years than in the previous decade, pro-abortion study finds

by Kirsten Andersen Fri Jan 03, 2014 15:00 EST

WASHINGTON, D.C., January 3, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – According to the Guttmacher Institute, a pro-abortion think tank with connections to Planned Parenthood, 2013 was a banner year for pro-life legislation, capping a three-year trend that saw more laws passed limiting abortion than in the previous 10 years combined.
According to the group's year-end report, 205 new abortion restrictions became law in the last three years, 70 in 2013 alone, making last year second only to 2011 as the most pro-life year across the state legislatures since Roe v. Wade.

In the decade 2001-2010, only 189 similar restrictions were enacted.  “This legislative onslaught has dramatically changed the landscape for women needing abortion,” the report’s authors stated. “The overwhelming preponderance of legislation concerning abortion was aimed at restricting access to the procedure.”

The report went on to attack four types of pro-life laws that the authors said “dominated the legislative scene during 2013: abortion bans, restrictions on abortion providers, limitations on the provision of medication abortion, and restrictions on coverage of abortion in private health plans.”

In particular, the group objected to two early abortion bans passed by Arkansas and North Dakota, states that they accused of “overtly flouting the standard established by Roe v. Wade.” In Arkansas, the state legislature overrode the governor’s veto to enact a ban on all abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy. In North Dakota, a “fetal heartbeat” law banned all abortion after a baby’s heartbeat can be detected, something Guttmacher’s researchers admitted “generally occurs at about six weeks after a woman’s last menstrual period.” Both laws are currently being challenged in court.

Additionally, the group lamented the introduction of 11 separate pain-capable unborn child protection bills, three of which passed during 2013 (in Arkansas, North Dakota and Texas). Nine states now have such laws, which ban abortions after 20 weeks based on mounting scientific evidence that babies at that stage of development have nervous systems developed enough to recognize and feel pain – an assertion the report’s authors dismissed as a “spurious belief.”

Guttmacher’s researchers also complained about increasingly tough safety regulations around the country aimed at holding abortion facilities to the same standards as other outpatient surgical facilities. The report’s authors call the improved safety standards “TRAP laws” (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers), and say the new regulations are “onerous and irrelevant” and “designed to discourage medical professionals from providing abortion and make it impossible for clinics to remain open.”

A total of eight states tightened restrictions on abortion centers last year, many in the wake of a string of shocking court cases, clinic closures, and undercover videos showing the lax or nonexistent safety standards that appear to be the rule at such facilities – including West Philadelphia’s “House of Horrors,” where abortionist Kermit Gosnell both killed and maimed patients, as well as murdering babies born alive after botched procedures, a crime for which he is now serving three consecutive lifetime sentences.
Another target of Guttmacher’s ire was a trend toward limiting or banning so-called “telemed” abortions, in which abortionists prescribe dangerous abortion drugs by video conference or phone, without a physical exam and with no in-person follow-up.

“Despite the fact that telemedicine is rapidly gaining acceptance as a way to expand access to [abortion],” the group’s authors wrote, “over the course of the year, seven states (Alabama, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, and Texas) enacted laws effectively banning the use of telemedicine for medication abortion. In addition, the Iowa Board of Medicine adopted regulations prohibiting the use of telemedicine for medication abortion.”

The group also blasted states for moving to require abortionists to follow FDA guidelines when prescribing abortion-inducing drugs, which limit the prescription of abortifacients to the first 49 days of pregnancy and require a physical examination by a doctor. The reporters called the FDA protocol “outdated” and complained that it was inconvenient for abortion-minded women, both reducing the window of time for them to obtain chemical abortions as well as forcing them to make “an extra trip to the clinic” to ensure their safety.

Other pro-life laws objected to by Guttmacher’s researchers included bans on insurance coverage and public funding for abortion, parental consent laws, waiting periods, ultrasound, and counseling requirements, and even a conscience clause passed in North Carolina allowing health care facilities and medical professionals to refuse to participate in abortions. The group even complained about laws aimed at stopping sex-selection abortions, calling such laws a “problem-and-solution mismatch.”