miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014

NBC's & MSNBC's Hate tales...11 de los Mejores Placeres que existen!!!...So Obama only pays 18% of Income TAX? and income inequality?

History of Hate: Five Years of Falsehoods at NBC News

Everyone acted surprised when we learned yesterday that after a couple of disastrous months, MSNBC is defiantly refusing to change their editorial process. But why would they? For years now, MSNBC and NBC News have both become a culture of left-wing hate and fraudulent editing. The only thing new, as you will see below, is that the frequency of the fraud and hate is increasing.

What I've assembled here isn't anything close to comprehensive, but it is a revealing top ten:

1. In August of 2009, MSNBC anchor Contessa Brewer sliced and diced a photograph so it wouldn't look like a black man attended a Tea Party carrying a firearm. Brewer then blasted the Tea Party as racist.
2. In May of 2011, on the air, MSNBC anchor Ed Schultz referred to conservative talk radio star Laura Ingraham as a "right wing slut."

3.  In August of 2011, MSNBC anchor Ed Schultz maliciously edited video to make it look as though then-presidential candidate Rick Perry had described Barack Obama as a "big black cloud."

4. In April of 2012, NBC News maliciously edited a 911 call to make it sound as though George Zimmerman racially profiled Trayvon Martin.

5. In June of 2012, on her MSNBC show, longtime NBC star Andrea Mitchell attempted to manufacture a Romney gaffe with a fraudulent edit.
6. In January of 2013, MSNBC fraudulently edited video to make it look as though one of the Sandy Hook parents was heckled by gun rights activists.

7. In August of 2013, MSNBC hired rageaholic Alec Baldwin to anchor a weekly show just weeks after the actor took to Twitter to threaten a gay journalist using a series of homophobic tweets. Weeks after being hired, Baldwin was fired after another predictable incident involving the actor hurling anti-gay slurs.

8. In November of 2013, during what appeared to be a scripted segment, MSNBC anchor Martin Bashir took to the air to suggest someone teach Governor Sarah Palin a lesson by defecating in her mouth.
Through its Twitter account, MSNBC promoted this segment:  "WATCH: Martin Bashir gives Sarah Palin a remedial course on the physical scars and humiliation of slavery."
Bashir eventually apologized and left the network.

9. In December of 2013, MSNBC anchor Melissa Harris-Perry and guests held Mitt Romney's adopted black infant grandson up to the entire world for ridicule.

10. In January of 2014, MSNBC's "Queen" Rachel Maddow went to extraordinary lengths to lie about the Koch brothers backing mandatory drug tests for Florida welfare recipients.

What we've seen from MSNBC the past couple of months is not new behavior.
Fraudulent editing, hate, name-calling, and smears is not an editorial failure at MSNBC/NBC News - it is a business plan.

Wayuu Fashion

11 Placeres que nos Encantan!

"Algunas, de hecho, son más simples, dulces y fáciles de alcanzar", apunta, y entrega ejemplos de lo que a ella personalmente le produce placer: 
1.- Reír sin parar: según la sexóloga, el fenómeno de no poder recuperar el aliento de tanta risa no es algo que se dé seguido y, por lo tanto, cuando ocurre resulta muy placentero.  
2.- El abrazo de un niño: "Nada se siente más perfecto o mejor que tener los brazos y las piernas de tu pequeño alrededor de tu cuerpo, y su cabeza enterrada en tu cuello. El mundo se vuelve lleno de paz y amor", asegura Fulbright.
3.- Despertar y volverse a dormir: ¿alguna vez te has despertado en la mañana pensando que tu reloj no sonó y es tarde para irte a trabajar, pero luego te das cuenta de que es sábado y puedes seguir durmiendo? Para la sexóloga, cuando eso ocurre es un "momento absolutamente delicioso".
4.- Saciar la sed: sobre todo cuando se hace con agua pura. "Nada rehidrata mejor que el agua, en especial cuando tu cuerpo lo ansía. Seguramente has estado en esa situación y sabes lo bien que se siente", asegura.
5.- Hundirse en una tina caliente después de pasar tiempo en el frío: sentir manos, pies, nariz y todo literalmente congelado, debe ser una de las sensaciones menos placenteras que existen. Sin embargo, saber que tienes la posibilidad de entrar en calor, lo hacen soportable. "Una buena ducha o tina caliente es generalmente la manera perfecta para hacer que la sangre fluya de nuevo", indica Fulbright.
6.- Recibir una inesperada ayuda financiera: ¿te ha ocurrido que te pones una chaqueta que estaba perdida al fondo de tu clóset o usas una cartera que tenías olvidada, y en su interior encuentras un flamante billete? Sin duda, tu primera reacción es sonreír sin parar, en especial si el dinero te llega cuando realmente lo necesitas.
7.- Meterse a la cama con sábanas limpias y frescas: a juicio de la sexóloga, se trata de una situación que no requiere mayor explicación. Simplemente -dice- "se siente celestial".
8.- Estar junto a tu pareja piel con piel, y sentirla de pies a cabeza: según Fulbright, no importa que ese momento de intimidad no pase a mayores, sino que el sólo hecho de estar en brazos de la persona que amas, "es una de las pocas cosas que nos hacen olvidar que el resto del mundo existe". 
9.- La satisfacción de haber tenido una buena sesión de entrenamiento: el ejercicio físico estimula la producción de endorfinas, las que son conocidas como "las hormonas de la felicidad", ya que tienen efecto analgésico y otorgan sensación de bienestar. Así, poner el cuerpo en movimiento puede, en efecto, provocar placer.
10.- Saber que la persona de quien estás enamorada, también te ama: cosquilleo, mariposas en el estómago, la sonrisa que no se borra del rostro. Son múltiples los efectos que genera el amor entre dos personas y que, según la sexóloga, hacen que "todo en el mundo se sienta bien".
11.- Conseguir un objetivo esperado: no importa si es grande o pequeño, la emoción que se siente al lograr algo tras haber trabajado duro, es inmensa, asegura la sexóloga.

Millionaire Obama: I Hate Income Inequality

President readies populist push despite personal affluence

Back from his $4 million Hawaii vacation, President Barack Obama seems poised to sound the populist trumpet in an effort to turn the page on 2013’s disastrous Obamacare rollout.

Many pundits are speculating that Obama, seeing the popularity of liberal populists like New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio, will use the current debate over unemployment insurance to engage in more divisive rhetoric:
The Obama administration has set the stage for a push that could rekindle cries of class warfare -- calling for renewed long-term unemployment benefits, a minimum wage increase and a campaign against what Democrats call "income inequality."
Ahead of his multi-week, holiday vacation in Hawaii, President Obama pushed Congress to move forward on extending federal unemployment benefits that weren't included in the budget deal Senate Democrats and House Republicans struck to fund the federal government for the next two years. The White House has scheduled an East Room event on Tuesday in which the president will appear with people who lost that insurance.
On Tuesday, that's precisely what Obama did, trotting out unemployed people to push for another boost to unemployment benefits, and citing income inequality as the rationale.

One potential challenge for the President’s prospective populist push is his own family’s affluence. Despite the President’s public lowering of his own salary, the Obamas' tax returns show a family whose incomes would routinely place them in the highest bracket, with lucrative income streams outside of the White House. Last year, however, the Obama family paid an effective tax rate of only 18 percent.

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