jueves, 30 de enero de 2014

Putin vs Obama, is America Godless? Mmhhh....As always, reason and faith in line with Science: Obtaining Embrionic type stem cells from Mature cells!!!...Por que quieren dominiar las escuelas y mas importante a los alumnos, los socio-progressistas?

Putin: America Is Godless, Has Turned Away from Christian Values

Russian President Vladimir Putin condemned the West, including the United States, for eschewing Christian values and opting instead for a “path to degradation.”

In his State of the Nation speech last month, Putin asserted that, “Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values… Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan.” Russia has adopted new laws that ban homosexual propaganda and criminalizes the insulting of religious sensibilities.

The law on religious sensibilities was approved in the wake of a protest in Moscow’s largest cathedral by a female punk rock group, Pussy Riot. State-run television said the group’s “demonic” protest was funded by “some Americans.” Russia’s newfound embrace of traditional values has prompted a rise in Orthodox vigilantism. Extreme groups such as the Union of Orthodox Banner Bearers, an ultraconservative faction who adopted a slogan “Orthodoxy or Death,” are gaining prominence.

It was not that long ago that the United States was accusing Russia for being a “godless nation.” On March 8, 1983, Ronald Reagan said this about Russia to an audience of evangelicals:
Yes, let us pray for the salvation of all of those who live in that totalitarian darkness--pray they will discover the joy of knowing God. But until they do, let us be aware that while they preach the supremacy of the state, declare its omnipotence over individual man, and predict its eventual domination of all peoples on the Earth, they are the focus of evil in the modern world.
History supports the 40th President of the United States' remarks. According to a 1995 Russian presidential committee report, Soviet authorities executed 200,000 clergy and believers from 1917 to 1937, many of them crucified, scalped, and otherwise tortured. Thousands of churches were destroyed, and those that survived were turned into warehouses, garages, or museums of atheism.

Moreover, another 500,000 religious figures were persecuted and 40,000 churches destroyed in the period from 1922 to 1980, the report said. Half the country’s mosques and more than half the synagogues were also destroyed. “Clergymen were crucified on churches’ holy gates, shot, scalped [and] strangled,” said Alexander Yakovlev, head of the Commission for the Rehabilitation of the Victims of Political Repression. “I was especially shocked by accounts of priests turned into columns of ice in winter,” Yakovlev said. “It was total cruelty.”


Scientists Create Embryonic-Type Stem Cells from Mature Cells

LONDON (Reuters) - In experiments that could open a new era in stem cell biology, scientists have found a simple way to reprogram mature animal cells back into an embryonic-like state that allows them to generate many types of tissue.

The research, described as game-changing by experts in the field, suggests human cells could in future be reprogrammed by the same technique, offering a simpler way to replace damaged cells or grow new organs for sick and injured people.

Chris Mason, chair of regenerative medicine bioprocessing at University College London, who was not involved in the work, said its approach in mice was "the most simple, lowest-cost and quickest method" to generate so-called pluripotent cells - able to develop into many different cell types - from mature cells.
Read the rest of the story at Reuters.

El ministro niega que se enseñe a los niños a ser homosexuales

Francia: padres boicotean la asignatura «ABCD de la igualdad» impuesta por el Ministerio de Educación

Desde la semana pasada, una campaña insta a los padres a desescolarizar a sus hijos una vez al mes como medida de protesta contra una asignatura adoctrinadora en la ideología de género impuesta por el Ministerio de Educación francés. Según los medios locales, en algunos centros las ausencias llegaron a ser de un tercio del alumnado, lo que alertó al ministerio. La campaña lleva el nombre de «Día de suspensión del colegio» y ha sido transmitida sobre todo vía SMS y a través de redes sociales.

(Agencias/InfoCatólica) El ministro francés de Educación, Vincent Peillon, explicó que algunos padres le preguntaron por la veracidad de un rumor según el cual en la escuela francesa se alienta en los niños la homosexualidad.

«Es totalmente falso», afirmó el responsable de Educación, quien defendió la asignatura, bautizada como «ABCD de la igualdad». Está previsto que se dé en todas las escuelas francesas a partir del próximo curso.

La intervención del ministro se produce después de que un gran número de padres no llevaran en los últimos días a sus hijos a la escuela en respuesta a un llamamiento al boicot de esta asignatura orquestado por la escritora Farida Belghoul, líder del movimiento «Manif pour tous», creado el año pasado en oposición a la legalización del matrimonio homosexual.

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