sábado, 9 de abril de 2016

PRO-ABORTION propaganda...OMG!...Is Islam a dangerous infection? ...Libertad Ordenada: La Verdadera Libertad!

Latest pro-abortion propaganda comic even lamer than you’d expect

Cecile Richards wants to “humanize” abortion, and a new comic strip beginning to make the rounds online is only too happy to help. Artists Tillie Walden and Anna Sellheim have made a comic stripabout their “lovely experiences” at Planned Parenthood. Before all the usual pro-abortion suspects start writing odes to this “powerful, thought-provoking” masterpiece, let’s take a look at whether it actually has anything meaningful to say.
It begins with a girl (supposedly Sellheim) nervously telling her pro-abortion activist mother, “I think I’m pro-life” because “I just don’t think I could ever get an abortion even if I get pregnant by accident.” Fortunately, her mother is relieved with she clarifies that “of course” other women should still be able to abort their babies. “I mean, I’m not crazy.”
Isn’t the point of effective message art such as political cartoons to, y’know, persuade? Usually it achieves this by cleverly illustratinghow a premise is right or wrong, or showing what this or that bit of conventional wisdom fails to account for. But this is just dialogue restating their premise, accompanied by an insult to the contrary viewpoint it doesn’t bother to confront. It’s literally nothing more than one of a million interchangeable pro-abortion comment thread exchanges put in word balloons above some characters.
For future reference, pro-abortion readers, this is why you have so much trouble persuading people to agree with you: you prefer to endlessly high-five each other over what you already think is obvious instead of bothering with real conversations with people outside of your echo chamber.
Fast-forward, and the now-adult daughter goes to Planned Parenthood to get a breast exam, and wouldn’t you know it? It’s just the nicest, friendliest place you can imagine! They play great music, they “aren’t judgmental!” (Heaven forbid!)
What she doesn’t mention is how the “breast exam” she was so grateful to Planned Parenthood for was no different than the self-exams anyone can do at home for free. Actual mammograms? Planned Parenthood admits it doesn’t do those, despite they and their supporters dishonestly claiming otherwise in the past.
The comic goes on to recount Walden’s childhood in—where else?—Texas, “surrounded by misinformed talk of what Planned Parenthood was.” The example? A middle-school teacher telling a class full of kids that “abortions are VACUUMS that kill babies, and PLANNED PARENTHOOD is where they die.”
For a little extra oomph, there’s also a panel of the teacher sporting blank pupil-less zombie eyes saying “BABIES.” No sentence, no thought, just “BABIES.” Because that’s totally a realistic thing pro-lifers do all the time, right? Mindlessly chant “baby” like it’s a magic word, and we have no actual arguments that we ever even try?
The comic refutes this “misinformation” by pointing out that vacuums aren’t used in aborti—wait, no, it can’t do that, because abortion advocates themselves admit that nearly three-quarters of first-trimester abortions are done with vacuums. Former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino explains a first trimester abortion:
Well, maybe the comic goes on to explain how babies aren’t involved in abortion? No, most medical authorities recognize that fetuses are babies. Disputes that they “die” or are “killed”? Nope, both of those are self-evidently true. Well, maybe the misinformation was that Planned Parenthood doesn’t do abortions? Sorry, Planned Parenthood proudly confirms that it does more than 320,000 a year.
So with none of the “misinformation” the teacher allegedly spewed (which I’m gonna go out on a limb and predict never happened, despite the comic’s ostensibly biographical nature) actually being false, how do the authors counter it? By—you guessed it—another anecdote about how nice it is to visit Planned Parenthood? Walden’s appointment for cramp treatment found the facility “clean, private, and overwhelmingly welcoming”:
Living without pain has made me happier and more productive, and the fact that there was a Planned Parenthood in our town made that possible. It gives us so much peace of mind knowing that it’s there for us when we need it.
And they all lived happily ever after.
Except for the babies Planned Parenthood killed. Or the teenage girls whose rapes Planned Parenthood helped cover up. Or the various women who’ve suffered thanks to Planned Parenthood’sabysmal health standards. Or the young people who got pregnant because Planned Parenthood encouraged them to sexually experiment. Or the people who have contracted HIV because Planned Parenthood told their sex partners keeping it secret was their decision.
But besides all of them…
Even if Planned Parenthood’s positive services somehow did outweigh all the pain and suffering and death it spreads, the authors still wouldn’t have much of a case, considering (a) they do steadily less of the “good things” by the year, with breast cancer exams, pap tests, and prenatal care dropping by between 41% and 58% from 2009 to 2013; and (b) alternative low-income women’s health providers dramatically outnumber Planned Parenthood centers in every state, including Walden’s own Texas:
Pregnancy centers like this new one add to the real choices women have.
So what was the point of this comic? The implications it makes about abortion are false, the true things it says are irrelevant, and it has nothing to say about anything that is relevant to why people find Planned Parenthood controversial.
This is propaganda at its laziest and most self-absorbed—and therefore, a perfect Rorschach test for whoever inevitably hails it as putting pro-lifers in our place.

Pat Robertson: Islam Is A Dangerous Infection That Must Be Eliminated

Today on “The 700 Club,” Pat Robertson said that countries like Belgium and France must respond with “violence” to the “infection” of Muslim immigrants, telling his co-host Terry Meeuwsen that these countries must fight Islam in the same way that a body fights a deadly disease.
Otherwise, “Europe is doomed. Doomed!” he said, before adding: “And we have a president here in America who refuses to name it, refuses to identify it and refuses to give us what’s needed to kill the infection.”
Robertson: Our bodies are amazingly resilient and they can throw off a small infection, something comes up and the body has mechanisms to deal with it and the body closes in on the invader and kills it and the body stays strong. But there comes a time if the infection is allowed to spread, and it will spread rapidly when the invader overtakes the healthy body, at which point there is sickness and then ultimately death.

No society should allow some alien body to come to its midst that preaches terror, preaches overthrow, preaches violence and preaches another form of government. We shouldn’t have that.

Now, that’s what is being allowed in Belgium and France and other parts of Europe in the name of political correctness. And the so-called socialist liberals think, ‘I want to be open and I want to be welcoming to these people who come in.’ Okay, a few of them, fine, assimilate into the society, learn the language, learn the customs and be Belgians. But these people are not. They’re keeping on with their Islamic customs, Islamic dress, they’re speaking Arabic and they’re in the middle of Belgium and they’re growing and metastasizing and it won’t be long before they overwhelm the healthy body. Here in America and other places, we can only stand so much infection before it overwhelms us.

Meeuwsen: But once you’ve allowed that to occur and roots have gone down into a city or a region, is it too late to change that?

Robertson: Not really, but it’s going to take violence. They’ve got to move in with the police dragnets.

Meeuwsen: Do you think they have the stomach for that?

Robertson: Well, no. That’s the problem. You don’t want to, you know, it seems like you’re violating people’s civil rights, you don’t want to take away their liberty and violate the thing you are, but people have got to stand up and recognize the threat and if they don’t do it the society’s doomed. That’s what’s happening. All of our shows are showing, I mean our reporters are showing that Europe is doomed. Doomed! Because they refuse to acknowledge the existence of a pathogen in their midst, an infection, that has come in, and that’s what radical Islam is, it’s an infection. And we have a president here in America who refuses to name it, refuses to identify it and refuses to give us what’s needed to kill the infection. As a matter of fact, he wants to take more of them and bring them into the country.

Meeuwsen: Crazy.

Robertson: It’s crazy.

Meeuwsen: And in doing so we lose our own rights.

Libertad ordenada

Miss LibertyLa palabra libertad es un término muy usado en el mundo, pero poco entendido. La libertad tiene dos lados, estar libres de algo, principalmente de  las restricciones y estar libres para algo, para un perfeccionamiento, para un propósito en la vida limitado por la ley y el orden. Para disfrutar de  verdadera libertad ambos lados tienen que estar siempre juntos, por ejemplo para que ser libre si no tengo un propósito, un destino o un perfeccionamiento. Sin embargo, en nuestro mundo moderno, ha ocurrido un divorcio entre ambos lados, en el mundo occidental la libertad se ha redefinido como una libertad sin restricciones y niega los propósitos, mientras otros países mayormente autoritarios tienen la libertad para los propósitos basados en la ley y  el orden mientras niega la libertad de escoger.
La libertad para sociedad occidental se ha convertido en lo que el comentarista británico Peter Hitchens llama “selfism” (yoísmo), la creencia en que todo lo que hacemos es correcto, que somos libres para realizar cualquier acción, previsto que nosotros creamos que no estamos haciendo daño a nadie. En otras partes del mundo, la libertad para un propósito es la libertad que existe pero que niega la libertad sin restricción, la libertad para escoger, pero donde prosperan la ley y orden. Es tiempo de recuperar lo que es libertad y porque estos dos lados siempre tienen que estar juntos para obtener verdadera libertad, una libertad ordenada y respetuosa de la ley.
Para el conservador, la libertad solamente puede existir dentro de un orden social y no cree en la visión de libertad abstracta sin restricciones o sin propósito. Entiende que sin orden social basado en el orden que facilita el gobierno, en el alma humana no puede existir una verdadera libertad.
Edmund Burke, padre del conservatismo, la definió como “La libertad a la que me refiero es la libertad social. Es ese estado de cosas en el que la libertad está garantizada por la igualdad de restricción”. Es decir, no tenemos libertad si no tenemos orden y restricciones a nuestras pasiones, porque si no ponemos en peligro las mismas libertades que apreciamos. Si el ser humano fuera un ser racional, la libertad sin restricciones, sin tener la ley, orden y propósito sería suficiente, pero éste no es el caso.
La libertad no puede estar divorciada del orden, es decir, no hay libertad absoluta. En palabras de Dostoyevsky: “Empezar con libertad absoluta, es terminar con despotismo absoluto”. Este orden está basado en lo que la cultura occidental ahora quiere desechar: Tradición, cultura, prescripción, instituciones sociales y doctrinas religiosas. La libertad y el orden vienen de la ley natural, La libertad sólo puede florecer si existe un orden de gobierno y del alma humana, algo que Burke y Dostoyevsky entiendieron con claridad: La capacidad de maldad del ser humano.
Esta noción de libertad ordenada tiene que tomar en consideración la virtud de la prudencia. Si nos regimos por esta virtud, evitamos que surjan políticas opuestas a la libertad que apreciamos. La libertad queda asegurada si se actúa prudentemente en el cambio y en la permanencia de las tradiciones, costumbres e instituciones vitales para el orden social.
Esta prudencia de la permanencia se debe enfocar en la defensa y preservación del documento más importante para nuestra nación: La Constitución de Estados Unidos. Ese documento es que preserva nuestras libertades individuales y el que está detrás del éxito de nuestro país.
La verdadera libertad existe si la humanidad tiene la capacidad de poder restringir sus pasiones. Es libertad para hacer lo correcto, no licencia para hacer lo que nos dé la gana.© Libertad.org

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