viernes, 8 de abril de 2016

Gay People "The Real one percent" ...How abortion is not a crime?...A child in the womb is a plan from God!!!

Should American Christians Be Concerned About Their Own Religious Freedom?

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April 8, 2016|9:24 am
Richard Land Portrait(By CP Cartoonist Rod Anderson)
Conservative Christians in America are growing increasingly concerned about their own religious freedom. They should be.
Lifeway Research recently released polling data that revealed rapidly growing concern and significant divergence of opinion concerning the erosion of religious liberty in America.
Lifeway found that 63% of those polled said they believe Christians are experiencing accelerating intolerance toward their religious beliefs, up from 50 percent in 2013, an increase of 9 percent in just two years' time.
As the concern over threats to religious liberty has surged, the data identified very different perceptions among groups of Americans, depending on their age and their religion or lack thereof.
First, only 42 percent of those aged 18 to 24 believe religious liberty is declining in the United States. Conversely, 62 percent of those 25 or older see varying degrees of corrosion of Americans' religious freedom. Perhaps that is because those older Americans have much longer frames of reference and thus can remember a time when there was far less hostility to Christians in America.
The Lifeway Research poll also surfaced significant opinion disagreement among both religious and non-religious Americans.
Most Christians (70%) and 82% of Evangelicals believe Americans are increasingly intolerant of their faith convictions. Also, 76 percent of Americans of all faiths who attend worship services at least weekly see increased intolerance of America's Christians.
However, only 48% of "nones" — those identified with no faith tradition — believe intolerance of Christians is increasing while 59% say Christians complain too much about how they are treated. One is tempted to ask, "How would you know — you are not the ones being discriminated against?" Perspective aside, nearly half of even this group of Americans acknowledges increased discrimination against Christians.
At the very least, the Lifeway Research reflects the fact that Americans have a general sense that the ground has shifted into a culture that is far more intolerant of the free exercise of traditional Christian faith than was true even a few years earlier, much less a generation or so ago.
While such attempts to circumscribe, curtail, or silence Christians' free exercise of their faith in the public square have been gathering momentum for years, such efforts have accelerated since the Supreme Court's Obergefell v. Hodges decision, which legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states in June of last year.
Evidence abounds from sea to shining sea that Christians whose faith compels them to refuse to bow the knee to the prevailing cultural zeitgeist are confronted with increased intolerance and even legal prosecution. These Christians find their own government being "weaponized" against them and their faith commitments.
The nation has shifted, and the resulting tremors are causing cultural earthquakes across the land.
The sort of laissez-faire, "live and let live" moral relativism of the late sixties has morphed into an intolerant totalitarianism that seeks to punish any variance to its Orwellian groupthink.
A half-century ago campuses were inundated with cries of "don't tell me what's right or wrong! All truth is relative. Your truth is no better than mine."
Now the dominant narrative more resembles a politically correct Stalinism than the libertarian moral relativism of yesteryear.
God's Not Dead 2(Photo: Pure Flix Entertainment)"God's Not Dead 2" will be released in theaters on April 1, 2016.
Last weekend, the movie "God's Not Dead 2" opened nationwide at number five in box office receipts.
It tells the story of a high school history teacher teaching at a fictional, but ironically named, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial High School. She honestly answers a student's question about whether there was a connection between Dr. King's non-violent philosophy of civil disobedience and the "turn the other cheek" teachings of Jesus.
She is accused and put on trial for proselytizing, or "preaching," in her classroom and is faced with losing her job, losing her teaching license, and being ruined financially. Without completely revealing the plot, suffice it to say that fellow Christians come to her defense, and God answers prayers.
During the course of the trial, "Pastor Dave" is informed along with other local pastors that the court has subpoenaed all their sermons for the past three months. Some of the pastors are in denial concerning the ever-increasing levels of government intimidation with which they are confronted. One in the group reminds them that this has already happened in Houston, and it led to the pastors going to court and ultimately winning in court, based on the First Amendment. Pastor Dave responds by concluding that today's pressure will become tomorrow's persecution unless they take a stand now. And he does. Subsequently, we see him turning in a letter explaining why he feels compelled by conscience to not comply with the court order.
After the movie has ended and all the credits have run across the screen, including a list of the scores of real court cases where Christians have been taken to court for the free exercise of their faith, an additional scene comes on the screen.
Pastor Dave and a colleague are walking on the sidewalk in front of their church when two policemen from the ironically named "Hope Springs" police department show up and arrest Pastor Dave for defying the court order to turn over his sermons. They cuff him, place him in the squad car, and take him to jail.
Like Martin Luther in the sixteenth century, Pastor Dave said, "Here I stand, I can do no other."
Is this scene merely a coming attraction for "God's Not Dead 3" — or is it a prediction of our future as Christians in America?
Dr. Richard Land is president of Southern Evangelical Seminary and executive editor of The Christian Post.


Should American Christians Be Concerned About Their Own Religious Freedom?

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April 8, 2016|9:24 am
Richard Land Portrait(By CP Cartoonist Rod Anderson)
Conservative Christians in America are growing increasingly concerned about their own religious freedom. They should be.
Lifeway Research recently released polling data that revealed rapidly growing concern and significant divergence of opinion concerning the erosion of religious liberty in America.
Lifeway found that 63% of those polled said they believe Christians are experiencing accelerating intolerance toward their religious beliefs, up from 50 percent in 2013, an increase of 9 percent in just two years' time.
As the concern over threats to religious liberty has surged, the data identified very different perceptions among groups of Americans, depending on their age and their religion or lack thereof.
First, only 42 percent of those aged 18 to 24 believe religious liberty is declining in the United States. Conversely, 62 percent of those 25 or older see varying degrees of corrosion of Americans' religious freedom. Perhaps that is because those older Americans have much longer frames of reference and thus can remember a time when there was far less hostility to Christians in America.
The Lifeway Research poll also surfaced significant opinion disagreement among both religious and non-religious Americans.
Most Christians (70%) and 82% of Evangelicals believe Americans are increasingly intolerant of their faith convictions. Also, 76 percent of Americans of all faiths who attend worship services at least weekly see increased intolerance of America's Christians.
However, only 48% of "nones" — those identified with no faith tradition — believe intolerance of Christians is increasing while 59% say Christians complain too much about how they are treated. One is tempted to ask, "How would you know — you are not the ones being discriminated against?" Perspective aside, nearly half of even this group of Americans acknowledges increased discrimination against Christians.
At the very least, the Lifeway Research reflects the fact that Americans have a general sense that the ground has shifted into a culture that is far more intolerant of the free exercise of traditional Christian faith than was true even a few years earlier, much less a generation or so ago.
While such attempts to circumscribe, curtail, or silence Christians' free exercise of their faith in the public square have been gathering momentum for years, such efforts have accelerated since the Supreme Court's Obergefell v. Hodges decision, which legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states in June of last year.


Conservative Pundit: Gay People And Allies Are 'The Real One Percent'

Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media warns in a column today that the “real one percent consists of the open and closeted homosexuals and their allies in positions of power,” and that this gay cabal is “determined to expel normal, white heterosexuals from the newsroom.”
Besides pushing out white heterosexuals from the media, since it considers whiteness to be “a cancer,” Kincaid also believes that this sinister group wants to defend “perverted behavior” and ensure that the “special rights of homosexuals and even ‘transgendered’ [sic] people suddenly take precedence over the constitutional rights of religious believers.”
White straight people, Kincaid warns, are now the least protected group in society.
The media are once again going nuts over the fact that a state legislature has acted to protect Christians and their churches and businesses from the demands of various sexual minorities. As we have noted before, the power of the real one percent has enormous influence in the major media. The real one percent consists of the open and closeted homosexuals and their allies in positions of power in the major media, academia and the corporate world.

When they want to make an example of Indiana, North Carolina and now Mississippi, they can do so. It is something to behold. They have the ability to make an entire state look like a hotbed of homophobia and hate. The special rights of homosexuals and even “transgendered” people suddenly take precedence over the constitutional rights of religious believers.

What is being demanded is nothing less than the “right” of a man to dress up as a woman and invade the privacy of real women and girls in a ladies’ restroom. That is one of the “rights” that is at stake in what is happening in Mississippi. The legislature and the governor have rejected what is clearly perverted behavior and have affirmed the rights and privacy of those of who understand the science of DNA and biological differences.

The idea of concentrating on such elementary questions as who, what, when, where, why and how, is now considered old-fashioned journalism. Instead, the focus is on who reports the news, as they define it, and whether they are members of protected groups. Being white is not a protected class of people. White people are the villains, unless they identify as a member of a protected group. That leaves white heterosexuals as people who have to be demoted or dismissed.

Indeed, whiteness is such a cancer in the newsroom that a “remedy” is needed. These white people have to be put in their place. They must be cut down to size.

You may have thought these news organizations were in competition with one another. That’s what they want you to believe. But when it comes to promoting the homosexual agenda, including the “rights” of transgenders, they are on the same page. That’s why the coverage of these sexual issues by so many news organizations that seem to differ in their ideological orientation is in fact similar in bias and approach. The real one percent is in charge and growing stronger by the day. They are now determined to expel normal, white heterosexuals from the newsroom.



Accuracy in MediaBarbWire


Cliff Kincaid



Unedited abortion video proves Carly Fiorina’s statement on ‘fully formed fetus’ was right

Carly Fiorina sent shockwaves through the abortion industry when she boldly called out Planned Parenthood during the CNN GOP presidential debate on live television. Fiorina was the only candidate to hammer Planned Parenthood and the abortion lobby for the undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, saying that continuing to fund Planned Parenthood reflected poorly on the moral character of this nation. One statement in particular rankled pro-abortion activists:
Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says, “We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.” This is about the character of our nation, and if we will not stand up and force President Obama to veto this [Planned Parenthood defunding] bill, shame on us.
The abortion lobby immediately leapt into action, calling her a liar, along with various media outlets that tried to discredit her. Planned Parenthood Vice President Dawn Laguens wrote a furious letter to Fiorina, claiming that the footage does not exist. Unfortunately for Planned Parenthood and its supporters, the footage does exist — and the full video has just been released.
The footage Fiorina spoke of was filmed by the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, which was given to the Center for Medical Progress, and shows an intact delivery abortion – not a miscarriage as claimed by abortion supporters. It was filmed at an abortion clinic.
A few seconds of the footage could originally be seen in this Center for Medical Progress video, in which former StemExpress technician Holly O’Donnell speaks about how she and a colleague procured the brain of an aborted child whose heart was still beating – at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte (The Alameda) in California. As O’Donnell speaks about harvesting the child’s brain, CBR’s footage of a born alive, aborted baby is shown (5:58-6:25). While only a few seconds of this video were featured in the Center for Medical Progress video, the full footage has now been released by the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform.
Gregg Cunningham, executive director of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, described the video:
CBR and the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), in whose undercover Planned Parenthood investigative video the CBR abortion footage appears, have been falsely accused of misrepresenting a miscarriage as an abortion. The first segment of the unedited video depicts the abortion itself, with the baby delivered alive and struggling in the abortionist’s gloved hand. Segments 2 and 3 depict the baby still moving in a stainless steel pan after repeatedly being handled abusively by the abortionist. Segments 4 and 5 are static gynecological shots of the baby’s mother.
You can see the video below.
WARNING: The footage is extremely graphic, contains some nudity, and may be disturbing to viewers:

This unedited footage shows that Carly Fiorina was not lying. Babies are being born alive after abortions and left to die, in violation of state and federal laws. There is no defending what can be seen on this video, and it proves Carly Fiorina right.
She was not exaggerating or lying, and she was correct in saying that if we allow the taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood to continue, then the character of this nation is severely lacking, and we have failed in one of our most basic duties: to protect the right to life.

Pope Francis: Every Child in Womb Is Part of the Eternal Loving Plan of God

By Fr. Frank Pavone | April 8, 2016 | 10:15 AM EDT
Pope Francis (AP Photo/Riccardo de Luca)
All of us at Priests for Life welcome the document issued today by Pope Francis called "Amoris Laetitia" ("The Joy of Love"), which summarizes his teaching following the two worldwide synods of bishops held in the last two years on the topic of the family.
We encourage all the clergy and laity to carefully read, study, discuss and apply this document, which repeats the Church's teaching on life, marriage and family, and urges all of us to encourage one another with compassion and care as we strive to live that teaching.
In regard to our own ministry in defense of the unborn, we thank the Holy Father for the beautiful words of this document about pregnancy and motherhood, in particular the following passage:
“Every child growing within the mother’s womb is part of the eternal loving plan of God the Father: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you” (Jer1:5).
“Each child has a place in God’s heart from all eternity; once he or she is conceived, the Creator’s eternal dream comes true. Let us pause to think of the great value of that embryo from the moment of conception. We need to see it with the eyes of God, who always looks beyond mere appearances.” (n. 168)
He states in section 83, “Here I feel it urgent to state that, if the family is the sanctuary of life, the place where life is conceived and cared for, it is a horrendous contradiction when it becomes a place where life is rejected and destroyed. So great is the value of a human life, and so inalienable the right to life of an innocent child growing in the mother’s womb, that no alleged right to one’s own body can justify a decision to terminate that life, which is an end in itself and which can never be considered the property of another human being.”
The Holy Father also encourages adoption, stating, “Adopting a child is an act of love, offering the gift of a family to someone who has none.” (N. 179)
Finally, since our director of African-American Outreach is Evangelist Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., we were happy to see Dr. King quoted in this document, in the section where the Pope encourages a love that faces up to all difficulties. Part of the quote from Dr. King reads, “And when you come to the point that you look in the face of every man and see deep down within him what religion calls ‘the image of God,’ you begin to love him in spite of [everything]. No matter what he does, you see God’s image there.” (N. 118)
Priests for Life will continue to reflect and teach on this document in the days and months to come.
Father Frank Pavone is the national director of Priests for Life.
Fr. Frank Pavone
Fr. Frank Pavone
Father Frank Pavone is the national director of Priests for Life.

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