lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2014

Why is OBAMA determined to a Race War?...Instrucción Cívica para conocer USA....Now we are talking progress and social justice: Male athletes who say they are female allowed to shower with girls!!! Whaat!


No other Administration in American history has manufactured so many crises and committed so many impeachable crimes as the current one
Why The Obama Administration Is So Determined To Start A Race War

No other Administration in American history has manufactured so many crises and committed so many impeachable crimes as the current one.  The number of governmental wrongdoings and pervasiveness of political scandal are as unprecedented as they are unrivaled.
No other US President has acted in such an autocratic manner, and with such impunity.  President Obama’s ongoing dictatorial conduct has become so consistent that many refer to him as king, and the first monarch of the USA.  To those who have watched him systematically trash the Constitution, tyrant and despot are the more common descriptions.
The entire Executive Branch has become infamous for its predictable lawlessness and chaotic governance, deceptive pronouncements and diplomatic dissembling.  Every thing they do, or don’t do, is mired in political calculation and self-serving machinations.  Continuation of the facade of political correctness appears to be its central organizing principle, as well as the defining characteristic of so many incompetent ‘czars’ and unqualified politicos.
Just how numerous are the scandals and incessant are the improprieties … as well as the unparalleled transgressions against the Constitution and flagrant violations of federal law?  Here are just a few of the more serious offenses perpetrated by the Obama Administration:
•  Using the IRS to target Obama’s political enemies•  Reckless and unlawful NSA spying on American citizens and foreign leaders
•  Repeatedly and illegally rewriting the Affordable Healthcare Act
•  Initiating undeclared wars in Libya and Syri
•  Prosecuting illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
•  Benghazi debacle and cover-up
•  Associated Press reporters’ phone records scandal
•  ATF “Fast and Furious” fiasco
•  HHS Secretary Sebelius solicits large donations from companies to save Obamacare
•  Pigford scandal
•  Immigration Enforcement – relentless subversion by DOJ
•  GSA Administrator resignation in the face of blatant waste of taxpayers’ money
•  Justice Department monitoring reporter James Rosen of FOX News
•  Cash for Clunkers fiasco
•  Solyndra and other solar company financial scandals
•  BP Gulf oil spill gross misrepresentation and mishandling
•  US Federal Government used to promote the LGBT agenda
•  Posting a fraudulent and forged copy of Obama birth certificate at
•  Obama’s birth place questioned according to his own Harvard Law Review entry
•  CIA Spying on the Senate
•  Disastrous rollout of Obamacare
•  Orchestrating a violent coup d’état in Kiev throwing the Ukraine into civil war
•  Issuing illegal executive orders to legislate new immigration law without Congressional approval
•  Appointing unqualified candidates to ambassadorships
•  Inflaming racial hatreds in Ferguson, MO and NYC, Sanford, FL and Boston
•  Race-bating whenever it serves the Administration’s narrow political goals
•  Continuous attempts to incite a full-blown national race war
The last three bullet points above clearly spell out a deliberate and premeditated strategy to divide the nation using manufactured racism.  That racially charged agenda has been implemented with a “nod and a wink” since the very inception of Obama’s first term.  In light of the growing list of serious scandals and unrivaled law-breaking by this Administration, it is clear why there is such a relentless push for a “full scale race war”.  Obama’s inner circle must feel that it has no choice but to distract the American people from the unrelenting corruption and ubiquitous malfeasance that must be kept hidden from the public.
When it’s not distracting the citizenry with transparent race-bating, the Obama Administration is diverting attention away from the very real class war that has been raging since the stock market crash of 2008.
Clearly, there is a much more significant and profound reason for so much racial conflict purposefully generated by Obama, his political proxies and agents throughout the Mainstream Media (MSM).  Ever-intensifying class warfare has been raging across the nation since September of 2008.  The moneyed class has been under direct assault by those who have been harmed by the greatest transfer of wealth in modern history. Keep Reading

Los ciudadanos y la educación cívica

Ciudadanía americana¿Deberían los estudiantes de secundaria pasar el examen de ciudadanía?
La Iniciativa para la Educación Cívica (The Civics Education Initiative), un grupo sin fines de lucro con sede en Arizona, busca presentar legislación en Arizona, Luisiana, Misuri, Nuevo México, Dakota del Norte, Oklahoma, Carolina del Sur, Dakota del Sur y Utah para que se requiera que todos los estudiantes de secundaria pasen el mismo examen que tienen que pasar los inmigrantes que solicitan ser ciudadanos de Estados Unidos. La prueba incluye preguntas acerca de la historia de Estados Unidos, el gobierno y la Constitución.
Hay razones para pensar que a demasiados estadounidenses les está haciendo falta más educación cívica actualmente.
Según el Centro Annenberg de Política Pública de la Universidad de Pensilvania, sólo un tercio de los americanos puede nombrar los tres poderes del gobierno federal. Más alarmante aún es el hecho de que un tercio ni siquiera puede nombrar un solo poder.
Sólo el 13% de los americanos sabía que la Constitución se firmó en 1787. Sólo el 15% fue capaz de identificar correctamente a John Roberts como el presidente de la Corte Suprema. Pero no tema, la gente no es totalmente ignorante: casi el doble pudo identificar a Randy Jackson como jurado del programa American Idol.
En gran medida, la educación cívica se ha relegado a un segundo plano en las escuelas públicas de Estados Unidos ya que el plan de estudios se ha concentrado más en ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas (STEM) para preparar a los estudiantes a participar en una economía basada en la tecnología. Sin duda, la educación STEM es importante: Después de todo, los americanos necesitan educarse adecuadamente para competir en la economía global. Pero al restarle importancia a la educación cívica, estamos minando el sentido ciudadano de lo que significa ser americano y también debilitamos los cimientos de nuestra sociedad.
Educacion Civica
Infográfico por Kelsey Harris y Miryam Lindberg

En una democracia constitucional como la nuestra, nosotros, el pueblo estamos a cargo de poner orden en nuestras vidas y comunidades como mejor nos parezca. Como explicaba Abraham Lincoln, el nuestro es un “gobierno del pueblo, por el pueblo y para el pueblo”. Esto significa que la salud y la prosperidad de la nación dependen en última instancia de nosotros, los ciudadanos.
Sí, a menudo les confiamos a nuestros representantes electos el manejo de temas importantes y la dirección de los asuntos del país. Pero en nuestro sistema, los líderes sabios no se eligen a sí mismos. Corresponde a los ciudadanos, en ejercicio de su derecho al autogobierno, seleccionar los mejores líderes que actuarán de acuerdo con la voluntad del pueblo y, sobre todo, aplicando la Constitución. Una buena educación cívica nos facilita el entendimiento de nuestro sistema constitucional y de los principios sobre los que se funda para que podamos asegurarnos de que nuestros líderes cumplen fielmente sus funciones.
A lo largo del siglo pasado, demasiado a menudo nuestros líderes electos han ignorado la Constitución y han puesto a un lado nuestros principios fundacionales. Como resultado, se ha disparado el tamaño y alcance del gobierno federal, la deuda nacional ha subido hasta por las nubes y nuestro derecho al autogobierno se ha visto reducido. Desafortunadamente, muchos estadounidenses son ambivalentes acerca de la corrosión de nuestro sistema.
Con el fin de evitar un deterioro aún mayor y para el gobierno empiece a retomar su rol apropiado, necesitamos una ciudadanía bien informada y activamente partícipe en el proceso democrático. Las encuestas revelan que hay un largo camino por recorrer, pero los proyectos como la Iniciativa para la Educación Cívica son un excelente primer paso.
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Minnesota schools allow male athletes who say they are female to shower with girls

Athletes in Minnesota’s public schools who say they identify as the sex opposite their biological sex have won the right to shower with athletes of the opposite sex, as well as share locker rooms and hotel rooms.
On Thursday, the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) approved criteria that will create eligibility standards for schools to let transgendered students on single-sex sports teams. Students would be allowed to be on a team of the opposite gender if parents or guardians, as well as a health care professional, sign written statements affirming a student's “consistent or sincerely held gender-related identity.”
A draft form of the policy said that hormone treatments for males attempting to become female must have begun before any males may participate in female sports.
The debate over whether to allow transgendered students, especially males, to play on opposite-gender teams and use their restroom, locker, and travel hotel facilities lasted for months, and went through several draft forms. The final vote by the MSHSL board was 18-2, with one member abstaining and one member opposing.
The board member who opposed the change was Emmett Keenan, who said that he was concerned that the religious exemption was not enough. Additionally, said Keenan, "I’m not sure we’ve heard enough yet about the safety of girls in relationship to a transgender male-to-female playing on girls’ sports teams.”
The board had been expected to approve a draft proposal in October, but delayed a final decision until this week.
The board's decision was opposed by The Child Protection League, a grassroots organization of concerned parents, which put out a full-page ad stating: “A male wants to shower beside your 14-year-old daughter. Are you OK with that?”
Click "like" if you want to defend true marriage. 
Likewise, the Minnesota Catholic Conference has launched an online petition campaign listing numerous concerns with the policy. According to the Conference, the draft the board delayed a vote on "relies upon a contested view of gender identity confusion that could do students struggling with their gender more harm than good." It also violates Minnesota law related to "religious or conscientious objections" to the policy, says the Conference, and "could alter the competitive fairness in girls' athletics."
The Star-Tribune reports that in the meeting for the final vote, supporters and opponents packed the room. One supporter, OutFront Minnesota's executive director Monica Meyer, said, “All students want is a safe place to just be who they are. That includes in the classroom, on the court or field.”
League Executive Director Dave Stead said that while "a limited number of schools" told him that they "'don't like the idea'" of the new policy, discussions have led to those schools saying that they "'still don't like the idea, but I’m supportive of the initiative of trying to give us direction.'" Stead also said the transgender vote would not affect League membership.
At least a dozen states have similar athlete policies. In Minnesota, transgender eligibility will be decided by activities directors at individual schools, with an independent officer hearing appeals.

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