lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

Gay activists = sex abuser profiles?...Capitalismo o Progresivismo (Comunismo con paciencia)?...Men and abortion!

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Co-founder of gay activist group HRC charged with sex abuse of 15-year-old boy

A co-founder of the gay rights group Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has been arrested and charged with sex crimes in the alleged abuse of a 15-year old boy.
Terrence "Terry" Bean, 66, and his 25-year old ex-boyfriend Kiah Lawson, were arrested last week in Lane County, Oregon for alleged abuse of the unnamed minor. Police charged Bean with two felony charges of third-degree sodomy and one count of third-degree sex abuse.
Founded in 1980, HRC is possibly the most prominent gay activist organization in the world. It promotes same-sex “marriage,” advocates for gay Boy Scout leaders, and promotes “LGBT inclusive" school curriculum from the earliest years.
Since Bean's arrest, HRC has deleted him from its list of Board of Directors membersBean had worked closely with the organization for 34 years since its founding. As a real estate mogul, Bean was instrumental in HRC acquiring the building that serves as its headquarters in downtown Washington, D.C. in 2002.
Bean was a prominent backer of President Obama in 2008 and 2012, bundling over $500,000 between Obama's two presidential campaigns.
HRC has recently come under fire for its hit list targeting pro-family leaders. The hit list has left at least two leaders saying that they fear for their lives.
Pro-family leaders reacted swiftly to news of Bean’s arrest. The American Family Association's Bryan Fischer talked about Bean's arrest on his radio show, and former Massachuesetts gubernatorial candidate Scott Lively blogged that Bean's arrest was "dramatic vindication" in light of HRC "recently nam[ing] me LGBT Global Public Enemy #1."
The pro-family group Mass Resistance called upon corporate sponsors of an HRC conference in Boston this past Saturday to retract their support.
Fischer said Bean’s is emblematic of a higher propensity of abuse of minors by homosexuals. At least two significant studies have found that gay men abuse minor boys at a significantly higher rate than heterosexual men abuse minor girls, though gay activists dispute the claim.
A 2002 analysis of studies by the Family Research Council (FRC) concluded that "the evidence indicates that homosexual men molest boys at rates grossly disproportionate to the rates at which heterosexual men molest girls."
"To demonstrate this it is necessary to connect several statistics related to the problem of child sex abuse," continued the analysis. Among the relevant factors are that child sexual abuse is mostly done by men, that one-third of child sex abuse cases are against males, and that "less than three percent of the population are homosexuals."
"Thus," concluded FRC, "a tiny percentage of the population (homosexual men), commit one-third or more of the cases of child sexual molestation."
The arrest is just the latest in months of public turmoil for Bean, who over the summer was accused by Lawson of having a camera in Bean's bedroom and was “surreptitiously videotaping his sexual encounters with Lawson and a handful of other men.” This caused the relationship to end, restraining orders to be filed by both Bean and Lawson, and for Bean to try to evict Lawson from a condo owned by the older man.
Bean's legal team has said he is the target of an extortion effort by Lawson. Attorney Kristen Winemiller told Willamette Week, "We went to the police bureau because Lawson and his associates are dangerous men who were, and almost certainly still are, preying on gay men of all ages and walks of life.''
"Over the course of several months in 2013-2014, Terry was the victim of an extortion ring led by several men known to law enforcement,” Winemiller said. “This current arrest is connected to the ongoing investigation of that case in which Mr. Bean has fully cooperated. No allegations against Bean should be taken at face value. We look forward to the opportunity to clear his name.”
A former lawyer for Lawson has said that "the surprising thing to me is Kiah was indicted in this case because it was Kiah who helped authorities find this kid. If someone is going to cooperate and be helpful for the police there should be some kind of reward for that. It could have a chilling effect on others coming forward.'' Lawson is still being held on bail related to the felony abuse charges, while Bean is out on bail.
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Capitalismo y voracidad

EuropaComentaba el periodista y escritor español Javier Reverte  sobre el fracaso europeo, “que tiene dos caras: la de un capitalismo que ha vuelto a recuperar sus hábitos de voracidad despiadada y la de una ideología socialdemócrata que no ha sido capaz de sujetar las riendas al desbocado capital financiero”. Diagnosticó así la situación de los socialistas: “su rendición a los dictados de las leyes del mercado ha supuesto una capitulación sin condiciones” de su idea original de “conciliar la libertad con la justicia social”, y el resultado ha sido que”la riqueza es hoy más poderosa que los gobiernos”. Aquí hay tres errores.
Veamos primero la piedad capitalista. Uno podría recaer en las habituales caricaturas de los capitalistas malvados, pero lo que no puede hacerse nunca es dar a entender implícitamente que la perversidad censurada depende críticamente de la institución que es objeto de censura. Digamos, si afirmamos que el capitalismo es despiadado y no decimos nada más, estamos sugiriendo que el no capitalismo rebosa de piedad. El señor Reverte no puede no saber que esto último no es verdad, porque las instituciones del capitalismo –la propiedad privada y los contratos voluntarios– han sido más o menos quebrantadas en el planeta en el pasado, y nada permite concluir que su quebrantamiento está asociado con más piedad que su preservación.
El segundo equívoco estriba en diseñar el perfil de la impiedad capitalista. Don Javier presume de diagnosticarlo: el capitalismo era menos voraz pero ahora es más voraz. No hay forma de probar esto seriamente. Si el capitalismo fuera más voraz nunca habría permitido que sus beneficios fueran expropiados; al contrario, habría arrinconado al Estado y habría reducido su tamaño, peso y poder. Asombrosamente, eso es lo que dice el señor Reverte que ha sucedido: “La riqueza es hoy más poderosa que los gobiernos”. La verdad es justo la contraria, porque nunca los Estados han sido más grandes, nunca las regulaciones han sido más intrusivas, nunca los impuestos han sido más elevados.
El tercer error se refiere a la socialdemocracia. Cualquiera que la conozca mínimamente sabe que no es cierto que se haya “rendido” al mercado libre. Ningún socialista de ningún país jamás ha hecho tal cosa, y, al contrario, todos los socialistas del mundo reivindican un papel importante del Estado que limite el mercado libre, y cuando gobiernan llevan a la práctica esa idea, como hemos visto reiteradamente en España y muchos otros países.
Por fin, la noción de “conciliar la libertad con la justicia social” jamás ha sido una idea peculiar del socialismo sino la cálida ficción que ha amparado el crecimiento del Estado, o que al menos ha bloqueado su reducción apreciable, en todos los países y bajo todas las ideologías de todos los partidos.

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Nicholas Baklinski, shown here cradling his newborn son, says the news of New Brunswick's decision to liberalize its abortion regulations, coming mere days after the birth of his child, has convicted him of the dire need to fight abortion.

Nicholas Baklinski

My newborn son helped reawaken in me the horror of abortion: young father

Editor’s note: Nicholas Baklinski, son of LifeSiteNews journalist Ted Baklinski, writes about how the birth of his son, just days prior to New Brunswick announcing that it is changing its abortion regulations to make it easier for women, made him look at abortion in an entirely new light.
This past week my wife did an amazing job of birthing our little son into the world! What a wonderful joy it is to have such a fresh experience of new life, manifested so uniquely for parents within the first seconds and hours of a child being brought forth into the world. For my wife, the delivery of this new little healthy bundle of life was the fulfillment of a 37-week high-risk pregnancy, a pregnancy that always seemed to be an uphill battle from the start, with many mountains that seemed impossible to cross. His birth was, in short, a complete miracle for her, for us.
After arriving home from many days spent in the hospital, I was out driving to our local town on an errand and still much filled with the emotion of the past day’s events. I had just turned on the vehicle’s radio to CBC and the broadcaster was announcing the changes New Brunswick Premier Brian Gallant was making to the province’s abortion regulations to “increase capacity” and “improve access.” The broadcaster droned on, saying the effect of this new bill would be that women would no longer need the customary two-doctor approval as well as a qualified specialist to perform an abortion.
My heart quite literally jumped in my chest and for a moment I felt sick. “What?” I asked myself, “What did I just hear?” For the first time in such a long time it hit me hard — and in a new way — what we humans are doing to so, so many of our beautiful children.
I turned off the radio and for a moment I just asked myself, “What are we doing? What are we allowing to happen?”
Deafening words rang out over and over in my head: “We’re killing them! We’re killing them! Our little girls and boys!”
The words would not stop echoing inside me. My hands gripped the steering wheel tighter as a fatherly urge seemed to flow through my body for the need to safeguard and protect my three little children from some unseen evil presence that was lurking and seeking to devour.
I was also stunned at how nonchalantly the broadcaster had just reported how women are being given a more streamlined way to kill their pre-born babies.
Then it hit me: “I have become so desensitized.” This disregard for the beauty of life has permeated our culture. It is something I have heard so constantly, everywhere, with slogans like: “Woman’s Choice!” “My Body, My Choice!” It seems to pour out from every faucet of media out there and it had worn down my sensitivity. Though I am completely opposed to this “Right to Choose” to destroy that which I now hold close and cuddle so tenderly, the urgency in me to “act” had been dulled in the busyness of my day-to-day life.
So, thank you to my new little son who brings to me so much life and joy, for reawakening this inner “urgency” to stand up for the right-to-life for all children.
I have a rekindled gratitude and want to say “thank you” to those who are in the streets, marketplaces, media, in jail, in prayer and fasting, and who relentlessly spend their time, energy, and finances for the cause of defending life. I have gratitude for those who are saying “YES” to life in their marriages and are sharing this gift of new life with the world. The birth of every new child is ultimately a sign of hope for a new springtime for the entire world.
What you are doing makes a difference and is so much needed. Please carry on.
Now is not the time to become complacent, but to rise up and take action against this dark force that is sweeping across our nation and destroying that which we hold so dear to our hearts, our little children! 
We mustn’t give up in this fight for the right of so many innocent ones, even if it appears to be an impassible mountain range, because yes, miracles do happen and my son is proof of it!
Nicholas Baklinski, a carpenter, writes from his home in Combermere, ON, where he lives with his wife Rhea and his three young children.

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