martes, 15 de mayo de 2018

Now movies have to cater to Trump era!!!...Y Nicaragua tambien saldra del poses socialcomunista!.....Trump's best wishes to All muslims!

  • Making Movies in the Trump Era for the Audience Hollywood Ignored 

    Producer Dallas Sonnier fled Los Angeles to create ‘populist entertainment’; Vince Vaughn as an unemployed mechanic who kills drug dealers to protect his wife from a forced abortion

    Before he casts actors in his movies, producer Dallas Sonnier puts them through what he calls “the Louisiana cousins test.”
    These cousins of his are schoolteachers, HVAC installers, construction workers—just the kind of audience he thinks Hollywood has unwisely left behind. Continue to WSJ
     Political Trend Marketing

    Al menos 35 heridos en choques entre protestantes y policías en Nicaragua

    Foto archivo AFP
    Al menos 35 heridos y 10 detenidos dejaban este martes enfrentamientos entre manifestantes y policías antimotines en Matagalpa, en el norte de Nicaragua, en el marco de las protestas contra el gobierno que dejan al menos 53 muertos y sacuden al país previo a un diálogo nacional.
    "Nos están disparando, no les da vergüenza, las calles son nuestras, atacan a la gente sin arma, cobardes. ¡Fuera!", gritaron los manifestantes a los antimotines en una calle de la ciudad, según un video colgado en las redes sociales.
    "¡Nos dispararon con escopeta, vienen a agredirnos!", se quejó en otro video un joven que tenía el rostro semi cubierto con una camisa.
    El dirigente de la Asociación Nicaragüense Pro Derechos Humanos (ANPDH) de la ciudad German Herrera dijo a una televisora local que "los muchachos están desarmados, no tienen con qué defenderse y los antimotines les caen de momentos".
    "El cálculo que nosotros llevamos más o menos anda en 35 personas (heridas) y 10 detenidos que los vamos a ir a ver", dijo Herrera al canal privado 100% Noticias.
    "Es doloroso lo que está pasando, no debería haber sucedido esto (...) nosotros estamos preocupados porque el hombre (el presidente Daniel Ortega) habla de diálogo, pero no existen las condiciones", comentó.
    "Hay bastantes heridos en Matagalpa", dijo a la AFP Bayardo Siles, un activista que se encontraba en una parroquia apoyando el traslado de heridos al hospital de la ciudad. Sigue leyendo:

    Donald Trump Sends ‘Best Wishes’ to Muslims on Ramadan


    President Donald Trump sent a greeting to all Muslims observing Ramadan around the world in a statement Tuesday.

    “With the rising of tonight’s moon, I send my greetings and best wishes to all Muslims observing Ramadan in the United States and around the world,” the president said in a statement released by the White House.
    Ramadan begins Tuesday evening, a Muslim season celebrating the revelation of the Quran to the prophet Muhammad.
    The president noted that Ramadan was a period of fasting and spiritual reflection for Muslims, pointing out that many perform acts of charity, read the Quran, and recite prayers during the holy season.
    “Ramadan reminds us of the richness Muslims add to the religious tapestry of American life,” Trump wrote, pointing out the Constitution’s enshrining the right to religious liberty.

    “Our Constitution ensures Muslims can observe Ramadan in accordance with the dictates of conscience and unimpeded by government,” the statement read.
    Trump also issued a statement honoring Ramadan in 2017, but condemned terrorist attacks in the United Kingdom and Egypt as “acts of depravity that are directly contrary to the spirit of Ramadan.”

    Trump’s 2018 statement appeared to be more personal.

    “As so many people unite to celebrate Ramadan, Melania and I join in the hope for a blessed month,” he wrote, concluding with the traditional phrase of greeting during the season, “Ramadan Mubarak.”

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