miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2018

Levin: "Media have blood on their hands"...Venezuela torturadora continua...Why we love Trump!

Mark Levin: The Media 'Have Blood On Their Hands'

"Because they encourage this activity. Because Hamas watches them." 

Conservative talk-show host Mark Levin speaks during the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2016 at National Harbor in Oxon Hill, Maryland, outside Washington, March 4, 2016.
SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images
Conservative author and radio host Mark Levin blasted the mainstream media’s coverage surrounding Israel's response to the Palestinians' violent protests following the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. The media, Levin said, "have blood on their hands" for continuing to fall for the tactics of Hamas, who use human shields as props for the cameras so the press will unfairly blame the Israeli government for the violence.
"But they force children into these actions. Remember the last war with Gaza? Where do they put their headquarters? Under elementary schools. Remember? Where do they put their missile inventory? Under hospitals," he said. "You see, what our media do not understand or do not care to understand is that for Hamas every human being is expendable. Because it’s a war. Every one of their citizens, expendable. Children and women first!
"Why? I'm gonna tell you why," he continued. "And I don’t mean to be provocative, but I'm gonna tell you why.
"The media in our country — hell the worldwide media and the Democratic Party in our country, just like all the left European parties… You know what? They have blood on their hands! You know why they have blood on their hands? Because they encourage this activity. Because Hamas watches them. The more children that are killed, the more the media turn on the Israelis. The more women killed, the more the media turn on the Israelis. So they push the women to the front. They push the children to the front."
The host condemned Hamas for the violence the perpetrate on their own people. "You and I look at this and say holeeeee…these terrorists are unbelievable, what they do to their own people!" he said. "The media, they say the Israelis are unbelievable, look what they do to these people."
You can listen to the audio on The Right Scoop. 
Asi Torturan en Venezuela a quienes piensan diferente!
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The Real Donald Trump
 Real Digital Solutions

Want to understand why Trump keeps winning? Look at Democratic hysteria

If you want to understand why Donald Trump is president today (and why he could very well win a second term), look to the Democrats' hysterical response to two of Trump's major foreign policy achievements over the past week.
Last Thursday, the president traveled to Joint Base Andrews to greet three American hostages whose release he had secured from North Korea. Unlike his predecessor, Trump did it without sending the offending regime an unmarked plane loaded with hundreds of millions in hard currency. The return of these American captives should have been a moment of celebration and bipartisan unity.

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So how did Democrats respond? By blasting Trump for the way he welcomed the U.S. hostages home. The pretext for their outrage was Trump's comment thanking Kim Jong Un, who he said "really was excellent to these three incredible people" -- by which Trump obviously meant releasing them. No matter. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., took the Senate floor to attack Trump for his "troubling" remarks. "Kim Jong Un is a dictator" who "capriciously detained American citizens," Schumer declared, channeling Captain Obvious, and warned that, by praising Kim, Trump "weakens American foreign policy and puts American citizens at risk around the world."
Seriously? How do Democrats take a positive event such as the release of American hostages and turn it into an excuse to attack Trump? Apparently, Trump Derangement Syndrome is so debilitating that Democrats can't bring themselves to say "Good job, Mr. President," even when he brings our hostages home. Before, Democrats complained that Trump was too belligerent toward Kim; now, they're upset that he is too effusive. This is absurd. Trump is laying the groundwork for a high-stakes nuclear summit with Kim; of course the president is not going to publicly criticize him. People in Middle America listen to the Democrats' reactions and think: Can Trump do nothing right in these people's eyes? Keep reading :

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