jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2015

TRUMP: "We are going to start saying Merry Christmas again"...La Familia: El mejor regalo de Navidad!...Washington's Christmas Poem!!!

Trump: ‘We Are Going to Start Saying Merry Christmas Again … That’s The Way It Should Be’

By Michael W. Chapman | December 23, 2015 | 3:04 PM EST
Donald Trump.  (AP)
Real estate mogul and best-selling author Donald Trump, echoing remarks he made in September about the importance of saying “Merry Christmas,” told Family Research Council President Tony Perkins that when you go to stores today, you rarely see the word “Christmas,” but that this is going to change – “we are going to start saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again.”
During a Dec. 19 interview on Perkins’ radio show, Washington Watch,  Trump said,  “Well, Tony, I can, tell you this, that religious liberty is very important to me, and I see more and more, especially, in particular, Christianity, Christians, their power is being taken away.”
“I just watch it and I get angry at it,” said Trump.  “You look at what is going on with other religions, you look at, as an example, what’s happening with respect to Muslims and others, where perhaps they just band together better or something. But, you know, the Christian, every year, you just see it more and more.”

“You know, you go from one thing to the next to the point where it’s not politically correct to say ‘Merry Christmas’ to anybody, or you go to stores and you don’t ever see the word ‘Christmas’ anymore,” said Trump.  “You don’t see that term anymore, Tony.”

“One of the things I always say, and I say it lightheartedly but I mean it -- it’s actually not supposed to be so lighthearted -- and I get standing ovations, especially in Iowa and certain places, is we are going to start saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” said Trump.
“Because you go into these stores and you don’t see anything having to do with Christmas and it’s disgraceful, frankly, as far as I’m concerned,” he said, “and that’s the way it should be and I feel strongly about it.”
During the Values Voter Summit in September, Trump said, “The word Christmas. I love Christmas. I love Christmas. You go to stores, you don’t see the word Christmas. It says ‘Happy Holidays’ all over. I say, 'Where’s Christmas?’”
“I tell my wife, ‘Don’t go to those stores. I want to see Christmas. I want to see Christmas,’” said Trump. “Other people can have their holidays but Christmas is Christmas. I want to see ‘Merry Christmas.’”
Michael W. Chapman
Michael W. Chapman
Michael W. Chapman

La familia es el mejor regalo en estas fiestas

La Navidad, la celebración por excelencia del tiempo en familia, así como el día de Año Nuevo, el momento de los buenos propósitos, proporcionan una gran oportunidad para que los padres se aseguren de que la unidad de la familia dura todo el año, con la promesa pasar más tiempo con sus hijos y sus actividades. Como han revelado décadas de investigación, cuanto más tiempo y actividades comparten las familias, más probable es que los hijos prosperen.
Desde los primeros años de vida de un niño, que la madre y el padre se involucren en el desarrollo de sus hijos prepara el camino para sus éxitos académicos. Los alumnos de prescolar cuyos padres les leen a menudo, normalmente obtienen calificaciones más altas en términos de desarrollo cognitivo. Y de promedio, aquellos niños que reciben más estimulación cognitiva en su hogar obtienen calificaciones más altas en las pruebas de inteligencia y tienen menos probabilidades de mostrar comportamientos hiperactivos o antisociales.
Además, los niños cuyos padres se involucran más con sus actividades durante su etapa en la escuela elemental tienen más probabilidades de acabar la secundaria, mientras que a su vez los adolescentes con padres más involucrados tienen más probabilidades de aspirar a una educación superior. Los niños de todas las razas y orígenes étnicos con padres más involucrados tienen más probabilidades de triunfar académicamente. Incluso la involucración paterna en simples actividades de ocio está asociada con un incremento del desempeño académico de los hijos.
Igualmente, la involucración, la comunicación y la supervisión paternas están unidas al comportamiento de los jóvenes. Los adolescentes cuyos padres hablan con ellos acerca de las normas de comportamiento sexual y monitorizan sus actividades tienen menos probabilidades de llegar a ser sexualmente activos. Además, los jóvenes cuyos padres hablan con ellos acerca de sus inquietudes y motivan sus intereses tienen menos probabilidades de mostrar problemas de comportamiento o de participar en actos de violencia. Del mismo modo, los jóvenes que cenan frecuentemente con sus familias tienen menos probabilidades de consumir drogas o alcohol.
Finalmente, la involucración de los padres está también unida al bienestar emocional de los hijos. Los jóvenes cuyos padres están presentes en casa cuando llegan de la escuela, a la hora de la cena y cuando se van a la cama tienen menos probabilidades de experimentar desórdenes emocionales, de la misma forma que aquellos cuyos padres están involucrados y se muestran receptivos tienden a tener mayor autoestima y son menos susceptibles de sucumbir ante la presión social.
La preocupación, la involucración y la comunicación paternas son regalos de un valor verdaderamente incalculable y que sólo los padres pueden ofrecer. Al mismo tiempo, se debería desarrollar normativa pública (desde iniciativas para fortalecer el matrimonio a aumentar el papel de los padres en las decisiones educativas) que fomente el papel único y esencial que los padres desempeñan en las vidas de sus hijos.
Cuando las familias se reúnan durante las próximas semanas para celebrar la Navidad y el Año Nuevo, los responsables políticos deberían recordar y honrar el programa social más eficaz de la nación: la solidez familiar. Desde la disminución del comportamiento de riesgo juvenil hasta el aumento del éxito académico de los hijos, las familias que se mantienen unidas sobre la base del matrimonio son parte esencial del mantenimiento de una sociedad civil próspera.
Posted in EstudiosFamilia y ReligiónOpiniónAnálisisActualidadDestacables,ReligiónSociedad civil

Collette Caprara

Washington’s Christmas Poem: ‘Assist Me to Sing the Morn, On Which the Savior of Mankind Was Born’

By Ali Meyer | December 23, 2015 | 1:28 PM EST
George Washington.  
(Public domain.)
(CNSNews.com) - George Washington, the first president of the United States and a Founding Father of our nation, was a devout Christian baptized shortly after his birth by his parents, who were members of the Church of England. 

The book, “George Washington the Christian,” by William J. Johnson  highlights Washington’s religious foundation, his prayers, his religious habits, and his actions taken as a Christian soldier.

One of the stories that Johnson recounts of a 13-year-old Washington includes some verses that he copied on Christmas Day.

“Assist me, Muse divine, to sing the Morn, on Which the Saviour of Mankind was born,” Washington said. 

“Some think that he composed poems himself, but it is more likely that he copied them from an unknown source,” Johnson explains. “It shows the manner of Christian training he had received at home. He had absorbed 'the spirit of the Day and the facts of the faith, as well as the rule and model of Christian life.'” 
“George Washington descended from a long line of excellent churchmen,” states Johnson. “If Washington’s military character was developed out of materials which came to him by inheritance from both sides of his family, so too was his religious character. That love of the church which we have seen as a distinguishing mark in his family became a strong inheritance which his own will and intelligence did not set aside.” 

Washington took those values and beliefs with him in the army and encouraged others to do the same.
According to Johnson, when Washington was told that the British troops at Lexington had fired on and killed several Americans, Washington replied, “I grieve for the death of my countrymen; but rejoice that the British are still determined to keep God on our side.”

The day after Washington took command of the army on July 4, 1775, he issued an order saying, “The General most earnestly requires and expects due observance of those articles of war established for the government of the army, which forbid profane cursing, swearing, and drunkenness. And in like manner he requires and expects of all officers and soldiers, not engaged in actual duty, a punctual attendance on Divine service, to implore the blessing of Heaven upon the means used for our safety and defense.” 

About a year later on July 9, 1776, Washington issued another order defining a “Christian soldier.”
It stated, “The honorable Continental Congress having been pleased to allow a chaplain to each regiment, with the pay of thirty-three dollars and one-third per month, the colonels or commanding officers of each regiment are directed to procure chaplains accordingly, persons of good characters and exemplary lives, and to see that all inferior officers and soldiers pay them a suitable respect."

"The blessing and protection of Heaven are at all times necessary, but especially so in times of public distress and danger," reads the order.  "The General hopes and trusts, that every officer and man will endeavor so to live and act as becomes a Christian soldier, defending the dearest rights and liberties of his country."
(This article was initially published on Dec. 24, 2014, by then-CNSNews.com reporter Ali Meyer.)

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