miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2015

Clinton will lead "Tremendous Majorities of Kids" to Homosexuality!....Mujer y Libertad!...323,999 Americans killed in 2015!!!

Kevin Swanson: Hillary Clinton Will Lead 'Tremendous Majorities of American Kids' To Homosexuality

Far-right Colorado pastor Kevin Swanson got some negative publicity last month when he managed to get three Republican presidential candidates to speak at an event he organized, where he spent most of his speaking time warning that America must repent for such sins as birth control, liking Harry Potter too much and failing to execute gay people.
On his “Generations Radio” program yesterday, Swanson said that although he was “severely mocked” for his remarks at the conference, it is true that America must repent or God will punish the nation through the election of Hillary Clinton, who will in turn lead “tremendous majorities of American kids” down “the track towards homosexuality” and other sexual sins.
Swanson got on the subject while discussing a recent case in Massachusetts in which a judge found that a Catholic school violated a state nondiscrimination law when it pulled a job offer from its food services director after he listed his husband as an emergency contact.
Swanson warned that this was all part of the “preparation for the Greek form of education, which, as you know, involves whatever’s going on in gymnasia, very, very ugly stuff” and that the nation is going in the direction of Harry Potter’s mentor and Hiccup’s mentor in ‘How to Train Your Dragon,’” whom he says are gay.
The only way to save America, he said, is to keep enough kids out of public schools, which are teaching them to be “polytheists and socialists” and to get enough Americans to repent, otherwise God will fail to “have mercy on this nation” and allow Clinton to be elected president.
If America fails to repent, he asked, “Why wouldn’t Hillary Clinton get full rein upon this nation to continue the destructive pattern, destroy the social fabric of the nation — the family, of course — so that of course there will be 75 percent of kids born outside of wedlock to single mothers by the year 2030, so to be sure that tremendous majorities of American kids are taken down the track towards homosexuality, towards the destruction of sexuality with pornography habits, illegitimate divorce, the shack-up rates being 30 times what they were in 1970 and so forth?”


PEOPLE: Kevin Swanson

 Wayuu Bags

Mujer y libertad

En 1869, John Stuart Mill publicó The Subjection of Women y argumentaba a favor de la total igualdad entre los sexos. En esos tiempos, tal propuesta era revolucionaria y muy contraria a las normas y costumbres en todo el mundo.
Hoy la cultura occidental reconoce, aunque a veces sólo en teoría, que la mujer tiene los mismos derechos que el hombre. En el siglo XXI, tal proposición debería ser una verdad de Perogrullo. Sin embargo, en muchos países, incluso de tradición occidental, muchas mujeres siguen sometidas a los designios del hombre, ya sea del padre o del esposo y tanto las normas sociales, como la legislación, hacen que las mujeres no gocen de todos los derechos que les corresponden.
Más triste aun es la situación del género femenino en culturas diferentes a la occidental, donde la mujer es privada de libertades civiles y políticas elementales. El islamismo por ejemplo, de la manera en que se practica en buena parte del mundo implica una negación de tales libertades.
Y para ser justos, el catolicismo actual mantiene una discriminación odiosa entre el hombre y la mujer, tal discriminación no pasa de lo eclesiástico, mientras que en el islam traspasa a lo civil y político. Felizmente hay avances en el mundo y en Arabia Saudita las mujeres pudieron votar y postularse a cargos públicos por primera vez en la historia. Aunque todavía queda mucho por recorrer (en este país las mujeres no pueden manejar vehículos y deben pedir el permiso de sus maridos para todo), el voto universal es un gran avance.
En nuestra Latinoamérica, también hay razones para alegrarnos del rol del género femenino en la lucha por la libertad. En Venezuela, dos mujeres, Lilian Tintori y María Corina Machado, han jugado un rol fundamental en la defensa de los valores de la libertad y han contribuido a frenar seriamente las aspiraciones totalitarias del liberticida régimen chavista.
Finalmente, si una persona es inepta, impostora y fascista, uno no tiene por qué hacer miramientos contra tal persona a la hora de defender las ideas liberales, aunque sea mujer. Por tal motivo también me alegro por la señora Cristina Fernández de Kirchner que terminó su paupérrima gestión como presidenta de Argentina. Espero que vaya a disfrutar los millones de dólares de patrimonio que acumuló durante las presidencias de ella y su esposo y le haga el favor a los argentinos de no volver a postularse jamás.
Posted in EstudiosOpiniónAnálisisAsuntos internacionalesActualidad,DestacablesSociedad civilLibertad humana

Planned Parenthood's New Annual Report: 323,999 Abortions; $553.7M in Government Money

By Penny Starr | December 30, 2015 | 12:19 PM EST
(AP Photo)
(CNSNews.com) – Planned Parenthood says in its new 2014-2015 annual report, which was released this month, that its affiliates around the country did 323,999 abortion procedures in the fiscal year that ended on Sept. 30, 2014 and that those affiliates received $553.7 million in “government health services grants and reimbursements” in the year that ended on June 30, 2015.
In its previous annual report, Planned Parenthood had reported that its affiliates did 327,653 abortions in the fiscal year that ended on Sept. 30, 2013 and that those affiliates had received $528.4 million in “government health services grants and reimbursements” in the year that ended on June 30, 2014.
Earlier Planned Parenthood annual reports say its affiliates did 327,166 abortion procedures in fiscal 2012 and 333,964 in fiscal 2011.
The amount of government money Planned Parenthood reported that its affiliates received increased in the latest annual report, climbing $25.3 million from $528.4 million in the year that ended on June 30, 2014 to the $553.7 million they received in the year that ended on June 30, 2015.
CNSNews.com contacted Planned Parenthood to ask why the organization has different 12-month periods for reporting services and revenues but no response was received.

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