lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015

Paris and the West: Do we understand Evil?...MACRI: Por fin un triunfo esperanzador!!!...Christians could be jailed for Objecting to "Homosexual sex lessons"!!! What?

Paris and the West's Failure to Comprehend Evil

November 20, 2015|1:07 pm

Last Friday's attack in Paris, when ISIS terrorists attacked a concert hall, a soccer stadium, and a neighborhood known for its cafes, killing at least 129 people and wounding another 350, was the second wave of terror launched against the City of Light just this year. Back in January, terrorists attacked the offices of the magazine Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket, killing a dozen people.
The world is asking "why?" again, because of the attacks in Paris. But the worldview of western secularists isn't big enough to make sense of it.
According to French president Francois Hollande, ISIS has "declared war" on France and that France's response will be "pitiless."
And the most common reaction here in the States, besides pity for the victims, is fear … that what happened there could happen here, wherever "here" might be for you. So let's start by making one thing clear: for the Christian, the fear of God casts out all other fear.
Yes, it's reasonable to be concerned about personal and public safety, but we're commanded throughout scripture to not be afraid. That's because in the death and resurrection of Jesus, God has definitively dealt with evil.
Now it may not look that way after last Friday. But as the author of Hebrews wrote, "At present, we do not yet see everything in subjection to him," that is, Jesus Christ. Christianity acknowledges the fact of evil and suffering. A Christian worldview isn't about sticking our heads in the sand and seeing the world in a Pollyannaish sort of way.
But other worldviews aren't able to call evil, "evil." In an article in Israel's Haaretz newspaper, residents of the neighborhood that was attacked on Friday described the perpetrators as "victims." One person said that the terrorists were "victims of a system that excluded them from society ... who live here in alienation, and we are all to blame for this alienation."
Another added that "These are people the government gave up on, and you have to ask why." As Haaretz put it, "No one wanted to talk about Islamists or the Islamic State, even after it took responsibility for the attacks and French President Francois Hollande announced that the group was behind them.
That motivation, as the March 2015 issue of The Atlantic told readers, is a sincere, carefully considered commitment to returning civilization to a seventh-century legal environment, and ultimately bringing about the apocalypse.Secular liberalism simply can't wrap its mind around the kind of unadulterated evil that ISIS represents, in large part because it can't understand what motivates ISIS and its supporters.

Actually, a better word than "apocalypse" would be "eschaton," the end of the present age and the ushering in of what they consider to be the reign of Allah.
Since it no longer believes in the Christian eschaton, the West cannot even begin to understand an Islamic one. So it treats ISIS like it does the rest of our broken world: something that we can master, provided we bring the correct tools, politically correct language, public policy, and techniques to bear.
Never mind that this kind of utopian approach has a lousy track record even when dealing with much smaller evils than ISIS. Never mind that it's absurd to "declare war" on an evil when many of your people can't bring themselves to call it "evil."
That's sticking your head in the sand.
But there's more to that verse from Hebrews. The author goes on to write, "But we see him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone."
Christ has triumphed! And while events might tempt us to fear and even doubt, like the original recipients of the letter to the Hebrews, we are called to look past events and see what is ultimately true and real.
So as Christians our work is to continue to participate in God's work to restore all things under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. And neither ISIS nor any event in Paris should change that.
This article was originally posted here


Argentina: Macri y el fin del populismo

Mauricio MacriLa victoria de Mauricio Macri en Argentina es el triunfo del sentido común sobre el discurso crispado y fallido de las emociones. Es, también, el arribo de la modernidad y el entierro de una etapa populista que debió desaparecer hace mucho tiempo.
Hay una exitosa manera de gobernar. Es la que se emplea en las 25 naciones punteras del planeta, donde debiera estar Argentina, donde estuvo en el primer cuarto del siglo XX. La esperanza de todos es que Macri encamine al país en ese rumbo.
¿Cuáles son esas naciones? Las que consignan todos los manuales rigurosos, desde el Índice de desarrollo humano que publica Naciones Unidas hasta el Doing Business del Banco Mundial, pasando por Transparencia Internacional. Son una veintena de compilaciones y da igual cómo se crucen: a la cabeza siempre comparecen los mismos.
¿Cuáles? Los sospechosos habituales: Noruega, Inglaterra, Suiza, Canadá, Alemania, Estados Unidos, Holanda, Dinamarca, Japón, y el consabido etcétera. ¿Cómo lo hacen? Con una mezcla de respeto a la ley, reglas claras, fortaleza institucional, mercado, apertura comercial, razonable honradez administrativa, buen nivel educativo, innovaciones, competencia, productividad y, sobre todo, confianza.
A veces los gobiernos son liberales, democristianos o socialdemócratas. A veces se combinan en coaliciones. Pese a las disputas, todos forman parte de la extendida familia de la democracia liberal. Lo que suelen discutir en las elecciones no es la forma en que se relacionan la sociedad y el Estado, sino el monto de la presión fiscal y la fórmula distributiva del gasto social. No se juegan en las urnas el modelo económico sobre el que descansa el aparato productivo ni el modelo político que organiza la convivencia y garantiza las libertades. En eso están de acuerdo.
Son naciones, en fin, sedadas, sin sobresaltos, sin ruido de sables ni rumores de caos, maravillosamente aburridas, en las que las voces antisistema son demasiado débiles para tomarlas en cuenta, y en las que se pueden hacer planes a largo plazo porque es muy difícil que la moneda pierda su valor súbitamente o que el gobierno te secuestre los ahorros en un infame e ilegal corralito.
Eso no quiere decir que no surjan crisis y burbujas especulativas, o que algunos, como Grecia, hagan trampas y haya que sacarles las castañas del fuego. Claro que ocurren, pero se superan y la economía se recupera sin que se rompa el juego democrático. Son los ciclos inevitables que se producen en los mercados libres, en los que la codicia, cada cierto tiempo, distancia a compradores y vendedores. Las naciones punteras han aprendido a superarlos y seguir adelante.
Todos esperan que Mauricio Macri se desplace en esa misma dirección por el bien de los argentinos, pero, tratándose del país mayor y mejor instruido de América Latina, puede aventurarse que su triunfo va a tener notables consecuencias en todo el continente. Por lo pronto, es muy importante que Argentina haya abandonado la deriva chavista en que la introdujo el kirchnerismo.
El triunfo de Macri va a repercutir en las elecciones venezolanas del 6 de diciembre próximo, a las que la oposición democrática llegará con la certeza de que tiene un nuevo y valioso amigo que se negará a convalidar el fraude que prepara Maduro, y mucho menos la opresiva junta cívico-militar con la que ha amenazado si las urnas le son adversas.
Va a tener efectos sobre el panorama electoral brasileño, fortaleciendo a las fuerzas de centroderecha que se oponen a Lula; y sobre el chileno, cuando la señora Bachelet, cuya popularidad está en el suelo, convoque a unas nuevas elecciones en las que no podrá ser candidata.
No sólo Mauricio Macri, como acertadamente señala Joaquín Martínez Solá en La Nación, es la expresión del relevo generacional que el país necesita, con hombres y mujeres que no sufrieron el trauma de la dictadura militar ni la barbarie guerrillera de la oposición armada, sino que puede ser quien encabece en América Latina la lucha por la democracia y las libertades. Alguien que conduzca al país a ese siglo XXI que empezó hace casi 16 años, y lo saque del viejo pantano populista en el que lo atascó el peronismo hace muchas décadas.
Pocos gobernantes han comenzado su mandato con tantas ilusiones nacionales e internacionales puestas en su gestión. Tiene un gran país que merece a un gran presidente.
Posted in ActualidadAmérica LatinaAnálisisAsuntos internacionalesDestacables,EstudiosOpinión
Carl Gallups: Christians Could Be Jailed For Objecting To 'Homosexual Sex' Lessons In Schools
In an interview with the End Times radio program “Understanding the Times” last month, pastor Carl Gallups claimed that the Supreme Court’s marriage equality ruling “trampled on the First Amendment” by “rewriting” Christian doctrine and warned that the ruling could lead to the imprisonment of parents who object to school lessons on “the mechanics of homosexual sex.”
Eric Barger, who cohosts the show with Jan Markell, told Gallups that the U.S. military is training troops to think that evangelicals are terrorists, which led Gallups to think of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell.
“Absolutely,” he said, “and I’m telling you, something very illegal, unconstitutional, prophetic and a little frightening for people who don’t understand the times in which we’re living, happened June of this year with the Supreme Court gay marriage ruling. Because, in effect, here’s what they’ve done. They have created a new religious doctrine in America. In other words, the Bible says gay marriage is an abomination. The Islamic religion says gay marriage is an abomination. Judaism says homosexuality is an abomination … The U.S. Supreme Court said, ‘No, we’re rewriting that.’ And so it’s targeted at Christians because America is largely a Christian nation.”
“Basically, the Supreme Court violated, trampled the First Amendment and now says ‘You have to spit upon the word of God or we could put you in jail,'” he said.
“Not only that,” he added, “but we’re soon going to be teaching our children in school the mechanics of homosexual sex. Because they’re already teaching the mechanics of heterosexual sex, and now that the Supreme Court has said it’s legal, so as a Christian parent, if you dare to speak against that, you could be sued or put in jail.”


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