sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2015

Arde Paris...So what about refugee's in America?...Tolerant and Gay, yeah right!

El título de la famosa obra de Collins & Lapierre, aunque esta vez sin el interrogante, es el resumen de una serie trágica de atentados que dejan un saldo de decenas de muertos. Escribo esto en medio de la consternación propia del 13 de noviembre de 2015.
El presidente Hollande ha ordenado cierre de fronteras y para todos los efectos el pueblo francés experimenta el dolor y angustia propios de una situación de guerra. Pero en la novela histórica de 1964 el enemigo era claro, visible y externo: los nazis. Ahora, en cambio, una sociedad pulverizada ha descubierto con un golpe de terror que no sabe bien ni quiénes son sus enemigos ni cuáles podrían ser sus amigos de fiar. Resulta que los "valores" no subsisten por sí mismos, ni por la sola inercia cultural, si no están anclados firmemente en algo más profundo y estructurado: un credo común. Duélale a quien le duela, y llámenme fanático religioso si les place, el hecho es que los enemigos, bien infiltrados y presentes en las entrañas mismas de Europa, se reconocen entre sí al grito de "¡Alá es grande!" Frente a ellos, la mayor parte de los actuales europeos no tienen nada que gritar porque la única consigna posible sería "¡Viva Cristo Rey!" y ese es un grito malsonante para el laicismo que campea por la Europa otrora cristiana.
¿Te acuerdas de las marchas de jefes de estado por las calles de París, queriendo traer sensatez frente a los ataques terroristas contra la revista Charlie Hebdo? ¿Y te acuerdas que la gente creía que en una manifestación tan colosal quedaba claro que la sociedad estaba unida contra el mensaje fundamentalista? Lo que demuestran estos nuevos ataques es que el vigor para gritar un robusto "¡NO!" de nada vale si no esta apoyado en el vigor mayor de un poderoso "¡SÍ!" Decirle NO a un atentado nada garantiza sobre la coherencia de una sociedad para construir su futuro. El SÍ brota jubiloso de la fe; mientras que el NO sale, pero ya ronco, del miedo. Una sociedad sin alma, sin fe, sabe gritar el NO pero, cuando los ecos de la marcha se extinguen, nadie sabe qué paso sigue ni cuál es la ruta. Tristemente hay otros que sí creen saberlo: los mismos que nunca han renunciado a conquistar para su credo a saa Europa que en el fondo envidian tanto como rechazan.
Me pregunto qué tal noche están pasando los abanderados del diálogo sempiterno entre civilizaciones. Para que el diálogo exista se necesita que existan los interlocutores, y sólo habrá interlocutores cuando haya reciprocidad en el respeto y en las concesiones respectivas. Eso de estar levantando mezquitas en países cristianos y prohibiendo iglesias en países musulmanes no es exactamente reciprocidad, y ello, traducido al lenguaje de lo real significa: No hay interlocutor.
Años y años de hablar mal de las cruzadas nos hicieron pensar que ser cristiano era una vergüenza. Pero a la gente no se le habló de los millones y millones de personas masacradas por otros credos, incluyendo la religión de Alá y la religión del laicismo estilo Stalin. Años y años de hablar mal de la inquisición nos hicieron creer que nada peor se podía ser que católico. Pero a la gente no se le dan las cifras de la quema de brujas en países protestantes, o en lugares de religión animista o de otros credos. ¿Resultado? Cristianos avergonzados de su pasado, acomplejados de sus más egregios representantes, y por consiguiente, disminuidos y muy fáciles de doblegar. De qué poco sirve ese rezago de cristianismo los hechos lo muestran ahora con sangre y muerte de por medio.
Antes de que sea tarde, ¡de por Dios, escúchenme! O mejor: escuchen esto que tantos llevamos diciendo por tanto tiempo: ESTAMOS EN COMBATE ESPIRITUAL. Preparen a sus hijos para defender su fe y sus convicciones; prepárenlos para no ceder ante la presión de leyes inicuas contra la familia y contra la libertad religiosa; prepárenlos para no dejarse confundir por obispos o cardenales arrodillados ante las propuestas de este mundo; prepárenlos para ser minoría... pero no una minoría acomplejada y asustadiza sino bien consciente de ser fermento y sal de la tierra. Nuestras comunidades de fe muy pronto tendrán que adoptar la lógica y el lenguaje de los cuarteles de guerra: desde la oración, la formación sólida, el cultivo de la virtud firme... y en alguna ocasión, la fuerza misma de las armas, ante todo, en defensa propia. Date una vuelta por París esta noche, y me dices si estoy exagerando.
Fr. Nelson M.

BREAKING: New info on Paris terrorist has HUGE implications for future attacks

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We feared this would happen. We’ve been warning about it. And now, our worst fears have been realized, as new information emerges from last night’s Paris attacks.
As multiple sources are now reporting, at least one terrorist in last night’s deadly attacks only recently came to Paris as a refugee from — you guessed it — Syria. In fact, he registered as a refugee on Leros Island just last month — in October.
Reports are emerging that one of the terrorists involved in last night’s Paris massacre was a Syrian refugee who arrived in Greece last month.
Greek journalist Yannis Koutsomitis tweets that the country’s Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection has confirmed that the terrorist found with a Syrian passport on his person was, “registered as refugee on Leros island in October.
Koutsomitis also drew attention to a quote by Greece migration Minister Yiannis Mouzalas, who on September 9th said, “It would be “foolish to believe that there are no jihadists among the refugees that cross into Europe.”
A Syrian passport was discovered on the body of one of the suicide bombers who staged the attack outside the Stade de France during the France v Germany soccer game.
If confirmed, the report will be a devastating blow to Angela Merkel and other European leaders who have opened the borders to hundreds of thousands of migrants despite ISIS’ vow to exploit the crisis to infiltrate jihadists into the west.
Earlier today, Merkel responded to the massacre by calling for people to express “tolerance” towards the migrants.
Numerous experts have warned that rolling out the red carpet to migrants from the Middle East would substantitally heighten the risk of terrorists being able to cross into Europe, although such concerns were dismissed by many at the time as fearmongering.
We’re among those who’ve been accused of right-wing fear mongering, as we’ve discussed at length the Islamic strategy of immigration — and how ISIS itself has declared it IS indeed using it. (And how come we don’t believe them?)
This is a case we would LOVE to be proven wrong. But, sadly, we’re being proven more and more right about these concerns right before our eyes.
The question is, are our leaders going to do something — before it’s too late? We all know thousands of Syrian refugees are on their way here to the United States as well, and the FBI has reported at least 1,000 active ISIS probes underway already here. How many terrorists have already been let in — and how many more will we be welcoming with open arms?
And ISIS has made no secret about its plans to carry out similar type attacks in other cities across the globe, including right here in the U.S.
What else do we need to see?
[Note: This article was written by Michelle Jesse, Associate Editor]

Gay people in America are among the most self-righteous and intolerant people there are. The most recent gay backlash against two of their own for stepping out of line shows just how deep politically correct intolerance runs in their community, especially in ultra-liberal bastions like New York.
Ian Reisner and Mati Weiderpass are two prominent gay businessmen in NYC and the owners of OUT NYC, a hotel catering primarily to gay people. Reisner is also Jewish and a supporter of Israel, and last week he hosted a small reception for Senator Ted Cruz from Texas. The dozen attendants discussed foreign policy, but Cruz and Reisner both acknowledged that their views on gay marriage were polar opposites. Cruz is against gay marriage, Reisner is ardently supportive.
Now the NYC gay community is calling for a boycott of OUT NYC and urging gay people to shun Reisner and Weiderpass. The organizers of the Broadway Bares Solo Strips fundraiser, which raises money for AIDs related causes, have canceled their bares solo strips event in protest of Weiderpass and Reisner hosting Cruz. Executive Director Tom Viola explained that organizers could not "in good conscience" host the fundraiser at a venue "whose owners have alienated our community."
Now, Reisner and Weiderpass have spent years supporting gay causes. But apparently the mere act of meeting with a politician unpopular with the gay community is enough to “alienate” them from their “community.” In an open and free society, people should be encouraged to openly exchange views with people they disagree with, but in NYC’s ultra-liberal gay community, it is akin to an act of treason, and the traitors must be boycotted and shunned as social pariahs.
It reminds me when I was a student at Georgetown University Law Center. I was widely despised as an “ignorant and backward homophobe,” as I was more than once called. I was even the subject of several editorials in the student newspaper denouncing me personally.
Now, I have been an ardent supporter of gay civil rights and specifically gay marriage for almost four decades, long before it became fashionable to do so. I believe under our Constitution, all our citizens should be guaranteed certain basic rights. And I’d like to suggest to my fellow conservatives that that is the direction the wind is blowing.
So why was I reviled as an “ignorant and backward homophobe”? Well, it began with my comment in a constitutional law class that I saw no reason to give gay applicants special preferences in admissions to universities. I argued that it was an entirely false argument that students could not understand legal issues related to gay rights issues without having a certain number of homosexual students present. And the mission of the law school and fairness were both better served by admitting the best qualified students, whether straight, gay, white, black, male or female.
But what really got me in trouble with the PC police was when I added as a humorous aside, “besides, gay people are incredibly boring.” Now, that was considered far, far worse than saying “gay people are going to Hell to burn in eternal agony for their sin of sodomy.” It is a shibboleth of liberals that gay people are simply more fabulous than straight people: better fashion sense, cooler nightclubs, and the admirable bravery to proclaim their gayness in places like Manhattan and GULC (where of course they’ll be feted and congratulated).
I’ve known a lot of gay people, and from time to time have read gay magazines like The Advocate, just to try to understand a different culture. Well, by and large, it’s a culture obsessed with cruises and cruising, and not in the least bit interesting. But in certain ZIP codes in America, mostly the ones where the elites of our country reside, saying that is strictly forbidden, ipso facto proof of bigotry and narrow-mindedness. In fact, it is these same elites are often shockingly bigoted, narrow-minded and intolerant of any opinion they don’t like.
I have no problem with any group of my fellow citizens demanding the same civil rights I enjoy under the law. In the America I believe in, we are all equal before the law. But the respect of fellow citizens must be earned, not arbitrarily demanded. And where we can express honest differences of opinion without being threatened with harm or being cast out socially. These are principles most ultra-liberals simply don’t understand, unfortunately.

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