lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

A president that supports "post-birth abortion" cites Scripture!!!...Quien crea los Empleos? muchos creen que es el Gobierno! ...Oh Bill Cosby, who is or was this man?

‘Repugnant’: Fox News, Huckabee outraged that president who backs post-birth abortion cites Scripture

President Obama made waves when he invited millions of illegal immigrants to stay in the promised land. Conservative commentators, and a potential 2016 presidential candidate, say it is “repugnant” that the president would quote the Bible to support his executive order exempting millions of people from immigration law while defending late-term abortion.
In a televised address unveiling his executive order to exempt family members of U.S. citizens and permanent residents from deportation, the president quoted the Old Testament. "Scripture tells us that we shall not oppress a stranger, for we know the heart of a stranger – we were strangers once, too,” he said. “We were strangers once, too."
On Fox and Friends Friday morning, Daily Caller founder Tucker Carlson called Obama's Scripture spouting "repugnant."
"For this guy specifically – the president who spent his career defending late-term abortion, among other things – lecturing us on Christian faith?” he said. “That's too much. That is too much. This is the Christian Left at work, and it's repugnant."
He went on to say Obama's use of the Holy Book to promote left-wing policies was “out-of-bounds.”
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee agreed, likening the president's changing view of Scripture to “the way that his Biblical beliefs led him to oppose same-sex marriage as a candidate for election. Then when he needed big campaign donations from gay liberals for his reelection, the Bible suddenly got rewritten.”
President Obama referred to Scripture to justify his support for redefining marriage, saying his decision to bolster gay “marriage” was based on the Golden Rule.
In reality, the Bible describes homosexuality as an “abomination” (Leviticus 20:13), a sin that disqualifies its practitioner from entering Heaven (I Corinthians 6:9-10), and an unnatural act that signifies God has given a society over to complete depravity (Romans 1:24-32). The Christian church has considered homosexual relations a grave sin from its earliest days.
The Bible's position on immigration policy is less than unambiguous.
The president has been accused of citing the Bible for purely political reasons. Political science professor John Green of the University of Akron recently told USA Today that Obama's “ramping up his ‘God-talk’” is “a strategic emphasis on his part. He didn’t speak this way when he was at 60 percent public approval.”
Speaking about religion has been a dicey proposition for the president. Obama's chief connection to church was his attendance at the church of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, an “Afro-centric” pastor who has shouted “God d—n America” from the pulpit.
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“I always thought that Scripture was eternal and unchanging,” Huckabee said, “but apparently, now that Obama is President, Scripture gets rewritten more often than Bill Cosby's Wikipedia entry.”
 Wayuu Bags

¿Quién crea los empleos?

TrabajoEn un intento por ayudar a una economía aletargada, muchos políticos recurren al gobierno por ayuda para crear empleo. Pero ¿quién crea realmente los empleos?
Afortunadamente, se trata de una pregunta que se puede responder con datos. Según el Departamento de Trabajo de Estados Unidos, 117.5 millones de americanos están empleados en empresas y compañías; es lo que se conoce como el “sector privado” (este número incluye a los 22.4 millones de americanos autoempleados que dirigen empresas unipersonales).
Por otro lado, el Departamento de Trabajo informa de que 21.9 millones de americanos son empleados del gobierno, ya sea federal, estatal o local; es lo que se conoce como el “sector público”. Estas dos categorías componen el total de los 139.4 millones de americanos empleados, lo que significa que el 84.2% de los trabajadores americanos son empleados de empresas privadas.
Pero, ¿responden por sí solos estos datos a la pregunta de quién crea empleo? Bueno, sí y no. Mencionar que los 117.5 millones de trabajadores del sector privado vieron cómo sus puestos de trabajo “se creaban” cuando fueron contratados es una simple observación que hasta un político debería ser capaz de entender. Al mismo tiempo, también es cierto que las empresas han tenido muchas dificultades para crear empleo estos últimos años.
De hecho, desde 2007 las empresas sólo han creado una cantidad neta de 1.5 millones de empleos, mientras que la población ha crecido en alrededor de 20 millones. Hay multitud de teorías que explican esta pobre creación de empleo, pero pocas negarán que las empresas (al igual que un gran número de americanos) han afrontado numerosos contratiempos económicos en años recientes.
Muchos políticos y comentaristas sugieren que el gobierno debería ponerse manos a la obra y crear más empleos en el sector público para los americanos. Pero eso no es tan fácil. Como el gobierno no crea su propia riqueza para pagar los empleos en el sector público (a diferencia de, por ejemplo, una pizzería que paga sueldos con sus ingresos), el gobierno debe pagar sueldos con el dinero de los impuestos o pidiéndolo prestado. Y cada dólar extra de los impuestos gastado en empleo público significa un dólar menos para que lo gastemos comprando, por ejemplo, pizzas y autos o contratando a profesores de piano para nuestros hijos.
Como resultado de ello, se crean menos empleos en el sector privado.
En este sentido, los empleos públicos son a costa del empleo en el sector privado.
Más empleo público requiere más impuestos para poder pagarlos. Eso significa menos dólares para crear empleos en el sector privado, lo que significa menos gente a la que cobrarle impuestos. Esa espiral descendente ha llevado a la bancarrota a muchas grandes naciones en la historia e incluso a algunas grandes ciudades de Estados Unidos. Por tanto, cuando analizamos este asunto un poco más de cerca, vemos que el sector privado crea no sólo la mayoría de todos los empleos, sino también muchos de los empleos del sector público porque éstos se crean a partir de los impuestos.

Ex-model says Cosby hid behind image of Cliff Huxtable

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April 6, 2011. Actor Bill Cosby speaks at the National Action Network's 20th annual Keepers of the Dream Awards gala in New York. (Reuters)
A former model has branded Bill Cosby “America’s greatest serial rapist that ever got away with for the longest amount of time.” 
Jewel Allison told New York’s Daily News that the beloved comedian “got away with it because he was hiding behind the image of Cliff Huxtable.”
In the late 1980’s Allison says she was introduced to Cosby by her agent and ended up attending a small dinner party at his brownstone in New York.
“He said he wanted to help models and actors who were well-educated, who could do something else,” she recalled. “I thought, ‘Wow, this is Bill Cosby.’”
He then followed up with phone calls in which he told her, “I love your laugh.”
A couple of weeks later Allison accepted another dinner invitation where it was just the two of them. During the meal he produced a vintage bottle of wine, supposedly a gift from Chrysler exec Lee Iacocca.
She claims that the wine tasted terrible and left her feeling ill and woozy. She sat down on a couch and Cosby then allegedly lifted her up and led her into another room telling her to look in a mirror and, “see the glow in your face.”
Allison says Cosby grabbed her hand and placed it on his genitals.
“That was my sexual assault by this comedian,” she said. “He turned me around and said, ‘Let’s get you home.’ At the door, he gave me a very hard embrace and a hard kiss.”
In the taxi on the way home Allison threw up. Cosby later invited her to spend the night at his home in Philadelphia. She declined.

“There’s no such thing as America’s Dad,” she said. “There’s just a man named Bill Cosby. He’s a very sick sociopath.”
Meanwhile female staffers are relieved that the beleaguered comic has cancelled his appearance on “The Late Show with David Letterman.”
A source close to the show told The New York Daily News that he had some rather odd backstage requirements.
“He’d include as a request, before he arrived, that the young girls, interns and assistants, all had to gather around in the green room backstage and sit down and watch him eat curry,” the source revealed. “No one would say anything, and he would sit silently eating and make us watch and want us to watch.”

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